Harrowed Summoning

Aisling Catalys's page

83 posts. Alias of shajnal.

Full Name

Aisling Catalys, HP 82/82 AC 25 T19 FF 19, F7, R14, W6, Init +8+X, Perception +19




Sanctified underground chymist unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5







Special Abilities

Trapfinding, Darkvision, Lightning resist 5, Storm in the blood, Whispering wind, Trapspotter,Bleeding attack, Bomber,Divine boon,Gift of tongues,Danger sense,Divine purpose,Epiphany,Precise splash,Multitude of Talents


Chaotic good


Sky (Storm)




Common, Sylph(Eire), Ifrit(Italian), Maker script(Welsh), Eleme(Amharic), Geni(Arabic)



Homepage URL

https://www.enworld.org/threads/rogues-gallery-for-wrath-of-righteous.35552 7/post-9390188

Strength 10
Dexterity 22
Constitution 14
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Aisling Catalys

Aisling Catalys, Male CG Sylph (medium native outsider)
(pronounced Ash-ling, traditional sylph name meaning Dream or Vision)
HP 82/82 = 10 + 7x9 + 9 (favored class)
AC: 25 = 10 + 6 (dex) +4+2 armor +2 natural +1 grace
Touch: 19
Flatfooted: 19
<+3 vs traps>

CMB: +6 = +6 (BAB)
CMD: +22 = 10 +6 (BAB) +0 (str) +6 (dex)

Fort 7 = +3 +2(Con) +1 resistance +1 sacred
Ref 14 = +7 +6 Dex +1 resistance <+3 vs traps>
Will 6 = +3 +0 Wis +1 resistance +1 trait +1 sacred
<+2 sacred vs death and negative energy>

Init +8 = +6 dex +2 obedience <+1 +1/5 over DC 11+bluff mod of enemy>
Perc: +18 <+4 to find traps><+3 to avoid surprise>
Speed: 30'

Sanctified underground chymist Unchained rogue 5 / Evangelist 5

Age: 23
Languages: Common, Sylph(Eire), Ifrit(Italian), Maker script(Welsh), Eleme(Amharic), Geni(Arabic)

Str 10
Dex 22 = 16 +2 race +2 levels +2 item
Con 14 = 16 -2 race
Int 16 = 12 +2 race +2 item
Wis 10
Cha 8

Liquid glass dagger +1 +14 (1d4+7 19-20/x2) S or P = +6 bab +1 enh +6 dex +1 WF
Thirsting dagger +1 +14 (1d4+7 15-20/x2) S or P
TWF: +12/+7/+12/+7
<+1 to hit, +2 to damage vs Large+ >

shortbow +12 (1d6 20/x3 100') P
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks
Sneak attack: 5d6 (+5 bleed)

Climb speed 20'
Lightning resist 5
Storm in the blood (heal 2 hp for 9 rounds when taking lightning damage)
Bleeding attack (talent 2)
Trap spotter (talent 7)- auto perception when 10' within the trap
Bomber (talent 9) - make int (3) bombs daily 5d6+3 Ref DC 17 for half

Danger sense +3
Divine purpose (+1 sacred bonus to Fort and Will)
Epiphany (Augury 1/day)
Rogue edge (Sense motive)
Precise splash weapons (deal sneak attack with splash weapons)
Divine boon 1 (Raven's Form)
Gift of tongues (Eleme)
Multitude of Talents (+4 to untrained skill roll without any ranks)

Skills (rank + stat + class + other + <circumstantial>)
5 x 11 + 5 x 9 + 10 background

