Into the Borderlands: Tales of Swords and Wizardry! (Inactive)

Game Master Flanderdash

The Borderlands. An untamed wild region far-flung from the comforts and protection of civilization.

A lone fortified Keep is the only bastion of Good desperately striving to maintain the forces of Chaos at bay. But Evil is everywhere, lurking in dark caves, fetid swamps, and forlorn forests. Bands of cutthroat brigands and ruthless tribes of humanoids eager to clash with the forces of Good rove the region. The Borderlands hold many secret wondrous locations, and the opportunities for fame, prestige, and fortune are plentiful. But equally abundant are the perils, risks, and challenges to those brave enough to explore the wilds.

So sharpen your swords and axes. Purchase your iron rations and tinderboxes. And don’t forget at least one 10-foot pole. Adventure awaits those with the mettle to confront Evil and Chaos in the Borderlands!


Ageless Master

Male Human Monk1 | HP: 3/3 | AC: 8 [12] | Saving Throw: 15 (13 vs. Paralysis & Poisons) | Skill Spec.: DEX, WIS | Base Move: 12
(9 posts)



Elf Thief 1 | HP: 4/4 | AC: 6[13] | Saving Throw: 15 (13 vs. devices) | Skill Spec.: DEX, WIS | Arrows: 20
(623 posts)

Black Dow

Black Dow

Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7
(2,000 posts)
Penitent-Sister Moritrude

(13 posts)


Studley Cantrell

Male Paladin 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (2 old school) | THAC0 18| Saving Throw: 12| Skill Spec.: CON, CHA | Base Move: 9
(17 posts)


Baazil the Cotchery

Male Mean old Man Magic User / 1
(12 posts)

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