DM Salsa Presents - Chronicles of Kassen

Game Master AdamWarnock

BattleMaps | Chronicles of Kassen | HeroLab Files | Loot Sheet | Downtime Asset Tracker | Downtime Activity Tracker

Perception Rolls:

[dice=Betzolte Percepiton]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Erigga Perception]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Grobradon Perception]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Maidie Perception]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Tanglefoot Perception]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Moon Perception]1d20+12[/dice]
[dice=Histya Perception]1d20+5[/dice]

[dice=Meep Perception]1d20+8[/dice]

Initiative Rolls:

[dice=Betzolte Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Erigga Initiative]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Grobradon Initiative]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Maidie Initiative]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Moon Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Histya Initiative]1d20+5[/dice]

[dice=Meep Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]

1,701 to 1,750 of 2,603 << first < prev | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | next > last >>

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Betzolte, Grobradon and Moon:

Grobradon gives a nod to Betzolte, Braggar and the father as he races past.

They head east, and... then he sees the dome of vines and gawks.

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

Kassen Battle Maps


This is definitely something fey in origin, but beyond that, you have never heard of anything like this before.

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Betzolte, Grobradon, and Moon:

Grobradon looks at the others "Definitely Fae, but I've never seen anything like this before. Damn it. Eth and his family are in there...or were." The half orc looks less surly, and more openly panicked. He and the gnome were friendly but not tight as he and Culver. He takes a deep breath and calms himself "Anyone else have any ideas as to details?"

Eth made a bargain too. This.. this should break it? Unless... it's a different fae?

"We may have more than one of the Eldest interested in our small town." A theory "Gozreh help us if they've decided to use us as a gameboard against each other."

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

@ Ethufel’s House:
Is the entire dome withering or just the top bit?

Moon pulls up short. She doesn’t have time to ask ‘what are we looking at?’ before Grob has partially answered the question. She approaches the dome of vines, watching it to see if it reacts to her, and slowly pulls her sword. If nothing happens, she tries to run her blade across a vine to see if they can be cut. ”Our choices appear to be break through it somehow, perhaps magic. Or climb it, if possible. But first, is there anyone alive to rescue?”

She shouts through the vines, ”Ethufel! Are you there?!”

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Ethufel's House:

Grobradon says "I'm good with plants, but don't have the right prayers for this. I suppose I could try summon a beaver and hope it chews a hole in it." He looks at Olmira "Any ideas?"

Kassen Battle Maps

Betz, Grob, and Moon:

There is no answer to Moon's shout, nor does Olmira have any ideas. Whatever caused this is beyond her ken. The vines continue to wither from top to bottom. Over the course of a few minutes the dome turns to so much ash on the wind. In its place is a flat field of snow that glitters in the light of the waning moon. Of the Umbrada Homestead and the family of gnomes that lived on it, there is no sign.

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Ethufel's House:

Grobradon shakes his head, trying to process the insanity as the vines wither from top to bottom until only ash remains, and it is soon gone as well, as the wind carries it far.

"Gozreh help them. They're gone." And he steps into the snow clearing that WAS a house and garden, to see if any small thing is left. A trinket? Or a message?

perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

Betzolte's eyes snap open and she looks up at her father.

"Magic to the East. Horribly powerful slag. We need to see what happened! NOW!"

Once Braggar and Father Prasst help her to her feet, she wastes no time in leading the charge to where she detected the magic. When she finds Grobradon, Moon and many others headed in the same direction with the same urgency, she barks out "You sensed it too?" not bothering to slow down for an actual answer since she assumed it'd be yes.

When they arrive at the dome of vines, her jaw drops and her mind races with questions. What had been here? Why was THIS here now? Who could have conjured this? Was something going to come out of it? Did they need to be ready to fight? Then Grobradon speaks up and she immediately turns to him.

"Fey? Eldest? What are you talking about?"

Then Moon calls for Ethufel and she realizes the horrible implications. Only made more horrible when the vines wither and reveal nothing of the homestead that had once been there.

She turns back to Grobradon, her face trying to settle on an expression between shocked and stern.

"What! Happened?!"

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)
Betzolte Ironhame wrote:

Betzolte's eyes snap open and she looks up at her father.

"Magic to the East. Horribly powerful slag. We need to see what happened! NOW!"

Once Braggar and Father Prasst help her to her feet, she wastes no time in leading the charge to where she detected the magic. When she finds Grobradon, Moon and many others headed in the same direction with the same urgency, she barks out "You sensed it too?" not bothering to slow down for an actual answer since she assumed it'd be yes.

When they arrive at the dome of vines, her jaw drops and her mind races with questions. What had been here? Why was THIS here now? Who could have conjured this? Was something going to come out of it? Did they need to be ready to fight? Then Grobradon speaks up and she immediately turns to him.

"Fey? Eldest? What are you talking about?"

Then Moon calls for Ethufel and she realizes the horrible implications. Only made more horrible when the vines wither and reveal nothing of the homestead that had once been there.

She turns back to Grobradon, her face trying to settle on an expression between shocked and stern.

"What! Happened?!"

Grobradon turns from the clearing, "Fae lords, powerful ones... sometimes called the Eldest I think. I'm not sure. Most ordinary fae couldn't do this. And yeah, I sensed it. I'm a druid. For me, this was... very old power that was.. off. How did YOU sense it? Wizard stuff or Dwarf stuff or just Betzolte stuff?"

Then he realizes he didn't answer the question really, "Everything was covered in a dome of vines, writhing. But then, top down, those vines turned to ash... and when the last of the ash blew away, this..." He gestures to the snow covered clearing "Was all that remained."

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

"I saw that part!" Betzolte retorts, exasperation creeping into her voice. "It was a powerful enough release of magic I could sense it from the middle of town. Knocked me flat on my arse too! But more importantly what in Hell would powerful fey lords want with Ethufel and his family's little homestead?!"

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Moon stares at the spot where the house and family used to be for a minute before turning to Braggar. "We're going to need cold iron - nails to start, then possibly weapons."

She looks at Grob, "Whoever you know among the fae or Eldest or whatever they want to call themselves, we need a meeting with them."

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

"Grobradon knows fairy royalty?! DID I MISS SOMETHING?!" Betzolte cries, gesticulating above and around her head.

Player's Note: Not actually upset about anything, Betzolte's just freakin' out right now and her barbarian level is showing. :P

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

"I don't know how to get a meeting with them, or if the one I met was truly nobility. And a lot of this was supposed to be a secret." He was before exhausted, and surly, now he's tired, surly and stunned. There were ways to contact if case he was displeased, wasn't there? With mom's deal? But he doesn't want to undo the deal by mistake. And.. he's not sure it's the same fae. Makes no sense for it to be. "And don't yell, Betzolte. I haven't slept in... I don't even know how long and my brain is not up to yelling."

And understood about Betzolte :)

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Moon deliberately keeps her voice quiet and even. It had been a long day for everyone. "I'm hoping between you and Olmira, you can figure a way to reach out to someone. If it takes me roaming the forest and saying, 'Hey need a Seelie Fae here!' I'll do it. Sleep on it. It's tomorrow's problem."

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

He actually looks wearily amused at Moon's Seelie call idea "It'll come to me. Let's just say it's a hairy situation" A reminder to Moon of what was given, "Sleep is probably good. We'll want Erigga and Maidie in on it anyway."

Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: mage armor (4 hrs)

Maidie's nightmare:

Dazed, Maidie sneaks after the dangerous fey, attempting to recall everything she knows about it.

I'd like to know it's spell-like abilities, special attacks, any defenses besides the usual fey traits and worst save.

As she fumbles at her spell component pouch, a chill runs down her spine when she realizes that she can't recall a single of her spells, not even her most familiar cantrips.

Even worse, she senses that Tanglefoot is not nestled in her pouch.

