[SFS] #1-24 Siege of Enlightenment (Inactive)

Game Master cmlobue

Starship combat cheat sheet
Subtier 1-2

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Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

With tensions rising between two Near Space civilizations, a host of historical sites are at risk of being caught in the ensuing conflict's crossfire. The Starfinder Society's been called in to catalog one such site believed to be the ruins of a now-defunct hobgoblin empire that may have ended during the Gap. Speeding into the distant star system, the PCs must navigate the politics of the escalating conflict and reach their target.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Venture-Captain Arvin summons you for an immediate briefing in his office at the Lorespire Complex on Absalom Station.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Venture-Captain Arvin stands up from behind his desk. “Welcome Starfinders. As time is of the essence, I felt the interruption in your routine was warranted. Please take a seat.” Venture-Captain Arvin gestures to the chairs in his office. He folds his hands behind his back before continuing.

“This morning I received an official contract from the Marixah Republic. The republic is a small starfaring nation located in Near Space. They have been involved in an ongoing conflict with another nation in Near Space, the Gideron Authority, but the conflict between the two powers has recently escalated. A few days ago, Gideron sent a scouting flotilla into the Acalata system, where the republic has several mining colonies. The Marixah settlements detected the incursion, and they fear this event might be the precursor to a contained invasion of Acalata, so they’ve begun evacuating their settlements and operations within the Acalata system. During the evacuation, the republic identified several sites of archaeological interest. The contract we have with the republic is that we are free to explore the ruins on the planet Sansorgis. In return, we provide aid in the ongoing evacuation.”

Arvin sits down at his desk and pulls out a small stack of datapads. “I have secured diplomatic documentation for all of you, establishing you as investigators from a neutral party. There are two sets of documents.” Arvin carefully hands out the small datapads and then holds up a second, larger datapad bearing the Pact Worlds emblem.

“Keep those datapads with you at all times, as they could save your life if this conflict escalates. Your individual documentation on the smaller datapads should suffice, but if not, this larger pad contains several documents granting you a measure of diplomatic immunity by the authority of the Pact Worlds. It’s something the Society rarely invokes, and you should only use it if the situation is dire—by which I mean your starship is about to explode or you’re being boarded. That level of dire. Its use could potentially draw the Pact Worlds into this conflict, something we would rather avoid. I know this is a lot of information to take in, but I don’t want to send you to a potential warzone unprepared. I have also sent a small info package regarding the situation to your comm units. Your preferred starship will be transferred immediately to the docks. Unless there are any questions, please pack as quickly as you can. The window of opportunity on this mission is short.”

At this point, please introduce yourselves and ask Arvin any questions you may have. You may also make some recall knowledge checks:

Culture or Diplomacy

The Gideron Authority used to have an elected council as a ruling body, but in a recent coup, the military has taken command of the government.

Very little information has left the Gideron home system or its colonies since the military coup, making it hard for diplomatic parties to properly assess the situation. The information that does emerge appears to be mostly propaganda. Their starship captains are reputably bloodthirsty and often shoot first and ask questions later when entering a conflict zone.

The Pact Worlds have very few formal ties with the Gideron Authority, and the only solid link between the two nations are covert arms deals provided by the Zeizerer drow household. Most Gideron ships employ powerful ramming prows that make them deadly when engaged at close range.

A different Culture or Diplomacy

While the species that form the citizenry of the Marixah Republic came together during the Gap, the republic wasn’t formally established until the aftermath of the Gap, when the constituent planets realized how far they were from other systems. The Marixah Republic formed a democratic government to better represent the different needs and wishes of its diverse population.

While the conflict between the Gideron Authority and the Marixah Republic has so far been restricted to space battles, fears of ground invasions or incursions escalate with each passing month. Since the Marixah Republic has vehemently maintained its status a sovereign territory, the Pact Council has remained split on whether to provide aid, despite the brisk trade that the two systems enjoy with one another.

Scholars surmise that the Marixah Republic contains a relatively high number of hobgoblins because hobgoblins maintained an empire of their own in the same section of space prior to the republic’s formation. Many Marixah outposts are located near ancient hobgoblin military installations, and the Acalata system is believed to contain at least one such complex.

