[PF2 / GMGlyn] B.Box - Menace in Otari (Inactive)

Game Master GHembree

Menace in Otari - Map

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Amurren (catfolk) Monk 4 | AC 22 | HP 52 | F+9, R+12, W+7 | Perception +5 | Acrobatics +12 | Thievery +11 | Stealth +10 | Deception +9 | Athletics +8 | Underworld Lore +6 | low-light vision| Exploration activity: Scout | ◆◇↺

I aim to please. <<grin>>

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Exploration Activity: Search Halfling Cleric (cloistered)/4 AC 19| HP 46/46 | F +9E R +8T W +12E | Perc +10T|Hero Points 2

Up until this last one, though, it's been like watching Bullwinkle try to pull a rabbit out of a hat.

(If you're old enough to get that reference, you've probably had at least one colonoscopy....)

Vigilant Seal

CG Finadar Leshy Ifrit Sorcerer 4 (she/her) | HP 44/44 | AC 17 | F +9, R +7, W +10; resistance fire 2 | Perc +8 | Speed 25 | Hero 0/3 | Focus 1/1 | Spells 2nd - 0/4; 1st - 1/4; DC 20, +10 attack | Exploration: Search | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Not wrong! The orc one was absolutely perfect. Perfectly awful. :D

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.
Perrik wrote:

Up until this last one, though, it's been like watching Bullwinkle try to pull a rabbit out of a hat.

(If you're old enough to get that reference, you've probably had at least one colonoscopy....)

leave our colons out of this

Amurren (catfolk) Monk 4 | AC 22 | HP 52 | F+9, R+12, W+7 | Perception +5 | Acrobatics +12 | Thievery +11 | Stealth +10 | Deception +9 | Athletics +8 | Underworld Lore +6 | low-light vision| Exploration activity: Scout | ◆◇↺

Folks, I was really, really trying...

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

We are gonna need to flank and take every advantage that we can.

Amurren (catfolk) Monk 4 | AC 22 | HP 52 | F+9, R+12, W+7 | Perception +5 | Acrobatics +12 | Thievery +11 | Stealth +10 | Deception +9 | Athletics +8 | Underworld Lore +6 | low-light vision| Exploration activity: Scout | ◆◇↺

I will be away Thursday through Saturday.

Exploration Activity: Search Halfling Cleric (cloistered)/4 AC 19| HP 46/46 | F +9E R +8T W +12E | Perc +10T|Hero Points 2

OK, stupid question: is this the end of the scenario, or is there more to come?

Grand Lodge

Game map | Icons: ◆◇↺
Perrik wrote:
OK, stupid question: is this the end of the scenario, or is there more to come?

This is the final dungeon in this adventure.

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

This is gonna hurt if we don't act like a team, I don't want to die in this adventure.

Exploration Activity: Search Halfling Cleric (cloistered)/4 AC 19| HP 46/46 | F +9E R +8T W +12E | Perc +10T|Hero Points 2
GM Glyn wrote:
Perrik wrote:
OK, stupid question: is this the end of the scenario, or is there more to come?
This is the final dungeon in this adventure.

So even if this fight ends up as a TPK, we still get full chronicles? Just asking.

Exploration Activity: Search Halfling Cleric (cloistered)/4 AC 19| HP 46/46 | F +9E R +8T W +12E | Perc +10T|Hero Points 2
This is gonna hurt if we don't act like a team, I don't want to die in this adventure.

For symmetry with the Beginner Box, you should survive when the rest of us die.

Grand Lodge

Game map | Icons: ◆◇↺
Perrik wrote:
GM Glyn wrote:
Perrik wrote:
OK, stupid question: is this the end of the scenario, or is there more to come?
This is the final dungeon in this adventure.
So even if this fight ends up as a TPK, we still get full chronicles? Just asking.

Yes, character death in adventure mode doesn't impact the chronicle credit in PFS.

