GM JaceDK's Mummy's Mask: The Half-Dead City

Game Master Jacob Trier

Campaign overview, key locations and NPCs |Image gallery | Loot Sheet

Player info
Date: Wealsday the 30th of Rova, 4714 AR
Time: 08:30 am
Location: Tooth & Hookah, Midwife District, Wati,
Current Weather: Cloudy, 24° C
Map: Battlemap |
Quests: Wait for the next tomb assignment

Group rolls:


[dice=Indus Perception]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Diorio Perception]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Sobekhotep Perception]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Seben-en-Ra Perception]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Lueck Perception]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Neith Perception]1d20+9[/dice]
[dice=Sacred Ibis Perception]1d20+5[/dice]


[dice=Indus Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Diorio Initiative]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Sobekhotep Initiative]1d20+0[/dice]
[dice=Seben-en-Ra Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Lueck Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]


[dice=Indus Stealth]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Diorio Stealth]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Sobekhotep Stealth]1d20+0[/dice]
[dice=Seben-en-Ra Stealth]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Lueck Stealth]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Neith Stealth]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Sacred Ibis Stealth]1d20+8[/dice]

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Lueck hops down from his vantage point and returns to the others. He smooths out a patch of sand and then uses a long finger to draw a crude map of what he saw. See the spoiler above, he won't omit anything he saw when telling everyone. "I saw an enormous centipede in a pile of sand there. From what I've seen of them in the Expanse, it will likely attack once it knows we are there. And as often as not, those creatures are not alone."

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Reposting the spoiler content, so you won't have to click back and forth between pages.

GM JaceDK wrote:

As you carefully make your way up the wall, you can see more of the impressive manor inside the estate. Two stories tall, it's richly decorated with carvings, pillars and narrow windows to let the sunlight into the interior of the building.

Your vantage point lets you see into a small courtyard just beyond the gates, the ground covered in dust and sand.

To the north, a small flight of steps leads up to a pair of ornate doors in the south wall of the house between another set of columns.

To the east and west stand a pair of columns, once brightly painted and now bleached from the sun, which support stone archways leading to other sections of the property. Tarnished bronze gates hang open under both arches.

Through the eastern gate, you can see more empty courtyard. To the west, you can peer into the bottom half of an L-shaped yard that was once a garden. Now, it is mostly given to sand, sun-dried earth and the ancient husks of dead trees.

Stone benches line the walls of the yard and a large tiled pool sits in the southwest corner, dried and partially filled with sand. A huge centipede lounges upon the warm sand in the pool, apparently relaxing in the sun. Its long double tails whisk lazily from side to side. It does not appear to have noticed you.

Map in the slide deck updated

Female Human Hunter 2

How about a Knowledge (Nature) check to see what Seben knows about giant centipedes that have double tails that whisk lazily from side to side?

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Ugh, can anybody aid that, maybe?

Male Human, Taldane Bard (Archaeologist) 2 (HP 11/14) (AC 16 (17)/13 (14)*/13) (CMD 16) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +3) (Perception +5)

"I think we should clear the grounds around the building before heading inside. That gigantic roach could be a serious problem, if we don't deal with it. Do you think it's venomous?"

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Grand Lodge

Male Samsaran Wizard(Spirit Binder / Thassilonian Specialist) 2 (HP 2/8) (AC 10/10/10) (CMD 11) (Fort -2, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +0) (Perception +10)

"Given that almost all 'normal'-sized centipedes are, I dare say that it is a safe bet. Precisely what the venom will do to a target... I have no idea."

Female Human Hunter 2

Seben keeps her voice low, almost to a whisper. "I'd guess it climbed the wall to get in there, and so it can probably climb the walls to get out."

She puts her spear away and gets her bow out, knocking an arrow. She steps back from the wall and readies an action to fire at any bug that might pop up over the top.

Wishing I'd sprung for alchemist fire. Would have been ideal to use the Sacred Ibis to bombard the bug from orbit.

Male Blackwisp Egret 3 HD

The Sacred Ibis flies high overhead and watches the centipede from a safe distance above - high enough not to annoy the creature. He will signal the Brigade with a sharp dive if the creature advances towards them.