Once you are done, slot boons, do any shopping you want, and select your starship. Unless someone has a boon, you may choose an Azata, Drake or Pegasus.


Male Gnome Mystic 2 | SP 14 | HP 16 | RP 4 | EAC 10 KAC 11 | Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +9 | Speed 30 | Active effects: None Mystic 2

A gnome enters with his nose in a data pad. He realizes others are in the room and looks up. "Greetings all! Sorry Zarzucket here. I'm a scholar and have a bit of magic.

He tries to remember what he knows about Marixah .

Culture: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Culture: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

He shares what he knows with the party.


NB Strix Roboticist Mechanic 4 | SP 28/28 HP 30/30 | RP 6/6 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort 7; Ref 7; Will 3 | Init: 3 | Perc: 7, SM: 4 | Speed: Land 20/Fly 30 | Reroll: 1/1 (3 novas) | Active conditions: None.

You see a strix enter with some techno gear and pretty kitted out. "Don't mind me and my equipment. My name's Kerathi. I'm all about technology, but it's not the only thing in my back pocket. I'm from Verces but I have plenty of experience with the Starfinder Society."

Kerathi is untrained in Culture and sub-zero with Diplomacy so they will pass on checks.


Male vesk gladiator solarian 1 / Init +1 Percept +0 Low light vision SenseMotive +1 // SP 8/8 HP 11/13 RP 1/4 EAC 13 KAC 15 // F +3 R +1 W +2 // Move 30 BAB 1

The vesk doesn't take a seat when invited. He stands erect behind the row of chairs facing the desk instead. His muscles bulge beneath microcord armor, a laser rifle, and a rather slack backpack are slung over opposite shoulders.

"Nalotrunos. Muscle. "


Neutral Android S-6/HP 9/R-5/F+1/R+2/W+2 EAC 13, KAC 14 Technomancer 1

In the back corner, an android sat, observing the meeting and taking in the information provided by Zarzucket 3. "Hello, I am Telgan...Tecnomancer." he said to the group. "Sounds like we need to get in and get out. I am still new to this, but a fast ship might be a good idea." he suggested.

No culture and a minus Cha, so I can not do any better than what Zarzucket 3 gave us.


CG Male Human Corporate Agent Operative (Spy) 3 |SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 4/4| Spd 30; EAC 14 KAC 15 ; Fort +1 Reflex +6 Will +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) SM +7 | Condition: None

"Elian Neubeck, Neutech Industries," says a human in dark glasses as he looks over the datapad, "Ignore the rumors about our new line of cosmetics; they've never been proven to cause worse than second-degree burns. My mother says that while I'm obviously great at advertising she thought I should pursue other interests for a while to broaden my horizons. So I've joined the Starfinder Society.

"Anyway... Neutral third party, got it. I'm good at that."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

"I dunno much about anything, honestly..." he says lazily, before sitting up and adding more decisively, "I can confirm everything everything Zarzucket said, except for the stuff about the bloodthirsty starship captains--though that certainly fits with the military coup. Also, I suspect the ruins we're looking for might be hobgoblin ruins. There used to be a hobgoblin empire in that area."

"Oh, and--" he winks, though most likely nobody notices because of the sunglasses, "--I have a reputation with the starship engineers. They should take good care of us."

Personal Boon: Scoured Stars Survivor
Starship Boon: Defender of the Fleet; this doesn't let us choose another starship, but upgrades one of the systems of the one we get
Slotless Boon: Enemy of the Organization

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

>Slide 4<

Travel to Sansorgis takes 5d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 2, 6) = 19 days through the Drift, and the journey is mostly uneventful. Once the Drake (or have you given it a unique name?) exits the Drift near Sansorgis, the ship computer gives off a warning: a solar particle event known as a proton storm is occurring in the system.

Computers DC 12:
The proton storm creates an ongoing hazard in the marked hexes. These lines represent the high-intensity protons sent out by the system’s sun. Starships can fly through these marked areas and the lines do not block line of sight or line of effect. However, the storms nevertheless represent significant danger. The protons and other particles have such high energy that they bypass starship shields. Ships that fly through or end their movement in a marked hex take 1d6 damage directly to their Hull Points. Tracking weapons that fly through an affected hex take enough damage that they are immediately destroyed.

