Into the Borderlands: Tales of Swords and Wizardry! (Inactive)

Game Master Flanderdash

The Borderlands. An untamed wild region far-flung from the comforts and protection of civilization.

A lone fortified Keep is the only bastion of Good desperately striving to maintain the forces of Chaos at bay. But Evil is everywhere, lurking in dark caves, fetid swamps, and forlorn forests. Bands of cutthroat brigands and ruthless tribes of humanoids eager to clash with the forces of Good rove the region. The Borderlands hold many secret wondrous locations, and the opportunities for fame, prestige, and fortune are plentiful. But equally abundant are the perils, risks, and challenges to those brave enough to explore the wilds.

So sharpen your swords and axes. Purchase your iron rations and tinderboxes. And don’t forget at least one 10-foot pole. Adventure awaits those with the mettle to confront Evil and Chaos in the Borderlands!

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Here's Gwyn complete with backstory. Completely forgot that we had to pick a skill specialization. I picked Wisdom, since that makes the most sense.

I also wrote up a short background for Gwyn. (Well, it's short for me, anyway.) Gave the GM a hook for trouble on down the line.

mishima wrote:

So, just to be clear, we are still using thief skills like hide and move silently...just each character has additional attributes to use like skills? For example, as a thief I would have Dexterity as a skill attribute then I am free to choose another, say Charisma?

Then also, could you show me what this looks like in play? Here is what I am thinking given the text above. Assume my charisma is 15 and I am a 5th level character.

I want to lie about having stolen the Maltese Falcon.

1. Every class can make any skill checks using a d20 (roll over a target #).

Ok, so everyone can tell lies.

2. No defined skills the GM decides what attribute bonus (str, dex, etc) you will use on the check.

Suppose the GM decides charisma, and I have a charisma of 15.

3. Each class has two attributes they specialize in (one based on class and one they can choose).

Indeed, as a thief, I chose to specialize in Dexterity and Charisma skills.

4. Skills based on Specialized attributes always have a target # of 12 otherwise it is a target #18.

Ok, so I just need to get a 12 somehow.

5. You add your attribute (and your level generally for skills based on specialized attribute) to your roll.


Add your attribute. My attribute is 15, so 20+15=35.

And add level. My level is 5 so 35+5=40 total result.

I think I am confused on the 'add your attribute' part.

I am a bit hung up on this because I am trying to assign attributes and want to make sure I can be decent at certain things.

First, your questions and confusion are valid. The attribute bonuses are a bit random and while that might have been fun back in the day, it's a bit off.

For ease of play and some sense of continuity, with a chosen skill attribute on impressive Dex, Con, and Charisma attribute scores, we will use the "To Hit" bonus adjustments from the Strength chart rather than the simple +1 listed on the other charts.

Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma
Score Bonus


So, You add your attribute (and your level bonus generally for skills based on specialized attribute) to your roll.


Add your attribute bonus. My attribute is 15, so +1

And add level. My level is 5 so d20 + 1 + 5

Make sense?

And before anyone asks, Thieves abilities (Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, etc), are exceptional skills and far beyond what you can do/try based on simple the skill rolls listed above. Sure, you can use your Dex to try and sneak by someone, but your target number is gonna be huge. Thieves stick to their percentage rolls...such as they are at 1st level.


Awesome, thanks for the clarifications. :)

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Why is 13-15 a field of +1, but then so also is 16, and then 17 and 18 are separate fields, yet both +2?

Why don’t we go with the OSR style
and old school Basic DnD where:

13-15 = +1
16-17 = +2
18 = + 3

THough for some reason OSR makes Charisma the one different stat where 13-17 is +1 and 18 is +2 but only for NPC reactions.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Why is 13-15 a field of +1, but then so also is 16, and then 17 and 18 are separate fields, yet both +2?

Why don’t we go with the OSR style
and old school Basic DnD where:

13-15 = +1
16-17 = +2
18 = + 3

THough for some reason OSR makes Charisma the one different stat where 13-17 is +1 and 18 is +2 but only for NPC reactions.

Like I's pretty random.

I have no problem with 18 being +3. * shrug * I was just going with what was written. Your suggestion makes sense.

...don't get used to me being reasonable like this all the time, guys. I AM the DM, after all... Muahahahhahahahaaha*cough*hahaha*cough cough*

15 and 16 are both +1 but separate fields because there are other columns on that table that change between 15 and 16. The damage mod, open doors, and carry weight.

I'm down for whatever method used, I just don't want it to change during gameplay. :)

@DM Jello - well my suggestion might make sense on the face of simplicity, but as Mishima points out it might screw up the whole…”system”. Let’s just use the S+W rules (with your skill-cpnversant clarification for other stats) and leave it at that.

* thumbs up *

mishima here, I will be using this alias. I wasn't sure about languages, I assume it is the standard fare but could I take something like Cant or hand-signaling?