Kassen Battle Maps


Death's-head Sprite Spell-like Abilities
- Detect Good (Constant)
- Detect Evil (Constant)
- Deathwatch (Constant)
- Chill Touch (3/day)
- Death's-head's Grin (1/day)
--- Death's-head's Grin functions like Color Spray except instead of rendering a target unconscious, blinded, and stunned, it makes them panicked, frightened, and shaken.
Death's-head Sprite Special Attacks
- Beyond it's SLAs, a death's head sprite has no special attacks.
Death's-head Sprite Defenses
- DR 2/Cold Iron
- +2 Bonus on saves versus spells from the Necromancy School
Death's-head Sprite Worst Save
- Fortitude +0

Despite the speed of the sprite's flight and your own desire for stealth, you are able to keep pace with the diminutive fey. Deeper and deeper into the snow-covered forest you follow until you find an old, gnarled elm ringed by blackened hemlocks. The stench of rot and death hangs heavy in the air, and the cold reaches out and grabs your limbs and caresses your face as it traces your spine.

Beneath the twisted boughs of the ancient tree is an ancient crone with thin, stringy, white hair and a face so gaunt and pale it appears as a skull and glows in a mockery of moonlight. Her hunched form clad in layers of ragged cloth and matted pelts. Her leering grin at the sprite you've been following shows broken and snarled teeth that, though white as sun-bleached bone, smell of decay and rancid carrion. Her black tongue licks her lips as she sees the sprite's gleeful smile.

"The tricksy gnome is gone, then," she asks.

"Oh, yes! Oh, yes! The gnomes are gone Ganny! They are gone," the sprite answers as it zips around the crone's head.

The crone cackles at the news, her wicked laughter ringing out and echoing in the forest as the trees groan and creak, joining in the macabre hilarity. Her eyes gleam with madness as she slowly calms down and motions for the sprite to come closer.

Okay, so this is where the risk of being cursed starts if you're found out. You can move closer to the crone and the sprite to overhear their conversation, but you'll need to make a DC 24 Stealth Check and a DC 15 Perception check to get close enough and to make out what they are saying. You have a +10 bonus to your Stealth for because of dreamscape shenanigans.

The Umbrada Homestead


You find nothing left of what was here, nor any messages, but you do find that the veil between worlds has thinned here. With enough time and the right rituals, you could possibly go to the other side and maybe rescue Ethulfel and his family, but that would take time. Time that gives the forces arraying themselves against Kassen to prepare and launch their attack. More than likely, saving the Umbradas, if they can be saved at all, will have to wait.

Olmira sighs, for once looking as if she is feeling her age.

"Sleep, then we we can talk about this," she agrees.

"Aye, and I'll see what I have for making those nails and weapons, lass," Braggar tells Moon. It's clear that what has happened here has shaken him, and looking at Father Prasst, Arnama, and Dale, them as well.

"Old Deadeye watch over us and keep us vigilant," Father Prasst mutters prayerfully as what's happened sinks in. "I think we're going to need all of the help we can get."

Feel free to look around some more. I'll move on to the next day after I wrap up Maidie's dream-vision.

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Umbrada Homestead

Moon nods to the dwarf smith, ”I’ll need at least a nail or two tomorrow, early as you can supply them… You’re a good man, Braggar.”

The ranger immediately leaves to sort a couple matters before washing up and going to bed.

I’m happy doing a lot of this narratively but it is up to you. Moon’s plan for the evening is to go retrieve Meep and Awyn and explain to them and Teowyn what happened. Then she has to try to get Teowyn to remain silent about the Awyn situation. Moon will tell her mother about that the next day. After all that is sorted, Moon’s got to wake up the mayor and alert him to what happened to the Umbradas… because no doubt a lot of citizens are going to be coming in a panic to see him tomorrow. Moon’s pitch will be that between Olmira and Grob, the team plan is to get ahold of some senior fae and discuss matters and the fallout of those acts.

The next day, Moon has to chat with her mom about:
1. What happened last night (maybe she has some useful advice about dealing with the fae).
2. The Awyn situation.
3. Temue and what happened there.
4. Since it will likely crop up as a result of #3 – the importance of Grob and Meep to Moon.
5. Her mom's plans because a fight is coming and Moon isn't leaving.

If Grob and Olmira figure out an approach to the fae – we negotiate and I really want to have a sample of cold iron to make a point, not a threat. If the local fae are seelie and the perpetrators are unseelie, then I hope to bring them in on our side of this fight… at least as a force to stop or spy on the unseelie.

Finally, Moon needs a little alone time after all that because, selfishly, I’ve been waiting to intro my animal companion! I’ve just been sitting on the post.

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)


Grobradon is tempted, powerfully to rescue the gnome and his family, but IS it a rescue? The deal for Eth's mother was to escape the bleaching, maybe going back to the first world was how they're doing it? It's a hard call, and with orcs nearby, no, now is not the time to cut blind into the veil.

He looks exhausted, and grunts his good nights. He's going to pray to his god, then to bed.

Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: mage armor (4 hrs)

Maidie's dreamscape:

Acutely aware that she is defenseless and alone, Maidie summons up all her courage and cunning. Moving ever so carefully, she inches closer to overhear the conversation

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 10 + 2 = 25

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

Almost immediately as Grobradon chastises her, Betzolte's exhaustion catches up with her and her arms fall to her sides, shoulders slumped.

"Aye...aye...sorry Grobradon. It's...this is just...a lot to take in."

She gestures back vaguely at the eerily empty clearing.

"Either way, first thing in the morning I'm getting Maidie and pounding on Holgast's door. We just got some research to do."

Just a quick lore pointer, but Pathfinder as a setting doesn't actually do the Seelie/Unseelie distinction with its fey. If your average fey IS in a court it's just that of a particular Eldest they respect or are scared of (or both), so there's more than a simple binary.

Kassen Battle Maps


You move silently and carefully past the hemlocks and through the elm's limbs to get closer. For one heart-stopping moment, you think you've been found out when the old crone looks about and stares in your direction for a few moments before turning her attention back to the sprite.

"So tell me, my dear Thistlewing, how did you manage it," she asks in a low, conspiratorial tone.

"I gave the children the seeds and told them that if they plant them around the place something wonderful would happen," the sprite, Thistlewing, titters. "They never even questioned it! It was so sweet to see such innocence. I do hope that we will get to enjoy more of it."

"In time, my pet. All in good time. You've done well in getting rid of that thorn in my side, and Chief Lugruk will be happy to know that one of those that's vexed him is now gone," the crone tells the sprite.

"How much longer must we indulge that one? For one so small, his head is entirely too big." Thistlewing's pouts as he looks off to the west.

"Patience, Thistlewing. We only need him a little longer. He will have Kassen and I will have my daughter. Still, it should be most entertaining to see how this plays out." The crone gently strokes the sprite's hair, smoothing an unruly cowlick that comes back as soon as he turns his head to look at the crone.

"Oh, very well," the sprite says as he gives in. "Still, Ganny Black Tongue, I don't understand why they have to meet so close to our home. Don't they have other places they can meet?"

"None that are known to Pappy Ruhk and the rest of the Gruls," the crone answers. "They'll meet a week before the next full moon. That's plenty of time to move our home away from their stench. In the meantime, I think it will be fun to see how they deal with some of those troublesome townsfolk."

The pair of them laugh as they start to walk away from the elm and into the woods, heading west.

Do you push your luck again? Same DC as before to sneak along behind them.

Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: mage armor (4 hrs)


Relived that she has avoided detection and managed to pick up some valuable information, Maidie lets the pair retreat into the woods. Once they are gone, she turns back and attempts to find her own way back to the waking world.

Kassen Battle Maps


As you turn to head back home, you realize that your limbs have gone numb from the cold and stumble into the snow piled under the elm. As your consciousness fades, you hear someone calling your name.


You wake up violently shivering as the faces of your mother, your father, Elly, and Garth hover over you. You feel your father's arms tighten around you as he realizes you're awake. The smell of a burning fire and hot tea being brewed fill the air as the crackle of the flames pops merrily in the hearth.

"Maidie? It's alright girl. It's alright. I have you," he says, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. He was the one calling your name.