As you approach Sansorgis, a Gideron Authority starship blocks your approach to the planet and hails you.


Male vesk gladiator solarian 1 / Init +1 Percept +0 Low light vision SenseMotive +1 // SP 8/8 HP 11/13 RP 1/4 EAC 13 KAC 15 // F +3 R +1 W +2 // Move 30 BAB 1

What are the white lines on the starship map?

"You want to me tell them to get out of our way?"

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺
Nalotrunos wrote:
What are the white lines on the starship map?

A DC 12 Computers check away.


CG Male Human Corporate Agent Operative (Spy) 3 |SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 4/4| Spd 30; EAC 14 KAC 15 ; Fort +1 Reflex +6 Will +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) SM +7 | Condition: None

Computers: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

"Proton storm," says Elian, sending his screen before sending his analysis to the others' comms or stations, "and why don't I do it?"

He takes the ship's comms. "Hey there, this is the Starfinder Society starship uh Diving Drake. As I'm sure you're aware, we're a neutral party here to investigate some potential sites of archeological interest in the system before they're at risk. Scheduled to visit Sansorgis?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Elian has a basic strategy game. Since we've had travel time, anyone who wants to play can make an Intelligence check. The winner can reduce the DC of their Aid check by 1 the next time they try to Aid one of the other players. Strategy Gameplay: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2.
It's not me.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

You receive a transmission displaying a muscular female hobgoblin in a stylized military uniform. "I am Captain Odrakor of the Gideron Authority starship Susumu’s Sword. Depart the system, or else we will seize your starship in the name of the Gideron Authority."


Male Gnome Mystic 2 | SP 14 | HP 16 | RP 4 | EAC 10 KAC 11 | Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +9 | Speed 30 | Active effects: None Mystic 2

"Ah excuse me Captain. We mean no harm. We are on a mission"

Diplomacy aid: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18


Male vesk gladiator solarian 1 / Init +1 Percept +0 Low light vision SenseMotive +1 // SP 8/8 HP 11/13 RP 1/4 EAC 13 KAC 15 // F +3 R +1 W +2 // Move 30 BAB 1

"Invite them aboard and let them try. They won't take me without a fight."

Or do something smarter.

Strategy Game: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19

Gaming session:
After his last move, Nalotrunos leans back against his bench seat and supports his head with both hands, elbows high. "I win because humans don't rip your arms out of your sockets when they lose. "
Someone please give him his comeuppance.


Neutral Android S-6/HP 9/R-5/F+1/R+2/W+2 EAC 13, KAC 14 Technomancer 1

Profession:Archeologist: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

"Captain Odrakor is it? I am Professor Telgan of Insert name of cover. What is your first name good sir so that I can include it for the Journal of Xenoarchology, also the name of your commander please. We are here to catalog the ruins on Sansorgis as quickly as possible before there are any mishaps with missiles or such that wipes them out. I want to make sure if we are prevented from doing our job, that the proper person be tried for war crimes." Telgan said as he started to quote the specific rule of warfare that applied to antiquities and ancient sites.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

"Your ruins are not my concern. Depart the system immediately. You will receive no further warnings."


Neutral Android S-6/HP 9/R-5/F+1/R+2/W+2 EAC 13, KAC 14 Technomancer 1

Making sure that the communication system was not transmitting, Telgan shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the rest of the group. "Looks like we will have to make a run for it if we want go get to the planet. I would suggest that we use the Proton Storm to help protect us from any tracking weapons. Maybe run parallel to them?" he suggested.


CG Male Human Corporate Agent Operative (Spy) 3 |SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 4/4| Spd 30; EAC 14 KAC 15 ; Fort +1 Reflex +6 Will +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) SM +7 | Condition: None

"I can keep going, and we do have the documents. But my first attempt seems to have bounced off hard, and she seems one of the violent 'shoot first military coup' types we heard about. Might start shooting."


Male vesk gladiator solarian 1 / Init +1 Percept +0 Low light vision SenseMotive +1 // SP 8/8 HP 11/13 RP 1/4 EAC 13 KAC 15 // F +3 R +1 W +2 // Move 30 BAB 1

"Try transmitting the documents to them. If that doesn't work I'll challenge Odrakor to personal combat."