Seben changes the Sacred Ibis' Animal Focus from "falcon" to "owl".

Stealth: 1d20 + 3 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 3 + 6 + 4 = 31

Edited to add +4 small size bonus.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Apparently Seben has not spent a lot of time on the study of giant carrion eating insects, but Indus recalls a bit of knowledge from various sources.

Whiptail centipedes are carrion eaters, and are known to viciously attack any who would intrude upon their lairs. Their powerful bite is indeed venomous and can inflict grievous damage even if you can withstand the poison. The double tail is equally dangerous and is often used to sweep unprepared enemies off their feet. Despite its massive size, a giant whiptail centipede is faster than it appears and it's long reach makes it difficult to get close enough to strike it with melee weapons.

Fortunately, it still shows no sign of being alerted to your presence.

Female Human Hunter 2

Definitely open to ideas here. We could set a bunch of readied actions with missile weapons and bait it over the wall, or through the gates. Ideally, if initiative goes well we could get a few extra shots and take it down before it manages close, or at least soften it up. Or we could try to ambush it from range. It sounds like we should expect it to close the gap really fast though and I don't think the wall is much of an obstacle for the beast.

Seben wants to cast gravity bow using a charge from her wand, but will hold off until she thinks its right before combat. For now she stays focused on a readied action in case the creature suddenly charges while we're coordinating on a plan.

Male Varisian Human Swashbuckler 2 (HP 20/20) (AC 18, 15, 13) (CMD 16) (Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +0) (Init +4) (Percep +4) Swashbuckler 2

"Sounds like a nasty beast! I certainly do not want to get stung again. I do have one acid flask if you think it might come in handy."

Male Human, Taldane Bard (Archaeologist) 2 (HP 11/14) (AC 16 (17)/13 (14)*/13) (CMD 16) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +3) (Perception +5)
Sobekhotep of Tephu wrote:
"Given that almost all 'normal'-sized centipedes are, I dare say that it is a safe bet. Precisely what the venom will do to a target... I have no idea."

"My limited understanding of the animal kingdom tells me that regular-sized centipedes are venomous to compensate for their size. I shudder to think why a gigantic centipede would need venom ..."

Indus starts looking through his backpack, then gives up with a sigh. "I was sure I had packed some antitoxin, but alas. Anyone got any in case we need it?"

Female Human Hunter 2
Indus Ionaeus wrote:
Indus starts looking through his backpack, then gives up with a sigh. "I was sure I had packed some antitoxin, but alas. Anyone got any in case we need it?"


Seben shakes her head, still staring alertly at the wall with her bow ready.

According to the excellent spreadsheet Luke has prepared, Lueck now has the potion of neutralize poison from our prior expedition. But I guess that's more of an after-the-fact thing.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

While you're still planning, I'd like to point out that both the gate into the estate and the inner gate leading to the garden is currently partially open.

Female Human Hunter 2
Diorio wrote:
"Sounds like a nasty beast! I certainly do not want to get stung again. I do have one acid flask if you think it might come in handy."


Thanks for that. I am now further reminded there are also two alchemist fires from the spoils of Ahkentepi's tomb. It would be cool to have the Sacred Ibis calmly fly over and drop all three of them on the centipede with a trio of bombing runs while we hide nearby in safety.

However, I've got a feeling that won't be enough to take a Huge-sized beast out and we might be better off saving the flasks for swarms or multiple target scenarios. But I am sorely tempted, just for the anecdote.

Female Human Hunter 2
GM JaceDK wrote:
While you're still planning, I'd like to point out that both the gate into the estate and the inner gate leading to the garden is currently partially open.

. . . and that is why we're planning extra quiet-like. . .

Thanks! Is the garden gate, the gate to the West (left)? Or the East (right)?

[Edit - I think it's West, if I follow the above.]

Better question then. Are the gates solid doors of bronze that block line of sight? or are the gates like bronze bars that one could say, shoot through? And could the gates be closed shut?

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire
Seben-en-Ra wrote:

Thanks! Is the garden gate, the gate to the West (left)? Or the East (right)?

[Edit - I think it's West, if I follow the above.]

Correct - the map is should be showing a token of the big critter.