Before you can say anything, feeling begins to return to your arms and legs. Everything burns as ice-cold pins and needles stab into your skin and sink deep into your muscles. While it's similar to how your foot or hand feels when you regain feeling after it goes to sleep on you, this feels so much worse.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female N halfling fighter 4 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM +1 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none. | Hero Points: 3

Erigga gets out of the bed thinking it was still in the middle of the night. It takes some courage to get away from the warm furs and blankets, but she had just dreamed she was peeing on her Ma's flowers so it was either getting up and wetting the bed. It was that cold that she still wondered what she preferred.

Deal done and night-pot pushed beneath her bed, she saw the sky was getting lighter from the cracks of her window. Screw you, Sarenrae. Argh. Freezing clothes, boots. Armor, shield, kukri. No matter what Maidie or the Voice in the Woods said, they were at war and if there was one halfling in Kassen that would not be taken by surprise it was her.

People were still sleeping on the other rooms, so it was only polite to walk as silently as possible. She didn't bother. They were at war and there was too much to be done.

For the gods, it was cold. She starts a jog, just so she can warm up a tiny bit, which leads her to the walls. She was in the middle of her stretching when she sees the mean girls arriving to do their forced work. Sucks to be them. She resumes her jog.

Erigga stops again to watch the girls, the sun now fully out and folks finally waking up. They did not appear happy, but one thing she knew was that most of the important lessons one learns do suck. She walks towards them. Time for another lesson. "Morning girls." She says as she rests her shield nearby before removing her sword belt and her armor. With no additional words for now, she joins them, doing the exact same job they were being forced to.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

One would think Grobradon would have nightmares. Perhaps one where his mother's eyes fell out of her new head, or Eth pointed an accusing finger at him asking how he could talk him into this? Laughing fae lords and Orcish Warlords? Either might make an appearance.

But the truth is, Grobradon had a dreamless sleep, or at least nothing he recalled after. He slept hard, and woke up feeling recharged. He also felt a bit like an ass. While sleep deprivation EXPLAINED a lot, it did not EXCUSE everything. He'd been snappish with far too many people, and now that he found himself CARING about people; that bothered him.

It wasn't just a lack of sleep, of course, that contributed. The fae lords involving themselves in the vanishing of a fellow who was becoming a friend and his family was enough to set anyone on edge. Add to that his mother's Unique situation with a dozen elves in town that weren't expected, and her own ties to fae now, well, that would definitely push it. And then there was his mother's rapist, alive, well, and building forces to attack. Should he tell his mother? Or NOT? It eats at him still, and certainly all this added to a tension that thundered inside of him.

But he had been rude to Olmira. Who had been one of the few that looked past his orcish heritage, enough to teach him almost all he knew. He had been snappish with Betzolte. For what? Being curious about a huge magical working? The woman was a wizardess for Nethys sake. Of course she was curious. Grobradon remembered Moon's support with gratitude but he wasn't sure he expressed that gratitude properly.

Culver's mom did need to get her story straight, but maybe he could have found a nicer way. And for that matter, Erigga might not have appreciated the raised voices either.

He rose in his miserable shack, cleaned, dressed, and got some grub.

Then went looking for Olmira. He had wanted to keep some secrets, but she was about to have questions, and at the least she might deserve an apology.

Kassen Battle Maps


As you jump in to help, the six of them look at you in shock and disbelief. While Gloriana Mora and a couple of the snottier ones glare at you, one or two of the others seem to be grateful for the help. The guards keeping an eye on the six nod in respect to you as you pitch in with preparing the town's defenses.

Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: mage armor (4 hrs)

At the Henrod household

"Just a nightmare..." Maidie says groggily and without conviction to her concerned family. Still feeling weary, she forces herself to rise, wash and eat before spending a few hours pouring over her books.

This should account for adding her new spells and the knowledge checks earlier

Then she gathers her gear and heads off to find her friends, starting towards Betzolte's house.

This should put us on the same timeline. Maidie's first priority will be to gather the troops to discuss the night's events, followed by research.

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

Betzolte goes home with her father, and gives her mother Morg a hug just as firm and strong as she gave Braggar earlier that evening.

Then she slumps into her bed, not even bothering to remove her mail shirt as she falls asleep all too quickly. The dreams that come are, fortunately, not nightmares of Zorlak's dead body or the carnage at the enemy camp, but relatively tame, if strange dreams about things like a salmon jumping into a bear's ear or Maidie's familiar Tanglefoot being the size of a man and dressed in fashion befitting a prince of Highhelm, and she soon wakes to the smell of cooking breakfast.

She joins her parents for a morning meal, just in time for Maidie to come a-calling and Betzolte to explain what she saw last night with the rest of the group.

"We've got to research what we're up against in order to know how to get Ethufel and his family back," Betzolte says matter-of-factly. "And you and I both know Holgast's tower is the closest thing Kassen has to a library. Just need to figure how much research to balance against preparing more alchemicals for the town."

Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: mage armor (4 hrs)

With Betzolte

Maidie's brow furrows with concern when she learns that her nightmare has connections to reality.

"We need to find the others and agree on a plan. Preparing alchemy for the defenses can wait, we need more accurate information about what we're up against. From what little I have learned, hags are powerful and cunning opponents and the death's head sprite alone is enough to cause us trouble. But if we can identify Ganny Black Tongue's child, we have a significant advantage."

Kassen Battle Maps

Grobradon's Meeting with Olmira:

As you walk out of the shack you and your mother have lived in for all of your life, you see a raven waiting for you.

"Follow me," it says, "Mistress wants to talk."

"Makes sense, lead on" he says
And he follows the bird, figuring someone wants answers now.

The raven leads you out to the grove that Olmira calls home. The druid looks tired, but a bit of her incorrigibility shines through in her choice of dress, or rather the lack of anything under the thick, bearskin cloak she's wrapped herself in. Her smile, calling it a smirk would be entirely too accurate to say aloud, holds some of the mischief she often shows, though you have known her long enough that you can see the strain in her eyes.

"Ah! Grob, I was hoping you'd be up soon," she says when you walk into the shelter provided by the woven branches of a large, twisty, and many-limbed oak. "Hungry, or would you just like something to wake you up," she asks.

Whatever your choice, she waits for you to get settled before her smile fades and her tone becomes more serious.

"Grobradon, I have a lot of questions about what is going on with you, yoru mother, the fey, and Halk. Honestly I don't know where to begin, so maybe I should start with what I hope will be the simplest. How did you learn the name Halk?"

Grobradon looks refreshed, compared to the utterly exhausted state he was in when last they met, "First, let me apologize to you. No sleep and twenty things going wrong at once makes Grob a cranky boy" Wryly. He gets some coffee, and a sausage.

"Still, I could have tried to be gentler in my snarls. You're my mentor, and that was rude of me."[b]

He takes a sip [b]"And to answer your question? My Mother's rapist is still alive, out there, and as far as I know mom doesn't know. Apparently he and I look enough alike that a hobgoblin knew I was his son."

Olmira waves off the apology.
"I don't think any of us were at our best last night, Cranky boy," she says with a teasing grin that fades as you answer her question.

"As much as I hate learning he's still alive, I bet it was like a kick in the berries for you," she observes. "Halk was active around here for about ten years or so, then disappeared shortly after you were born. I'd hoped that meant he was dead, but it seems that he's far craftier than I would have thought him to be. He's dangerous, Grobradon. I've never tangled with him, but I know those who have. Many of them never healed fully from the fight. He'll use anything he can to his advantage, even sowing false rumors about himself. Honor isn't so much a word to him as mostly useless noise, at least that's what a friend of mine said once."

She sighs and wearily massages her temples.

"I'm sorry, Grob. I didn't mean to start lecturing you. I guess that's a sign of how worried I am about both you and your mother," she admits before taking a sip of her own drink.

"But speaking of your mother. Would Awyn's sudden arrival and Coldanna's suddenly locking herserlf away in her y'all's home be related to why the elf looks so much like your mother?"

Grobradon takes it slow, no avoiding what she's already figured out, but he enjoys the sausage a bit, then says, "I don't intend to fight Halk on his own terms. And I don't even have to be the one that kills him, but I do want him dead. VERY dead. As in burned to ash so little chance of undead comebacks."

Then he says "And yeah, you guessed right I think. Mom's an elf now."

