Old School Rules (Shadowdark) RPG System: Gorgana Colony (Inactive)

Game Master DeJoker

Gorgana is an old penal colony located far from civilization. It is only feasibly approachable by airship due to the treacherous rocky desert that lies between the impassible mountain range which Gorgana is located next to and the nearest settlement to the far east.

To say that the inhabitants are truly criminals would be wrong, as the original inhabitants have all died except for an old crippled elf named Kurúki. In fact a majority of the population are actually descendents of criminals, political dissendents, and prisoners of war which are predominately what get sent here. The original group were brought here to the remains of an ancient city built into the mountain walls and next to a large stone wall that seals off the valley beyond. Strangely the wall has never had a opening built into it but does have three mechanisms to lower a platform down the one hundred feet from its top to the ground on the other side. The housing for the mechanism is ancient stone, while the mechanism and the materials its made of are not. Basically the community maintains these mechanisms in order to more safely make excursions into valley beyond.

The players will be those youthful individuals having gain the designation of explorer. Explorers are those tasked with delving deeper into the valley to find treasures. They are well thought of by the community as they are the life's blood of the community. For what they bring back is what eventually gets traded to the erratic arriving airships in exchange for valuable equipment and supplies not obtainable by the community.

For Guidelines on character creation see Recruitment except players start at 1st-Level for this game.

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Male AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2 Human Fighter
DeJoker wrote:
OOC: Ellis fully understand that is why I am asking, trying to find a means to deliver a map so folks can handle combat more efficiently. Granted my method of handling "Flanking" is extremely simple in that an individual that is outnumbered is assumed to be flanked with each individual beyone one giving that team a +1 To Hit and allowing for Precise Attacks.

Never heard of this rule before BUT LOVE IT

OOC: Glad you love it, its a guideline I have used since DnD 2e to get away from problems with Meta-gaming as well as to easily reflect the non-static nature of combat. Basically I simply assume if someone has more than one opponent those opponents are doing what they can to exploit their advantage and there is no need to move them specifically on a static map especially if their is no map to move them on which happens quite often in PbP games.

Aelwulf Init: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Ellis Init: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Who: 3d2 ⇒ (1, 2, 2) = 5
Attack Ellis: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Attack Aelwulf: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Attack Aelwulf: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Damage Ellis: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Damage Aelwulf: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Damage Aelwulf: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Creatures ... 7
Aelwulf ..... 4
Grimli ...... 4
Vanessa ..... 4
Gaspar ...... 1
Creature1 ... -0
Creature2 ... -0
Creature3 ... -0
Round 51 Status:
Torch-1 60/9
Torch-2 60/11
Aelwulf .... Ts: 6 .... HP 8/5
Ellis ........ Ts: ? .... HP 4/1
Fanki ........ Ts: 1 .... HP 6/6
................... L: 1 O: 1
Gaspar ..... Ts: 0 .... HP 6/6
Grimli ....... Ts: 1 .... HP 8/8
Vanessa ...... Ts: 2 .... HP 6/4
Rear ---> Front (10ft wide)
El*2 ... Fa ... Gr
... V .... Ga ....... Ae*1
Rear ---> Front (5ft wide)
El*2 ... V ... Ga ... Fa ... Gr ... Ae*1

The first to tiny creatures having stopped fire tiny bows. One hits Ellis and the other hits Aelwulf. Then a third one appears from behind the first to and fires at Aelwulf again hitting him.

Grimli will be able to easily achieve the farside of the pit provided Ellis maintains his position.

OCC: I was hoping the both Ellis and Aelwulf would have made their Initiative rolls but made them for them so I could move things forward.

If you have any questions about where anyone is just ask. Aelwulf can easily engage the tiny humanoids if he chooses. As for those on the Near-side of the pit or in the pit it is unclear as to what is going on exactly.

female human Wizard 1

"Just get me out of here, and I can help!" says Vanessa.

Male AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2 Human Fighter

Not sure how bad it is… but I have to hold on to get the dwarf into the fight

OOC: Well if Aelwulf does not engage them in melee this round and they choose to shoot Ellis again next round and hit well he'd go down for sure. So yeah he aint feelin to well right now.

