[ACO] PF2e 03-06: Struck By Shadows (P3) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

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Grand Archive

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M Hobgoblin Magus 4 | 25’ | HP 30/52 +0 Temp HP | AC 20 (21 w/shield spell) | F +10 R +6 W +8 resist fire 2 | Arcane Cascade +1 A Spellstrike charged | Conditions: Haste, stance, shield

As Ra’uf protects him from the construct’s staff, KaLang steps near the wall.
◇ step as part of liberating step

Zendel of Oprak wrote:
"If we can crack Green's armor, he will be easier to hit!" Zendel calls out.

He then draw a sigil in the air and their halberd starts dripping acid. They quickly bring it down to strike at Green and drench it in acid.

◆◆ Spellstrike, Acid Arrow
+1 Striking Halberd, IC: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 Reach, Versatile S
Slashing damage, IC: 2d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 + 1 = 11 +1 S Arcane Cascade
Acid damage: 3d8 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) = 9 plus d6 persistent acid, CS double base but not persistent damage

KaLang gives a grunt after he strikes the construct.

translation of grunt:
Like that?

Knowing that likely got the construct’s full attention, he casts shield.
◆ Cast a spell: Shield

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 55/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

Ra'uf moves to protect Arfsnarf and the goes to town on Green (though he will wait to see if anyone feels like flanking with him).

◆ Step

◆ Strike

+1 Greataxe: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Slashing Damage: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Flat Check: 1d20 ⇒ 13

◆ Strike

+1 Greataxe: 1d20 + 10 - 5 ⇒ (8) + 10 - 5 = 13
Slashing Damage: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Flat Check: 1d20 ⇒ 3

◆ Strike

+1 Greataxe: 1d20 + 10 - 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 - 10 = 6
Slashing Damage: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Flat Check: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Grand Archive

M Hobgoblin Magus 4 | 25’ | HP 30/52 +0 Temp HP | AC 20 (21 w/shield spell) | F +10 R +6 W +8 resist fire 2 | Arcane Cascade +1 A Spellstrike charged | Conditions: Haste, stance, shield

KaLang has a reach weapon. Ra’uf is flanking with KaLang.
I think the beacon arrow made it so we don’t need the flat check. If we do need it, go ahead and bot mine GM.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

KaLang imbues his halberd with acid and swings at Green with a mighty blow. A loud CRACK sounds and bits of armor fall to the ground. KaLang's halberd bites deeply into the construct's guts and it folds around the blade and collapses. It does not rise again.


You move into the library and find the area in disarray, with papers and tomes scattered all over the room. The initial shock and confusion of the scene buys Marcien the last precious seconds he needs to escape. An Onyx Alliance mage completes their casting of shadow walk, allowing the remaining Alliance members to immediately step into the Shadow Plane and retreat to Shadow Absalom—but not before you catch a glimpse of Marcien Blakros. The Onyx Alliance members drop several documents in their haste to retreat.

Toldrar soon tracks you down. "The Grand Lodge is secure. You may rest for a bit while my team and I investigate exactly what occurred today."

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Within a day or so, Toldrar finds you again and debriefs you and shares his findings. "The attack on the Grand Lodge was completely stopped, thanks in no small part to your efforts. I'm not entirely clear as to how the attackers arrived at the Grand Lodge, a preliminary investigation suggests the use of magic akin to shadow walk. The Grand Lodge’s wards account for teleportation of several kinds, but not the specific type of shadow magic used by the Onyx Alliance, a detail that I plan to correct immediately. Luckily, my security teams were able to apprehended number of intruders, which confirm that the Onyx Alliance were indeed behind the attack. Those sneaks you convinced to surrender gave up the Onyx Alliance name. I don't know the full intent of the intrusion just yet, but I hope to learn the information in the coming days. Unfortunately, most of the agents seem to be under the effects of a powerful enchantment that prevents them from sharing many details about the Onyx Alliance or their leader, but I was able to learn that an individual named Marcien Blakros directed the attack. The documents Marcien left behind were all related to Pathfinder lodges across the Inner Sea. While the reason for gathering this information is unknown, I believe it’s critical that you were able to prevent the information from falling into the hands of the Onyx Alliance. Thankfully, whatever Marcien was looking for, it seems that he didn’t have time to find it, largely thanks to your actions! On behalf of the Grand Lodge, I thank you for your efforts in fending off the Onyx Alliance. Venture-Captain Ambrus needs a few days to focus on the fallout following the attack and how to best address the knowledge of the Onyx Alliance’s involvement. He plans to reschedule his meeting with you about your trip to Osirion and he expects to contact them in the following days with new details."