"I see," Olmira replies before taking another sip of her drink. "Care to explain how that came about? I have my suspicions, but I would rather hear it from you than guess."

"I'd almost rather you guess," He admits, "What I am about to tell you, I am sure will eventually get out, but I'd like you to not share it until I say it is okay. I won't make you swear or anything. But it is a request" The younger druid takes another sip, then says "Eth and, we both made deals to help our mothers. A deal with the Rabbit Prince. Which is what i call him. Who or which fae lord he actually is I'm not sure. And yes, that could be foolish, but the oath was strict and binding."

Olmira nods when you make it clear that you would like this to remain a secret for a while longer. She purses her lips as she listens, one finger tapping the table as she thinks.

"And you think that this Rabbit Prince may have something to do with the Umbradas' disappearance?"

"Two theories. Either somehow, the only way to keep his word and undo Eth's mother's bleaching was to take her to the first world, which he has now done, or this is not the Rabbit Prince. That we are in some sort of war, or game, between two fae powers. The Rabbit Prince on one side , and Whoever took the Umbradas on the other. You taught me what little I know of Fae... if I tell you more on the oath and what was required, think you can figure out more on who is who?" He inquires.

"I think knowing what the deal was would at least help when it comes to figuring this out," Olmira says with a wry grin.

Grobradon resolves himself, and tells his mentor everything. Of the Rabbit that lead he and Eth away, of his shock that Eth's mother also had been robbed of something, and how the Rabbit Prince wanted three hairs from very specific individuals and who they are. He is not sure he should have mentioned that part, but this IS Olmira. He tells her of the wording of the oath. He goes onto explain how he told his mother how he wanted to give her sight back, and ... "While I didn't tell mother all the details, I did want her to get some of her lost life back, the years taken by raising me and the poverty that inflicted on her. Trust me, when she turned into an elf I was surprised too. But we figured 'hey, not many elves in the area, why don't we just say she's Moon's cousin. Who's gonna say otherwise? Moon agrees. We didn't know her family was going to come here in these numbers... or that I'd have to leave mom on this mission. I THINK Mom is happy now, but frustrated with being cooped up. Who can blame her?" A frown, "And I still don't know how to tell her about Halk." A huff "So, any lore you wish to lay on me would be welcome, even if you feel I should have sought it out earlier."

Olmira ponders things for a moment longer before replying.

"If it helps, I don't think your Rabbit Prince is behind what happened last night. No, if I had to guess, he needed the hairs for something, but not something that would harm the people they came from. And if the only way to cure Ethulfel's mother was to take her to the First World, why the potion? Why do something so dramatic?" She sighs as she leans over the table and holds her chine up with her hand. "Not only that, but why those three? If it was Meep, Moon, and Arnama or myself, that might make some sense. All of us are connected to nature somehow. But the only thing those three have in common is being a young woman. Unless..."

Olmira quirks an eyebrow at you.

"Do you know if they're virgins," she asks.

"How the hell would I know that?" Grobradon asks incredulously, "Hey girls, you ever do the nasty naughty with anybody? Ever contribute to the population of two backed beasts? Ever bump uglies? Ride the scaleless dragon? Butter your bread? Experience Amorous Congress? You do know Moon could kill me right ? I mean, she'd have a hunt on her hands, but it would be a matter of when not if."

"I see you're point, but that was the only thing I can think of," Olmira says, barely able to hold back her laughter at your response.

He ponders "I don't know if I want to know, not because I hope to be Moon's first. I'd rather be her best , if you want to hear pride talking. But our resident witch, she drinks for a reason and I don't know if that involved heart break or worse. And as for Meep. Goblin tribes sound like bastards. If you want to ask them, then maybe they'd answer another woman." He ponders "Okay, so this might be a virgin thing. Do you think the Rabbit Prince plans to hurt any of the three or control them?"

"It doesn't sound like it, at least harm them. Control, that's possible, but again, that doesn't seem to fit with how he's been acting. It's the only thing I can think of, so maybe it is worth asking them," she muses. "Before we go, though, do you know what you plan to do next?"

"Not a clue. Do I tell mom her rapist is active and closing? Or hope we kill him first so she never has to worry? Moon wants to talk to the Rabbit Prince, do I try to call him again? Offer him some coffee? Olmira.. .it's all coming all at once and so fast I can barely think."

"The past month or so has been a little busy. If you want to talk to this Rabbit Prince, you'll only be able to if he wishes to speak with you as well. Offerings can help, but ultimately it's up to the fey if they want to speak with us. Trying to force a meeting never ends well. As for telling Coldanna about Halk... I don't know Grob. Part of me says she deserves to be warned, but another part of me... Grob, it's a miracle she lived long enough for me to find her. I wouldn't be surprised if she has some deep, painful scars from that. I can only tell you what I think I would want, and I would rather know and be ready to kill the bastard than to be caught unawares."

A nod at that "I need to kill him, or have someone else kill him for me, before he closes with the town." Said as a fact "I'll let Moon know that my asking for a meeting may not work see what she says. And I might tell mom. But honestly if I could move her to a big city with an army right now? I would."

"I think we all would," Olmira agress grimly.

"If you learn anything else about this Rabbit Prince, let me know, okay?"

"Of course, Grob. I'll see what I can learn."

"Be careful" He rises "Thanks for the coffee." And he'll leave her be. He's got a lot to tend to. And feels oddly more.. connected to nature than before. mm probably nothing.


Your parents and your siblings don't look like they believe you, but say nothing. As you prepare for the day, your mother fixes your favorite breakfast and your favorite tea. Elly sits next to you as you study, saying nothing as she works on knitting a scarf.

The companionable silence that settles over the house as some return to normalcy occurs is broken by Betzolte's knocking.

Gathering of Kassen's Heroes
Betzolte and Maidie gather up the rest of the heroes and find someplace quiet and out of the way to talk. They find Grobradon as he is coming back into the walled section of town with Olmira. Moon is at Mayor Uptal's home, where Meep had come after getting ready to wait for Moon. Erigga proves harder to find, as she is busy helping Gloriana Mora's gang of mean girls build up Kassen's defenses.

"Are we heading back out," Meep asks once they are somewhere they can talk in private.

Eye of the Crow:

The sun was rising in the east, but it had not climbed high enough to pierce the gloom under the boughs of the Fangwood. Ganny Black Tongue hurried along, back to her home. Sunlight could not harm her, but she still did not find the rays pleasant. Still, it was a productive night with one annoyance out of her way. With the troublesome gnome gone, her daughter would fall into her grasp like a ripe apple. Everything seemed to be going as she needed them to. It was almost enough to make her giddy.

"My, could you have been more of a show-off, dear Grandmother," a voice called out from behind her as she passed a tree. The old crone stopped and turned to see a tall, clocked figure leaning against the trunk.

"If it isn't the Rabbit Prince," she sneered, delighting in the flash of anger in the figure's eyes as they burn red for just a moment.

"I do detest that name," he says in a pleasant voice that fooled neither of them.

"Bah! Far too late to change it now, Your Highness," the crone snorts. "You do remember our deal, don't you?"

"Of course," the fey prince answered as he pulled out three locks of hair tied with different colors of thread. "I have procured the three locks of hair from the three lovely, young women, just as you asked."

Ganny Black Tongue held out her hand, expectantly. Moments crawled past as the crone's irritation grew. After a minute, she snarled and drew something from a hidden satchel and threw it at the fey prince, who caught it with ease. He studied the object, a locket set with seven gems of brilliant emerald.

"There! The wench's heart as agreed! Now hand over what is mine," she snapped.

The fey prince hid the locket away under the folds of his cloak, but made no move to hand over the locks of hair.

"The deal was that I would procure the locks of hair from the three maidens and you would hand over Iridellia's heart. I never said that I would hand them to you," he told her. "Besides. I made a promise."

He started to hide the locks away as well when the crone screamed and cursed.

"THISTLEWING" She roared. The sprite, who had flown up among the branches of the trees, swooped down and made a grab for the locks of hair. Despite his speed, he missed with his first two attempts, only managing to snatch one of the locks from the prince's hand before he pulled them out of the sprite's reach. Thistlewing made another lunge for the other two, only to draw up short when from the prince's shadow a fey woman with the ears of a rabbit leapt and aimed to skewer the tiny trickster on her blade.