Still Grimli gets across this round, but Ellis cannot change his position until next round. Although, if he has a shield he could crouch down behind it for better protection from missles. Not complete concealment but it would make it harder to hit him with one of those needle-like arrows they are firing.

Still waiting for the other players to chime in

Male AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2 Human Fighter

If that’s an option? I grab it!

OCC: That usually requires an in game post stating what you are doing but if you just want to do a OCC post I guess I can accept that ;-)

Grimli moves across and draws his crossbow.

”Thanks for the assist!!”

probably can’t fire yet

OCC: When Grimli gets to the farside 5 feet separates him from the tiny humanoids. Just want to point that out in case you did not realize it.

female human Wizard 1

Vanessa is still in the pit.

Male AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2 Human Fighter

Hold on Vanessa! it’s hairy up here

OCC: With Grimli's crossing there is enough rope that if Ellis wishes to forgo defensive positionining he could lower a rope to Vanessa.

Male AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2 Human Fighter

With Gimli up he goes on full defense trying to scrunch up under his shield until the party can distract the critters. He is feeling the pain at the moment.

Male Human Priest 1

"How dare you attack my comrades with no warning. I sentence you to all die".

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 Mace
1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Blunt Trauma

I think Gaspar is within range to attack. Things have been a bit slow... :-)

female human Wizard 1

Vanessa stays put in the pit, frowning and crossing her arms as she waits. She is surprised that Gaspar had judged what ever they were fighting. Although her mystical abilities were beyond peer, she felt useless.

Male AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2 Human Fighter

Gimme a bit Vanessa… I’ll drop that rope soon.

OCC: No I believe Gaspar is still on the near-side of the Pit and the enemy is on the far-side around a corner. So no physical combat by Gaspar.

Note: If I am wrong please let me know. I had Aelwulf get across successfully on his own. Then Vanessa tried but triggered the trap and fell into the pit. Then Ellis carefully made it to the otherside. Then Grimli made it carefully to the otherside. That currently leaves Gaspar the only one on the near-side. So he will either have to brave the grossing without assured assistance or wait for Alewulf to crossback and then allow Gaspar to cross before Alewulf again crosses unassisted.

Currently we are waiting on Aelwulf to post and if they do not post by tomorrow evening I will consider them a loss and ghost them for now.

Male Human Priest 1

Gaspar was the first to cross with a 17 DEx check

OCC: Okay my bad and thanks for fixing that perspective. I had initially thought it was Gaspar then for some reaons felt it was Aelwulf. No problems I will flip Aelwulf for Gaspar and move things forward.

Combat Rolls:

Gaspar Hits: 1d3 ⇒ 1

1st Stick Gaspar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
2nd Stick Gaspar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
3rd Stick Gaspar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
4th Stick Gaspar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

2nd Damage Gaspar: 1d3 ⇒ 2
3rd Damage Gaspar: 1d3 ⇒ 2
4th Damage Gaspar's Armor: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Aelwulf Dex Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Aelwulf Dex Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Aelwulf Fall Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Creatures ... 7
Aelwulf ..... 4
Grimli ...... 4
Vanessa ..... 4
Gaspar ...... 1
Creature1 ... -3
Creature2 ... -0
Creature3 ... -0
Creature3 ... -0
Round 52 Status:
Torch-1 60/8
Torch-2 60/10
Aelwulf .... Ts: 6 .... HP 8/7
Ellis ........ Ts: ? .... HP 4/1
Gaspar ..... Ts: 0 .... HP 6/-1
Grimli ....... Ts: 1 .... HP 8/8
Vanessa ...... Ts: 2 .... HP 6/4
................... L: 1 O: 1
Rear ---> Front (10ft wide)
El*2 ... V ... Gr
.......... Ga ....... Ae*1
Rear ---> Front (5ft wide)
El*2 ... V ... Ga ... Gr ... Ae*1

Gaspar moves up to engage the tiny humanoids and strikes one a solid blow but it remains standing and they all pull forth a pointy stick which they then try to stick Gaspar with, while a fourth one moves up to try and do the same thing.