Threw a level 2 Drake unto slide 5. Drake was the only ship mentioned by name, although Telgan did hint at a preference for a Pegasus. Elian had a boon whereby we could enhance 1 system. What's it to be?


NB Strix Roboticist Mechanic 4 | SP 28/28 HP 30/30 | RP 6/6 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort 7; Ref 7; Will 3 | Init: 3 | Perc: 7, SM: 4 | Speed: Land 20/Fly 30 | Reroll: 1/1 (3 novas) | Active conditions: None.

If they are going to shoot, we had better go with the Drake.

Yeah, I agree with this plan. Show them what we have and try to get in or out. I'm not sure why she is on a power trip. I have no idea who this Gideon Authority even is.


Male Gnome Mystic 2 | SP 14 | HP 16 | RP 4 | EAC 10 KAC 11 | Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +9 | Speed 30 | Active effects: None Mystic 2

"Oh my I hope we're OK"


Male vesk gladiator solarian 1 / Init +1 Percept +0 Low light vision SenseMotive +1 // SP 8/8 HP 11/13 RP 1/4 EAC 13 KAC 15 // F +3 R +1 W +2 // Move 30 BAB 1
Kerathi Asper wrote:

If they are going to shoot, we had better go with the Drake.

Yeah, I agree with this plan. Show them what we have and try to get in or out. I'm not sure why she is on a power trip. I have no idea who this Gideon Authority even is.

"They're the other half of the war over Sansorgis with the Marixah Republic. That's all we really need to know."

If we're taking a Drake, I'll just point out that Kerathi is probably our best gunner. And probably our best combatant.


Neutral Android S-6/HP 9/R-5/F+1/R+2/W+2 EAC 13, KAC 14 Technomancer 1

"Then we might want to get everyone into their positions in case they start shooting." Telgan said.


CG Male Human Corporate Agent Operative (Spy) 3 |SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 4/4| Spd 30; EAC 14 KAC 15 ; Fort +1 Reflex +6 Will +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) SM +7 | Condition: None

"Sure, sure," says Elian, switching his microphone back on.

"Of course Odrakor babe, you're the boss. Let me just get you my diplomatic credentials so you have that for when you file your report. Mmmm. This technically just names me, though the rest of the crew has the same documents--except for the identifiers, of course. Do you want us to get you the complete set, or will one suffice?

"Pity about the hobgoblin ruins. I mean, they aren't really our ruins--we're were requested here because we're a third-party, remember? But it's such an important piece of the history of hobgoblin military conquests. well, I guess we really don't know that. Since we can't get down there to confirm it, it's possible somebody just saw a weird rock and got overexcited.

"But I'm sure you know what's best. That's why we were looking to find someone who could help direct us, after all--we're outsiders. Not even quite sure which planet we were looking for anyway."

Elian waves away any attempt by the ship's computer to tell him which planet it is.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

"Your credentials have been noted, logged and lost. Now prepare to be boarded."

Round 1 - engineering phase and pilot initiative

Diving Drake
Susumu's Sword

Enemy Rolls:
Scan: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Divert to Engines: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10


Male vesk gladiator solarian 1 / Init +1 Percept +0 Low light vision SenseMotive +1 // SP 8/8 HP 11/13 RP 1/4 EAC 13 KAC 15 // F +3 R +1 W +2 // Move 30 BAB 1

If I'm going to act as Chief mate I need to know what other people need done in a round. Options are:
1. try to help pilot improve maneuverability for one change of direction
2.try to help engineer divert power, giving benefits to a second system
3. try to help science officer pick up some extra information during a scan of the enemy
Rules details in spoiler.