Thistlewing pulled up and flew back to his mistress as she cast a spell. The fey lady went to chase the sprite down, but the prince was quicker than either the crone or his servant. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into the shadows with him as thorn covered vines tried to grab them both.

It took nearly an hour for Ganny Black Tongue to calm down and stop cursing and stamping her feet on the icy ground. All around her the Fangwood's trees had withered and blackened from the vitriol she spewed. As she leaned on her staff, Thistlewing brought her the lock he had snatched. She sneered at it, realizing that it wasn't the lock she truly wanted, but then, her face smoothed as she begin to ponder the possibilities of what she did have.

"Soft-hearted fools," she spat. "This may be easier than I thought."

She took the lock and cackled into the morning gloom under the boughs of the Fangwood. Perhaps things would work out even better this way. After all, what was sweeter than good friends betraying one another?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Moon’s morning evaporates between talking to her mother, collecting cold ironware from Braggar, finding out more about the Fae ‘prince’, conveying that information to her mother and the other elves in the hope of gleaning something useful from their wisdom.

When she finally has a moment free, she is confronted with Meep waiting to take her to the meeting to discuss the guerilla war they are about to launch.

Meep wrote:
"Are we heading back out," Meep asks once they are somewhere they can talk in private.

”I think so. But if you want to stay in town, no one would blame you. Fighting people you know is hard, and Lugruk is scary.”


Later in the day…

Needing a couple hours away from the tumult in town, Moon passes through the gates to do a bit of hunting. On the outskirts of the village, she bags several rabbits and a sleepy marmot in short order. On her way back to town she decides to visit her property. She tromps through the snow, enjoying the exercise.

At the build site, she examines and pushes on the walls then tests the gate to make sure both are sturdy and not about to fall down. On the grounds of the property, she pulls the snow-covered waxed tarp off her supply of building materials and checks to ensure they are resting on piled rocks so moisture and rot can’t get into them. She throws the tarp back over the pile and frowns slightly. If the horde comes to Kassen this – all my efforts – may burn. Karma.

Satisfied the structure and materials are in good shape for the moment, she roams the property, envisioning what might be: the views from different rooms, possible spots for a garden, what it might look like in spring and summer... though winter is far easier to imagine right now. Lost in thought, Moon only realizes she isn’t alone when she hears a throaty warning growl from above. The ranger freezes then very slowly turns and glances up.

Watching her intently from a tree’s crotch 20’ up is a predatory cat – muzzle stained crimson, a kill under its blood-streaked claws. It lets out another feral growl. It takes Moon a minute to identify the cat. A Fangwood Leopard - a reclusive and rarely seen beast called the Ghost of the Woods. This one was a little smaller than normal… but no less deadly, it seemed. Moon avoids a potentially provocative staring contest and backs away from the creature. When its claw retract from the kill and it lets out a toothy yawn – relieving stress – she believes the leopard understands that she won’t steal its kill. A quick look around leads Moon to the patch of bloody snow where the kill happened. The ranger is curious about what the creature found to eat inside the walled compound. The small two-legged tracks and the rusty half-sized sword tell the tale – a goblin.

She moves back toward the cat and crouches down in the snow, striking up a conversation. ”Looks like we’re sharing this spot, eh? I don’t mind. Nice work on that goblin… but I don’t imagine he tastes good. Would you like something a bit more savory?”

She pulls a rabbit from her bag and waves it around a bit, letting the smell catch the wind before tossing the body toward the base of the leopard’s tree. She waits and watches. The leopard shows no sign of interest. ”What? Not good enough?”

She pulls out the marmot’s body, thumps it a few times against a rock, then tosses it toward the tree as well. The cat watches it and sniffs curiously. ”Ah… more to your liking. OK, final offer.” Moon pulls the fattest rabbit from her bag, takes a couple practice swings, then hurls it up toward the cat. The leopard snaps the rabbit out of the air with a clawed paw then puts a bone-breaking bite on the corpse and eyes the ranger. It emits a semi-contented, rolling growl.

Moon brushes the snow off a fallen log a little further away from the leopard’s tree and sits down, waiting for the cat to make up its mind and, hopefully, come down to eat. ”We’re going to be friends, you’ll see… Until then, guess I’ll just freeze my ass on this log.”

GM Screen:
Gobbo = AC 16/13/14 ; HP: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 ; Stealth +10, PER +2 ; Short sword +2 (1d4/19+)

Histya Stealth: 1d20 + 13 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 13 + 4 = 33 (+4 in undergrowth, +2 in forests)
Histya Perception vs DC22: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 (+2 in forests) success

G Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
G Perception vs DC33: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 sucks to be you

Histya sees the goblin but it doesn't see her despite it being extremely alert.

FULL: Bite (crit: 20/2x | B/P/S) + Claws (crit: 20/2x | B/S) + Rake (crit: 20/2x | B/S)
Mods: Charge, Pounce, Rake, PA
BITE: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 2 - 1 = 21 | DAM: 1d4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 2 = 4 hit
Claw #1: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 2 - 1 = 14 | DAM: 1d2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 2 = 4 hit
Claw #2: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 - 1 = 22 | DAM: 1d2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 2 = 5 bleeding out -4
Rake #1: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 2 - 1 = 10 | DAM: 1d2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 2 = 5 miss
Rake #2: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 2 - 1 = 16 | DAM: 1d2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 2 = 4 DEAD soon (-8 HP)

Moon Perception: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 12 + 2 = 27 (+2 vs Undead; +2 in forests) Moon doesn't see H
Knowledge: Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Diplomacy (Wild Empathy): 1d20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 4 = 17 (+4 Link Bonus)

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Gathering of Kassen's Heroes

Grobradon is better, still not happy about having only two hands and so many situations to juggle, "If not today, tomorrow. I need to talk to someone before we head out though. We need to talk the fight to the enemy. Every one of them we kill on their ground is one that won't be endangering Kassen. I want Halk very dead. But a bunch of lycanthropic goblins is definitely bad."

"There's also something I am thinking of sharing with you all regarding WHO I need to talk to and why.. maybe overdue. But before that," He looks to Betzolte, "I was going on no sleep and a LOT of things all going wrong at the same time last night. I was overwhelmed, but I shouldn't have snapped at you. Can't promise it won't happen again. I'm not used to being part of a pack, but I'll try to do better."

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Gathering of Kassen’s Hero

Moon looks to Grob, waiting for him to disclose the ‘who’ and ‘why’.

HP: 37/37, NL: 0 | AC: 20/15/16, CMD: 15/11 | F +6, R +8, W +3 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Arrows: 20

Gathering of Kassen's Heroes
Meep shakes her head when Moon tells her she could stay behind.

"I want to help. I'm better at helping with a bow," she says. "I may know some of them, but they are not friends. They never saw me as a member of the tribe. You like me."

She looks around and smiles bashfully.

"I like you, too. You're my friends. Friends help one another."

When Grobradon brings up Halk, she hugs his leg, as that's all she can reach, and tries to comfort the druid.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kassen Battle Maps

Eye of the Crow: Bik and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day:

The grubby goblin known as Bik wondered why he was always the one that got sent out on these missions as he crept into the strange, cleared area just outside of the town's walls. His twin brother, Dik, never got sent out like this. Then again, Dik was also a kiss-ass suck-up to both that idiot Zuka and that maniac Krosk. Bik sighed, silently, and kept looking about. No other goblin had gotten this close to the town, well, except for the Bugwump traitor if what they'd heard was true, which it probably wasn't. How could anyone trust one of those longshanks. Too tall to be trustworthy, and too dumb to not build their homes out of stuff that doesn't catch fire.

Bik crept around, looking at the neatly organized supplies in the fenced in area. He wondered why the longshanks were doing something out here and not closer to the walls, or within them. Just more longshank stupidity he supposed before going back to grousing, silently, about his tribe's leadership. The mental complaining did a lot to help him focus, funnily enough. His keen senses strained as he crept about gathering the intelligence, whatever that was, that stupid, upstart Bugwump, Chief Lugruk, wanted.

