Dreadfulness in Dunwich PF1e+

Game Master DeJoker

Bale Keep Map


Dunwich is a somewhat backwater fishing town situated on southern side of the Dunwater River and sandwiched between the Dunwater Marsh and the Monmurg Bay. This makes it tucked away on the south-western coast of the Kingdom of Keoland. Just north of Dunwich is a small monastery dedicated to Heironeous and Bale Keep which guards the road between the town of Saltmarsh and Burle. While further south are other small fishing villages and guard towers. Many folks from Dunwich serve as staff and support for the keep and the town tends to travelers between Saltmarsh and Burle.

This will be a semi-sandbox game based in a non-canon village located in the Viscounty of Salinmoor in the south-western region of Keoland which is located within the Sheldomar Valley within the western area of the Flanaess on the continent of Oerick on the planet Oereth. Dunwich is smaller but similar to its more famous cousin Saltmarsh which is located just to the northeast. As every character will have hailed from or hail from Dunwich there will be special Backgrounds to choose from that will tie the character more tightly into the village.

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Grand Archive

Right now I'm thinking either sorcerer or oracle with a pet, playing control and buffing my pet, haven't played with a dedicated pet but I think I could be fun and less messy than summoner's eidolon

Grand Lodge

I have alot of my guy done. Would sn Ioun torch be cool for a magical item, basically a used up ioun stone with Continual flame cast on it to allow hands free light.

Aside from that I am formulating my backstory of a farmboy, turned bandit slaying soldier, swamp trooper and Lizard friend [if I can get Draconic as a starting langauge. Learning from the Lizard folk about dumb bandits in the swamp]

Well do not feel you have to create those characters in a bubble, for not only am I available to help you tie your character into the world I am running in a collaborative way but perhaps one of the other players might be interested in having some kind of familiarity with your character.

The latter helps segue your character into the game more easily.

Ricka PF both sound fine with by me.

Crizible okay so "sn Ioun torch" was that a typo and was supposed to be "an Ioun torch"?

Also is your character human then, as you do not say, or is that "alot done" attached to your current gorilla avatar?

Grand Lodge

Human yes and an iuon torch. My phone doesnt correct half of what I type and I forget to self edit at times

Grand Archive

I'm not too familiar with animal companions but how many tricks can I begin with? In theory I could've already teach it all tricks using handle animal checks so... How many is reasonable? I guess I need attack, defend and come but I'd like to know the gm input on this

Okay Critzible so a human and I will look up the Ioun Torch if that is an actual item rather than a concept item and no issues I have no problems with making clarifications.

Okay Ricka the guidelines state that an Animal Companion (or just a trained animal) can learn a default number of tricks; Int 1 animals can learn 3 tricks while Int 2 animals can learn 6 tricks. These can all be trained ahead of time. Basically I usually ask what tricks a character's pet knows.

Int 3 or higher and they stop having a true Animal Intelligence and can learn any number of basic commands and/or be played as an intelligent NPC cohort to a degree.

Grand Archive

Oh I like how that sounds, I'll give it some intelligence then, as it makes things easier and more flexible

Edit: looks like I can't raise Int to 3 until level 4 so I'll go with tricks meanwhile, it's certainly interesting how animal companions works

Yep Ricka and giving an Animal Companion a +1 Int at level 4 does pay in dividends ;) (aka makes things easier)

Oh and hey Critzible what human race are you there are several in Oerth and at least 3 fairly common ones in the area your character is in.

Looks like a solid game, I am up for creating something...


3d6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 6, 1) + 6 - 1 = 18
3d6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) + 6 - 1 = 9
3d6 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 2, 3) + 6 - 2 = 15
3d6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) + 6 - 1 = 16
3d6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 6) + 6 - 1 = 17
3d6 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 2, 5) + 6 - 2 = 17

I am thinking the party could use a healer, maybe I can come up with something flavorful.

Grand Lodge

DunwichStoryteller Making him an ex soldier of Keoland helping stablize the area around Saltmarsh. Now he is trying to be an adventurer with maybe a reserve soldier

Critzible if you are still there and still interested how about taking something that will get you a boating skill -- maybe Boating (instead of Riding) and Profession [Mariner] or [Sailor]

Tara Ravenheart are you still interested?

Ricka PF are you still interested?

Grand Lodge

cool i can work with that

Cornith Whey:
Cornith Whey
Fighter Scythe Master 3rd
Medium Human, Neutral
Init:+3 Perception:+3
Str:16 Dex16 Con18 Int 13 Wis13 Cha10
AC: 21|10+7(armor)+0(Shield)+1(Dodge)+3(dex)| T:14|FF:17|
Tatami-Do: AC:+7|Dex+3| Penalty:-6|Fail:35% |Speed:20ft| 1000gp
CMD:20 v. Disarm and Sunder against the Scythe
CMB:+6 |+3+3(Str)|


Scythe:+8 |2d4+4|Crit:x4| Slashing
10lb.|18lgp| Trip:
Daggers(10):+6|1d4+3|19-20/x2| piercing|10ft
Heavy Mace +6|1d8+3|x2|bludgeoning

Composite Longbow(+3) |1d8+3|x3|Piercing|110ft
Arrows, Common(20)|1gp|1lb.

Armor Expert: While wearing armor you treat it as if you were born in it. This allows the person with this trait able to mitigate some of the penalty in movement

Swamp Survivor:Having had to live in the marshes and Swamps Corinth learned how to find fresh water in these environments, as well as +2 Will saves to keep magical liquids from spoiling.

Perception +4|3+1(Wis)
Survival +7|3+1(Wis)+3
Swim +9(+4)|3+3(Str)+3-5(AC)


Type: Humanoid (Human)
Attributes: Attribute of Choice +2 and +1 to 2 other different Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft
Senses: Normal
Human Versatility: Gain an Extra Feat (total of 2 at 1st level)
Multi-Talented: They can choose two Favored Classes at 1st-level and gain a +1 HP and +1 Skill Point whenever they take level in either class.
Skilled: Gain an 1 Additional Skill Point per Level and the Skill Focus Feat
Languages: Begin with Keolan (local human) and either Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, or Hin
Potential Additional Languages: Any modern non-secret language


Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields)

Weapon Guard (Ex)
At 2nd level, a weapon master gains a +1 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder attempts while wielding his chosen weapon. This bonus also applies on saves against any effect that targets his chosen weapon (for example, grease, heat metal, shatter, warp wood). The bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.

This ability replaces bravery.

Weapon Training (Ex)
At 3rd level, a weapon master gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with his chosen weapon. The bonus improves by +1 for every four levels beyond 3rd.

This ability replaces armor training 1, 2, 3 and 4.


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