
Indus Ionaeus's page

203 posts. Alias of Bruno Kristensen.

Full Name

Indus Ionaeus


Human, Taldane


Bard (Archaeologist) 2 (HP 13/14) (AC 16 (17)/13 (14)*/13) (CMD 16) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +3) (Perception +5)








Chaotic Good


Wati, Osirion


Common, Kelish, Osiriani, Ancient Osiriani


Archaeologist, Art Retriever

Homepage URL

Indus Ionaeus

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Indus Ionaeus

Indus, the abandoned son:

The scorching sun of Wati beats down unrelentingly on the dusty streets, casting long, harsh shadows across the buildings. Amidst this sweltering heat, Indus Ionaeus sits solemnly on an old, weathered crate outside his now former apartment. His belongings, a meager collection of clothes, scrolls, and his trusty sword and whip, are packed beside him. The wide-brimmed leather hat shields his eyes, but not his thoughts, which are clouded with worry for his father.

It was several weeks ago that his father travelled to the nearby city of Teptu to pursue some obscure research lead at the local library. He had promised Indus to return with ample time to find suitable teammates for the exploration of the necropolis, but he had not been heard from since. The messengers Indus sent to Teptu to inquire about his father returned with word that he had joined an expedition headed west into the desert to explore some forgotten ruins.

A few curious onlookers pass by, their glances fleeting yet filled with a mixture of pity and curiosity. Indus fiddles absentmindedly with the simple medallion around his neck, a reminder of his father's and his own deep connection to Osirion's mysteries.

Suddenly, the clack of fine boots on stone breaks his reverie. Velriana Hypaxes, draped in the Taldan dandy’s idea of an adventurer’s outfit, approaches with a haughty air. She eyes Indus with a mix of disdain and mock sympathy.

One of the countless minor aristocrats who choke the upper echelons of Taldan society, the wizard-turned-osirionologist had wasted little time in making her disdain for her fellow countrymen known when she first encountered them in Wati.

“Ah, young Ionaeus, abandoned like an old tome in the library,” she sneers, her voice dripping with insincerity. “It's unfortunate about your father, really. Lost in his pursuits, or perhaps just lost. Such a shame.”

Indus looks up, his expression a calm mask. “Thank you for your ‘condolences’, Velriana. But my father's passion for exploration is something you of all people should understand.”

Velriana smirks, “Indeed, but unlike him, I make sure to return from my expeditions. Speaking of which, my team for the necropolis is all set. Pity you couldn’t find one in time.” With a mocking swish of her flamboyant floppy hat, she turns to leave, her laughter echoing faintly as she disappears into the bustling street.

As Indus contemplates his next move, a city guard, overhearing their conversation, approaches him. The guard is a sturdy man, his uniform coated with the ever-present desert dust.

“Excuse me, sir, I couldn’t help but overhear your situation,” the guard says, his tone respectful. “If you're still looking for a team for the necropolis, I heard that the owner of the Tooth and Hookah Inn is looking for adventurers. Might be worth checking out.”

Indus nods gratefully. “Thank you, I’ll look into it. ”

With a newfound sense of purpose, Indus gathers his belongings. He knows the path ahead is fraught with unknowns, but the prospect of adventure and the hope of finding his father rekindles a fire in his heart. As he walks towards the Tooth and Hookah Inn, the medallion around his neck glints in the sun, a silent promise of the mysteries awaiting in the shadows of the necropolis.

Perhaps luck hasn’t entirely deserted me yet. he thinks to himself.

HP: 14
Wounds: 1
Temporary HP: 0

Hero Points: 1

Initiative: +3
Speed: 30
Fort: +0
Ref: +6
Will: +3

AC: 16 (17 with shield) (Flat 13 (14)*/Touch 13)
CMB: +3
CMD: 16

Feats and Traits:
Arcane Strike (Swift +1 damage, count as magical)
Lingering Performance (Archeologist's Luck lasts +2 rounds after end)

Fate's Favored (increase all luck bonuses by +1)
Trapfinder (+1 Disable Device and class skill)

Acrobatics +7
Appraise +6
Bluff +6
Climb +6
Diplomacy +6
Disable Device +9
Intimidate +6
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7
Knowledge (Engineering) +7
Knowledge (History) +7
Knowledge (Local) +7
Knowledge (Religion) +7
Linguistics +6
Perception +5
Sleight of Hands +7
Spellcraft +6
Stealth +7
Use Magic Device +6

Archaeologist's Luck (Swift +2 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and weapon damage, 7 rounds/day - used 2, lingering +2 rounds)

Clever Explorer (bonus to DD and Perception, Disable complex devices in half time and open a lock as Standard action)

Uncanny Dodge (cannot be caught flat-footed, retain Dex against invisible)

Bardic Knowledge (+1/2 level to knowledge checks - may roll untrained)

Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic

1st: (3/day – 0 used)
Animate Rope
Comprehend Languages

Masterwork longsword (+4 1d8+2 19-20/x2)
Dagger (+3 – +4 1d4+2 10' 19-20/x2)
Silvered dagger (+3 – +4 1d4+1 10ø 19-20/x2)
Light crossbow (+4 1d8 80' 19-20/x2)
Lash of Niut-Shaes (+4 1d3+3 nonlethal 20/x2 15' reach - see below)
Whip (+3 1d3+2 nonlethal 20/x2 15' reach)
Scorpions whip (+3 1d4+2 20/x2 15' reach)
20 bolts
10 blunted bolts

Masterwork studded leather
Masterwork quickdraw light shield (with ioun stone slot)
Wand of cure light wounds (9 charges)
Potion of Darkvision

Thieves' tools
4 alchemist's fire
2 antitoxin
2 bone burn
2 marbles

Adventurer's sash
Masterwork backpack
5 candles
5 chalk (different colors)
5 fishhooks
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Ink, black
Ink, colored
Notebook, leather
10 parchment
Scroll case
Silk rope
5 rolls of string
10 torches
5 trail rations
2 waterskins

PP: 135
GP: 20
SP: 10
CP: 10

Lash of Niut-Shaes:
This exquisite +1 whip is crafted from supple leather. Its handle is meticulously shaped to mirror a horned viper, symbolizing Niut-Shaes, the serpent form of the goddess Mut.

Serpent Sanctuary: Once per day, as a standard action, the wielder can spin the whip in a mesmerizing spiral. This creates a warding effect within the whip's reach, compelling snakes and snake swarms to make a DC 11 Will save. Those failing are repelled, unable to enter the zone, and any within the area must retreat. The effect lasts for 3 rounds and ceases if the wielder makes any attacks, but the wielder may use non-attack spells or otherwise act without ending the effect.

Venom Ward: Once per day, upon command ("Seḥlu-yi seg ssem-agi"), the whip can grant the wielder a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against poison effects for 3 minutes. At any time while this bonus is in effect, the wielder can end the effect to reroll a failed save vs a poison effect. The saving throw bonus does not apply to this reroll and the wielder must use the new result, even if it is worse.

In the hands of a devoted servant of Niut-shaes, the Lash of Niut-Shaes is not just a weapon but a symbol of divine power and serpent's cunning.