A Silly game of Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Michael_Hopkins

Tactical Maps

City of Kenebras


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LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

/me waves.


N Female Small Fungus Leshy | ♥️ 32/32 | AC 16 | F +7; R +6, W +8 | Perc +6 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 19 | ⚕: None | ✋: | ☘️ 2/2 | Exploration Action: Covering Tracks (Always)

Hey there :)

I'll be getting the opening post up in a bit after everyone checks in, then the fun shall begin!

N Female Small Fungus Leshy | ♥️ 32/32 | AC 16 | F +7; R +6, W +8 | Perc +6 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 19 | ⚕: None | ✋: | ☘️ 2/2 | Exploration Action: Covering Tracks (Always)

I already made a great impression and dotted the gameplay thread with my default alias.

| HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

Hello everyone! I'm excited for this game to get rolling.

Viseka Rottur wrote:
I already made a great impression and dotted the gameplay thread with my default alias.

No worries, I do that often, lol. Just redot, and I can fix it.

N Female Small Fungus Leshy | ♥️ 32/32 | AC 16 | F +7; R +6, W +8 | Perc +6 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 19 | ⚕: None | ✋: | ☘️ 2/2 | Exploration Action: Covering Tracks (Always)

Done. Neat. Thanks for picking, and I'm excited to play!

| HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

So, one of my favorite articles about group composition in Pathfinder is The Forge of Combat. The article has been around awhile and you may have already seen it, but what I like is that it gives everyone a framework to talk about how they expect to participate in encounters without needing to focus on the specific mechanics or numerical advantages. Given this is a mythic game with the added complexity of gestalt I think that the general categories of Anvil, Arm, and Hammer will help provide a clear picture of how everyone wants their character to function. Teamwork makes dreams work after all.

So with that in mind I am planning to build Zeno as an 'Anvil' for combat purposes. He will focus on conjuration magic to help control the battlefield and debuff enemies. I expect to take spells like create pit, and glitterdust on the control side, as well as spells like haste and prayer on the buff side. There will also perhaps be some summoning/calling if more bodies are needed on the battlefield to help tank.

This gestalt stuff is new to me so I'd love to hear where everyone plans to take their builds.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |


LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

I HATE that kind of gameplay theory, because it reduces everything about the game to combat roles. That sort of perspective works well for the crowd who thinks you HAVE to build in certain mechanical ways to have a character that is worth bringing to a table.

Anthiol is a socially awkward dwarf who seems to know something about EVERYTHING, carrying an ancestral weapon that is decidedly less than optimal, as it does not allow the use of his class combat abilities.

As a player, I am very tactical but tend towards doing "stupid hero stuff." I pay attention to the active combat tropes that were created by the system mechanics, because you have to in order to work well within the game engine. Kill the spellcasters first kinda stuff. I also attempt to apply Sun Tzu, but I can't say I do a good job of it. Heck, most pre-written modules/games don't provide enough information or options (either on the player or GM side) to follow his teachings very well.

I think part of my reaction to the sort of gameplay theory is that approaching the game through those lenses means explicitly choosing to follow predictable patterns that will lead to facing opposition strength on strength. Strength on strength is a good way to lose characters. If we can find a way to apply our strengths against their weakness instead of their strength, we can also face more encounters in a given day.

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

Greetings! I'll read through the above batch of text and chime in asap.

N Female Small Fungus Leshy | ♥️ 32/32 | AC 16 | F +7; R +6, W +8 | Perc +6 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 19 | ⚕: None | ✋: | ☘️ 2/2 | Exploration Action: Covering Tracks (Always)
Anthiol wrote:
I HATE that kind of gameplay theory, because it reduces everything about the game to combat roles. That sort of perspective works well for the crowd who thinks you HAVE to build in certain mechanical ways to have a character that is worth bringing to a table.

This very accurately reflects my feelings on gameplay theory stuff.

I'm honestly more of a flying by the seat of my pants person with character build and character planning. I prefer to just see where the story takes me. My ultimate drive in any game, especially play by post, is the creative aspect and exploration of different types of characters.