Unfortunately for poor Bik, Fangwood leopards are very good at hiding and setting up ambushes. He didn't even have time to scream before the big cat tore out his throat. As he bleed out, he cursed Dik, Zuka, Korsk, and ever other goblin he could name as his consciousness slipped into the black embrace of death.

While not powerful, goblin death curses can be more than a nuisance. Bik's twin brother, Dik, would suffer from uncontrollable bladder syndrome for the rest of his short life. Zuka, unable to stand the stench of a goblin who constantly wet himself, set the hapless suck-up out to find out what became of his brother, only to suffer a similar fate. That, however, is a tale for another time.

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]
Maidie Henrod wrote:

With Betzolte

Maidie's brow furrows with concern when she learns that her nightmare has connections to reality.

"We need to find the others and agree on a plan. Preparing alchemy for the defenses can wait, we need more accurate information about what we're up against. From what little I have learned, hags are powerful and cunning opponents and the death's head sprite alone is enough to cause us trouble. But if we can identify Ganny Black Tongue's child, we have a significant advantage."

"And just as importantly, figure out what she wants with that child."

She joins Maidie at the gathering of the others.

Grobradon wrote:

Gathering of Kassen's Heroes

Grobradon is better, still not happy about having only two hands and so many situations to juggle, "If not today, tomorrow. I need to talk to someone before we head out though. We need to talk the fight to the enemy. Every one of them we kill on their ground is one that won't be endangering Kassen. I want Halk very dead. But a bunch of lycanthropic goblins is definitely bad."

"There's also something I am thinking of sharing with you all regarding WHO I need to talk to and why.. maybe overdue. But before that," He looks to Betzolte, "I was going on no sleep and a LOT of things all going wrong at the same time last night. I was overwhelmed, but I shouldn't have snapped at you. Can't promise it won't happen again. I'm not used to being part of a pack, but I'll try to do better."

Betzolte nods at Grobradon's apology.

"Thank you Grobradon, apology accepted. And I'm sorry for freaking out at you last night too. I was equally sleep-deprived and had a lot on my mind even before this whole thing got started."

Meep Hearthseeker wrote:

Gathering of Kassen's Heroes

Meep shakes her head when Moon tells her she could stay behind.

"I want to help. I'm better at helping with a bow," she says. "I may know some of them, but they are not friends. They never saw me as a member of the tribe. You like me."

She looks around and smiles bashfully.

"I like you, too. You're my friends. Friends help one another."

When Grobradon brings up Halk, she hugs his leg, as that's all she can reach, and tries to comfort the druid.

Betzolte smiles at Meep and nods.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Gathering of Kassen's Heroes

Grobradon nods to Betzolte, "more beauty sleep for all of us when we can get it then."

He smiles as Meep hugs him too, "You're going to ruin my tough guy reputation, Meep." But he bends down to return it.

Then, taking a sigh, he goes on and explains "Some of you may have missed this, But Eth and his family are gone, taking by some fae power. My mentor does not believe this is the same power that turned my mother into an elf... oh my mother's an elf now by the way for those of you were were wondering about Awyn. Normally I'd not consider it anyone's business but it is related. Please keep that secret in just this circle, otherwise I will learn that my trust has been given too freely and won't make that mistake again."

"The Rabbit Prince is what i call the Fae lord who helped Eth's mother with her bleaching, and my mother with her eyes. I do not know if that's what he calls himself, probably has a dozen names, but unless he appears and tells me otherwise, that's what I've got to call him. He swore a powerful oath for the deal, and I do not believe harming either woman was in his interest. That said, Eth appears to be lost into the first world with his family... and frankly? I don't think we're strong enough to rescue him. Worse, going in there could mean we return decades later meaning we wouldn't be able to save Kassen like we hope to do." THe half orc wonders if he's ever talked this much in one two minute period in his life, but he wants this out and done with "If you guys want, I can try to coax the Rabbit Prince to meeting us, but he's FAE, and that means he might just laugh and stay wherever he is, or curse us with pink hair for giggles."

A look to Moon, "Am I missing anything?"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

Betzolte's eyes bug out jaw drops.

"Waitwaitwait, back up! Some fairy turned your mom into an elf?! When did this happen?!"

Since Betzolte wasn't part of the whole Awyn-meeting group, this is the first she's hearing of this. ;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female human conjurer 4 | HP 33/33 | AC 17/17/13 (21/17/17 w/ mage armor), CMD:12 | Fort: +4, Ref:+6, Will: +8 | Perc: +7 , Init:+10 | (Shift (10 ft) 7/7) | Hero Points: 3 | Status: mage armor (4 hrs)

When Grobradon tell them about the deal with the Rabbit Prince, Maidie just stands and blinks, for once at a loss for words. Then she sighs, rubs her forehead and looks utterly weary before looking back up at the half-orc druid.

"I suppose this happened during one of our outings? Alright. New rule: Noone makes any kind of contact or deal with the fae without consulting at least one wizard. Fae are notoriously fickle and their oaths are often carefully worded with loopholes that allow for all kinds of mayhem."

Her features soften a bit as she considers how desperate Grobradon has been to find a cure for his mother's injuries.

How would she have reacted if the Rabbit prince had offered to cure Garth and his unborn child of lycanthropy? Would I have made the same deal? Best not to dwell on that too long.

"I think you had better tell us everything that happened from the beginning. Every detail, no matter how insignificant. The precise wording of the oath the Rabbit Prince swore, who else is involved and any other details that might seem irrelevant."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Moon was going to speak but stops as Betz jumps with her question. She shrugs and makes an 'after you' gesture to Grob. It was his story to tell... and Moon was slightly curious to see how long Grob could continue to talk. She had a feeling he was going to set a personal best.

HP: 37/37, NL: 0 | AC: 20/15/16, CMD: 15/11 | F +6, R +8, W +3 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Arrows: 20

Meep grins when Grobradon gives her a hug.

"Too late. Moon and I already know the truth," she whispers into his ear.

As all eyes fix on the druid, she keeps quiet. She didn't know what was going on, exactly, and now didn't seem the time to be asking questions.

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

Betzolte's eyes bug out jaw drops.

"Waitwaitwait, back up! Some fairy turned your mom into an elf?! When did this happen?!"


When Grobradon tell them about the deal with the Rabbit Prince, Maidie just stands and blinks, for once at a loss for words. Then she sighs, rubs her forehead and looks utterly weary before looking back up at the half-orc druid.

"I suppose this happened during one of our outings? Alright. New rule: Noone makes any kind of contact or deal with the fae without consulting at least one wizard. Fae are notoriously fickle and their oaths are often carefully worded with loopholes that allow for all kinds of mayhem."

Her features soften a bit as she considers how desperate Grobradon has been to find a cure for his mother's injuries.

How would she have reacted if the Rabbit prince had offered to cure Garth and his unborn child of lycanthropy? Would I have made the same deal? Best not to dwell on that too long.

"I think you had better tell us everything that happened from the beginning. Every detail, no matter how insignificant. The precise wording of the oath the Rabbit Prince swore, who else is involved and any other details that might seem irrelevant."

"Betzolte, the Rabbit Prince turned my mother into an Elf when I gave her the potion for restoring her vision. It worked, it restored her vision so I guess I can't complain, but OF the timing sucked, for soon Moon's relations came in and we had to go out to rescue the rest leaving mom kind of holed up," A look at Maidie "Actually, Maidie, Druids have a lot more dealings with Faery princes than wizards as a rule so I SHOULD Have gone to Olmira and I've already admitted that to her." Dryly.