Vigilant Seal

CG Finadar Leshy Ifrit Sorcerer 4 (she/her) | HP 44/44 | AC 17 | F +9, R +7, W +10; resistance fire 2 | Perc +8 | Speed 25 | Hero 0/3 | Focus 1/1 | Spells 2nd - 0/4; 1st - 1/4; DC 20, +10 attack | Exploration: Search | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: Mage Armor

I have 2 more level 1 and 2 level 2 spells left. I can try to do some more laughing and I can magic missile.

Exploration Activity: Search Halfling Cleric (cloistered)/4 AC 19| HP 46/46 | F +9E R +8T W +12E | Perc +10T|Hero Points 2

Mikhail and Perrik have a whole lot of healing magic left.

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

There was a bomb threat today at my school.

Vigilant Seal

CG Finadar Leshy Ifrit Sorcerer 4 (she/her) | HP 44/44 | AC 17 | F +9, R +7, W +10; resistance fire 2 | Perc +8 | Speed 25 | Hero 0/3 | Focus 1/1 | Spells 2nd - 0/4; 1st - 1/4; DC 20, +10 attack | Exploration: Search | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: Mage Armor

What is *wrong* with people? Seriously...

Vigilant Seal

CG Finadar Leshy Ifrit Sorcerer 4 (she/her) | HP 44/44 | AC 17 | F +9, R +7, W +10; resistance fire 2 | Perc +8 | Speed 25 | Hero 0/3 | Focus 1/1 | Spells 2nd - 0/4; 1st - 1/4; DC 20, +10 attack | Exploration: Search | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: Mage Armor

I am at a con starting tomorrow. Please feel free to bot Celosia as needed. I'll be back on Tuesday.

Amurren (catfolk) Monk 4 | AC 22 | HP 52 | F+9, R+12, W+7 | Perception +5 | Acrobatics +12 | Thievery +11 | Stealth +10 | Deception +9 | Athletics +8 | Underworld Lore +6 | low-light vision| Exploration activity: Scout | ◆◇↺

I will be away Thursday through Saturday.

Please BOT me if necessary.

Grand Lodge

Game map | Icons: ◆◇↺

We are at the end of the adventure Troubles in Otari. Having started with the Beginners box in July 2023 and Troubles in Otari in November 2023 for 1 year 3 months and about 1600 posts.

It's been a great game! I have enjoyed GMing for the group.

I will process the chronicals and post the game soon. let me know if there are any changes to the chronicle information below.

The Chronicle is worth 12xp, for calculating earnings and dayjob it is applied in batches of 4. Please let me know what the current level and XP are for the characters the chronicles are being applied to. (if you want to change the character being applied to you can.)

I need the current Level and XP for the character the chronicle is being applied to. If you want me to add the dayjob to the chronicle then roll for up to three sets of downtime.

PC-name Chronicle-Char PFS# Char# faction
Argigoth: Atabadies 413330-2023
Tain: Not interested in PFS
Perrik: 67750-2004 (Xue "Qingwa" Kunsheng) Radiant Oath
Goxomas: Hadrimos 5369-2010 Verdant Wheel
Celosia: Celosia Snapdragon 246222-2010 Verdant Wheel
Mikhail: Jawgrim "The Oni" 73420-2002 Horizon Hunters

Exploration Activity: Search Halfling Cleric (cloistered)/4 AC 19| HP 46/46 | F +9E R +8T W +12E | Perc +10T|Hero Points 2

Thank you for running! I had a great time.

Kunsheng will get all of the chronicles for this, but the level breakdown is kind of weird; he currently has 20 xp plus 8 xp pending credit from a pair of T3-6 scenarios, so the treasure from the first chronicle will be 2nd level, the second will be 3rd, and the final chronicle will be 4th. Make sense?