Chief Mate Rules:
Hard Turn (Helm Phase, Push)
You manually adjust additional thrusters and bypass safety systems, shouting for your fellow crew members to brace themselves for a stomach-turning tactical maneuver. This bit of risky co-piloting might overtax the starship’s turn radius, but it can also help the pilot get significantly more maneuverability out of the vessel when the crew finds itself in a lurch. Attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). If you succeed, the pilot can make one turn during the round as though the maneuverability of the starship were improved by one step. This has no effect on a ship with perfect maneuverability. If you fail your check by 10 or more, you overheat and temporarily degrade the effectiveness of the starship’s maneuvering thrusters, causing the ship’s maneuverability to worsen by one step for the rest of this round.
Maintenance Panel Access (Engineering Phase)
You start ripping open access panels, turning secured valves, and manually bypassing safety systems to help the engineer get more out of their systems when they take the divert or overpower action. Attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). If you succeed and the engineer also succeeds at their check to divert, they can provide the normal benefit from divert to two different systems instead of only one. If the engineer instead succeeds at their check for the overpower action, they can choose four different systems to divert power to instead of three. In either case, no system can benefit twice from the same action.
If you fail your check by 10 or more, you overtax the ship’s systems without adding any useful capacity, and all engineer actions performed this turn take a –2 penalty.
Manual Realignment (Helm Phase)
Manual realignment of the ship’s sensors to better focus on an opposing starship can help the science officer get better results when using the ship’s sensors to glean information about the other vessel. Attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × your starship’s tier). If you succeed and the science officer also succeeds at their check to perform the scan action, they receive one additional piece of information, as though their result were 5 higher. If you fail the check by 10 or more, you knock the sensors out of alignment altogether, and no check to scan can be attempted this round as the system recalibrate.

If no one wants a hand, I'll default to gunner on the weak gun. We want someone good on the missile launcher.


NB Strix Roboticist Mechanic 4 | SP 28/28 HP 30/30 | RP 6/6 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort 7; Ref 7; Will 3 | Init: 3 | Perc: 7, SM: 4 | Speed: Land 20/Fly 30 | Reroll: 1/1 (3 novas) | Active conditions: None.
Nalotrunos wrote:
If we're taking a Drake, I'll just point out that Kerathi is probably our best gunner. And probably our best combatant.

The problem here is that I also have a +10 piloting and the next highest Telgan is a +6. My gunnery is 7 without any modifications. So we risk losing initiative all the time or never hitting. Maybe have Telgan give rolling the lower piloting a go for now (?) and if it's not working out we switch? Anyone else have decent piloting or gunnery?

Oh and Captain Odrakor, you can go and stick your head in the sand. Kerathi follows that up with a few four-letter words.


CG Male Human Corporate Agent Operative (Spy) 3 |SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 4/4| Spd 30; EAC 14 KAC 15 ; Fort +1 Reflex +6 Will +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) SM +7 | Condition: None

Elian has +9 Piloting. He has versatile skills and can fill a variety of roles. He'd gravitate to Captain with the occasional swap to Science Officer, but if someone else wants Captain or we're in need of a Pilot or Gunner he can do that.

"Y'know," says Elian calmly as he starts connecting his station to different systems, "given the Gideon Authority's reputation for captains with poor reasoning and military discipline--" he doesn't bother closing the communication channel "--I half expected her to attack us as soon as I started talking even though I was offering to comply. The other half hoped she'd be reasonable, of course, and reconsider or at least decide to defer to someone else. Listening and then attacking us when we agree to comply? I think I'm actually offended that someone like that can be a captain."
To be fair, Elian knows the Starfinders weren't likely to actually follow through on his offer.
"Maybe a little smarmy, but I hardly said anything that wasn't true."

He's prepared to stay where he is and help keep the others organized (and maybe needle Odrakor a bit), but he's also looking to see what systems they're claiming so he can fill any problematic gaps. He knows his way around a starship pretty well, even if he prefers being an idle passenger.


Neutral Android S-6/HP 9/R-5/F+1/R+2/W+2 EAC 13, KAC 14 Technomancer 1

"Where do you want me?" Telgan asked.


NB Strix Roboticist Mechanic 4 | SP 28/28 HP 30/30 | RP 6/6 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort 7; Ref 7; Will 3 | Init: 3 | Perc: 7, SM: 4 | Speed: Land 20/Fly 30 | Reroll: 1/1 (3 novas) | Active conditions: None.

I'm guessing I take the missile launcher this go.

Please see my post in OOC trying to break it down, I will go wherever, I'm just rattling off numbers so that we can keep the game moving. If any of you are new to SSC or the system, I am really happy to talk things through.