Seben-en-Ra wrote:

Better question then. Are the gates solid doors of bronze that block line of sight? or are the gates like bronze bars that one could say, shoot through? And could the gates be closed shut?

Excellent question - The scenario does not specify, so we'll let the Dice Gods decide

1: solid gates, 2: barred gate: 1d2 ⇒ 1

The gates are solid bronze.

Perception or Knowledge (engineering) DC 10 for anyone examining the outer gate:

The gates are rather decrepit and appear to have been broken open by force long ago. There are no means to secure them and they would not stand up to much punishment.

Female Human Hunter 2

Rats on the gates. That might have been handy.

OK, so what do people like as the plan?

Here's the best I could come up with, but I am way open to a better one.

We completely spread out and shoot at the creature from a bunch of different sides and angles from atop the walls.

Then when it inevitably charges one of us, that unlucky winner has the job of fleeing while the rest of us continue to fire. (I suppose you could stand and fight if you're tanky and bold).

Arguably, the plan improves slightly if there's one of us who doesn't use a ranged weapon. That person could be the designated bait. They holler and try to get the beast to charge. Using a readied action to "run" (AKA flee) it should be possible to outpace the thing unless it's Speed is really insane - it was described as fast.

A third variation is we instead use a summoned monster/nature's ally as the bait. Seben can do that, but it only lasts two rounds.

Or we just Leroy Jenkins the thing. . .

Male Human, Taldane Bard (Archaeologist) 2 (HP 11/14) (AC 16 (17)/13 (14)*/13) (CMD 16) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +3) (Perception +5)

Knowledge (engineering): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Could the gates be rigged so they can be pushed to fall over and crush/trap a creature - say a gigantic centipede?

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Not really, you don’t have the appropriate tools and the gate is in a terrible state of disrepair.

Male Varisian Human Swashbuckler 2 (HP 20/20) (AC 18, 15, 13) (CMD 16) (Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +0) (Init +4) (Percep +4) Swashbuckler 2

I could be the "bait at the gate" if everyone thinks that's a good idea.

Female Human Hunter 2
Diorio wrote:
I could be the "bait at the gate" if everyone thinks that's a good idea.


It is a terrible idea, but I totally love it.

Maybe, if he can't run away, Diorio could use the total defense action, or even some fancy swashbuckler defensive action to get as high an AC as possible. Or save his panache, I don't know.

As soon as the beast rushes out the gate, maybe anyone who wants to melee could burst out from behind the wall for an ambush with readied actions.

Those who think we should stay as far away from the poisonous maw as possible will take distant positions and fire from range, also with readied actions.

And this all falls apart if the beast just slithers over the wall and comes at us at a totally different direction . . . hopefully the Sacred Ibis or maybe even Luek can alert us if this is about to happen.

Maybe Phrip could show us where on the map he wants Diorio to be when he starts yelling and calling attention to himself and then everyone else could pick where they would like to be?

Open to revisions here!

"We could just open the gate and charge to glory, but if you prefer such caution, I can certainly climb back up and report on the creature's advance."

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Several interesting concepts of a plan on the table. What's it going to be - Tactical Princess Special or Luuuuuueck Jenkins!!?

Male Varisian Human Swashbuckler 2 (HP 20/20) (AC 18, 15, 13) (CMD 16) (Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +0) (Init +4) (Percep +4) Swashbuckler 2

"If we could get off some shots at it from ambush at the same time as I yell my challenge from the gate, we might be able to seriously wound the creature and enrage it towards me. I will then lure it through the gate and do all I can to keep it from killing me while everyone continues to ambush it."

Assuming I get attacked, I would use a panache point for Dodging Panache and stack that with a +2 Combat Expertise, which should give me an AC of 21 and still have the ability to make an attack of my own at +5 (+4 BAB with +1 magic sword), if I understand this correctly.

Female Human Hunter 2
GM JaceDK wrote:
Several interesting concepts of a plan on the table. What's it going to be - Tactical Princess Special or Luuuuuueck Jenkins!!?

We can do both!

Lueck can stand by Diorio, or even climb up a nearby wall and leap off of it and skewer the beast on the way down. It would be a fine cinematic. And I'll feel less guilty leaving Diorio all alone in front.

