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![]() Sgt. Geoffrey eyes the assembled group with a critical glare, his arms crossed over his barrel chest. Shaking his head, he mutters something quietly sarcastic about what a fine lot he's been given, but then he barks, "Alright, now. Settle down. Ye lot, follow me." The middle-aged soldier walks over to what would appear to be one of the gate houses, and opens an ironbound, wooden door. Inside a 10' x 10' round shaped room waits a long table with benches along each side. "Have a seat. All o' ya." Feel free to rp this as well, but he'll continue talking as you settle in. "Welcome, then, ta the Keep o' Brotherly Conflict...as we like ta call it. Otherwise known ta the locals as simply The Keep. We sit near on the edge o' the world, or rather, the 'civilized' parts, anyway, and most of what we do here is ta' maintain that border." Geoffrey pauses to see who's listening and who's not, but then continues, regardless. "For most folks that come here lookin' for fame and adventure, that's enough. But not for ye all." A pause for effect, though he actually seems a bit bored, as if he's said these words a time or two before. "Be it known that you all have been chosen for an endeavor far beyond the capabilities of most of that lot, out there. The Captain has seen true potential in you, and so you've been chosen for more than just a simple clear-out-a-cave-o-pests duty." Another pause, though hiw demeanor shifts a bit, to one of a more serious manner. "Many years ago, two noted personages in the area, Roghan the Fearless and Zelligar the Unknown, mercenaries of some reknown, pooled their rescources to construct a stronghold for themselves as a base of operations. The location of this complex was hidden and chosen with care, far from the nearest settlements and traveled routes, so as to remain secret from prying eyes. So secret, in fact, that the entire story has often been thought more rumor and legend than fact." "Until recently, that is. Recently some local farmers believe that they may have stumbled across the possible entrance to this locale when one of their sheep wandered off into some nearby caves and they went in to retrieve it and found...something." He holds up his hand to halt any questions, adding further, "We believe it may indeed be the place o' a Wizard and whatnot, since one of the shepards stumbled into some sorta magical ward, and was instantly killed by lighting or somethin' of that nature." "Full disclosure, we sent another group before ya', meticulously chosen and carefully briefed. They haven't been heard from since. And so, here we are." Geoffrey pauses to twist the end of one of his moustaches and then opens his hands to the group, "What we propose is this: Head off to these caves. This complex and discover what goin' on there. If it's safe or if it's even a thing. If there be pests there...or worse, clear it out and make it safe. It's only four days travel from here, so we truly don't want to have goblins or whatever plottin' and schemimg so close to The Keep." Slight pause, then, "There's 30 gold pieces for ye, each, and ya get to keep what ye find, minus a 10% tax when ye return. How's that sound to ya?" ![]()
![]() "Hey now, what's goin' on back there?!" one of the blue tabards calls out, one hand dropping with practiced ease and menace to the hilt of his short sword. "I've got a mind ta'..." "To step back, private, and let me get on with this." The guardsman with the moustache reprimands, before standing and giving the entire throng a once over with an interested eye. "You. You. NOT you. You. No, the other one. Yes, YOU. You. Annnd..." One by one, the lead guardsman picks out five of you from the crowd, and motions for you to step off to the left, away from the other three groups. At the last second, his eyes meet Chipluck's and he finishes, "...You. Shoemaker, indeed. All of you, make haste to Guardsman Geoffrey. He has work for you." He then resumes sitting, and the couple dozen of the various other entrants into the city quietly wait their turn. Twenty paces to your left, a girthy, bald soldier stands waiting, his right hand resting on the shaft of a long spear. ![]()
![]() Seated at a long table, just inside the gates, are three soldiers, the center of which looks to be in charge...of entry to the structure, at least. His face is adorned with a large mustache, the ends of which are impressively curled and set in place. "Farmer, merchant, or looking for work?" His voice is rather nasal and bored. Glancing around, Baazil notes that there seem to be three separate walkways where those entering the Keep were being ushered. ![]()
![]() Prologue: A Long Time Ago in a Borderland Keep Far, Far Away... You have traveled for many days, leaving behind the civilized places and entered into the wilder areas of the Borderlands. Farms and towns have become less frequent and travellers, few, save for the small caravan of merchants, farmers, and adventurers in which you find yourselves. The road has climbed higher as you enter the forested and mountainous country. You now move up a narrow, rocky track. A sheer wall of natural stone is on your left, the path alling away to a steep cliff on your right. There is a small widening ahead, where the main gate to the Keep is. The blue-clad ment-at-arms who guard the entrance shout at everyone to give your names and state your business. All along the wall you see curious faces peering down at you, eager to welcome new champions and heroes, but others ready with crossbows and pole arms to give another sort of welcome to enemies. This is the actual opening to the adventure, Keep on the Borderlands, written by Gary Gygax himself, oh so long ago. Welcome to the game. ![]()
![]() Hey, gang. Thanks for being patient...it's been a long week, but I'm feeling a lot better. I should have an opening post up later today or tomorrow. Here's what YOU each need for us to get going. The crunch of your character ready and a good enough idea of your character's background that you'll have an answer IN-GAME when asked to introduce yourself. Works for everyone? :D ![]()