As for my character's role, in like...MMO terms, she's largely DPS-heavy with a little bit of interesting magic/healing. Gestalt is very new to me, as well, so I am not as well-versed as some of you are in all of this mechanics stuff.

And honestly, the crunch/mechanics aspect of any ttrpg is my least favorite part...I lose interest in it very easily. I am not in ttrpg stuff for the numbers game. It serves its purpose in creating structure, which I definitely appreciate (I have ADHD and I'm autistic, so I thrive with structure and all), but I am more interested in how our characters will fit together as people and how that will play out rather than the crunch.

What roles our characters will fall into I think will depend on how they work together in-game.

LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

I should also note the whole playstyles/goals thing.

I can play an aggressively roll-play game. You know, the games where very few of the posts are about something other than covering pages in the adventure, about beating the opposition and taking their stuff. I'm in a couple now. I can enjoy those, but I don't enjoy them as much as I do games where the players take the time to do non-adventure-based interaction.

The role-play posts.

There are lots of excuses and opportunities not to make those posts, and I fall to them as often as anyone else. "I don't have time to write what I want to post right now, so I'll get back to it," but before you do others have moved things along far enough it feels awkward to reach that far back. You live your real life and come back some 20 to 27 hours after your last post and find the rest of the group has thrown up 40 wall-of-text posts and you are either overwhelmed about how or where to break in, or you just don't like to do chronomancy posting.

As a table-top player, I want to get combats over so I can get back to the more entertaining interactions. Yes, if you look at the typical characterizations of gamer types, I am both an actor and a tactician, but I am primarily an actor type player.

My communication style is heavily slanted to non-verbal communications. I don't always manage to describe that important aspect when I try to type in-game, though. Providing those non-verbals in person actually involves very little thought on my part. Describing them while I write is very much the opposite.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

Unfortunately this AP seems to focus on 'min-maxed, power-gaming, cheese weasels' but, since it is an AP, the GM can adjust the power level/difficulty of encounters up or down.
I understand the theory behind "Anvil, Arm, and Hammer" but I don't enjoy playing optimized, maximized, 'Oh look at me I can do 6,797,343 points of damage in one round' characters. Or the 'Hey my AC is 50454!' builds.
If Zeno/Geometer is looking for what my character is 'going to do', he's going to use his Sorcerer spells to augment his defense so he can stay in the fight longer. Will he do the 25%-30% of the targets HP in damage in one round? Probably not. One 'feat tax' I did incorporate into Constantine's build is the feat Fey Foundling. It's difficult to pass up +2 HP per die in extra healing especially when Paladins can use LoH on themselves as a swift action. It's also why, when/if the time comes, I'll probably lean towards the Guardian mythic path even though many players write about how sub-optimal it is compared to Champion. So be it. I also didn't scour the internet looking for the most broken archetype for the Sorcerer half of the build.
So while I'm familiar with action economy, importance of initiative, positioning, the 'Core Four', etc. I'm more interested in playing a roleplaying game; if I wanted a computer battle simulation, there are plenty of other products.
I want to stress this post is not intended to pick a fight over how 'best' to play or criticizing anyone's style for how they want to play but to explain my approach.

HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None

Lots of ideas going around already. So several sections to my post.

I look on forge theory as one of many tools. It's appropriate in some groups and situations, and less useful in others. I don't hate it, but I don't venerate it. Gestalt either makes people switch hitters or they double down in a role. When I'm healing, I'll be an arm, but I'll also be a ranged hammer. Especially as my kineticist ability grows.

I haven't seen this come up yet, but I do want to place my position that roleplay and rollplay are not two ends of a spectrum. They are separate and people can be strong in both. Like I say, I'm not seeing a problem, but I want to put it out there before blood is drawn. :)

The roleplay element will develop during the game, but we should talk about tactics before we get in a fight so that we live long enough to play the roleplay scenes.

Tactically I'm "the front of the back line". For now, I'm only effective in ranged combat, usually at closer ranges. I also want to stay close enough to the from to help with healing. I have channel and started with selective channeling. I'll get melee options eventually. I'm split focus, but I can be the primary healer. Luckily it looks like we have a couple other healers because it's always good to have multiple healers. I'm not going to be territorial!