One last thing, I couldn't find anything like thieves' tools in the equipment. Are these abstracted away?

I will write up a little backstory shortly. Otherwise all set.


female halfling thief
Str: 10 (open doors 2 in 6)
Dex: 13 (5% exp, +1 to-hit, AC +1)
Con: 13 (hp +1)
Int: 14 (+4 languages)
Wis: 13 (5% exp)
Cha: 11 (4 hirelings)

hp: 5
AC: 6 [13] (leather, dex)
exp: +10%
sv: 15 (+4 vs magic, +2 vs devices)
languages: --------?
skills: Dex, Int
Thac0: 19 (+1 missile weapons)
MoveCombat: 12 ft/round indoors, 36 ft/round outdoors

Climb: 85
Delicate: 20 (pickpocket, find/disarm)
Hear: 3 in 6
Hide: 20
MoveSil: 30
OpenLock: 20

leather, dagger, sling, sling stones, flint & steel, crowbar, grappling hook, silk rope, steel mirror, sack (15), waterskin, torch (x3), oil (x3), 8.27 gp

Hey everyone, after some mulling over I decided I will not be applying to this one. On the upside, you will be left with 8 players which seems more ‘manageable’ than 9.

Good luck with the game, and wish you a lot of fun with a Classic experience.

Alrighty. I think I'm good to go.

Also just for story purposes, are we in the Mystara or Greyhawk setting or something else?

Hey guys, I gotta drop out of this one. Apologies GM Jello.

Chipluck wrote:
Also just for story purposes, are we in the Mystara or Greyhawk setting or something else?

Looking for similar clarification GM J - so I can nail down the basic backstory of my cleric.

@Oceanshieldwolf: Sorry to see you go. Pop back in later if you change your mind.

@Black Dow: Officially? Something Else. You'll be on the edge of the civilized world where many gods from numerous pantheons are welcome or at least acknowledged.

Off the edge of the map sort of stuff.

What diety were you thinking of using?

@GM J: Was actually thinking of him following a Holy Order devoted to a Saint of the Poor, Destitute and Misbegotten as I plan to make my cleric a leper (also reflects his low scores).

Not finalised anything as I was waiting for your input before I got the cogs turning :)

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@Black Dow: Are you doing a cleric of Ilmater? That should be interesting.

@Salsa - Had thought about it. Wasn't sure which pantheon we were using.

More I look into Ilmater the more they seem perfect - and they have Saints and Orders - which ties in really well with my initial idea...

Nice thing about doing a rogue is you really don't have to worry about that kind of thing. Now I'm wondering if your character is going to be like the friars from the third Drizzt book, Sojourn. That could be interesting.

Any Chance you could start up the "Gameplay" thread, so this campaign shows up on our main page instead of having to go to the recruiting thread every time?


I just assumed since the original modules were in Greyhawk we'd use those deities... hence the appearance of Wee Jas :-)

Here's Black Dow's cleric WIP :)

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@Black Dow: My friend, you have opened my eyes to how close Kuthites and Ilmateri are with that avatar. I really wish you hadn't.

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@Gwynethiel: Makes sense as she's a flagellant :)

@GM Jello: With WIS 16 Moritrude qualifies for an additional 1st Level spell. Does she only gain that when she gets access to spells @ 2nd level or does she start with a 1st level spell? Scoured the rules but am probably missing the obvious :)

Also dropped a point of CHA to gain a point of INT (really wanted her to have an additional language - Lawful, more for flavour) - trust this is acceptable.

She is terrifying....I would probably think twice before asking for any healing from, but seriously...!!

Penitent-Sister Moritrude wrote:
@Gwynethiel: Makes sense as she's a flagellant :)

That just makes it worse!

(he says while chuckling to himself and grinning like a loon.)

Cedryk wrote:
She is terrifying....I would probably think twice before asking for any healing from, but seriously...!!

Only twice? :P

Gwyn's certainly going to be cautious around the good sister.

Baazil the Cotchery wrote:

Any Chance you could start up the "Gameplay" thread, so this campaign shows up on our main page instead of having to go to the recruiting thread every time?


I just assumed since the original modules were in Greyhawk we'd use those deities... hence the appearance of Wee Jas :-)

Sure. Greyhawk it is! LOL. Wasn't worried about it, tbh, until you guys try to branch out past the Borderlands. So, primariy Greyhawk, though homebrewed, so dieties from FR and the Dieties & Demigods book (really old school) are welcome as well.

@Moritrude: You get the bonus spell when the character is able to cast that spell level. Attribute point move approved.

@Baazil: Gameplay thread coming soon so everyone can dot in, and then delete their post, which will add this campaign to your lists.

Gameplay is up. Other than dotting in (and deleting), please don't post there yet.

Discussion thread is open for business.

Grand Lodge

Bugger... missed recruiting

Grand Lodge

Let me know if anyone falls thru.

Helaman, I'll definitely let you know.

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