CG Male Human Corporate Agent Operative (Spy) 3 |SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 4/4| Spd 30; EAC 14 KAC 15 ; Fort +1 Reflex +6 Will +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) SM +7 | Condition: None

Nobody is taking the wheel. Okay. That's more fun anyway.

Elian jumps into the pilot's seat. Looking at the screen, he sees how sluggish the attacking pilot's reaction time is. He can see exactly what they're doing.

Initiative: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22


Male Gnome Mystic 2 | SP 14 | HP 16 | RP 4 | EAC 10 KAC 11 | Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +9 | Speed 30 | Active effects: None Mystic 2

"Where should I go? I'm a scholar not a gunner!" cries Zarzucket.


Neutral Android S-6/HP 9/R-5/F+1/R+2/W+2 EAC 13, KAC 14 Technomancer 1

"Why not take the Science Officer position? I will deal with Engineering. Telgan replied.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Elian gets the jump on the enemy. Susumu's Sword tries to come up on your port side.

Round 1 - all phases

Diving Drake
Susumu's Sword

Enemy Rolls:
Turret: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Coilgun: 4d4 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 3) = 10

Forward/Port/Aft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5


Male vesk gladiator solarian 1 / Init +1 Percept +0 Low light vision SenseMotive +1 // SP 8/8 HP 11/13 RP 1/4 EAC 13 KAC 15 // F +3 R +1 W +2 // Move 30 BAB 1

Without advice from his shipmates, Nalo gravitates to where he's comfortable, behind a weapon.

Gunnery, coilgun, computer bonus: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 1 = 11 .... damage: 4d4 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 4) = 12

Not encouraging.


NB Strix Roboticist Mechanic 4 | SP 28/28 HP 30/30 | RP 6/6 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort 7; Ref 7; Will 3 | Init: 3 | Perc: 7, SM: 4 | Speed: Land 20/Fly 30 | Reroll: 1/1 (3 novas) | Active conditions: None.

Fire the missiles!

gunnery with bonus: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
missile launcher: 4d8 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 6) = 19


CG Male Human Corporate Agent Operative (Spy) 3 |SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 4/4| Spd 30; EAC 14 KAC 15 ; Fort +1 Reflex +6 Will +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) SM +7 | Condition: None

"Their ship is faster than ours, but their pilot is less skilled obviously. If you want to fire missiles, we should probably try to avoid those storms--I can move to intercept."

Elian takes the Drake on a wavy path that brings them closer while keeping the Sword in front of them. No diving, though; that'd be too obvious.
Hopefully it'll make it harder to shoot at them, too.

Movement done.
Stunt: Evade! Piloting (DC 13): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Success. We gain +2 to AC and TL this round.

Next Round Pilot Init:
Piloting: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22


Neutral Android S-6/HP 9/R-5/F+1/R+2/W+2 EAC 13, KAC 14 Technomancer 1

"Lets see if I can get us some more power." Telgan said as he started to divert power to increase thrust.

Engineering(Divert): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Telgan boost the engines, and Elian uses them to go nose-to-nose with the Gideron ship. Nalotrunos misses with the coilgun, but Kerathi's missile punches through the shield and damages their hull.

You can hit them in either the forward or starboard arc from your location. No change to damage based on your selection.

Sususmu's Sword takes two shots at the Starfinders, but neither connects.

Once again, the Diving Drake is the more maneuverable ship. However, the enemy flies past the Starfinders, striking with their ramming prow as they circle.

Round 2 - all phases!

Zarzucket can also still take a round 1 action.

Diving Drake (-7 HP)
Susumu's Sword (-9 HP; shields: -10 ???)

Enemy Rolls:
Scan: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Divert to Weapons: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Flyby: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Turret: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Coilgun: 4d4 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 1) = 8

Forward/Port/Aft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7


NB Strix Roboticist Mechanic 4 | SP 28/28 HP 30/30 | RP 6/6 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort 7; Ref 7; Will 3 | Init: 3 | Perc: 7, SM: 4 | Speed: Land 20/Fly 30 | Reroll: 1/1 (3 novas) | Active conditions: None.