![]() So, would it be possible to have 'finalized' versions of your characters by Sunday 1/8? I'm thinking of getting started Monday or Tuesday of next week. Possibly Sunday if that happens to work for everyone, but I'm not mandating it. BTW - Loving the depth of some of the backgrounds I'm seeing, but nothing beyond a paragraph or so is necessary. Just an idea of who they are and what their humble beginings are. Remember, old school... :) ![]()
![]() The Borderlands An untamed wild region far-flung from the comforts and protection of civilization. A lone fortified Keep is the only bastion of Good desperately striving to maintain the forces of Chaos at bay. But Evil is everywhere, lurking in dark caves, fetid swamps, and forlorn forests. Bands of cutthroat brigands and ruthless tribes of humanoids eager to clash with the forces of Good rove the region. The Borderlands hold many secret wondrous locations, and the opportunities for fame, prestige, and fortune are plentiful. But equally abundant are the perils, risks, and challenges to those brave enough to explore the wilds. Sharpen your swords and axes. Purchase your iron rations and tinderboxes. And don’t forget at least one 10-foot pole. Adventure awaits those with the mettle to confront evil and chaos in the Borderlands! ![]()
![]() Baazil the Cotchery wrote:
Sure. Greyhawk it is! LOL. Wasn't worried about it, tbh, until you guys try to branch out past the Borderlands. So, primariy Greyhawk, though homebrewed, so dieties from FR and the Dieties & Demigods book (really old school) are welcome as well. @Moritrude: You get the bonus spell when the character is able to cast that spell level. Attribute point move approved. @Baazil: Gameplay thread coming soon so everyone can dot in, and then delete their post, which will add this campaign to your lists. ![]()
![]() @Oceanshieldwolf: Sorry to see you go. Pop back in later if you change your mind. @Black Dow: Officially? Something Else. You'll be on the edge of the civilized world where many gods from numerous pantheons are welcome or at least acknowledged. Off the edge of the map sort of stuff. What diety were you thinking of using? ![]()
![]() Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Like I said...it's pretty random. I have no problem with 18 being +3. * shrug * I was just going with what was written. Your suggestion makes sense....don't get used to me being reasonable like this all the time, guys. I AM the DM, after all... Muahahahhahahahaaha*cough*hahaha*cough cough* ![]()
![]() mishima wrote:
First, your questions and confusion are valid. The attribute bonuses are a bit random and while that might have been fun back in the day, it's a bit off. For ease of play and some sense of continuity, with a chosen skill attribute on impressive Dex, Con, and Charisma attribute scores, we will use the "To Hit" bonus adjustments from the Strength chart rather than the simple +1 listed on the other charts. Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma
--------------- So, You add your attribute (and your level bonus generally for skills based on specialized attribute) to your roll. 1d20 Add your attribute bonus. My attribute is 15, so +1 And add level. My level is 5 so d20 + 1 + 5 Make sense? And before anyone asks, Thieves abilities (Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, etc), are exceptional skills and far beyond what you can do/try based on simple the skill rolls listed above. Sure, you can use your Dex to try and sneak by someone, but your target number is gonna be huge. Thieves stick to their percentage rolls...such as they are at 1st level. Questions? ![]()
![]() Daniel Stewart wrote:
Pefectly acceptable. ![]()
![]() Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
I could. It's what I would do if this were a tabletop game and somehow 9 people showed up to play...* shudders in nervous fear * Tell you what.
We'll see how it goes. With part of this being the Keep on the Borderlands, if somehow there's none of usual attrition, and it gets to be too much, maybe we'll split into two interacting groups working in the region. ...or something like that. Beyond that, just start "finalizing" your submissions, boys. No need to rush Albion. ![]()
![]() So far we have:
Oceanshieldwolf Human Fighter Daniel Stewart Human Ranger Albion, the Eye Human Fighter Smiles-a-Lot Human Cleric Karma Human Monk Scranford Human Wizard "Baazil the Cotchery" AdamWarnock Elven Thief Black Dow Human Cleric ____________________________________________ ***Reminder, you ARE allowed to reroll your entire character once if you are unhappy with it.*** Beyond that? I think I'm going to Close the Recruitment here to new applicants. We already have more characters than we can take at this point, and the submissions have slowed down. I'll wait til the end of the week for final submissions. ![]()
![]() AdamWarnock: For THIS adventure, let's stick to the SRD rules. Characters can be any alignment, and you could even be a spy of sorts, but you can't start out planning to be working directly against one of the other characters. And, you'll have to follow the rules for spellcasting and whatnot. Part of the fun of this is playing it old school, and by the rules. Sorry if that doesn't work for you. Hope it does. ![]()
![]() AdamWarnock wrote:
That take on it would appear to be accurate. Which would also explain the 'need' for the suggested class requirements that I was going to blow off...and now realize I probably shouldn't. Quote:
I will still keep the max. +1 Str bonus for high Strenght for non Fighter characters, but other than that, we'll have to go with the requirements listed above. Sorry for the confusion. ![]()
![]() -Karma- wrote:
Non-existent in this game. Their prime stat is Stength. Old school. lol **** * chuckle * As for the rest, what the heck, it's Christmas, right? 1. Everyone can move their rolls to whichever stat they'd like. Does that help? 2. And, sure, I'll allow all characters other than Fighters a maximum +1 bonus for exceptional Strength. Happy Holidays, Folks.
