Akarna Awakens

Game Master Prosperum

An expedition to a hyperborean land in search of vast wealth and adventure

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Female (she/her) Catfolk Rogue (Captivator) 2 | AC 19 + nimble dodge hp 24/24 XP 200 Hero Pts 1| Map | Nautical Terms
"Stenni" Folari wrote:
She turns to Jaym'row and whispers, "Do you have anything for these cramps? I don't know how you people stand it!"

"There are herbal concoctions that can help. If you want to make your situation useful, set down in writing all the ways men treat you differently thinking you are a woman. Encourage all the male crew to change their womanizing habits to make life more bearable for us, the 'fairer sex.'"

Goblin Bauble Finder Thaumaturge 2 | HP 28 | AC 19 | Fort 7 | Ref 7 | Will 5 | Perc +5 | Speed: 25 | Class DC 18 | Hero Points: 2/3 | ◆ ◇ ↺

{b]"Or..."[/b] Kork shrugs. "...not wear painful shoe?"

Then Kork looks at Jaum'row and her staring daggers at the goblin. "But list too, yes." he nods.

Upon hearing Jaym'row's directive, Stenni sighs and suggests you may be right, only to join Jaym'row in her gimlet goblinward stare.

The captain unfurls his arms and breaks the silence. "Well, if you are in favor, that tips the balance toward a majority. While you set about acquiring this lens of yours, I will continue to put out feelers for a wealthy backer."

He turns to the blacksmith, Thorvaldur Hrolfssen, and adds, "Perhaps you can craft a gun we can use to demonstrate its power."

The blacksmith nods. "I've saved up some pay, I can rent an anvil and buy some good steel. It'll take me a few weeks, but we can do it."

The captain greets his optimism with geniality, then casts his gaze upon the party. "You can stay here tonight, we've rented the entire place."

The crew chatters for some hours more, then pulls the blinds against the midnight sun and heads off to sleep.

M Tengu Magus 2 | HP 24/24 | AC: 18 | F +7 R +8 W +6| Perc: +4, Low-light vision | Speed: 25' | Spell DC 17 | Hero Points: 1 | Focus Pool: 1/1 | Spellstrike: 1 | Current Effects: | Okoteck's Notes

Okoteck is glad when the conversation moves from topics he might have to speak about to other matters and he can fully focus on his new book. In what seems like no time at all, but must have been some hours based on how many pages in he's gotten, the light suddenly cuts out, drawing an indignant squawk from the tengu.

He looks around and realizes why it's suddenly darker. "Oh, yes. Right. I suppose it would be best if I went to bed as well," Okoteck says to no one in particular.

He picks out a spot to spread his bedroll and then starts setting up a place for Hyggiandi to sleep as well. As he does so he leans close to his familiar and whispers, "Did I miss anything important while I was reading?"

The bird flicks his wings in what passes for a shrug. "Nothing of note. Though when the captain mentioned his need for financing, I would have mentioned the banker you met. Though since he sends his child to Aldinngenga's school, I'm certain you'll meet again."

Female (she/her) Catfolk Rogue (Captivator) 2 | AC 19 + nimble dodge hp 24/24 XP 200 Hero Pts 1| Map | Nautical Terms

Jaym'row makes a mental note to spend some time at the cafe where Stenni works to keep an eye on her co-crewmember.

M Tengu Magus 2 | HP 24/24 | AC: 18 | F +7 R +8 W +6| Perc: +4, Low-light vision | Speed: 25' | Spell DC 17 | Hero Points: 1 | Focus Pool: 1/1 | Spellstrike: 1 | Current Effects: | Okoteck's Notes
Spirit Guide Hyggiandi wrote:
The bird flicks his wings in what passes for a shrug. "Nothing of note. Though when the captain mentioned his need for financing, I would have mentioned the banker you met. Though since he sends his child to Aldinngenga's school, I'm certain you'll meet again."

"Oh, yes, I should have paid attention to that part... Gremory might be a good choice, though more research would be required before I would make it a definite recommendation. Perhaps Bronwen would be good to approach about it, as well? With his position I'd imagine he could get us a hearing with the Jarl if we wanted to go that route for selling our knowledge... Well, perhaps I'll suggest those two in the morning."

Okoteck pauses. "Remind me when we have the chance, I still need a sketch of your for my notes. But for now, good night, Hyggiandi."

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