Rίver |

River opens her clenched hand and a small globe of water floats towards the other elen.
"Water." She says simply. "If you use the knife I will hurt you."

The Declarative |

A younger ifrit dressed in simple fighting leathers, says, "She means it. I've seen her kill monsters with her water tricks." The words are not threatening, simply honest. The young el has curious reflective red markings around his eyes. "I'm Drook, and this is Sir Benedetto." He presents the ifrit next to him.

Benedetto Laguardia |

Benedetto keeps his blade in the low guard position he'd adopted. "How long have you been trapped here? Did you see what happened?"

Aisling Catalys |
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Benedetto keeps his blade in the low guard position he'd adopted. "How long have you been trapped here? Did you see what happened?"
"Days? I don't know. My group and my equipment should be here somewhere, they stripped us when they cornered us - we were trying to investigate things that went wrong in the Temple. As you can see, I am dying. What happened is that something bad was called, invoked, released or otherwise activated. My guess would be that madness of the Moon affected some people here. I know I was. Storm only knows what havoc it brought."
He pulls away from the floating water.
"Thank you, I need real water, not magic. My name is Aisling, of the Storm. Aisling Catalys. I was an agent of The Sky from the edge of darkness. There are ancient texts here, it seems someone's digging too deep into the lore."
Putting away the dagger in his trousers he shows both hands.
"See, no knife." he coughs and starts toward the guards table.
"Let me just drink some water. I'm not a threat. Besides, what are YOU doing here? You're armed, you're not of the inquisition. Or maybe even not of the Volcano temple."

Rίver |
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"It is water." River says, sounding confused. "You can drink it."
She looks around, obviously trying to find something and eventually locates a wooden cup lying forgotten under the jailer's table. She swipes it through the hovering ball and offers the now full cup to Aisling, each movement perfectly graceful and precise.

Benedetto Laguardia |
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"We're here because part of the Temple is part of the problem," Benedetto replies, warily. "As it seems like you found out. What do you mean, you're an agent of Sky, though? Has Sky come back to life in the middle of all this Moon madness?"

Aisling Catalys |
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Aisling nods to River, moving similarly fluidly, drinking the water in almost one gulp before almost choking after Benedettos question.
"What do you mean, come back!? She never left! How do you think we Sylph kept all our blood powers? It is just that she's wounded and in tears. Everyone is so focused on The Dark and, recently, The Moon, no one is noticing things happening closer to earth."
Returning the cup to River he nods again
"Thank you."
Continuing his earlier thought
"There is a power that is starting to orient everything slowly upwards. Fire streams upward, the birds are more open, powers once forgotten or unknown and new come into the world? We, the sanctified, are fortified by Her children. Except for the one that aligned to the Moon. I'm sad to say, I don't remember parts of the last time interval, but it is fitting I guess that we were captured on Burnday. If you help me find and free my group and get our equipment, I can help. I am trap master, scout, and chemist of our group."

Benedetto Laguardia |

Benedetto fixes Aisling with a Look for a moment, then sighs. "Well, we were planning on looking around this structure. It was obvious even from outside that something wrong was happening in here. So as far as I'm concerned, we can look for the others in your group as we're trying to figure things out."

Rίver |

Nat 20?: 1d20 ⇒ 11 Thought not.
Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
River's thoughts have a bad habit of wandering...

Aisling Catalys |

Bomb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 ranged touch
Lightning damage: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 3) = 12
Sneak attack: 4d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 5) + 3 = 15 can sneak swarms
Ooc:assuming there were enough components to create a bomb, if not, move, hide, look for second dagger
On the phone, sorry

The Declarative |

Aisling manages to cobble together an alchemist bomb from scraped-together components from his pockets. The arcing lighting hits one of the swarms directly, and the clump of them immediately drops. They make dry sounds as they fall to the obsidian floor, dead.
A second swarm claws their way toward Amatashe, and before he can act,
grapple check vs flat footed amatshe, CMD 27: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32
will save amatshe: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
the hungry, sharp rats climb his legs, jump upon his shoulders, and cling to him with needle teeth and hooked claws. Even worse than the pain is the fear - all his small wounds are polluted with toxic fear that drips from the ugly little creatures.
Amatshe loses his turn due to fear

The Declarative |

Aisling, until you find your equipment, cobbling together more bombs from your sparse materials that happen to be on hand will require Alchemy checks of increasing difficulty to successfully make a bomb for the round. First check is set at DC 23 for the current round. Fail = no bomb, and standard action is used up. Success = use bomb as standard action successfully.

Rίver |

KB: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 335d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 4, 2) + 8 = 25
River frowns and two whirling streams of water flow from her hands, before blasting past Amatshe close enough to leave him drenched - but much freer of rats than he was a few seconds before!
No movement. She only sees the swarm on Amatshe.