My background overlaps with the Stolen Fury background and I've written it up to be able to have multiple people in the ritual. I'm also from Kenabres for other shared background elements. I'm willing to change things and figure out some links.

Mythically I'm going to dual path between guardian and hierophant. Hierophant to boost healing and guardian to make sure that I can get into the fight to heal and stay up when they target the healer. Plus, more hp and defense helps because kineticists use burn.

The big theme of my character is that he's torn between negative and positive energy. I figure that some people will be repulsed by him using negative energy and that's something to explore in game. I find that occasionally checking in ooc is a good way to balance in-game conflict and make sure that the players are having fun with it when the characters are upset with each other.

I may have some personal issues come up, and I'd like to be botted if it causes problems. I will try my best to minimize them, or to at least check in when they flare up.

the sad details:

I'm caregiving for both my parents. My father has brain cancer and it's terminal. I do want to keep roleplaying to keep my sanity, but obviously family comes first.
I know a lot of people here have faced similar situations and that helps me know I'll make it through this.
Thank you for your sympathy and support.

Well, this looks to be a hell of a fun game. I'm looking forward to saving the world with all of you!

HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None
Anthiol wrote:
There are lots of excuses and opportunities not to make those posts, and I fall to them as often as anyone else. "I don't have time to write what I want to post right now, so I'll get back to it," but before you do others have moved things along far enough it feels awkward to reach that far back. You live your real life and come back some 20 to 27 hours after your last post and find the rest of the group has thrown up 40 wall-of-text posts and you are either overwhelmed about how or where to break in, or you just don't like to do chronomancy posting.

Hopefully, we'll find a good balance where we can make sure to get everybody involved. I do hope we can get everybody to put in something substantial at least once a day. I also hope that we can control the "new game zoomies" and not get 40 posts in five hours from three characters. I've been on both sides of this, so I know how hard it can be.

But we're talking about it early, and that's always a good sign. I've always found that good ooc communication helps solve problems before they become game ending.

N Female Small Fungus Leshy | ♥️ 32/32 | AC 16 | F +7; R +6, W +8 | Perc +6 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 19 | ⚕: None | ✋: | ☘️ 2/2 | Exploration Action: Covering Tracks (Always)

I PMed the DM, but I figured I should let you all know - I'm bowing out. Have a good time, you all. :)

LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1
Viseka Rottur wrote:
I PMed the DM, but I figured I should let you all know - I'm bowing out. Have a good time, you all. :)

<frownie face>

HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None
Viseka Rottur wrote:
I PMed the DM, but I figured I should let you all know - I'm bowing out. Have a good time, you all. :)

Sorry to hear that

| HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

@Viseka Rottur I am also sorry to hear that. I hope everything is going alright with you

I am kind of surprised the strong reaction that article got. I am not suggesting that anyone needs to min max their character to do a a bazillion damage. What I was hoping for was an above board discussion of how people want their characters the shine during combat. I am pretty sure everyone imagines their character doing something well after rolling initiative and if all the players know what that thing is the game will go smoother for everyone.

Sun Tzu doesn't suggest meeting strength with strength, but strength with cunning. For that to happen teamwork and communication are essential. While it makes sense for our characters to take some time in-game to get to know each other though role play, it doesn't hurt for ourselves as players to know what is going on above board.

Personally I love both deep RP and challenging encounters and they are not mutually exclusive. This is my first PBP in awhile and I think in many ways it is better for RP because everyone has the time to put thought into how their character interacts with the world, and there is a clear delineation between character actions and player actions. It helps my immersion at least.

Anyways, I guess that is sort of my thesis. I hope I didn't offend anyone. The one bad thing about text based communication is that tone is so hard to embed directly.

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

I'm sorry to see Viseka going, and I likewise hope that everything is okay. I certainly hope that it was not the above discussion leading to any discouragement.

