
Zelvin Baine's page

378 posts. Alias of eriktd.


AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects:[/ooc] extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h


[ooc]M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 |

About Zelvin Baine

Zelvin doesn't remember anything about his parents; when he was still only a toddler he was found sleeping outside the caves beneath the nearby hills. The local priest of Brigh took the boy in, but he was very concerning to the people of the town because he did not speak for most of his childhood, and of course he was obviously very different from the other children. His skin was extremely pale and his eyes were strangely dark-- apparently he had great difficulty seeing in bright light. Few locals acknowledged him as one of their own, and he was often bullied by local toughs when he showed his face outside the temple.

After the torch spontaneously lit and the town began to grow and prosper, Khonnir Baine came to town with his adopted daughter Val, and Zelvin began hanging around the wizard's workshop. He had never told anyone, but he had always been fascinated by magic and technology, two interests that Khonnir also appreciated greatly. Once the young man was encouraged to ask questions, the floodgates opened, and soon Khonnir realized he had a new apprentice-- and eventually another member of his family. Over the years he has found Zelvin a gifted student, hard-working and diligent. For his journeyman project, Zelvin built himself an enchanted pistol that impressed the old wizard greatly.

In recent months, Zelvin has begun to feel restless. He likes living with his father and sister, though he has started to distance himself from them, hanging out at one of the other taverns where travelers often land. He enjoys hearing their stories and wonders what there is for him beyond the boundaries of Torch. When he prays to Brigh, he almost feels that the goddess is calling him away, as if he is destined for greater things elsewhere. Most of his magical studies have taken a distinctly martial turn, and he thinks that perhaps that means he needs to go somewhere with enemies to fight.

Still, his father's disappearance has him troubled. At first he was a little hurt that Khonnir didn't take him along, since they had occasionally indulged in amateur spelunking together in the past, and so he avoided going home for a while because he didn't want to seem anxious and Val's teasing was getting under his skin. He assumed the old man would be fine-- he has always seemed invincible to Zelvin. Now that he has been missing long enough that they know something must be wrong, Val has insisted that he stay with her, for she is afraid she will lose them both. Nevertheless he is eager to help, and he thinks that his experiences with the caves make him the perfect rescuer. He has decided that he can't wait any longer, and that he must volunteer to be part of the next expedition.

Zelvin is unusually pale, with white hair, elvish ears, and very dark eyes. There is a slightly bluish cast to his skin. He is slightly taller than average and thin with a light, lithe frame. He usually carries his pistol on his belt along with his spell components pouch and his ammunition bag. He wears Brigh's holy symbol on a tiny chain around his neck. His voice is a little scratchy but not unfriendly.

Race Half-Elf (Drow-blooded)
Alignment Neutral Good
Class Magus (Eldritch Archer/Spell Dancer) / Wizard (Spellslinger)

Str 7 (-2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 17+2+1 (+5), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 7 (-2)

HP 33 (1d8[8]+3d6[6+4+4]+8[CONx4]+3[FCB])

AC 13* (10+3[DEX], +4[*mage armor])
AC, touch 13 (10+3[DEX])
AC, flatfooted 10* (10, +4[*mage armor])

Initiative +5 (+3[DEX]+2[race])

Speed 30' (no armor)

Fortitude +6 (+3.5[base]+2[CON]+1[resistance])
Reflex +5* (+1[base]+3[DEX]+1[resistance], +2 vs underground traps)
Will +7** (+4[base]+2[WIS]+1[resistance], +2 vs enchantment, +1 vs fear/enchantment[Flagbearer])

BAB +2 (+2.25)
CMB 0 (+2[BAB]-2[STR])
CMD 13 (10+2[BAB]-2[STR]+3[DEX])
CMD, flatfooted 10 (10+2[BAB]-2[STR])

Weapons and armor
masterwork revolver: +6** attack (+2[BAB]+3[DEX]+1[enhancement], -1[*Deadly Aim], +1[*Flagbearer]), 1d8*** BP damage (+1 [*Arcane Strike], +2[*Deadly Aim], +1[*Flagbearer]), 20' range, 20/x4 critical (20/x3 spells), misfire 1, capacity 6

Half-Elf Adaptability, Blended View (darkvision 60'), Darklands Guide (+2 initiative, +2 Reflex vs underground traps), Drow Heritage (counts as drow), Elf Blood (counts as elf and human), Elven Immunities (immune to magical sleep, +2 vs enchantment effects), Low-Light Vision