*Acrobatics 23 = 12+6+3+2 (obedience)<+5 boots 10/day to move through opponent>
*Appraise +7 = 0+3+4(Multitude of talents)
*Bluff +3 = +0-1+4 (MoT)
*Climb +11 = 1 -1 (str) +3+8(racial)
*Craft (Alchemy) 20 = 20+3+3+4(chemist)
*Diplomacy +3 = 0-1+4 (MoT)
*Disable device 22 = 10+6+3+4 (trapfinding)
*Disguise +3 = 0-1+4 (MoT)
*Escape artist +18 = 20+6+3
Fly +10 = 0+6+4 (MoT)
Handle Animal +4 = 0+0+4 (MoT)
*Heal +4 = 0+0+4 (MoT)
*Initimidate +3 = 0-1+4 (MoT)
Kn (Arcana) +7 = 0+3+4 (MoT)
*Kn (Dungeoneering) +8 = 2+3+3
Kn (Engineering) +7 = 0+3+4 (MoT)
Kn (Geography) +7 = 0+3+4 (MoT)
Kn (History) +7 = 0+3+4 (MoT)
*Kn (Local) +14 = 8+3+3
Kn (Nature) +7 = 0+3+4 (MoT)
Kn (Nobility) +7 = 0+3+4 (MoT)
Kn (Planes) +13 = 10+0+3 (virtual, headband of intelligence)
*Kn (Religion) +9 = 3+3+3
(bg)Lore (Skyfall history) +16 = 10+3+3
*Linguistics +7 = 0+3+4 (MoT)
*Perception +19 = 10+0+3+1(ioun)+5(eagle goggles) <+4 to find traps><+3 to avoid surprise>
*Perform +3 = 0-1+4 (MoT)
*Profession +7 = 0+3+4 (MoT)
*Sense motive +14 = 10+0+3+1(ioun)
*Sleight of hand +11 = 3+6+3
*Stealth +30 = 10+6+3+4(racial)+2(magenta ioun)+5(shadow armor)
*Swim +5 = 1+1+3
*Use magic device +16 = 10+3+3


Aisling image
Aisling token

Aisling has a lithe build with pale blue skin and short silver hair that sways like in a gentle breeze. His eyes are a striking shade of emerald green on light blue sclera, constantly moving.

Traits Indomitable faith, Pragmatic activator

Rogue: Weapon Finesse
1st: TWF
3rd: Weapon focus (dagger)
5th: Deific obedience (Prince Raven)
7th: Big game hunter
9th: Improved TWF

Obedience: The Black Raven Prince:

Ritual: Spend an hour at dawn or dusk performing a series of acrobatic movements or dances in an open space. Feel the wind against your skin and let it guide your motions. Recite an ode to the Sky, celebrating its freedom and power. Conclude the ritual by launching a small kite or balloon into the air or releasing a small alchemical concoction into the air.

Benefit: Gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks and a +2 bonus on Initiative checks.
Tier 1 Obedience
Raven's Form: Once per day, you can transform into a giant raven, as per the *beast shape II* spell. While in this form, you gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks and can communicate with other birds.

Tier 2 Obedience
Elemental Dominion: Gain the ability to cast *elemental body III* 1/day as a spell-like ability, allowing you to transform into a Large air elemental. In this form, you gain a +2 bonus on Dexterity-based skill checks and can move through solid objects as if you were incorporeal.

Tier 3 Obedience
Sky's Fury: Gain the ability to cast *control weather* 1/day as a spell-like ability. Additionally, when you are in an elevated position or exposed to the open sky, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls with weapons.

Raven stats:

AC 17/16/15
Str 16 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8
Perception: 22
Speak with birds
Low light vision
Speed 20', Fly 50' average
Bite: +8 / 1d6+3


Daredevil softpaws 1400 gp - +5 bonus to tumble and +2 to attack 10/day
Sleeves of many garments 200gp - clerical, ninja, fancy, beekeeper, normal
Gloves of reconnaissance 2000gp - 1/day see and hear through the wall

Liquid glass dagger +1 3102gp
Thirsting dagger +1 keen 9900gp
Mithral shadow chain shirt +2 8850gp

Belt of dexterity +2 4000gp
Headband of intellect +2 (knowledge planes) 4000gp
Cloak of resistance +1 1000gp