Male Human Fighter 4| HP 54/54| AC: 21 (23 w/shield) | Fort: +10; Ref: +10; Will: +9 | Per +9| Spd 25 ft. | ◆ ↺ ◇ | +2 to all Initiatives | Exploration Activity: Track, Survival +7 | Shield 20/20 | ↻: Shield Block ↻: Reactive Strike

Hats off to you GM Glyn!!! You have run a great game and well and truly made my introduction to PF2 (and PF2R) enjoyable and informative. Thank you for being even-handed, friendly and approachable - I had a lot of fun.

Let me know if you are running any future games and I’ll check them out!

Perrik, Mikhail, Argigoth, Celosia and Goxomas - we made it to the end, though we lost our kindly old witch early on. May your further adventures be long and fulfilling!

Thanks all, and see you around!

Vigilant Seal

CG Finadar Leshy Ifrit Sorcerer 4 (she/her) | HP 44/44 | AC 17 | F +9, R +7, W +10; resistance fire 2 | Perc +8 | Speed 25 | Hero 0/3 | Focus 1/1 | Spells 2nd - 0/4; 1st - 1/4; DC 20, +10 attack | Exploration: Search | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Celosia just has the beginner box.

earn income 1: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 (level 1) - 0.4 gp
earn income 2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 (level 2) - 1.6 gp
earn income 3: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 (level 2) - 1.6 gp

Vigilant Seal

CG Finadar Leshy Ifrit Sorcerer 4 (she/her) | HP 44/44 | AC 17 | F +9, R +7, W +10; resistance fire 2 | Perc +8 | Speed 25 | Hero 0/3 | Focus 1/1 | Spells 2nd - 0/4; 1st - 1/4; DC 20, +10 attack | Exploration: Search | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: Mage Armor

And thank you for running! I know we got a little sidetracked in the middle there, but you did a great job getting us back on track!

Exploration Activity: Search Halfling Cleric (cloistered)/4 AC 19| HP 46/46 | F +9E R +8T W +12E | Perc +10T|Hero Points 2

Oh, yeah...downtime!

Chronicle 1, L2, Crafting: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Chronicle 2, L3, Crafting: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Chronicle #3, L4, Crafting: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

I make that a critical success at L2 (8 days x 2 sp/day), a regular success at L3 (8 days x 2 sp/day), and a failure at L4 (8 days x 4 cp/day).

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

Are there 3 chronicles for this?

Verdant Wheel

Tain Hekkanen wrote:

Hats off to you GM Glyn!!! You have run a great game and well and truly made my introduction to PF2 (and PF2R) enjoyable and informative. Thank you for being even-handed, friendly and approachable - I had a lot of fun.

Let me know if you are running any future games and I’ll check them out!

Perrik, Mikhail, Argigoth, Celosia and Goxomas - we made it to the end, though we lost our kindly old witch early on. May your further adventures be long and fulfilling!

Thanks all, and see you around!

You forgot her~

Exploration Activity: Search Halfling Cleric (cloistered)/4 AC 19| HP 46/46 | F +9E R +8T W +12E | Perc +10T|Hero Points 2
Are there 3 chronicles for this?

As noted above:

GM Glyn wrote:
The Chronicle is worth 12xp, for calculating earnings and dayjob it is applied in batches of 4.

So strictly speaking I should have stated that the rolls are for three batches, not chronicles. GM G can probably figure it out, though.

Male Human Fighter 4| HP 54/54| AC: 21 (23 w/shield) | Fort: +10; Ref: +10; Will: +9 | Per +9| Spd 25 ft. | ◆ ↺ ◇ | +2 to all Initiatives | Exploration Activity: Track, Survival +7 | Shield 20/20 | ↻: Shield Block ↻: Reactive Strike
Ultima, la Curandera wrote:
Tain Hekkanen wrote:

Hats off to you GM Glyn!!! You have run a great game and well and truly made my introduction to PF2 (and PF2R) enjoyable and informative. Thank you for being even-handed, friendly and approachable - I had a lot of fun.

Let me know if you are running any future games and I’ll check them out!