Good to know, we'll select forward arc for the damage. Almost bedtime here so I will put in the missile roll and damage.

Fire the missiles...again!

gunnery with general bonus: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
missile launcher: 4d8 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 8) = 18

note above roll includes general bonus of +1 but not any captain bonus, default gunnery is 7


Neutral Android S-6/HP 9/R-5/F+1/R+2/W+2 EAC 13, KAC 14 Technomancer 1

Telgan kept tweaking the drives to get the most out of them.

Engineering(Divert): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16


Male Gnome Mystic 2 | SP 14 | HP 16 | RP 4 | EAC 10 KAC 11 | Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +9 | Speed 30 | Active effects: None Mystic 2

"Ah yes" the gnome heads to the science station and scans.

Computers: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9


round 2

Computers: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Zarzucket gets only a basic reading on the enemy ship at first, but recalibrates the scanner and produces a much more detailed picture of the Susumu' Sword.

1d4 ⇒ 1

The following information is revealed:

Medium explorer
Speed 8; Maneuverability good (turn 1); Drift 1
AC 14; TL 12
HP 46/55; DT —; CT 11
Attack (Port) light laser cannon (2d4)
Attack (Starboard) light laser cannon (2d4)
Attack (Turret) coilgun (4d4)
Power Core Arcus Heavy (130 PCU)
Shields basic 40 (forward 0/10, port 10/10, starboard 10/10, aft 10/10)
Complement 6


Male vesk gladiator solarian 1 / Init +1 Percept +0 Low light vision SenseMotive +1 // SP 8/8 HP 11/13 RP 1/4 EAC 13 KAC 15 // F +3 R +1 W +2 // Move 30 BAB 1

Nalo watches the missile strike home while his own shot is wide. "Well struck Kerathi!"

He tries to recalibrate his targeting system and fires again.

Gunnery, coilgun, computer bonus: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 1 = 4 .... damage: 4d4 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 4) = 13

... but apparently only succeeds in deactivating the targeting ystem.


CG Male Human Corporate Agent Operative (Spy) 3 |SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 4/4| Spd 30; EAC 14 KAC 15 ; Fort +1 Reflex +6 Will +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) SM +7 | Condition: None

"They want to get behind us... Two can play at that game, but we've already damaged their forward shields, and--hang on," Elian glances at Zarzucket's report, "They don't have a forward weapon? Then I should--whoops. I mean, everything's fine just not quite as tight a circle as I intended there. Thanks for the engine boost."

Maneuver Piloting (DC 18): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Failure. But the speed bump means I can still get enough turns in, mostly.

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

It's not that they don't have a forward weapon - the scan result was high enough to reveal three weapons. They could have any number more.


CG Male Human Corporate Agent Operative (Spy) 3 |SP 18/18 HP 22/22 RP 4/4| Spd 30; EAC 14 KAC 15 ; Fort +1 Reflex +6 Will +5 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) SM +7 | Condition: None

Ah, right. Well, after attempting and failing to maneuver I only have so many options for turning around anyway.


Male Gnome Mystic 2 | SP 14 | HP 16 | RP 4 | EAC 10 KAC 11 | Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +6 | Init +0; Perception +9 | Speed 30 | Active effects: None Mystic 2

"A forward weapon? I'm an archeologist and not a combat officer!"

Solstice Scar | Defy the Dragon | Inheritors of Gadrathar | Upon Wheels and Rime | ◆◇↺

Telgan gives the engines a little boost.

Elian brings the ship around to the enemy's starboard, but the maneuvers are a bit predictable.

Kerathi puts another missile into the side of the Gideron ship.

Critical Damage: 1d100 ⇒ 58
Arc, 1=forward then clockwise: 1d4 ⇒ 4

A cascade of explosions leads to damage to their weapons on the opposite side.

Nalotrunos spends more time congratulating her than lining up his own shot.

Susumu's Sword misses with its other shot.

Round 3 - engineering phase and pilot initiative

Diving Drake (63/70 HP)
Susumu's Sword (38/55 HP; shields: forward 0/10, starboard 0/10; port weapons glitching)

Enemy Rolls:
Balance Shields: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Divert to Weapons: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

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