Penelope Pinch |

Yes! What was it?

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Sorry for the delay. Family is coming to visit and I've been panic cleaning and honestly thought I had posted.
And you all can level up. HP will go to full from it as will spells and stuff like that. 4 out of 5 kids have been rescued and you defeated fairly powerful monster. Wont level up again till this adventure is over and there is still a fair bit to go if you are going to look for Ralla's little brother Hollin,

Elowen |

4th level Shaman
hp: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
+1 BAB
+1 Will
+1 Charisma
Skills: 4+FCB=5 (Knowledge Nature, Heal, Knowledge Dungeoneering, Survival, Perception)
Background skills: 2 (Knowledge Geography, Handle Animal)
+1 1st level per day
+1 2nd level per day
Hex: Leshy Summoning
Leshy Summoning (Su)
The witch counts as a plant creature for the purpose of growing leshys. She adds leaf leshys , gourd leshys, fungus leshys , seaweed leshys, and lotus leshys to the list of creatures she can summon with summon monster I, II, III, IV, and V, respectively.
Wandering Spirit: Life
A shaman who chooses the life spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.
Channel (Su): The shaman can channel positive energy like a cleric, using her shaman level as her effective cleric level when determining the amount of damage healed (or dealt to undead) and the DC. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + her Charisma modifier. (3x/day, 2d6)
Crawling vine familiar
Size Large; AC +1 natural armor; Attack slam (1d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4; Special Attacks constrict 1d6.

Elowen |

I now have access to some limited healing for the group (channeling 3x/day with the Life spirit, and can now add quite a bit to melee between summoning leshies to fight and my spirit plant being way more formidable.

Svetlana "Tigress" Ulyanova |

hp Svetlana: 1d8 ⇒ 8
Hp pounce: 1d8 ⇒ 8
Svetlana is probably going to get some level 2 spells and likely increase her charisma by 1 to 18.
Need to think on spells and stuff!

Odelai the White |

Odelai (L4 Witch)
HP: +5 (roll above)
+1 INT
+1 BAB
+1 Will Save
+1 1st Spell
+1 2nd Spell
+2 free spells in ‘book’ (See Invisibility, Glitterdust)
Hair can Trip and is 10’ long
2 BG Skills (Prof: Cook, Prof: Witch)
7 Skills (PER, Stealth, K:Arcana, K:Planes, K: Religion, SM, Spellcraft)

Svetlana "Tigress" Ulyanova |

Spell chosen: Bone fists
Bone fist spell
This spell is pretty great, I can enchant up to 4 people with it at the same time, myself, pounce, odelai and jenkins (who, wile he is not using nat attacks, still benefits from having free armor spikes and a +1 nat armor), lasts for minutes per level, and it boosts up to 8 attacks (4 Svetlana, one Odelai, 3 Pounce) per turn.

Penelope Pinch |

Level 4 paladin'
+1 bab
smite evil twice a day
channel positive energy
spellcasting (weapons against evil)
+1 charisma
6+0 hit points
+1 religion, sense motive, and diplomacy
background skills: craft bow, handle animal

Jenkin Ternham |

Jenkin level up:
Level 2 Rogue (Carnivalist)
+6 hp
+1 BAB
+1 Reflex
1d6 Sneak Attack
+9 skill points (specific ranks will be decided on that shortly)
Pet Performance- distraction

Jenkin Ternham |

finishing this:
+1 STR
skills: +1 Climb, +1 Disable Device, +2 Perception, +2 Sense Motive, +2 Survival, +1 Swim
background skills: handle animal +1, Craft (bows) +1

Elowen |

Get some rest.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Sorry for the delay. Took me out a little more than I thought. Better now, I think. Hopefully this heatwave breaks soon. I'm meant for cold weather
And due to the heat, I can only use my laptop in 30-minute bursts before it overheats. Tried new fan for under it but the heatwave and the humidity do not seem to care.

Elowen |

Definitely understand.

Penelope Pinch |

Cave! (that's two)

Elowen |


Penelope Pinch |

Glad you feeling better! Heat related issues sounds awful.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

Sorry for the radio silence. Health is not so good right now and much as I did not want to do so I gonna have to put the game on pause for a bit. I do want to return to it. You all are lots of fun but I'm needing a break from a lot of things till I can get back a more functional level. Hopefully we can pick this back up later. And if not, I understand.

Penelope Pinch |

No worries about us. Your well being is much more important. I'll keep an eye out for your return and will happily continue.

Jenkin Ternham |

Sorry to hear that, DAA. You take care of yourself, and if/when you're able to pick up again, send the word and I'm there.

Elowen |

Absolutely understandable. Take all the time you need. Hope things get better.