Silencer21 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
My BBEG is facing 4 PCs.
The minions fall in round 1.
In round 2, everything focuses on the BBEG.
One hits once and invokes Allied Offensive.
One rolls two Nat 20s.
One rolls another Nat 20.All of these are cold iron.
My PCs are now standing over the BBEG's corpse.
I got to cast Lightning Bolt and force about 6 Will saves. AND I WENT FIRST. :D
Mine is going much "better/worse". Two casters stupefied. One poisoned/bleeding/grabbed/prone. One more caster holding against aura for now. The gunslinger running out of silver bullets. Qxal about 20% damaged.
Gayel Nord |
If it wasn't for the DCs, my group would probably have a better challenge with the 3-4 enemies. They're running amok on the fey... After 1 round, I've been reduced to the quickling and 1 mitflit...
Same the only reason, the quickling is that because of his high AC and insane speed. (I would like to create a monk Quickling)
GM Tiger |
One of my players has a plant eidolon that's absolutely murder on the fey through brute strength alone! :)
GM Doug H |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Same here, on round 7.
Got the Gatling gun ranger Synesthesia'd and Poisoned, therefore basically out of the combat. No one making saves vs the auras, and used all their tokens after cone of cold, cloudkill and some crits. Barbarian is drinking potions. Casters havin awful luck and almost everyone is out of hero points. They're pretty worried but on my side of the screen I think they pretty much got it.
Good times; the way these big bad encounters SHOULD be :D
GM Doug H |
Looks like it's at 12 now. We were #11. I hope Silencer21's table brought it home.
GM Ladile |
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And...we're done! Fantastic job, everyone!
Where do we submit reporting?
That was fast!
We'll be doing reporting via RPG Chronicles using the Outpost VI event code, which is:
PbP Outpost VI Event# 2710406
For more information on how this works, please see ---> Click Me!
Note that the bit about 'prizes' is only relevant for PF1 tables as they have a chance for a random boon; PF2 & SF get bonus AcP. Paizo provides prize vouchers and the winners for those will be drawn from the entire pool of players & GMs for the convention; this typically happens right after the con wraps up.
For those who don't have an RPG Chronicles account and don't wish to sign up for one, there's a separate link for you to report as a Guest GM ---> Guest GM Reporting
GM Tiger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Wow! That was fun! Hope to run another special in another convention!
GM Doug H |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks. Submitted to HQ via rpg chronicles. Still freaks me out how easy it is :D
GM Ladile |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks again to everyone for volunteering to GM (or act as backup) and for your patience. This was my third time acting as House GM but my two previous experiences were for the 1E campaign as well as being some of the earliest specials written for it, so there were no successes or Aid Tokens to wrangle. On the other hand, tables & GM assignments fell into place a *lot* more easily for this one; probably because the campaign is much newer and much more active.
All that said, if anyone happens to have any feedback they'd like to share (good or bad) please don't hesitate to post it here, send me a PM, or pass it along through another Online VO if you'd rather remain anonymous. Every time I do this I learn a little more but I'm only human and sometimes makes mistakes or forget to account for something.
Backup GMs, don't forget to report for yourselves as well, using the same instructions as above - just send it in as an empty table with yourself as the GM.
I'll keep this campaign thread up a little longer before marking it inactive :)
GM Doug H |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
All that said, if anyone happens to have any feedback they'd like to share (good or bad) please don't hesitate to post it here…
My only feedback is you were AWESOME!
Very smooth all around (goes for the whole house). This was a lot of fun, thank you!
GM Tiger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
what Doug said. You were AWESOME. I loved the experience and would love to do it again. I will definitely sign up to run other specials in the future.