GM Wolf's Carrion Crown the Bard's Epic!

Game Master BloodWolven

Trust 26

Fight Club!


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Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Calin rises just after dawn, having gone to bed quickly after dinner the evening before. He quietly goes through his ritualistic process of checking his weapons and armor for damage, cleans them, and binds any holes on the clothing he wears underneath the armor.

He greets Drake in the kitchen as he makes breakfast. "Can I help with the cooking? Kendra worked hard on dinner. I'll make some more eggs and look for bacon to heat up."

Once the party is up and fed, Calin discusses the plan with the group. "We have successfully defeated two of the ghosts and brought the warden's wife some of the warden's possessions. Hopefully that keeps the haunts at bay. How do we find the other ghosts? Oh, and we need to determine what these magic items are. Imrik, is that something you can do?"

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