He couldn't blame them for their surprise, this IS when they first heard of it, and while Maidie sometimes got a bit too big for her britches, that was partly because she was often right. He doesn't WANT to share every detail. For one thing, he doesn't have a wizard like near perfect memory but it also feels a bit like a violation. That said, ,certain rights to privacy pop when it comes to possibly endangering the crew, "That said, and understanding I DO NOT remember everything perfectly... It pretty much is what I already mentioned. A talking rabbit lead Eth and I to a feyglade of sorts, a glad I am not sure was there before or after our meeting. You all know what my mother had taken from her by Halk. Her eyes. Then my Uncle, who should have provided his sister a proper home when she came here instead refused to give her ANYTHING unless she abandoned me. She didn't, and he had to be pressed by the whole town to give her that runty little poorly made shack. SHe lost years of a good life on account of me, and she deserved better. SO yeah, when Eth, whose mother was suffering from the Bleaching, and I both heard we could each heard our mothers could be helped. We did. You might be tempted to do the same." He doesn't know Maidie is already considering her own temptation, "We got three hairs from three women , WITH Their permission in trade for this service. I can't speak on Eth's side, but clearly, the formula worked. I told my mother it was to restore her sight, and it did as I said.... as for the Oath we had the Rabbit Prince swear?"

He tells them that, and more details if he can.
Which Salsa has agreed to supply, thank goodness

By the time he is done he's wondering if he should have gotten another two hours of sleep in.

"Moon and Meep knew this, don't take that as an insult, there were reasons they had to be involved. Now YOU are involved. Sorry to unload all this on you, but it maybe germane to things so there you go."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female N halfling fighter 4 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 23 (14 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM +1 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none. | Hero Points: 3

"That explains quite a bit." Erigga says to Gobradon as he shares about his mother's transformation.

As Maidie asks about the Rabbit Prince, she starts to put things together. "Do you recall when we were returning from the meeting with the Voice of the Woods? We saw a black rabbit there. You said he was totally normal... Told you it was talking to Grob and Ethulful and you've said I was imagining stuff."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)
Erigga Ironheart wrote:

"That explains quite a bit." Erigga says to Gobradon as he shares about his mother's transformation.

As Maidie asks about the Rabbit Prince, she starts to put things together. "Do you recall when we were returning from the meeting with the Voice of the Woods? We saw a black rabbit there. You said he was totally normal... Told you it was talking to Grob and Ethulful and you've said I was imagining stuff."

"HEY, that was it!" A nod and grin "And thanks again for not raising a stink in the tavern, Erigga. Sorry about the drama."

Then an amused look at something. Ah HA, so a wizard WAS consulted!

Female Dwarf [Transmuter 3/Unchained Barbarian 1, AC16, T11, FF15 | HP 36/36, F+6 R+3 W+4 | CMB +4, CMD 15 | Init +3, Perc. +7 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6]

Betzolte listens dumbfounded at Grobradon's story, and then thinks a bit. Then her eyes widen as she appears to have realized something.

"Hang on...Grobradon, 'she lost years of a good life,' you said. Did you...say anything along those lines when you were talking to the fey? Because I think I may have an inkling of why they did a whole lot more than restore your mama's eyes."

Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)

"Yeah, I figured that out too. SHe's not just an elf, she's an elf starting at roughly OUR age." He admits "Honestly, Betzolte? I'm thrilled for her. I hope she enjoys a long happy healthy life. Course, with Kassen now endangered from her rapist ,who I haven't mentioned to her yet, though I need to, happy may not be her state when she gets the news." His joy dims

Half-Elf Ranger 4 :: HP:35 | AC:19 ; T:14 ; FF:15 ; CMD:22/18 | Fort:+5 ; Ref:+8 ; Will:+5 | Init:+3 (+5 in forests) ; PER:+12 (+14 in forests) (Low Light Vision)

Moon interjects, ”Even if the worst happens here, your mother may not have to face Halk again. A week before the full moon, if we haven’t ended this threat… my mother will likely take our people and escape. She has agreed to take Awyn as well – whether she wishes to leave or not. Your mother will have a new life in a’Shaeyel among my family.”

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half Orc Druid 4 (HP: 24/31; AC 19, (t11, ff17); F+5,R+2,W+7; init +1/Per +12)
Moon Akechi wrote:
Moon interjects, ”Even if the worst happens here, your mother may not have to face Halk again. A week before the full moon, if we haven’t ended this threat… my mother will likely take our people and escape. She has agreed to take Awyn as well – whether she wishes to leave or not. Your mother will have a new life in a’Shaeyel among my family.”

Grobradon moves to Moon and lays a kiss on her right then and there. Words just won't express his gratitude.

Kassen Battle Maps

The exact words of the bargain:

"Thus it was said, thus it is agreed, I bind myself to an oath to thee. For the locks of maidens three, a cure for bleaching and the mending of eyes shall granted be. No harm will I visit upon them and should your satisfaction wane, returned the locks shall be. With blood I am bound and by blood I am sworn to thee as you two are to me. By the courts of Summer and Winter I swear that I shall deliver unto you the cures you seek for the locks of maidens three under the boughs of the oak and ash and thorn tree."

The Encounter with the Wyldlord/Fey Prince:

It kicks off here. It also happens to be one of those times where things turned into spaghetti, so I've got things sorted out below.

GM wrote:

Searching the trees around the camp, you do spot a couple of animals watching you and Ethulfel. Based on the vibrancy of their eyes and coats, you believe that they have been touched by the First World, the realm of the fey. They're not creatures that are likely to work with goblins, so who sent them?
Grobradon wrote:

He nudges the gnome, pointing out the hare whose dark coat seems to collect light like a raven's feather, "Fairie touched, or so I Suspect. I wonder who they're working for? You want to talk to one of them, or shall I?"

He coaxes the rabbit, not superclose, but to get its attention and show he means no harm.

Wild Empathy attempt: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Ethulfel wrote:

"안녕하세요 친구," Ethulfel says cheerily, tilting his hide to one side as he looks at the rabbits. "오늘 밤 여기는 춥습니다. 우리와 함께 불 옆에 갈래요?"



"Hello, friends."
"It's cold out here tonight, would you like to join us by the fire?"

What do I know about the bunnies?
knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

GM wrote:

The raven-furred rabbit hops closer then looks towards Maidie and Erigga to see if they're paying attention.
Ethulfel Knowledge Check Results:

You know enough about bunnies and fey creatures to know that one approaching the two of you like this is almost unheard of. Though, you have heard many tales where such creatures act as messengers for more powerful fey. Fey creatures are also intelligent and can often understand at least Sylvan if not speak it. Some even know other languages. It also isn't unheard of for such creatures to take on a humanoid form or even have the fey weakness to cold iron.

Ethulfel wrote:

Ethulfel looks from the bunnies over to Maidie and Erigga and then back again. "아, 그 사람들에 대해서는 걱정하지 마세요," he says warmly to the rabbits, "그들은 우리의 친구입니다. 그들은 당신을 해치지 않을 것입니다. 나는 Ethulfel, 당신의 이름은 무엇입니까?"


Sylvan:"Oh, don't worry about them... They're our friends, they won't hurt you. I'm Ethulfel, what are your names?"

Grobradon wrote:

Grobradon scowled protective of his friends for a moment but tries to find his reserve and listens.

Then adds "우리가 당신을 따르기를 원하십니까??"


"Do you want us to follow you?"

GM wrote:

The rabbit nods at Grobradon's question, then turns to hop back to the trees. It pause just before the underbrush and looks back to see if you are following.
Grobradon wrote:

Grobradon looks to Ethulfel, "I'm going after, I think we both should, but your path is your choice."

And he follows.

Ethulfel wrote:

Ethulfel takes several steps after the bunny before Grob’s gruff voice grabs his attention. He turns to look at the druid without breaking stride and smirks as he says, “Well, best get a move on then.”

As the two fall in line behind their apparent guide, the gnome quietly adds, “and, please do your best to pay attention to where we’re going… fey creatures are often tricksters and we want to be certain we can find our way back…”

GM wrote:

You follow the rabbit into the woods. After what seems like a few steps, you glance back and notice that you can no longer see the camp. No committed, you follow your guide deeper into the woods. After a few minutes you arrive at a massive oak whose leaves still cling to its branches despite the lateness of the year. Within the shadows of its boughs is a cloaked figure that speaks in a masculine, if pleasantly lyrical, voice.