I'm certainly not offended by sharing resources about working through the crunchy parts of the game. However, I don't get the impression that Wrath... is going to require too much in the way of optimization, especially not since we have 5+ gestalt characters. As it is, for the four PCs that have posted their full stats in their profiles far, we're all meeting the basic standards in all of the parts of our builds, and most of the important adventuring skills are reasonably covered reasonably well. The only notable exceptions right now are Disable Device (which I can pick up, as it's a class skill), Intimidate, Stealth, and Survival.

As far as Pakk's role, he's primarily a Hammer in the linked article, but I chose stacking archetypes that will allow for a lot of versatility. The Trappings of the Warrior panoply for Occultist will let him have full BaB (or nearly so) through most of the AP while being buffed by a mixture of great abjuration and transmutation magic. He has two sources (the occultist's transmutation implement and the alchemist's mutagen) that allow for floating physical stat bonuses, and he can even pass the implement off to someone else in a pinch. However, with dimensional excavator, Pakk can also pick up a bunch of pit spells. With ectoplasm master, I have a spell-list expanded by necromancy and summoning effects. And beastmorph leans even more into the transmutation effects to enable a suite of options highly dependent on a given scenario.

Future Development:
As for the future, it's possible for Pakk to go into the Thunder and Fang style, dual wielding an earthbreaker and a klar for some hulk-smash stuff. And although Pakk is irreligious, it would be interesting to see him progress into the Mortal Usher prestige class, especially if serving Phlegyas. Even more than the mechanics, it would represent a growing recognition that he has important work to do outside of academia, while still allowing him to continue to progress in his research (albeit more slowly) with the aligned class feature.

That being said, whatever plans I have are highly dependent on how the story unfolds.

It's worth noting, though, that all of the mechanical decisions I made for Pakk were subservient to his character.

The only thing I would really bring up in terms of mechanics is a general concern about those characters wearing armor who have spells subject to arcane spell failure, and whether you have any contingencies for spells fizzling out until you are able to take arcane armor training.

That being said, I would much rather balance a discussion of mechanics with some discussion of background in terms of whether any of our PCs know each other prior to the starting events of the AP, and if so, how. For instance, both Anathiel and Constantine have the Exposed to Awfulness trait, which says the following:

Exposed to Awfulness wrote:
You and any others with this trait are related, if only distantly. You could be siblings or cousins—a condition that perhaps lends some credence to the theory that all of you share more than just a common bloodline.

So we should definitely be discussing that sort of stuff.

For instance, Pakk has lived in Kenabres for most of his life and is decidedly an academic. As a fellow scholar, it seems feasible that he an Anthiol have appeared in similar circles, even though Anthiol is much older than Pakk. With Anathiel channeling both positive and negative energy, he seems like the sort of person that Pakk would be fascinated by, and possibly interested in studying.

LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
Limited Daily Use:
Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1
Zeno Leroung wrote:
Sun Tzu doesn't suggest meeting strength with strength, but strength with cunning.

Not even close. I am disturbed that you presented this statement as though you think I indicated he had.

If you did come to that conclusion, we have a great deal to work on to establish clear communication.

Zeno Leroung wrote:
What I was hoping for was an above board discussion of how people want their characters the shine during combat.

I don't expect Anthiol to shine during combat. Monks are Swiss army knives. They don't get to be huge damage dealers. They do some supporting damage, provide some battlefield mobility, and the projected feats on my profile show I intend to get into battlefield control tactics (grapple/trip/disarm). With the War Chant Bard Song, I'll be "buffing" by providing temporary feats. Purely situational what and when. I expect he will mostly be a disruptor, interfering with the enemy.

But Anthiol was bult to be a dedicated scholar who is going to get sucked out of the libraries and into the battlefield. His only real carried weapon is effectively a piece of history that appeals to him because of the history, but there's a limit to how well he can use it. I'm waiting to find out if he even thinks to pull it out for the first fight or two. I don't know yet. He isn't going to be where he wants to be, but he is going to do what he understands needs to be done, regardless.

Pakk Holstad wrote:
For instance, Pakk has lived in Kenabres for most of his life and is decidedly an academic. As a fellow scholar, it seems feasible that he an Anthiol have appeared in similar circles, even though Anthiol is much older than Pakk.