Ioun stones
- Dark blue rhomboid (cracked) 400gp - +1 perception and sense motive
- Magenta prism (cracked) 800gp - +2 to stealth (can change daily)
- Pearly white spindle (cracked) 3400gp - regenerate 1 hp/h; resonance +2 sacred saves vs death and negative energy
Wayfinder 500gp - light at will

Handy haversack 2000gp

Travelers any-tool 250gp
Phosphorus in an oil filled vial 2sp
Alchemist fire x5 50gp
Acid x5 25gp
Alkali flask x3 45gp
Holy water x2 50gp - 1 spent running from the cell in the temple, 2nd on the dark spear
Troll styptic 100gp - fast healing 2 for 2d4 rounds, DC 15 Fort or sickened
Bodybalm 25gp
Healy Myrrh 50gp - natural healing +1hp per level
Angelstep 25gp - takes 4 hours and Alchemy DC 15 to prepare, can be used as-is, stabilize
Healing potion x2 100gp
Wand of CLW 750gp 50/50 charges

Spring loaded wrist sheath x2 10gp (thirsting dagger and healing potion)

Portable alchemist lab 75
Formula alembic 200
Hybridization funnel 200

Air crystals 50
Elemental breath 80

42 gp 5sp 30cp remaining


Aisling was born among the clouds, in a small village near the ruins of the Temple of the Sky cultivated by few remaining devoted. Born in the land where Volcano holds back the darkness, Aisling was always fascinated by the play of light and darkness. High on the mountaing in the temple of the sky where air crackles with the energy and light of Fire keeping them safe were far away, he learned to harvest natural resources to power his lack of divine power. With his innate affinity for the air, he learned quickly he could move silent and unseen. His curiousity got him often into places he shouldn't be. This was cultivated by his parents and their "priests" that lived for the day Sky would return. They collected ancient items and tomes from before the fall, from early days and Aisling was trained to recover such items. The undending war against The Dark and its spawn forged him into resourceful warrior, using his wits and stealth to fight off the assaults on the temple.

On his 16th birthday, there was a ceremony, the coming of age, annointment by the high priest and joyous occasion for everyone. There was a spark as he was annointed, a sign of The Goddess and one lone raven cawed as it watched the proceedings. It flew away after making a round over the audience, letting one single feather fall on the boy. Cawing again, it left the space as everyone was left wandering, and yet hopeful once again. Quick discussion of omens and meanings - resident electricity, random feather falling - everything could be explained away. But the fact was, it happened all at the moment the boy was already indoctrinated and believed firmly that Sky will be back. Aisling threw himself at ancient texts, learning new languages and preaching in the cities the missions were taking him to about the return.

After more years of learning and more heists and missions for Skytemple, he was sent into the very center of learning, into The City of Light, the Volcano temple. He went in with his group, scouted, planned, prepared. Infiltrated the temple in secret, entered legally available rooms and institutions.

He learned what he could about ancient rites and daily obediences and focused on that. The discipline didn't come naturaly to unruly boy, but this was personal. And felt right. Unfortunately, his preaching drew attention of the inquisitors in Hearth. Captured and imprisoned in with his group, The Moon came. Both sylphs in the group went feral and without means of defense, the group perished, with only Aisling alive. The Ifriti guards moved him into another cell, but left the bodies in the original one until the emergency passes.

And now, huddled in the damp corner of the cell, his throat parched and his stomach growling from hunger. It had been three days since he had seen a guard, or anyone, for that matter. The Temple, once a place of reverence, now served as his prison. The Goddess of the Sky had died five thousand years ago and it seems he will not be the one to return Her.

In the dim light, he clung to a shred of hope that his knowledge of alchemy and the skills he had honed over the years might somehow aid in his escape. The Sky had always been his guide, and he prayed for one last vision or sign to lead him to freedom.

Quick-witted and agile in mind as well as in body, Aisling thrives on puzzles, uncovering hidden truths and enjoys good puns and wordplays. His loyalty is hard to get, but once given it is absolute. Enjoys harmless pranks, but grew much more serious since the temple fell.