"Ah, welcome cousins. I was half-afraid I would not have the chance to talk with you. I must ask that we dispense with the pleasantries this eve. Time is short and I shan't repeat myself." The figure pauses as it waits for the two of you to process what he just said. "Kassen may be more civilized than the Fangwood that surrounds it, but it's far from tame. That is how we of the fey came to know of your similar, if unrelated, plights."

"You, Grobradon, priest of nature and herald of the flora of the wild, your mother suffered gravely at the hands of your father, blinded and unable to know her son's face even now. You regret how much raising you has cost your dear mother, and would do almost anything to give her another chance to live her life and her sight back, yes?"

The figure kneels before Ethulfel, bringing the hood of its cloak down level with his face.

"And you, Ethulfel, spinner of tales and weaver of songs, your mother suffers from the Bleaching, that blight our kin, the gnomes, now suffer thanks to their mortal existence. You know of ways to slow its progress, but not how to stop it. You, too, would do almost anything to cure her of this affliction, and spare your family the dread of seeing the color and vitality leeched from her by this foul disease, yes?"

The figure stands and spins to put his back to the two of you, though his voice still sounds as clear as if he were speaking directly to you.

"But I am not so cruel as to ask of you tasks that would stain your soul or items that you could never replace. No, I am not some cruel villain that revels in the agony of good and kindly folk as they are faced with an impossible choice or dilemma. I only ask for three things. Things that will hardly be missed. Three things that, I'm sure their owners would be more than happy to give you should you ask." He holds up three fingers over his shoulder as he pauses for a moment.

"From three lovelies fair, gather a lock of their hair. One from Moon, Another from Meep, and a third from Talliree. Deliver them to the grove of thorn and oak and ash. There with the cures for your mothers shall my lovely partner wait and be."

Ethulfel wrote:

"거의 모든 것... 예..." Ethulfel replies more flatly than Grobradon has ever heard him say anything.



"almost anything... yes..."

He tilts his head to examine the figure as he weighs the task set for them. "That seems... too easy..." he remarks hesitantly. "Please, sir, do not dangle hope before me unless you truly mean to give it. I don't begrudge anyone a prank, and under most circumstances I'd be glad to play a game for you, but if this is a deception there's little chance of any fun coming from it. Please, tell us plainly all that you really want so that we can do it for you with all haste, or be shattered now by our inability to do so and move on."

sense motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Grobradon wrote:

GM wrote:

"You regret how much raising you has cost your dear mother, and would do almost anything to give her another chance to live her life and her sight back, yes?"

Grobradon grows cautious even as he can't deny the pull of the offer, and he nods to Ethulfel. He too would do ALMOST anything. He waits for the other shoe to drop.

Grobradon wrote:

"From three lovelies fair, gather a lock of their hair. One from Moon, Another from Meep, and a third from Talliree. Deliver them to the grove of thorn and oak and ash. There with the cures for your mothers shall my lovely partner wait and be."
Ethulfel wrote:

He tilts his head to examine the figure as he weighs the task set for them. "That seems... too easy..." he remarks hesitantly. "Please, sir, do not dangle hope before me unless you truly mean to give it. I don't begrudge anyone a prank, and under most circumstances I'd be glad to play a game for you, but if this is a deception there's little chance of any fun coming from it. Please, tell us plainly all that you really want so that we can do it for you with all haste, or be shattered now by our inability to do so and move on."

"Even if Moon agreed, I would not hand power over her to another lightly, Cousin. Why do you want them? What will you use them for?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

GM wrote:

"My you two are cautious," the figure says. You can hear the smirk in his words. "I assume that you two are well versed in the ways of the fey. Tell me, do you know what happens to a fey that breaks an oath they have given? It's quite horrific, I assure you." The figure turns and holds a knife to its palm. "A fey that breaks a blood oath, freely given, well, even the darkest of our kind would shudder at that fate. If I were to swear, by the Courts of Summer and Winter, by holly and fir, by oak and ash and thorn, and by the babbling of the brook and the song of the sparrow and the swallow that I would not use their hair to harm them nor do anything untoward to them or even indeed give those locks to anyone who'd do so, what would you say then? I'd even swear that the tinctures I give you would relieve your mothers of those dreadful ailments they suffer from, of blindness and the bleaching. All it will take is those three locks of hair."[b]

Sense motive results
The figure is being truthful, and seems willing to bind his own hands in such a manner if you'll accept his terms. All he wants is those locks of hair in exchange for his generous gift, and he bears no animosity towards you or your companions.

Grobradon wrote:

Grobradon looks over at Ethulfel

And shares in Orcish, remembering the bard knows that language as well, and wondering if the fae might be ignorant of it...[b]"Zdá se, že je to pravda. Zdá se, že je ochoten udělat to, co říká, pokud přijmeme jeho podmínky. Necítím žádnou nenávist v jeho srdci vůči nám. A přesto jsem podezřívavý. Ty?"


"SEEMS truthful,. SEEMS willing to do as he says if we accept his terms. I sense no hate in his heart towards us. And yet, I am suspicious. You?"

Ethulfel wrote:

"Víly jsou známé svými propracovanými a někdy krutými triky – museli byste být hlupáci, abyste nebyli podezřívaví," Ethulfel answers Grob as he begins to slowly walk towards the mysterious figure. "ale věřím, že krvavé přísahy jsou velký problém. Nemyslím si, že by to udělal na lehkou váhu."



"Fairies are known for their elaborate, and sometimes cruel, tricks- you'd have to be a fool to not be suspicious... but blood oaths are a big deal, I believe. I don't think he'd make one of those lightly."

"Would you swear that the tinctures will only relieve them of their dreadful ailments? That it won't cure blindness by transforming her into a spider who still has six working eyes, or cure the bleaching by transforming my mom into a pixie, or a bear, or some other creature, or thing, that can't suffer from it?"

Grobradon wrote:

Grobradon nods at Ethulfel.

Though his mother being a bear wouldn't bother him as much as long as she was happy with it, might be difficult on her social life though.

He has other concerns, too and asks "Wyldlord, would you be willing to swear that you will reverse the changes and have the hairs returned if we were not satisfied with the bargain at anytime?"

GM wrote:

The figure laughs as the two of you add further stipulations.

"Very well, I promise that the tinctures will not turn either of your mothers into monsters, nor make any other unwanted changes. If you are not satisfied with those changes, I shall return the locks to you, though undoing the changes will require you do something for me," he says, amusement tinkling in the depths of his voice.

"Do you accept, good sirs?"

Ethulfel wrote:

"I accept," Ethulfel answers before looking to Grob to see what his reply will be.
Grobradon wrote:

"If the girls are willing to part with some hair, then... yeah, deal." He says, perhaps feeling if the gnome will go for it then maybe it isn't that bad. "I want my mother happy and healthy, no shame in that."
GM wrote:

"Excellent. Then let us seal this pact," the figure says as he draws a knife from the folds of his robes. He pauses as he places the blade's edge on his palm as he looks at the two of you until you do the same.

"Thus it was said, thus it is agreed, I bind myself to an oath to thee. For the locks of maidens three, a cure for bleaching and the mending of eyes shall granted be. No harm will I visit upon them and should your satisfaction wane, returned the locks shall be," he says in a sing-song voice before slicing open his palm. "With blood I am bound and by blood I am sworn to thee as you two are to me. By the courts of Summer and Winter I swear that I shall deliver unto you the cures you seek for the locks of maidens three under the boughs of the oak and ash and thorn tree."

He holds out his hand to the two of you and waits for your to take it.

Once the deal is done, he turns his back and walks away with the strange rabbit that is his partner and vanishes into the woods without a word.

Grobradon wrote:

Grobradon does the same, finishing the deal, and wondering if it will come to anything for the ladies may wisely refuse the offer of their hair. But... he'll try.
Ethulfel wrote:

"To these terms, I do agree," Ethulfel answers, preserving the fae's rhyme scheme, before cutting his own hand and pressing it into the Wyldlord's.

As they walk back to rejoin the others, he ponders, I already had traces of feyblood, as all gnomes do, but mingling his blood with my own... I wonder if there could have been enough power in that little bit to have any effect... perhaps I shall have to do some experimenting and see if I develop any new abilities...

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