ABSOLUTELY! And with the near identical bonuses across most of those knowledge skills, they have very probably been studying some of the same texts. Given the limited number of copies of the more significant books, this makes it almost unavoidable that they will have been waiting one on the other for access to a book now and again.

Anathiel is physically hard to miss. I expect many are likely to know OF him. Those trained in both planar and religious lore are quite likely to have seen a discussion on not just the planar-touched people in Kenabres, but another focusing on the Aasimar and Tiefling individuals in particular.

While Arrius Voralius Constantine is an Aasimar, he doesn't seem to possess the same sort of striking physical manifestation that Anathiel does, so he is less likely to have made a wide impression. A quick glance through his write-up, and I don't see much suggesting a history of intentional interaction. If he needed to do some research for some reason, he could have interacted with either Pakk or Anthiol, of course, but I don't have the impression such an effort would be consistent or dedicated over an extended period.

And for asking everyone else's plans and outlooks, Zeno has provided nothing within his profile for us to work from. Maybe that's why he's asking us instead of reading what we already provided? Possibly using the profile to share information at the player level isn't something he's used to doing?

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

Let's take a breath and try to start off on our best feet with each other.

Zeno wrote:
This is my first PBP in awhile

So let's provide some resources to help!


@Zeno and anyone else who likes this format: Feel free to copy and paste this into your new alias. I have put a space in front of the formatting text, so you can do a find a replace all of "[ b]" and "[ i]" without the space in your favorite text editing program too quickly fix it. The closer that a statblock in your alias resembles what the GM is used to looking at (see here or here for an example), the smoother (in my experience) the game can run.

[ b]Character Name[/b]
Gender Race Class Level
Alignment size type (subtype)
[ b]Init[/b] +; [ b]Senses[/b] ; Perception +

[ b]Defense[/b]
[ b]AC[/b] , touch , flat-footed (+ armor, + shield, + Dex, + natural, + deflection, + dodge)
[ b]hp[/b] (d+)
[ b]Fort[/b] +, [ b]Ref[/b] +, [ b]Will[/b] + (circumstantial modifiers)
[ b]Defensive Abilities[/b]

[ b]Offense[/b]
[ b]Speed[/b]: ft. ( ft. in armor)
[ b]Melee[/b]: +/+ (d+/x)
[ b]Ranged[/b]: +/+ (d+/x)
[ b]Special Abilities[/b]:
[ b]Spell-Like Abilities[/b] (CL th)
1/day—[ i][/i] (DC )
[ b]Class Spells[/b] (CL th; concentration +)
2nd (/day) [ i][/i] (DC )
1st (/day) [ i][/i] (DC )
0 (at will) [ i][/i] (DC )

[ b]Statistics[/b]
[ b]Str[/b] , [ b]Dex[/b] , [ b]Con[/b] , [ b]Int[/b] , [ b]Wis[/b] , [ b]Cha[/b]
[ b]Base Atk[/b] +; [ b]CMB[/b] +; [ b]CMD[/b]

[ b]Feats[/b]:
[ b]Traits[/b]:
[ b]Skills[/b]:
[ b]Languages[/b]:
[ b]SQ[/b]:
[ b]Gear[/b]:

[ b]Special Abilities[/b]
Copy, paste, and hyperlink as you need/the GM requests.


Anthiol wrote:
Anthiol was built to be a dedicated scholar who is going to get sucked out of the libraries and into the battlefield...He isn't going to be where he wants to be, but he is going to do what he understands needs to be done, regardless.

For similar reasons, I'll be curious to see how Pakk reacts as well. He's trained in all martial weapons, owing to dueling fraternities at the University of Lepidstadt, but it's not what he has spent time focusing on. "I'm (almost) a doctor, not a crusader!"

Anthiol wrote:
And with the near identical bonuses across most of those knowledge skills, they have very probably been studying some of the same texts. Given the limited number of copies of the more significant books, this makes it almost unavoidable that they will have been waiting one on the other for access to a book now and again.