In the interest of moving things forward I've moved the pieces on the map to communicate the idea. People should feel free to reposition themselves as they like. (And Jace can reposition everyone, of course, if we don't actually make it there. . .)

This is sort of how I envisioned it - actually it's very little like I envisioned it, I wanted to hit the creature from all sides in a cross-fire of sniper shots, but I now worry that will catch one of us all alone with too little support.

Jace, the idea is we plan out where we're going to be and then sneak into position. Like Diorio suggests, if undetected, we fire on the
creature before Diorio starts shouting.

P.S. And before we step into the courtyard, Indus and Sobek, our professional spotters, might make scan the place to make sure we're not rushing into a trap of some kind.

Male Blackwisp Egret 3 HD

The Sacred Ibis also scans the courtyard for any potential hazards (other than the unearthly-sized bug).

Switching Animal Focus back to Falcon. . .

Perception: 1d20 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 6 = 23

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

The Sacred Ibis does not spot any other immediate threats.

Male Blackwisp Egret 3 HD

Then it is completely safe because I don't miss anything, ever.

. . . switching Animal Focus to Tiger. Eye of the Tiger, baby, Eye of the Tiger.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Can I get everyone to sign off on the following plan, as I understand it?

1. Indus and Sobekhotep check the gate then move in first to sweep the courtyard for traps, with Diorio and Seben close behind. Meanwhile, Lueck is on the top of the wall keeping an eye on the critter and Sacred Ibis is flying overwatch.

2. Once everyone are in position, you open fire. I should note that the centipede is currently lounging at the bottom of an empty pool, so you can't actually get a line of fire until it climbs our (unless you're on the wall), but you can ready an action to shoot once you attract it's attention.

3. Diorio takes a defensive stance at the western gate leading into the garden, while the rest of the team provides ranged support - note that you'll be firing into melee at that point.

4. Lueck may or may not do a bloodthirsty leap from atop the wall into melee. Time will tell...

GM JaceDK wrote:

Can I get everyone to sign off on the following plan, as I understand it?

4. Lueck may or may not do a bloodthirsty leap from atop the wall into melee. Time will tell...

While I do sign off on the plan, I cannot speak for what bloodlust may or may not be present.

Male Human, Taldane Bard (Archaeologist) 2 (HP 11/14) (AC 16 (17)/13 (14)*/13) (CMD 16) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +3) (Perception +5)

Not gonna be super effective at range, but Indus is up for it.

Male Varisian Human Swashbuckler 2 (HP 20/20) (AC 18, 15, 13) (CMD 16) (Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +0) (Init +4) (Percep +4) Swashbuckler 2

Bring on the mayhem!

Female Human Hunter 2
GM JaceDK wrote:

2. Once everyone are in position, you open fire. I should note that the centipede is currently lounging at the bottom of an empty pool, so you can't actually get a line of fire until it climbs our (unless you're on the wall), but you can ready an action to shoot once you attract it's attention.

Ah! That makes sense, I thought the pool was filled in with sand. Yeah, ready an action to fire as soon as it's head pops up then. I guess what that means is the plan kicks off with Diorio hooting and hollering.

But just before he does, Sebven will cast gravity bow using a wand charge, and then get that readied action going, meaning she will lose at 2 rounds of the spell. More if the creature takes it's time coming up to investigate.

Sign off! (uses pen with disappearing ink. . .)

Female Human Hunter 2
Indus Ionaeus wrote:
Not gonna be super effective at range, but Indus is up for it.


No problem if Indus prefers to go shoulder-to shoulder with Diorio or join Lueck for a melee ambush.

I'd like to get as many free shots off at range as possible, but I take your point, we'll also lose actions swapping weapons to melee.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Looks like a green light for the plan. Giving Sobekhotep a few hours to check in, then I’m advancing the action later today.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

Memories of violence

GM rolls:


Indus Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Diorio Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Sobekhotep Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Seben-en-Ra Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Lueck Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Neith Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Sacred Ibis Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25


Indus Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Diorio Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Sobekhotep Initiative: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Seben-en-Ra Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Lueck Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Armed with a daring plan to defeat the giant centipede, the Smokin' Bask Brigade are finally ready to enter the House of Pentheru.