Favored class bonus (Wizard) +3 hp

Traits Called (Faith, 1/day may reroll a 1 on attack roll), Family Ties (Drawback, must fulfill family's requests or suffer -2 on all Wisdom/Charisma ability/skill checks), Magical Knack (wizard) (Magic, +2 CL up to character level), Stargazer (Campaign, +2 lore checks vs aliens, +1 Knowledge [geography], can use as if he had the Technologist feat)

Feats Arcane Strike, Combat Expertise* (EitR), Deadly Aim* (EitR), Gunsmithing* (from Spellslinger), Power Attack* (EitR), Skill Focus* (Diplomacy, from Half-Elf), Weapon Finesse* (EitR), Weapon Proficiency* (firearms, from Spellslinger); Spell Cartridges

Skills Acrobatics 4+6, Climb 1+1, Craft (alchemy) 1+8, Diplomacy 4+1, Knowledge (arcana) 1+8*, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1+8*, Knowledge (engineering) 1+8, Knowledge (geography) 1+9*, Knowledge (local) 1+8*, Knowledge (nature) 1+8*, Knowledge (planes) 1+8*, Knowledge (religion) 1+8*, Linguistics 1+8, Perception 4+5, Spellcraft 4+8, Swim 1+1

Languages Aklo, Androffan, Common, Elven, Hallit, Undercommon

Magus (Eldritch Archer / Spell Dancer) 1 CL 1, spells 3/1, arcane pool (half level+INT), ranged weapon bond (revolver), ranged spell combat, spell combat, spell dance (+10 move, +2 dodge)

Magus Spells (CL 1)
cantrips (x3, DC 14): acid splash (x1), arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect fiendish presence, detect magic, disrupt undead (x1), flare, ghost sound, grasp, light, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic (x1), spark
1st (x3, DC 16): burning hands (1/1), coin shot* (1/1), feather fall*, jury-rig*, mount, reduce person*, shield, shocking grasp, snowball, true skill*, true strike, web bolt

Wizard (Spellslinger) 3 CL 3+1, spells -/2/1, arcane gun (one gun), gunsmith, mage bullets, school of the gun (opposition schools: Abjuration, Enchantment, Illusion, Necromancy)

Wizard Spells (CL 4)
1st (x4, DC 16): burning hands*, coin shot (1/1), detect magic*, feather fall, floating disk*, heightened awareness (1/1), jury-rig, mage armor (1/1), mending, mount*, read magic*, reduce person, shield*, shocking grasp*, snowball*, sure casting, true skill, true strike*, web bolt*
2nd (x2, DC 17): acid arrow, scorching ray

Equipment artisan's outfit, belt pouch, cloak of resistance +1, gunsmith's kit, masterwork revolver, metal cartridges 18/18, spell component pouch, spellbook, waterproof bags x2; 73 pp, 22 gp, 5 sp

Equipment Notes:
level 1 loot: +442 gp
battered revolver: +31 gp
extra spellbook: +7.5 gp

17 metal cartridges, crafted: -127.5 gp
13 metal cartridges, crafted: -97.5 gp
cloak of resistance +1, crafted: 500 gp (Khoran)

Build Notes:
I had originally planned for Zelvin to stay a magus throughout his career, but I started questioning how much I really wanted the higher-level features of a magus and if they were really worth the reduced spell levels. Now, I'm thinking that what I really want for him is to go into the Eldritch Knight prestige class. Fortunately, I've made this decision before he invested more than one level in magus, which is all he would need anyway for the required martial weapon proficiencies. He will still be a ranged gish, depending mostly on firing his revolver with adamantine bullets or spell cartridges, and occasionally busting out with a powerful spell fired down the barrel.

1. Wizard (Spellslinger) 1, Arcane Strike, Gunsmithing, Weapon Proficiency (firearms)
2. Magus (Eldritch Archer/Spell Dancer) 1
3. Wizard 2, Spell Cartridges
4. Wizard 3
5. Wizard 4, Reach Spell
6. Wizard 5, Intensified Spell
7. Eldritch Knight 1, diverse training, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
8. Eldritch Knight 2
9. Eldritch Knight 3, Empower Spell
10. Eldritch Knight 4
11. Eldritch Knight 5, Arcane Discovery (Opposition Research: Necromancy), Improved Critical (firearms)
12. Eldritch Knight 6
13. Eldritch Knight 7, Arcane Discovery (Opposition Research: Illusion)
14. Eldritch Knight 8
15. Eldritch Knight 9, Spell Perfection (disintegrate), Weapon Focus (firearms)
16. Eldritch Knight 10, spell critical
17. Wizard 6, Greater Weapon Focus (firearms)