Benedetto Laguardia |

"This is about the worst kind of match-up for me," Benedetto murmurs as his eyes dart back and forth, taking in the opposition.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
But given he moves after them there might be more in view? If so...
He grabs a flask of alchemist's fire from his belt pouch and tries to pick out a spot he won't be burning anyone who's not an ifrit to hurl it at.
Alchemist's Fire: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

The Declarative |

Round 1 Results
River successfully dislodges the nasty creatures off Amatshe. About half the swarm is wounded or dead from the powerful blast, but a few fatter ones remain - the ones who fed most deeply upon Amatshe.
Aisling manages once again to make an effective bomb out of the alchemical scraps that happen to line his pockets. (swarm defeated, 3 total remain)
very effective, since bombs are area of effect unlike most kinetic blasts and weapon attacks
Benedetto, at the same time you declare your doubts about the battle, two swarms burst from their corners and latch on to you, hoping you are a weak link, seeking to drain your strength for their own. Your alchemist's fire idea is not bad, and deals some damage as they approach.

The Declarative |

It, of course, does not work out the way the rats intend, as your immunity to fear means they cannot wriggle their way into your mental energies. All you receive is a few scratches and bites (take 5 piercing damage, 'Detto)
In the meantime, one of the fattened rat-things that fed on Amatshe is slithering quietly on the obsidian floor, looking to get away.
Round 2 Begins! Declare Actions!
2 full swarms on Detto, and one half-damaged swarm near Amatshe

Benedetto Laguardia |
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"A few more, can you get better use of them than me?" Benedetto's voice is oddly calm for being swarmed by shadowy rats.
He gets another flask of alchemist's fire out and just pours it over himself, unconcerned about the fairly weak fire.
Fire damage on swarm from last round: 1d6 ⇒ 3 Since it burns for a round
Fire damage for pouring the alchemist's fire over himself, which I figure damages the swarms on him too: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Aisling Catalys |

"Yes, I can use them better than the average user, I'm an alchemist as I said. You're resistant to fire, right? All efreeti are?"
Dishelved elen raises oil flask toward the paladin.
Without really waiting for an answer since he already set fire to himself, he hurls the oil toward him aiming to maximally splash the oil over the swarms.
"What are these things!?"
Flask oil throw: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
DM, your call for the effect :)

Rίver |

River sends out more thick streams of water.
KB: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 315d6 + 8 ⇒ (2, 1, 5, 4, 4) + 8 = 24

The Declarative |

Drook tends to Amatshe, healing his scratch wounds and talking in a calm tone. The oread's health is fine, but he does not respond. His eyes are open, but he does not seem to perceive anything in front of him. He whimpers, still trapped in some dark pit of fear within his mind.
Amatshe hasn't posted in a month, so I will be opting to take the route I did with Zephyr, where the character is in a state of slumber / suspension where they only have limited communication. This is a way to remove the PC from the narrative while still leaving it potentially open to a player's return. This is a spreading 'sleepy sickness' that is affecting many thousands of Hearth's residents. We can exposit more about it later

Benedetto Laguardia |

We're definitely not having good luck with that.
Benedetto shakes his head mournfully when he sees Amatshe's state. "Not another," he murmurs, before carefully looking around for any more threats.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
"Your guess is as good as mine as to what they were," he answers Aisling as he looks around. "We know there's been twisted things showing up around town, and it has something to do with something underground, and there's trouble in the Temple."

Aisling Catalys |

"There is a capable group somewhere in captivity here. And my stuff. Your afflicted friend can stay in my cell if you think it is safe enough now. I hope you will not mind me taking some daggers, lady?"
Aisling takes every dagger he finds, riffling through guards pockets and taking anything he can use going even so far as to take the armor if it is light enough.
"What day is it today? I am still alive and functioning, it cannot be more than 3 days since Burnday. But whatever happened, it was terrible. And the rituals I know of might not be the worst ones."

Rίver |

River doesn't seem to object to Aisling's arming himself. He's proved useful now and he seems to use fire, which is an element that doesn't concern her much.
Instead she gently leads Amatshe into the newly vacated cell and coaxes him into sitting down. It isn't much, but better than leaving him standing and staring into space.
"Down then?" She asks simply, closing the door almost completely behind her. "No time to waste."

The Declarative |

Drook answers Aisling's question. "Sir, the day is Ashday, and it is Rainrites the 9th."
older players, if you have been keeping track of the date, I've actually moved us forward, and that is purely for the convenience if syncing up with the 2nd table for the current problem in Hearth. I figure there has been time skips along our journey anyway, so it shouldn't be a big deal. We are still in the period after Moon has been driven away from Hearth, and the city is still recovering, etc.
Aisling, this time/date doesn't surprise you -- you've only been in custody a relatively short time, though the horrid thirst / hunger made it seem MUCH longer. Once you account for that, the number of times you saw the change in shifts, etc, the timing seems correct.