With an uncharacteristic smile, Toldrar concludes, "I suggest you enjoy a few days off and celebrate their victory in defending the Grand Lodge. Once I get done with the last of all this paperwork, we shall head out for some food and drinks. You choose between the Wounded Wisp or the Pig's Paunch. Both have delicious food and the best ale this side of Absalom. I would also like to hear all about how you were able to utterly thwart the Onyx Alliance!"

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Congratulations, folks!

Thanks for playing!

Honestly, this has been the best table I've had for 03-06. Learned a lot from you awesome GMs as well!

Please verify your chronicle info is accurate. I'll report the game tomorrow if there are no changes.

Radiant Oath

Male CG Shoony (Bloodhound) Champion (Liberator) 6 | HP 55/78 | AC 25 | Fortitude (+12), Reflex (+9), Will (+12) | Perception (+10) | Speed 20 | Low-Light Vision | Default Exploration: Search +10 (+2 Init.) | Spells 2nd 1/1 1st 1/1 | Focus 1/2 | Hero Points 0 | Provisions: Moderate Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: Ghost Touch Axe | ◆◇↺

"Happy to be of assistance. Though I'm not sure you want to call on me too soon. Twice in a row I've been called to an emergency in the middle of a briefing. Third time's the charm, perhaps?"

Chronicle info is good.

Horizon Hunters

"It all comes down to logic" | 820-2003 | Male Feytouched Gnome Dandy Investigator 6 HP 68/68 | AC 23 | F +11 R +12 W +11 | Perc +10 | 25 Speed | Hero Points 2/3 | Campaign Coins 1/1 | Active Conditions: Resistance Negative Energy 1 -- | Cases: ---

Zendel thanks all of his male companions, then shyly approaches Salaish. "Now that we're not battling hordes of invaders, would you maybe like to go out to coffee with me someday?"

Then he turns to everyone and says, "You heard the Venture Captain! Let's head off to the Wounded Wisp!"

My chronicle information also looks good.

Grand Archive

M Hobgoblin Magus 4 | 25’ | HP 30/52 +0 Temp HP | AC 20 (21 w/shield spell) | F +10 R +6 W +8 resist fire 2 | Arcane Cascade +1 A Spellstrike charged | Conditions: Haste, stance, shield

As the battle ends…

KaLang looks at the destroyed construct, then at Zendel. “Was it supposed to fall apart like that once the armor broke?

He clears his halberd and rushes into the library, only to find he is too late.

Shaking his head, he cleans the blade of his halberd and waits as everyone gets patched up.

At the debriefing

Glad to have helped. Sorry we couldn’t get to them before the ritual finished.

Can you tell us more about this Marcien Blakros? I assume they are from the same family that runs that museum I’ve heard so much about.
The only interaction this character has had with the Blakros is Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries.


KaLang joins the group going off to the Wounded Wisp.

Information on RPGChronicle looks correct.

Horizon Hunters

2 people marked this as a favorite.
(female) Gnome (Fey-Touched) Bard 7 | HP 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14 R +15 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | focus 2/2 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 4: 2/2 | ◇◆↺ | Active Conditions: none
Zendel of Oprak wrote:

Zendel thanks all of his male companions, then shyly approaches Salaish. "Now that we're not battling hordes of invaders, would you maybe like to go out to coffee with me someday?"

"Oh, sure!" Salaish shrugs, giving a cheery half-smile. "I know this great little hole-in-the-wall coffee shop a few blocks from the Wounded Wisp. Have you ever been to La'Kota? I've busked at that corner a few times. You gotta time it right, but you can get some really generous appreciators of music in that spot."