I love this. I imagine that Pakk ran into Anthiol's name on so many check-out cards going "who is this guy?" while reading before ever actually meeting him.


As I have an opportunity, I'll read a bit more on everyone's background to make some more specific "Oooh, what if--" comments.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |
Anathiel of the Broken Halo wrote:
Viseka Rottur wrote:
I PMed the DM, but I figured I should let you all know - I'm bowing out. Have a good time, you all. :)
Sorry to hear that

Agreed and I'm sorry to hear about your situation as well.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |
Pakk Holstad wrote:

Exposed to Awfulness wrote:

You and any others with this trait are related, if only distantly. You could be siblings or cousins—a condition that perhaps lends some credence to the theory that all of you share more than just a common bloodline.

Anathiel and Constantine are both Aasimars so it would make sense they might share a common ancestor somewhere in the past. And why wouldn't evil demons seek to kill divine-blooded progeny?

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |
Anthiol wrote:

While Arrius Voralius Constantine is an Aasimar, he doesn't seem to possess the same sort of striking physical manifestation that Anathiel does, so he is less likely to have made a wide impression.

When you're an Aasimar and don't worship Asmodeus, it pays to lay low in Cheliax.

| HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor
Pakk Holstad wrote:

Zeno wrote:
This is my first PBP in awhile

So let's provide some resources to help!

Got it up, thank you!

As for Zeno's background, apart from being part of the Stolen Fury ritual, I want to play him as a Chelxian expat war reporter. As a lawful good worshiper of Asmodeus, Zeno reconciles his familial faith with the knowledge that Asmodeous holds to key to Rovagug's prison and therefor can not be entirely evil. Participating in these crusades to seal the World Wound is Zeno's way of honoring this aspect of Asmodeus. By writing to his friends and contacts back home in Cheliax, Zeno hopes to inspire the Hell-aligned to take up common cause with the crusaders and stop the flow of demons further south.

Anyways, that's my above board character motivations. Things obviously may change when the rubber meets the road and we get into the campaign proper.

HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None
Arrius Voralius Constantine wrote:
Anathiel and Constantine are both Aasimars so it would make sense they might share a common ancestor somewhere in the past. And why wouldn't evil demons seek to kill divine-blooded progeny?

Quite possibly related. Since you were attacked in Cheliax, they might have been planning to do the tritual again, but something went wrong.

I'm sort of mixing with the Stolen Fury for flavor.

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

It'd be interesting if Zeno reported on the attack on Constantine in Kantaria, depending on how old the two are respectively.

Anathiel, any thoughts on whether this idyllkin man would consent to/be interested in being a research subject for an overly curious half-orc?

HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None
Pakk Holstad wrote:

It'd be interesting if Zeno reported on the attack on Constantine in Kantaria, depending on how old the two are respectively.

Anathiel, any thoughts on whether this idyllkin man would consent to/be interested in being a research subject for an overly curious half-orc?

Hmmm... there's this gaping void in my soul that draws life energy down into Yhidothrus. He wants to get rid of it and would gladly be a research subject for that.

N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

Eeexcellent, eeexcellent.

What, this angular tattoo on my back that is absolutely a stylized version of Desna's holy symbol and totally not a demon lord's unholy symbol? Don't pay any attention to that. Orcs get lots of tattoos. Totally not because of a demonic ritual. Let's focus on that gaping void in your soul.

Okay, so my definite links prior to the start of the game:

  • Pakk and Anthiol are part of Kenabres' small (but hopefully active) academic community. Does Anthiol have a specialty?
  • Pakk secured funding to study the changes to Anathiel's metaphysiology as part of his broader research activities into the use of extraplanar energy interactions. The stated goal is obviously to find a cure, though Pakk is above-board about how many unknowns they're working with, and how difficult the task will be.

    I don't see too much potential connection between Pakk and Constantine or Zeno just yet, but I don't have to know everyone at the start.

    Are we going to try to grab a sixth person, or proceed forward with a party of five?

  • LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
    Limited Daily Use:
    Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

    Specialization? Meh. History? I plan to keep Planar, Local, and either Religion or Nature constantly trained as well. (Based on the advertised types of opponents.) So, maybe I should call his specialization Occupiers of the Worldwound? Probably a lot of call for that specialization in these parts.

