GM Doug's Tarnbreaker's Trail (Inactive)

Game Master Doug Hahn

Maps & Handouts
Character Macros
Progress Points: 24

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

Welcome! We can use Discord for discussion but I will put important links here.

Google Slides

We will use Google Slides for our tactical maps. I will add artwork and maps and handouts as we go. For now, I like to provide a character reference slide for everyone. This functions like a table tent would at a live table, and you can out your artwork and other reference info on it. I will also track hero points on this handout. The is a marching order handout on Slide 2 of the presentation, go ahead and put your token there.

I suspect Eleanor has 3 or 4 glyphs and Josh has one, and iff Dennis is playing he has 4. So we can assume everyone will start with 2 hero points for now.

Note that I also have a link to the slides in my byline, in case you need easy reference later on at some point.

Google Slides

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Please note that

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

GM screen:

Trace 2 = 2 B
Blue 1d5 ⇒ 1 A
Fangs 1d5 ⇒ 5 E
Two 7d5 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 2, 5, 1, 3) = 15 C
Wyrd 4 = 4 D

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

Hero point to Gri as recompense for GM cross-post-botting.

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

Hero point to Colin for the diplomacy and athletics awesomeness.

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

Hero point to pun-tastic Duchess

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

Hero point to Estelia for the diplomatic foray.

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

Hero point to Tumarea for the strix abilities and steady balancing which is fitting for the scenario challenges.

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

Battlemap link is incorrect on the initiative block; please use the one in my header and I will update the block next time around.

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

chronicles here — thank you for playing!

I'll mark the campaign inactive tomorrow. Feel free to post a coda in the meantime. This was a lot of fun.

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