Perrik, Mikhail, Argigoth, Celosia and Goxomas - we made it to the end, though we lost our kindly old witch early on. May your further adventures be long and fulfilling!

Thanks all, and see you around!

You forgot her~

Umm, I’m not sure what you mean? I specifically mention in that post “though we lost our kindly old witch early on….”.

N Male Human (Duskwalker) Cleric (Warpriest) 4| HP 22/44| AC 21 (23 w/shield)| F +9 R +9 W +12 | Perc +10 | Stealth +2 | ◆ ↺ ◇ Speed 25 | Hero 0/3 | Focus 0/0 | Spells 1: 2/3 | 2: 1/3 | Healing Font: 1/4 | Active Conditions: N/A

Thanks so much everyone for the great adventure! Maybe we can continue with this group in the future! Had a lot of fun!

Thanks for running such a great game GMGlyn!

Verdant Wheel

She is hard of hearing and has green dragon breathe in her eyes :)

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

I would like this credit to go to
43330-2030 Agrigoth He is a new character

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 Mountain Lore
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

Thank you so much to the GM and my fellow players. This was a lot of fun. Will you be running anything soon, DM?

Amurren (catfolk) Monk 4 | AC 22 | HP 52 | F+9, R+12, W+7 | Perception +5 | Acrobatics +12 | Thievery +11 | Stealth +10 | Deception +9 | Athletics +8 | Underworld Lore +6 | low-light vision| Exploration activity: Scout | ◆◇↺

Hadrimos is currently second level.

Grand Lodge

Game map | Icons: ◆◇↺
Perrik wrote:

Thank you for running! I had a great time.

Kunsheng will get all of the chronicles for this, but the level breakdown is kind of weird; he currently has 20 XP plus 8 XP pending credit from a pair of T3-6 scenarios, so the treasure from the first chronicle will be 2nd level, the second will be 3rd, and the final chronicle will be 4th. Make sense?

I get it now, you have two chronicles waiting to be applied when Kunsheng reaches 3rd level. I'll put a note on the chronicle to make it clear why the unusual three-level span.

Also, I forgot to mention that anyone can choose to slow-tracked, earning half the XP & gold.

Yes, a Single chronicle.
The Chronicle Sheet gives 12 Experience Point(s), 12 Reputation with one faction, and 30 Treasure Bundles appropriate to a character of their level, applied in batches of 10 Treasure Bundles at each 4 XP interval. It also grants 24 days of Downtime

Grand Lodge

Game map | Icons: ◆◇↺

I would like this credit to go to

43330-2030 Agrigoth He is a new character

1d20+5 Mountain Lore

Is the spelling correct on the new character name?

Grand Lodge

Game map | Icons: ◆◇↺

Chronicles have been uploaded to drop box => Link Here <=

and Adventure "Troubles in Otari" has been reported. Let me know if there are any corrections needed.

I am planning to run another Adventure, but still deciding which one.

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

I copied and pasted the info from my PFS page.

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

GM, I am a little confused on the chronicle. The sheet said I had 20 Xp but he is a new character in PFS play.

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

Sorry to bother again, but I am not seeing credit under either Agrigoth or Atabadies for this or the beginning box adventures.

Exploration Activity: Search Halfling Cleric (cloistered)/4 AC 19| HP 46/46 | F +9E R +8T W +12E | Perc +10T|Hero Points 2

The chronicle looks good, and I see Kunsheng has gotten credit for the adventure. Thanks again for running, and thanks to everyone else for making this memorable!

GM G, let us know when/if you want to run something else.

Grand Lodge

Game map | Icons: ◆◇↺
GM, I am a little confused on the chronicle. The sheet said I had 20 Xp but he is a new character in PFS play.

I fixed the Chronicle to show 0 xp under the notes.

I also, updated the chronicles for Goxomas, Celosia, and Mikhail for incorrect starting XP under notes.

Sorry to bother again, but I am not seeing credit under either Agrigoth or Atabadies for this or the beginning box adventures.