    I figure his approach to academia is more like a traditional physcist's approach is to science: "Everything they think of as a specialty exists within my domain."

    Breadth being part of the Irori effort for self-improvement.

    | HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

    @Anathiel: I'm currently working on getting Zeno's backstory and really enjoyed your use of the 'stolen fury' ritual trait flavor in yours. I know we had briefly discussed interweaving backstories in the recruitment thread but left off given there wasn't a firm group yet. Now that we are prepping for the game to start it would help to know about how old you imagine your character being now, or how many years ago your cultist run-in took place. I think aasimars age at a similar rate to humans so we are likely within 5-10 years of each other if it was the same ritual.

    @Pakk: I am not familiar with that bit of inner-sea lore and can't find anything about it on the wiki. I'm open to the idea depending on timelines but I'd need to know a little bit more about the attack. Could you point me in the direction of a good resource?

    Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |
    Pakk Holstad wrote:

    I don't see too much potential connection between Pakk and Constantine or Zeno just yet, but I don't have to know everyone at the start.

    Are we going to try to grab a sixth person, or proceed forward with a party of five?

    Arrius would seek out Pakk to ask if he's able to manufacture alchemical weapons such as Holy Weapon Balm!

    N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

    That bit of lore comes from Constantine's backstory.

    Arrius Voralius Constantine wrote:
    3) Born in the town of Kantaria one of Constantine's most important life events occurred when he was a small child. Straying too close to the border of the Barrowood a hideous, tainted creature emerged from the woods and attacked him. On the verge of death he was saved by a mysterious woman, tall and proud, and both odd and yet oddly familiar. Once the creature (a demon he would later learn) was dispatched the woman smiled at Constantine but said nothing and disappeared.

    And Pakk would/will happily craft some holy weapon balm (especially if the GM permits a modicum of pre-game crafting to enable lower price points on alchemical items for the group). That is exactly the sort of thing that he's interested in researching, so trying it out is always welcome.

    HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None
    Zeno Leroung wrote:
    @Anathiel: I'm currently working on getting Zeno's backstory and really enjoyed your use of the 'stolen fury' ritual trait flavor in yours. I know we had briefly discussed interweaving backstories in the recruitment thread but left off given there wasn't a firm group yet. Now that we are prepping for the game to start it would help to know about how old you imagine your character being now, or how many years ago your cultist run-in took place. I think aasimars age at a similar rate to humans so we are likely within 5-10 years of each other if it was the same ritual.

    I deliberately left this vague in case somebody had a specific need for a certain timeline in the shared background.

    Roughly, I'm thinking that he's 18-19 now and he was about 12 when the ritual happened. But I can modify this.

    I was even thinking about the ritual taking longer in subjective time. We could have aged years during the ritual.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Sorry about the lack of posting, I have been sick for the past couple of days, but am hopefully on the mend!

    I'll get the intro post in after catching up on things!

    LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
    Limited Daily Use:
    Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

    No stress from this side! My wife had a knee replacement done Friday. I've been doing my chores and hers, including watching grandchildren.

    Surprising how many quick-break opportunities I've had to check the boards, really, but none of them were long enough for me to PLAN anything of note.

    Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

    Apparently I am the replacement!

    Hi there!
    Replacement here!

    Mechanical TLDR:
    Spell Warrior side:
    --Since everyone is a spell caster, I shall be a spell warrior so people can actually freely benefit from my rage powers.
    --This basically means I hand out rage powers, as well as enchantment boni to your weapons
    --I will pick up the celestial blood lesser rage power at level 3. Which makes everyones melee attacks good aligned and deal extra d6 damage to evil outsiders, this like, totally wont be relevant at all yesyes.

    Mutagenic mauler side:
    --Beerfiend is also going to flurry with a d10 Scizore, because why not, and do drug abuse (mutagenic Mauler) because also why not. 3 good saves and full bab progression round things off, he will pick steadfast personality at some point to shore off his willsave.