Two of them find the holes in Gaspar's armor and poke holes in his body, while the last one hits but does not penetrate the armor. Gaspar collapses due to excessive wounds.

Aelwulf drops his end of the rope to Vanessa and then attempts to make it across the narrow ledge but slips and falls but manages to land on his feet. "Dagnabbit! Here Vanessa let me help you up." He cups his hands and readies to hoist Vanessa up as high as he can.

[ooc]OCC: That concludes the round, players are up[/b]

Male AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2 Human Fighter
DeJoker wrote:

OCC: No I believe Gaspar is still on the near-side of the Pit and the enemy is on the far-side around a corner. So no physical combat by Gaspar.

In my minds eye I have completely miss placed about 75% of what you said. I thought the kobold/gobs/baddies were in MY side of the ledge and now Gimli was where I was, he could distract them enough this round so I could pull up Vanessa next round… and that Gaspar could fight/act from attack from his side. As for me or Aelwulf blocking the way so that Aelwulf needs to come back so he can cross so that I can cross again totally did not even enter my mind. I don’t get why I’d have to do so. Assuming non combat, I could pull up Vanessa, then throw one end of the rope, weighted by a torch if need be, back to Gaspar and assist him the same way I assisted the dwarf

Male AC12 (Shield with bonus), HP [4]/4 Fort+2 Ref-1 Wil +2 Human Fighter

Ellis hears Gaspar drop like a sack… and knows that can’t be good.

Crap on a stick. Lacking any missile weapon beyond a dagger, he rises to his knees and tries to use his shield to cover Aelwulf pulling up Vanessa[/b].

Grimli began praying as Gaspar dropped and his tattoos glowed as his hands infused with divine energy. Healing power took hold as Gaspar's wounds began to come together and close.

spell check DC11-hp restored: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 201d6 ⇒ 4

cure wounds:
Tier 1, priest
Duration: Instant
Range: Close
Your touch restores ebbing life.
Roll a number of d6s equal to 1 +
half your level (rounded down).
One target you touch regains
that many hit points

"Gaspar, this is not your time by the Lady of Law!!"

female human Wizard 1

"For science," Vanessa said with some reservation. She hated that she couldn't help with the fight. She was a spellcaster, yep. Darn good one. In fact, she had the intelligence to prove it. She was smart and willing to learn the complicated formulae to memorize spells and use them.

Fortunately, Aelwulf was happy to help her up. She grinned. "I thought I was going to be here for a long time," she added.

Who: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 6) = 15

Attack Grimli: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Attack Grimli: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Attack Ellis: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Attack Ellis: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Damage Grimli: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Damage Grimli: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Damage Ellis: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Creatures ... 7
Aelwulf ..... 4
Grimli ...... 4
Vanessa ..... 4
Gaspar ...... 1
Creature1 ... -0
Creature2 ... -0
Creature3 ... -0
Creature3 ... -0
Round 53 Status:
Torch-1 60/7
Torch-2 60/9
Aelwulf .... Ts: 6 .... HP 8/7
Ellis ........ Ts: ? .... HP 4/-1
Fanki ........ Ts: 1 .... HP 6/6
................... L: 1 O: 1
Gaspar ..... Ts: 0 .... HP 6/3
Grimli ....... Ts: 1 .... HP 8/3
Vanessa ...... Ts: 2 .... HP 6/4
Rear ---> Front (10ft wide)
El*2 ... Fa ... Gr
... V .... Ga ....... Ae*1
Rear ---> Front (5ft wide)
El*2 ... V ... Ga ... Fa ... Gr ... Ae*1

Up above the four tiny creatures launch themselves over the downed body of Gaspar attacking both Ellis and Grimli. The two attacking Grimli both manage to hit sticking him with their little pointy sticks and one of the ones attacking Ellis does as well and Ellis collapses into unconsciousness.

Aelwulf chuckles, "Well it seems providence was in your favor, and I ended up finding myself down here rather than up there. So here we go, ally-up." Aelwulf cups his hands and as soon as Vanessa puts her foot in place and moves to propel herself up, Aelwulf provides extra assistance.