![]() Into the Borderlands: Tales of Swords and Wizardry! The Borderlands. An untamed wild region far-flung from the comforts and protection of civilization.
Hi. While I've run Tabletop games for years, this will be my first foray into PbP GM'ing and have decided to start from the beginning. Kind of. This will be an homage to the origins of Adventure that began decades ago with B1: In Search of the Unknown and B2: The Keep on the Borderlands...the original first edition adventure modules.
The System: Swords & Wizardry
****** For ease of play, survival, and consistency, I’m adapting the following rules and policies:
There are six abilities for each character: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma. For each one of these, players will roll 2d6 for each stat, in order. And then you have a spread of values = 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, which you can add to those rolls as you want. This plan liberally “borrowed” from a post by Albion, and I really liked it. ****** Skills:
1. Every class can make any skill checks using a d20 (roll over a target #). 2. No defined skills the GM decides what attribute bonus (str, dex, etc) you will use on the check. 3. Each class has two attributes they specialize in (one based on class and one they can choose). 4. Skills based on Specialized attributes always have a target # of 12 otherwise it is a target #18. 5. You add your attribute (and your level generally for skills based on specialized attribute) to your roll. 6. The GM adjusts the target number up to +6 based on difficulty. This plan suggested in a post by Smiles-a-Lot, and as with Attributes, I just like it a lot. ****** Wizards:
Obviously only the luckiest magic-users survive in this game, because they are squishy and weak. Intentionally. Since we unlikely to reach high levels with these characters, I decided to have a little mercy on this class. Nothing game-breaking. To show the uniqueness of their arcane nature, each Wizard will roll a d20 on the following chart, (borrowed from the optional Aasimar race...one that is not allowed in this game)). This ability will represent either something they can do innately or one that they have somehow mastered. Any ability requiring “casting” can be used 3 times a day, and will work identical to the spell. 1.Detect Evil
****** Classes
Hit Points:
Starting Gold:
One gold piece (gp) is worth 10 silver pieces (sp) or 100 copper pieces (cp). ***************** The Party:
I plan to keep the Recruitment open until December 30th at 11:59pm, though I reserve the right to end it early if it fills up quickly and then goes quiet. I’ll announce the group sometime between the end of recruitment and the end of the first week of January, with a goal of starting by the 6th of January 2023. ![]()
![]() All of the above. Look, I really like D&D 3, 3.5, and 5e as well as both Pathfinder editions. But the OSR's are just what D&D used to be (D&D Red and Blue/AD&D) way back when I was younger, and everything in the roleplaying world was new and exciting. Different game style, as has been stated above. Probably not for everyone, but then, every game system just isn't meant to be for everyone. Hell, I have friends who love GURPS, but I can't stand it. * shrug * So obviously, the vote is very lopsided, and so I've decided upon Swords & Wizardry, with a few modifications/homebrew rules for clarification and balance. Not too many, but for fun/survival-value. The actual recruitment posting will be up in a day or so. ![]()
![]() Into the Borderlands
The Borderlands. An untamed wild region far-flung from the comforts and protection of civilization. A lone fortified Keep is the only bastion of Good desperately striving to maintain the forces of Chaos at bay. But Evil is everywhere, lurking in dark caves, fetid swamps, and forlorn forests. Bands of cutthroat brigands and ruthless tribes of humanoids eager to clash with the forces of Good rove the region. The Borderlands hold many secret wondrous locations, and the opportunities for fame, prestige, and fortune are plentiful. But equally abundant are the perils, risks, and challenges to those brave enough to explore the wilds. Sharpen your swords and axes. Purchase your iron rations and tinderboxes. And don’t forget at least one 10-foot pole. Adventure awaits those with the mettle to confront Chaos in the Borderlands! Hi. I'm considering my first foray into PbP GM'ing and have decided to start from the beginning. This would be an homage to the origins of Adventure that began decades ago with B1: In Search of the Unknown and B2: The Keep on the Borderlands...the original first edition adventure modules. Goodman Games offers a series of modules under the banner "Original Adventures: Reincarnated", with new additions of a handful of some of the earliest modules, available in both 5e and the original versions...with some additions and editing. I'm honestly not sure which way I'd go yet, as I've never DM'd 5e or OSR, so I figured I'd see first i they're be any interest, and if so, which edition would be prefered. My thought would be to start with Into the Unknown first, and if that goes well, launch into Keep on the Borderlands as a starting point for a sandbox campaign of sorts. So, anyone wanna play? |