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

"They were very tricky to deal with, the Onyx Alliance. I had little to no idea how to engage with them. Thankfully, my companions guided me in making the correct decisions. I really owe it to them."

Mindartis yells joy at the thought of free food and drinks. Mialee seems delighted as well as she screeches gleefully.

Horizon Hunters

3 people marked this as a favorite.
male goblin (razortooth) sorcerer 7 | ♥️69 | ⛨24 slick; resistance 1 negative | F+13 R+13 W+11 | Perc+9 darkvision | stealth+13 | speed 25ft | focus☑☐ | spells 1st☐☐☐☐ 2nd☐☐☐☐ 3rd☑☐☐☐ 4th☐☐☐ | Skeleton key☐ | Ventriloquist's Ring☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: dragon claws (1 minute)

At the end of the melee Arfsnarf is still catching his breath having just been brought so close to the brink. He looks around nearby until he finds his clacky rock, picks it up, and begins talking to it.

You didn't warn me about this clacky rock! You need a timeout. Perhaps I'll invent some type of dice jail... hey wait. I think that idea just might sell...

Later at the debriefing...

Wooo! You better believe you had security hole. Better patch that up. You know who does security real good? Goblins and kobolds. Better hire a consultant... He flashes his toothy grin suggestively while spinning the clacky rock on his index claw, insinuating a need for more of his services.

Out on the town after...

The wounded wisp? Oookay, but I have an early bedtime after all of that!

Salaish Talenduth wrote:
Have you ever been to La'Kota?

Hehe, that reference may be too inside :) Frankly though, it was *somewhat* trendy. Cafe Time across the street was the true hole in the wall :P #memories

Grand Archive

M Hobgoblin Magus 4 | 25’ | HP 30/52 +0 Temp HP | AC 20 (21 w/shield spell) | F +10 R +6 W +8 resist fire 2 | Arcane Cascade +1 A Spellstrike charged | Conditions: Haste, stance, shield
Arfsnarf Ah'sneeze wrote:

Later at the debriefing...

Wooo! You better believe you had security hole. Better patch that up. You know who does security real good? Goblins and kobolds. Better hire a consultant... He flashes his toothy grin suggestively while spinning the clacky rock on his index claw, insinuating a need for more of his services.

KaLang towers over Arfsnarf and says “Toldrar is a consultant from Oprak.

Toldrar is a hobgoblin from Oprak. KaLang also happens to be a hobgoblin from there.

Horizon Hunters

male goblin (razortooth) sorcerer 7 | ♥️69 | ⛨24 slick; resistance 1 negative | F+13 R+13 W+11 | Perc+9 darkvision | stealth+13 | speed 25ft | focus☑☐ | spells 1st☐☐☐☐ 2nd☐☐☐☐ 3rd☑☐☐☐ 4th☐☐☐ | Skeleton key☐ | Ventriloquist's Ring☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: dragon claws (1 minute)

Arfsnarf looks up at KaLang with a slightly confused expression.

What? You don't have to be tall to consult. It's not like we pile on each other and hide in trench-coat to get the job! In this case, three goblins better than one!

Grand Archive

M Hobgoblin Magus 4 | 25’ | HP 30/52 +0 Temp HP | AC 20 (21 w/shield spell) | F +10 R +6 W +8 resist fire 2 | Arcane Cascade +1 A Spellstrike charged | Conditions: Haste, stance, shield

Frowning in confusion, KaLang says “Made it sound like you didn’t think they had hired a goblinoid consultant.

Horizon Hunters

male goblin (razortooth) sorcerer 7 | ♥️69 | ⛨24 slick; resistance 1 negative | F+13 R+13 W+11 | Perc+9 darkvision | stealth+13 | speed 25ft | focus☑☐ | spells 1st☐☐☐☐ 2nd☐☐☐☐ 3rd☑☐☐☐ 4th☐☐☐ | Skeleton key☐ | Ventriloquist's Ring☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: dragon claws (1 minute)

Leave it to Arfsnarf to talk *right past you* :P

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