Benedetto Laguardia |

His eyes settle on Drook. "Good work taking care of Amatshe, Drook. Keep your eyes open and watch our backs."
He turns his head back to River and Aisling. "Yes, let's get moving."

The Declarative |

mini skill challenge: everyone pick 2 skills they think will help locate Aisling's crew / equipment OR evade anything else that is lurking down here. We'll count up successes vs failures and see what happens :)
Drook sits down with Amatshe on the bench. "I'm not willing to leave him here alone. Sir Benedetto, with your permission, I'd like to stay here with him. "
Drook has about 40 points of lay on hands healing available, so Benedetto and everyone, let me know if you need HP back

Benedetto Laguardia |

Benedetto's only down five HP
Benedetto nods. "Very well. Be careful, Drook. We should be back before too long, but if we're not... get him and yourself to safety."
He leads the way further into the structure, moving quietly and carefully to try to spot trouble before it found them.
Stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35
As he does so he looks for signs of recent passage--scratches, disturbed dust, that sort of thing, anything to give a clue as to where is more traveled.
Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Aisling Catalys |

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30
Disable device: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (6) + 21 = 27
Aisling watches everyones back, taking care to notice everything on time and disarming, disabling, or lockpicking any problem along the way. Even with improvized tools he scavenges along the way or borrows from others.

Rίver |

Stealth: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 35
River seems to favour silence and sneaking, although when she is caught by surprise by a guard elen her smile and apparent lack of guile smooth over any issues she might have caused.

The Declarative |

With ease, you make your way down one hallway after another. Each turn reveals a corridor much like the last, but Benedetto keeps the group oriented while Aisling looks for clues to his previous holding cell. You advance with admirable caution, and you pass by undisturbed (save for the skittering of a rat here and there)
The taste of success turns sour as the smell of death grows. As you approach the only occupied cells, the stench of old corpses greets you.
there is a dead guard close to the cell; he is curled up in a ball, hands over his ears. The keys are on the ground, as if he dropped them in some kind of desperate escape

Benedetto Laguardia |

Benedetto looks over the scene for a moment before looking at Aisling. "How long were you trapped in here again?" he asks. "This happened a while ago... before we even arrived in the city, I'd guess."
He cautiously approaches the fallen guard, looking for signs of more of those rat-things. "I don't know how much hope to hold onto for your companions, I'm afraid."
He stops a moment and shakes his head. "So tired of all the death..." he mutters.

Rίver |

River crouches down and retrieves the keys before gently running a hand across the guard's tortured face.
"What did this?" She asks, although its not clear if she's musing or really asking.

Aisling Catalys |

Aisling responds to the paladin:
"Since Burnday. I have hope still, they are a hardy team."
And to River
"Fear, my new friend. Fear did this. Nightmares came alive. Mine was to be buried and forgotten, and to have to kill my friends to get out. Luckily, I was alone. So...still alive."

Aisling Catalys |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"No. No, no, no, no." Aisling shakes his head
"It cannot be! No!"
He slams into the bars. Even emaciated as he is now, he cannot just go theough the bars. He rattles them hard, looking in horror.
Sliding down in the floor, he makes a sign of wings with his hands, hooking thumbs together and splaying fingers wide.
"By The Prince, I'll avenge you!"
His voice changes as he connects ti divine source letting his spirit soar in the winds of time. "Will cleansing this cursed temple bring peace to them and this town?" he asks The Air around him.
Escape artist: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22 to go through the bars
Ooc: using his augury power; yes, I know it's not standard use 😉

The Declarative |

Through some lingering fluidity of form, Aisling manages to slip past the bars. He sees familiar faces...all frozen the pain, disbelief, and death. You find your daggers plunged into your lover's body.
In response to your heart-broken plea, you hear the final death rattles of your former comrades. This gruesome exhalation provides one ray of hope - they all say "Yessss..."
Cleanse the temple, bring them peace.

Benedetto Laguardia |

Benedetto sighs and bows his head slightly. After a moment of silence he looks to Aisling. "Do you need more time...?"

Aisling Catalys |
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Broken by the scene, Aisling only nods to Benedetto. Locating his alchemy kit, he takes samples of blood and tissue from all of the dead.
He the silently changes into his combat gear, leaving Thristing until the end and pzlling it out with an apology.
His garb changes into a pristley ceremonial outfit not seen in public for centuries and he holds briefest of ceremonies recommending their souls to his patron.
Woth a thought, his garb changes to black and gray cameo ninja costume.
"I'm not leaving this place, until it's cleansed or I join my friends in the sky."