This is the only information I have on the submitted Scenario. Please double-check that the PFS# and character #s are correct. (The character name is not showing up so there may be a mismatch somewhere.)

Pathfinder Adventure: Troubles in Otari
Player Character Faction Prest. / Rep. Notes
413330-2030 Envoy's Alliance 12

Nov 10, 2023
Pathfinder Beginner Box (Remastered Edition) - Pathfinder Beginner Box: Menace Under Otari - Lower Dungeon
Player Character Faction Prest. / Rep. Notes
413330-2023 — 4

Sep 2, 2023
Pathfinder Beginner Box (Remastered Edition) - Pathfinder Beginner Box: Menace Under Otari - Upper Dungeon
Player Character Faction Prest. / Rep. Notes
413330-2023 — 4

If you Look under your Organized Play in the Summary tab you should have a list of your characters something like the following for each character. verify that the character has the right PFS#-char# code
# 11016-2010 PFS(2ed) Horizon Hunters Three-Bird Horizon Hunters: 6
Fame: 6 Edit
Show Sessions

Edit - Found the problem I had your PFS # as 413330 instead of 43330. I corrected the latest chronicle and the games submitions to Paizo.

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

Everthing looks good!

Would you be doing a lower level module or one for this level of character?

Vigilant Seal

CG Finadar Leshy Ifrit Sorcerer 4 (she/her) | HP 44/44 | AC 17 | F +9, R +7, W +10; resistance fire 2 | Perc +8 | Speed 25 | Hero 0/3 | Focus 1/1 | Spells 2nd - 0/4; 1st - 1/4; DC 20, +10 attack | Exploration: Search | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Looks great, and thank you so much for running! I would be interested in hearing what you're planning to do next, if I have time.

Grand Lodge

Game map | Icons: ◆◇↺

I'm looking at several options.

There are two middle-level options that would allow you to continue your character stories or create a new character.

Seven Dooms for Sandpoint starts at 4th level and continues through 11th.

first book of Wardens of Wildwood goes from 5th through ~8th.

Starting from 1st-level options I'm looking at:

Crown of the Koboldking 1-6 level

Rusthenge 1-4 level.

The Fall of Plaguestone 1-4 level

Questions for you

Would you be interested in another year of PF2 with me?

Do you have a preference from the above games?

Would you prefer to continue with your current character or a new one?

Yes, I would be interested.
I haven't played any of them, so any would be fine with me.
I would probably bring a new character regardless. Celosia is fun, but she needs reworking. :)

I would also be interested! I would like to keep playing Mikhail, but would be open to starting a new character as well. I have not played any of these adventures and they all look pretty interesting to me.

Liberty's Edge

I'm definitely interested. I've played "Fall of Plaguestone," but none of the others, and I'd prefer to play a new character.

Hmm. Tough choice.

I’ve started Fall of Plaguestone - it was my first foray into PF2 with a hobgoblin warmarch druid and his trusty wolf sidekick. Didn’t get too far into it before I ducked out.

I’m currently playing a PF2 Crown of the Kobold King in a homebrewed 3PP campaign setting.

I’ve played Rusthenge through possibly 3/4 of it before it disbanded.

I’m not sure about Seven Dooms or Wardens of the Wildwood.

I say run whichever you think will be the most fun to run.

As for Tain, I think I’ve come to the conclusion he is a great fighter, but has the personality of a cereal box, so I’m ready to retire him.

I’d really like to play a Large Awakened Animal, just for the funsies, and to see how Large interacts with flanking and general tactical combat. Possibly an Exemplar also seeing as they are the new shiny.

Anyway, let us know what you’ll run, and what options are available and I’ll let you know if I’m interested!

Argigoth | HP 52/52 Poision Resistance 2 | AC 20 F +10 R +7 W +12;[/ooc] |Perc/+9 | Darkvision 60 ft; P | Speed 25ft | [ooc]Active Conditions: None.

I am okay with any of it. Which would you like to run?

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