Crusading templars, prophetic
shamans, or mad-eyed zealots
who wield the power of their
gods to cleanse the unholy.
Weapons: Club, crossbow,
dagger, mace, longsword, staff,
Armor: All armor and shields
Hit Points: 1d6 per level
Languages. You know
Diabolic, or Primordial.
Turn Undead. You know the turn
undead spell. It doesn’t count
toward your number of known
Deity. Choose a god to serve
who matches your alignment
LAWFUL. You have
a holy symbol for your god (LAWFUL and hopefully TATOOS).
Spellcasting. You can cast priest
spells you know.
You know two tier 1 spells of your
choice from the priest spell list
on pg. 51.
Each time you gain a level, you
choose new priest spells to learn
according to the Priest Spells
Known table.
For casting priest spells, see
Spellcasting on pg. 44.