A Curious Youth
As a child, Aisling was never content with the life of a Maker. His family, renowned pharmacists in their village, hoped he would follow in their footsteps. However, Aisling's curiosity often led him astray. One afternoon, while experimenting with volatile compounds, a small explosion rocked their home. The blast singed his eyebrows and left a lingering scent of burnt herbs.

Another time, his attempt to create a potent elixir resulted in him accidentally poisoning himself. The antidote was swiftly administered by his frantic parents, and while he recovered, the incident only fueled his fascination with alchemy. His adventurous spirit was undeterred, and he continued to push the boundaries of his craft, much to his family's dismay.

A Vision of the Sky
One evening, as Aisling wandered the outskirts of his village, he was struck by a vision. The sky above, usually shrouded in the dim twilight of their realm, cleared to reveal a vast expanse of blue. He stared in awe, not comprehending what he was seeing. Then, a gentle breeze carried a whisper to his ears, "The Sky weeps for her children."

At that moment, he saw the Tears of the Sky on the horizon, a great storm gathering strength. The vision was brief but profound. He later learned that this was a rare glimpse of the sky as it once was, before the Dark's assault. The voice on the wind had spoken of hope and loss, and the storm, he realized, was a manifestation of the Sky's sorrow. Once again, a single raven watched him as he realized what happened.

These experiences shaped Aisling's resolve. He knew that his destiny was intertwined with the elements and that his skills in alchemy were meant for a greater purpose.

Goals: to restore the faith in the Sky
Secret unknown: The Moon got to him, he (thinks he?) killed his group in the middle of the heist - he might get expelled or worse from
Secret known: His temple is still active, but it is now center of demonic activity with Pazuzu (or the equivalent air demon) being worshiped there - and his parents are still there

People: he killed his sylph lover Saoirse Caoingaoth (pronounced: Kwee-ngaw, 'Windwhisper'), and the rest of the group Zarah Fiamma di Brace (female ifriti, 'Emberflame'), Inhliziyo yetshe (female oread, 'Stoneheart'), Bình and Nhi Thủy Ca (male and female undine twins, 'Tidesong')
His parents: Cael and Niamh Catalys, fate unknown to Aisling (suggestion: they are corrupted, but not unreedimable yet, working for demons with their alchemical knowledge and/or golems. Now family is known as Fola Dubh ('dark blood') due forced infusions of demonic blood into the alchemist pair.

Mannerism: Aisling moves in slow, fluid moves, not unlike undines tend to do and has very little of quick, jerky, bird-like movements. Slowness is a learned trait due alchemical accidents and trap mishaps.

I have a dream:

I have a dream that one day, the City of Light, now veiled by the Moon's shadow, will shine once more as a beacon of knowledge and artifice, where the Tears of the Sky will nourish our souls and guide our dreams.

This is our hope. This is the faith with which we will return to the Dreamscape. With this faith, we will carve out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will transform the jangling discord of our realm into a beautiful symphony of elemental harmony.

With this faith, we will be able to work together, pray together, struggle together, and stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

This will be the day when all of Mother Sky's children will be able to sing with new meaning:
"Mother above, free and high, we embrace your endless sky."

If Sylphs are to be a nation again, this must become The Truth. Cast away yoke of The Volcano, help equally Sylph, Undine, Oread and Ifrit, fight The Dark, but do so to restore our shield, The Sky, The Sun, and even The Moon. Dream this, live this, and Prince Raven will unite us all in one Dream.

Liquid glass dagger +14 (1d4+7 19-20/x2) S or P = +6 bab +1 attunement +6 dex +1 WF
Thirsting dagger +13 (1d4+6 17-20/x2) S or P
TWF: +12/+7/+11/+6
<+1 to hit, +2 to damage vs Large+ >
[dice=Attack with glass dagger]1d20+14;1d4+7[/dice]
[dice=Attack with thirsting dagger]1d20+13;1d4+6[/dice]
[dice=2nd Attack with glass dagger]1d20+9;1d4+7[/dice]
[dice=2nd Attack with thirsting dagger]1d20+8;1d4+6[/dice]