Falric Dawnstriker |

Hearing about a crossbow, Ananet chuckles to herself a little while tapping her stored-away pistol in indication. "Crossbow?! Okay, now I'm sure you don't know me: I'm from Alkenstar originally; I know how to handle myself without magic! I'm also prepared with as much magic and alchemy as I can for the day as I uh... overslept after a night drinking with some Caydenites. Getting something to eat with y'all would be nice. And I will try my utmost best not to be an inept healer." She swirls her Dexterity mutagen, making sure she prepared it right, before continuing, "Should we go eat that food now?"
Falric chuckles, "No, Ananet. I was referring to Idari. We could buy HIM a crossbow if he was out of spells, not you. Yes, let's go get lunch."

Ananet Bast |

Falric chuckles, "No, Ananet. I was referring to Idari. We could buy HIM a crossbow if he was out of spells, not you. Yes, let's go get lunch."
Ananet rests her head in her paw, sighing to herself. "Sometimes I seem to lack common sense, haha! But yeah, Idari having a crossbow should he run out of spells seems like a fine idea now, that I think about it!"
Unless something else comes up, to lunch it seems?

The_Mummy_GM |

The party enjoys a hearty lunch as you discuss your future plans whether to return to the tomb now or wait till tomorrow. You still have 6-7 hours of daylight left today as you surely do not want to remain in the necropolis after dark. A light crossbow costs 35 gp if Idari wishes to purchase one and 1 gp per 10 crossbow bolts.
Let me know how you wish to proceed.

Falric Dawnstriker |

"I vote to go back to the tomb after lunch and take advantage of the daylight. And the rest of y'all?"

Ananet Bast |

"I'm all for that, Falric," the pistol-wielding cleric states, before responding with a question to the rest of the group, "How much did you explore before you headed back?"
Am ready to head to the tomb as well.

Sahba al-Xemestra |

"I agree, we should use the daylight hours while we have them." Sahba concurs.

Bosco Qitt |

Bosco sees the people before them struggle carrying a chest and several bags full of loot. "Hey let me get those for you, what you found so far?" His face brightens as he riffles through them, whistling.

Sahba al-Xemestra |

"It would be good to divest ourselves of what we've found so far, perhaps purchase anything we'll need to be better prepared when we head back down." Sahba suggests.

Ananet Bast |

"I can concur with that. Probably best to avoid having everyone staggering due to their load while exploring a tomb," Ananet admits.

Ananet Bast |

Ananet is ready to head [s]back[/b]

Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien |

Idari-lucien's blue eyes smile at his brother's enthusiasm.
Things will get real interesting. Try not to get dead....
Tapping his slightly used Wand with a wink, the Wizard prepares to continue the exploration.

Bosco Qitt |

Bosco slaps his brother on the back hard enough to put him off balance, "Don't worry bro. You've got my back."

The_Mummy_GM |

After their hearty lunch, the party, armed with 2 new faces, returns to the TOMB OF AKHENTEPI. As before, I will handwave the trip down the shaft and past the rooms you previously explored. You return to the passage with the burrowed tunnel, where you fought the Sandling. You still the see the rather fresh stain of blood where Tethys' head hit the wall. You continue east and reach the following scene:
A tapestry hangs from a frame against the south wall of this large chamber; it depicts an otherworldly vista where the souls of the dead, shepherded by strange beings, enter an ethereal river ambling through space toward a landscape dominated by an impossibly tall spire. Columns sculpted in the shape of Osirian warriors wielding khopeshes stand in all four corners of the room. The floor is tiled in a white spiral pattern on a black background, and this spiral pattern is repeated on the stone double doors to the north and west.
Ananet, Idari, and Falric detect no magic in the room.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Falric detects no traps in the room.
Which way?

Falric Dawnstriker |

Falric will head to western door and check to see if it is locked and/or trapped. If so:
Disable Device: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Ananet Bast |

Ananet goes to stand behind Falric, just in the case something steps out from behind the door. She lightly grips her holy symbol upon seeing relatively-fresh blood, hoping that she isn't next. She idly looks down at the spiral. Probably to do with Pharasma, she notes to herself while putting a bullet and powder in her pistol, having seen the dangers of the tomb via the, quite literal, blood on the wall.
Only moving and loading for now.

Sahba al-Xemestra |

Drawing her khopesh, Sabha follows at a safe distance.

The_Mummy_GM |

Falric moves forward and finds the door to the west locked. With a flip of his thieves' tools, he easily unlocks and opens the doors.
This short hallway narrows sharply to the west to a descending set of stairs.

Falric Dawnstriker |

Falric will move in and look down the stairs, trying to spot traps/secret doors/dangers.

Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien |

Prior to descending down the new steps, the Wizard takes out his trusty collection of scrolls and reads for a few seconds.
Unseen Servant, Mage Armor, Light
Sending the Lit Unseen Servant down the steps initially, the Catfolk smiles at his brother, grandly inviting him to proceed him.

Bosco Qitt |

Bosco nervously tosses his bec de corbin from hand to hand following Falric's lead in a second rank. He winks at Lucky.

Ananet Bast |

Seeing the wizard cast Light, Ananet decides to do the same. She whispers a few quick words in Ancient Osiriani, before tapping the golden holy symbol of Bastet around her neck with her tekko-kagi, and causing it to shine like a torch. She keeps her loaded pistol at the ready as she inches a bit further towards the steps.

Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien |

Idari-lucien also casts Endure Elements, Waterproof, on himself.
Smiling at Ananet, the Wizard bows his understanding.
He does hold his new(ish) Wand of Magic Missile in hand.
Also, purchased Wand of Burning Hands

The_Mummy_GM |

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
As Falric moves toward the stares, keeping an eye out for dangers, he senses something off with the northern wall, as he feels a draft of air. However, before he can investigate, he sees an ominous green shadows appear on the wall and hears movement out of sight skittling up the stairs!
Beetles: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Ananet: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Bosco: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Falric: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Idari: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Sahba: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Order: Idari, Sahba, Ananet, and Falric. You do not yet see the enemies, as they are moving up the stairs. To target them, you have to move to the edge of the staircase.

Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien |

If Idari-lucien casts Anticipate Peril on Bosco, would he then jump in Initiative?

Bosco Qitt |

I wouldn't have anything to target anyway. The only thing I could do is cast shield.

Ananet Bast |

Considering Ananet is best at ranged (pistol and spells) and would likely block the Melee characters if she attempted to attack the beetles, probably not the best idea to go forward. Does delaying one's action still leave one flat-footed?

Sahba al-Xemestra |

Anticipating a fight, Sahba fluidly moves through an arcane form, a shield of shimmering blue energy manifesting in front of her before fading into invisibility, as a glow envelops her sword.
Cast Shield, spend 1 arcane pt +1 to weapon

Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien |

Idari-lucien's blue eyes stare towards the front once the sounds of skittering can be heard!
Anyone want to go check those noises out?

Ananet Bast |

"Nope, will just get in your brother's way, Idari."
Yeah. Screw it. Delay.

The_Mummy_GM |

Round 1: Mining beetles
A mining beetle (Orange) with a luminescent shell attacks Bosco.
Bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22...hit!
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
The other beetle (Blue) attacks Falric.
Bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12...miss!
Party is up!

Ananet Bast |

Ananet, aided by the sources of magical light, aims at the beetle that successfully attacked the bloodrager (Orange) , and fires at it. Afterwards, she loads an alchemical cartridge into her gun, hoping that the paper cartridge doesn't spectacularly blow up in her face.
Pistol, against Touch: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Pistol, Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2
Standard: Fire. Move: Reload (Alchemical Cartridge)

Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien |

Idari-lucien's hand raises his Wand of Magic Missile at the Daring Orange Beetle!
Hey! Get off my kool-aid!
Pew!: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Sahba al-Xemestra |

"Falric, after you strike, switch places with me!" Sahba calls out, preparing to fill the space as soon as it opens.
Delay until after Falric's turn.

Falric Dawnstriker |

Falric swings his scimitar at the blue beetle. Sahba, if I move away and don't kill it, I am drawing 2 AoOs, so I am staying put.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

The_Mummy_GM |

Ananet and Idari wound the beetle, but it still lives.
Falric just missed with his attack, as it bounces off its shell.
Sahba and Bosco are up.

Sahba al-Xemestra |

Unable to get into position to strike, Sabha waits for an opening, either by one of her companions moving, or falling to one of the beetles.

Bosco Qitt |

As the beetle charges towards them, Bosco's uncanny reflexes kick into gear and he tries to skewer it. Uncanny dodge should mean I'm not flat footed so I should get an AoO as the beetle leaves my threatened area 10ft away.
Bec de Corbin, AoO: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 Ah well
He growls in pain as the beetle bites his ankles, smearing blood across the dusty floor. He drops his polearm, it's long handle too much to wield properly and extends the claws on both his hands.
Claw 1, bloodrage, power, vs Orange: 1d20 + 5 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 2 - 1 = 21
Slashing: 1d4 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10
Claw 2, bloodrage, power, vs Orange if still up: 1d20 + 5 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 2 - 1 = 25
Slashing: 1d4 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 8
Free: Drop weapon and blood rage, Full round: full attack
If I kill orange I will step into it's square.

The_Mummy_GM |

Bosco rages and kills both beetles! Combat over!
The area at the foot of the stairs was never excavated, though a few small tunnels pockmark the stone. These tunnels are inaccessible without a burrow speed.
The secret door to the north has no accessible hinges or lock mechanism. It appears to require magic or sheer force to batter the wall.
You can continue investigating the secret door or head north through the eastern room.

Ananet Bast |

A bit shocked by the events unfolding in front of her, Ananet seems stunned for about a second before she comes back down to Golarion. "Sometimes, somehow," she muses, "I forget that you can do that!"
She takes inventory of the situation around her, Amurrun blood spilled on the floor, secret door that doesn't seem to want to budge, and so on. "There's another route y'all had left unexplored, right," she questions, having not been with the group for the first delve into the tomb.
Am one for going the other way around. Dunno what it'd take to open the door.

Bosco Qitt |

Bosco's eyes glares at Ananet and for a second he looks like he's ready to pounce and rend her. But the moment passes and he takes a deep breath. His shoulders slump from the exertion and gives her a thumbs up, he is polydactyl after all. "Yeah. You're the clever sort. Whatever you think's best."

Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien |

Idari-lucien's blue eyes follow the outline of the Secret Door, while the Wizard mumbles about properly placed door handles.
The Wizard shrugs and joins the other Cats.

The_Mummy_GM |

You head north past the double doors to reveal the following:
The center of this large octagonal room is a raised square platform a few inches above the floor, with a stone pillar at each corner. A gold-trimmed sarcophagus sits in the center of the platform, flanked by two statues of humanoid beings with canine heads (representation of Anubis), each of which holds an ankh in one of its crossed arms. Stone double doors exit the room to the north.

Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien |

Idari-lucien's hands waves his Lit Unseen Servant into the chamber for better lighting.
The Wizard does scan the chamber from his current position.
Detect Magic 60' cone

Ananet Bast |

Ananet follows Idari's lead and casts detect magic as well.

Falric Dawnstriker |

Falric will start examining the room, scimitar in hand, going around the eastern side of the room from S to N counterclockwise, examining the walls and columns, looking for traps/secret doors/dangers. He will avoid the sarcophagus until he completes the circle.