OCC: Vanessa needs to make a STR check DC 5 due to Aelwulf's assistance. If she succeeds she is out of the pit, if she fails she slips back in and will need to try again.

female human Wizard 1

Strength check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

I think the dice hates me.

OCC: I do not know but I would say the pseudo-random generator has it out for the PCs in general. You can try again next round of course.

Grimli gasps as he is hit. Not meant for defense or melee, he can only try to reach the divine well of healing energy.

Cure light wounds DC 11, hp restored to himself: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 81d6 ⇒ 3

He finds his source of healing closed until he can pray at a shrine again.

"This is not going well."

Male Human Priest 1

Gaspar opens one eye and sees the terrible truth of adventuring. Just as he prepares to rise and run from this terrible place, he sees the man who just saved his life take a terrible wound and decides to try and heal him before running away.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 Cast Cure Wounds
1d6 ⇒ 4 On Grimli.

Who: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Who: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Who: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Who: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Attack Gaspar: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 4 = 16
Attack Gaspar: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 3 + 4 = 18
Attack Gaspar: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 4 = 19
Attack Grimli: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Damage Gaspar: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Damage Gaspar: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Damage Gaspar: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Damage Grimli: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Ellis Torch: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Creatures ... 7
Aelwulf ..... 4
Grimli ...... 4
Vanessa ..... 4
Gaspar ...... 1
Creature1 ... -0
Creature2 ... -0
Creature3 ... -0
Creature3 ... -0
Round 53 Status:
Torch-1 60/7
Torch-2 60/9
Aelwulf .... Ts: 6 .... HP 8/7
Ellis ........ Ts: ? .... HP 4/-1
Gaspar ..... Ts: 0 .... HP 6/-5
Grimli ....... Ts: 1 .... HP 8/2
Vanessa ...... Ts: 2 .... HP 6/4
................... L: 1 O: 1
Rear ---> Front (10ft wide)
El*2 ... Fa ... Gr
... V .... Ga ....... Ae*1
Rear ---> Front (5ft wide)
El*2 ... V ... Ga ... Fa ... Gr ... Ae*1

Gaspar reaches out his hand and heals Grimli but that draws the attention of three out of the four tiny humanoids and they each stick him knocking him unconscious and pushing him closer to final death.

Grimli on the other hand gets attacked by one of the tiny humanoids and also gets pricked by its pointy stick.

OCC: Ouch does not look good for the home team, I was going to have Grimli cast defensively but it made no difference so since he did not indicate he was doing so he simply did not.

I do need a roll from Ellis to see if he is still alive. 1d20 requires a 20 to get +1 hp repeated until time runs out or the Save is made. Note: gaining that 1 hp does not guarantee you regain consciousness. The player may opt to continue to roll, each 20 adds 1 hp while a 1 substracts 1 hp, otherwise they can simply remain unconscious until some external force brings them back to consciousness or an external force outright kills them.

Having been revived Grimli reaches out and heals Ellis bringing him back to consciousness but his movement attracts the attention of the tiny humaniods and a couple of them stick him taking him out once more.

Meanwhile Aelwulf manages to lift Vanessa up over his head and grasping her feet pushes her up high enough that she can at least see out of the pit. What she sees is horrible the only thing standing were four tiny humanoids with blood dripping from tiny spears which are visible due to the torch lying on the floor which is luckily still burning. Seeing that time was of the essence, she casts Burning Hands in their direction. Effectively roasting all four of them.

With the battle over the three survivors, Ellis, Aelwulf, and Vanessa are faced with the carnage that was their comrades and upon examination four charred tiny wooden dolls.

OCC: Okay it being the holidays I am not necessarily expecting anyone to post and the player for Aelwulf has not posted since September so I presume we have lost them as well. I will keep him around as an NPC to help you in your current situation. As I am going to assume you are going to retreat and take your dead with you.

female human Wizard 1

"Adventuring is dangerous," said Vanessa at last. "Even dolls seem to get the jump on us. Luckily I cooked them."

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