While Lueck and the Sacred Ibis continue to keep careful watch, Diorio and Seben take position outside the gates while Indus and Sobekhotep move into the small courtyard, carefully checking for signs of traps and other hazards.

The two scouts have only ventured a few feet when Indus halts, his sharps senses picking up something the eludes Sobekhotep. At the blue-skinned wizard's side, Neith bristles and growls angrily.


You pick up a faint sound in the distance, which grows rapidly in strength. It sounds like an angry mob approaching!

A quick glance through the gate does not reveal any signs of movement outside the compound.


Through your emphatic connection with Neith, you clearly sense that she detects some sign of danger.

We are currently in a surprise round. Indus can act on initiative 12 (a single action only).

Male Human, Taldane Bard (Archaeologist) 2 (HP 11/14) (AC 16 (17)/13 (14)*/13) (CMD 16) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +3) (Perception +5)

"Something's coming!" Indus calls out while preparing to fire off his crossbow at the first sign of enemies, the bolt crackling with arcane energy.

Ready action, Arcane Strike

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

GM rolls:

Indus Will save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Sobekhotep Will save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Neith Will save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Fear duration: 1d4 ⇒ 1

As Indus and Neith tense up, the source of their alarm soon becomes apparent for everyone.

Even though the streets outside the estate are completely deserted, the sound of an angry mob can be heard outside the walls. A woman’s voice cries out in terror.

Ancient Osiriani:
“Hold the gates! Don’t let them inside the compound!”

From out of nowhere, powerful blows shake and rattle the gates. The woman's voice rises to a pitched shriek of very infectious panic!

Indus and Sobekhotep:

Supernatural fear grips you and erodes your resolve. You are both currently frightened for one round and must flee from the courtyard at the best of your ability. Neith is unaffected.

Knowledge (religion) DC 12:

The voices and rattling gate is the manifestation of a haunt, a hazardous region created by unquiet spirits who endured terrific mental or physical anguish at the end of their mortal life.

Haunts can be temporarily disabled with positive energy, such as a cure spell or channel, but must be exorcised with specific actions linked to the cause of the haunt to be permanently destroyed.

Male Human, Taldane Bard (Archaeologist) 2 (HP 11/14) (AC 16 (17)/13 (14)*/13) (CMD 16) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +3) (Perception +5)

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

"Argh, this place is haunted!" Indus cries out, scrambling to get away from the unseen source of the ruckus.

Grand Lodge

Male Samsaran Wizard(Spirit Binder / Thassilonian Specialist) 2 (HP 2/8) (AC 10/10/10) (CMD 11) (Fort -2, Ref +2, Will +5) (Init +0) (Perception +10)


Sobekhotep blanches, and runs away.

Mummy's Mask Campaign slides | Storyteller extraordinaire

GM rolls:

Centipede perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

As suddenly as they appeared, the voices and the violent shaking cease, and the courtyard falls quiet once again.

From atop his perch on the wall, Lueck can see that the giant centipede does not appear to have noticed the commotion.

We are effectively out of initiative again.

Male Blackwisp Egret 3 HD

It's always the "pets" that stand fast in the face of danger. . .

Female Human Hunter 2

We might need Lueck's expertise for this one!

Seben goes back to readying an action to fire her bow if a giant bug comes over the wall to eat us.

At the risk of being Captain Obvious, I'm going to guess this place was overrun during the plague and this is some kind of a psychic echo of that tragedy.

Knowledge (religion) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11.

"Does anyone know what that was? Some sort of wizardry, perhaps?"

Male Human, Taldane Bard (Archaeologist) 2 (HP 11/14) (AC 16 (17)/13 (14)*/13) (CMD 16) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +3) (Perception +5)

Indus shakes the fear off but is still visibly shaken. "My father told me of dig sites where the restless spirits of former inhabitants would sometimes cling to the very stones, haunting and terrifying anyone who disturbed their rest. I'm not an expert, but I assume they can be somehow finally laid to rest, though I don't know the exact process."

Female Human Hunter 2

"Argh! Why can't the dead just stay dead?"

(Irony much, Seben?)

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