    From what I get he is probably the person with the "sunniest" personality, being a devotee of Kurgess (Cayden disapproves of the drinking contests Beerfiend is so fond off), he will be fairly "pro redemption", and generally look for unusual solutions to problems.

    Background: His background, mechanically, is chance encounter. He may go for dual path trickster champion.
    Background links: He did publish a disertation on interesting linkages between Kellid and Mwangi drinking traditions, propositioning the theory that both of these originally arose in the context of an otherworldy invasion making ample use of infiltrators whose reaction to Alcohol is easily identifieable as different from that of a human.

    He also wrote "Sarkoris, a travelloge" which consists on mostly accurate advice on how to honor local customs, and get along with Kellids in general (whil being explicitly not condescending), which our intrepid Chelaxian war reporter may have read.

    Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

    Another Angelkin! Welcome cuz!

    I thought Askold also had a gold name plate that says, "I wish you would!"...

    HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None

    Any preferred formatting for the stat bar?

    | HP 20/35 | AC 20 (23 with shield) T 11 FF 19 (22 with shield) | F +8 R +5 W +7 (+2 vs Enchantments/Death Effects) | Perc +7 | Low-Light Vision | Aura: Courage (10 ft +4 vs Fear Effects) | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 0/4 | Smite 1/1 | Lay on Hands 0/4 | Immune: sleep, disease, fear | Active Conditions: None
    Anathiel of the Broken Halo wrote:
    Any preferred formatting for the stat bar?

    Something that tells at a quick glance as to what's currently going on with the character when needed.

    Active Effects
    Spell Slots Used/Available
    Abilities Used/Available

    You can check this character's sheet for a basic example as a template if need be.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
    Limited Daily Use:
    Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

    Added a spoiler block for the limited use list, as it will get longer as time goes on . . ..

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

    Welcome, Askold. That makes for two Tricksters in the party, so we should do some coordination.

    Just a few questions:

  • How would a Level 1 24-year old have written a travelogue about a part of the world that has been infested with demons for over 100 years? It's 4713, so the Fourth Mendevian Crusade ended six years ago and started when Askold was 3. Sarkoris has been lost since the Second Mendevian Crusade, which ended in 4645. So I'm confused about this part of your background.
  • I'm also a bit confused about how knowledgeable Askold is about demons given no ranks in Knowledge (planes).
  • Do you mean Sylvan instead of Fae for the language? Your sidebar lists different languages than your Skills spoiler.
  • I also don't really see anything about the stranger who rescued you from the ritual.

    Chance Encounter wrote:
    You and other characters were all saved by the same mysterious woman in your childhood. This could have been the same event, or she could have saved you on separate occasions—the discovery that someone else was saved by the mysterious stranger has resulted in a long friendship (or perhaps friendly rivalry) with the others she rescued.

    We clearly didn't have the same event, given our vastly differing backgrounds. And Askold seems to be just recently arriving in Kenabres instead of having grown up here, so that doesn't really give him and Pakk ample chance to know each other. Maybe it would be good to check with the GM that this component of the background is okay, or if it will screw with the plot.

    You seem to be operating on some meta-knowledge of the plot of Wrath of the Righteous and who is involved. I think that we should be careful about that, otherwise it might spoil things for other players. Some fourth wall breaking can be fun, but not everyone has the same knowledge. Not trying to be hostile, just making sure that we're on the same page so that we can have fun at the table together.

  • Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

    Nice catch, holdovers from applying with him to a different module. I upped his age to the mid thirties.

    There is the question of "how did you survive element X in your backstory as a level 1 character?". I dislike this question because it limits too much creativity. Golarion is a dangerous place. Much of it is an active or semi active war zone. Any travel for more then 30 miles realistically speaking kills you or levels you up.

    The setting specifically allows for people to have made a long treck to Mendev, up to and including Tian Min, and you typically wouldnt survive a trip from there to Mendev as a level 1 character either (I mean, you could, but you would be level 5-6 by the time you reach Mendev).

    Askold grew up as part of the Sarkorian (which has not been totally lost, and plenty of Sarkorians would highly disagree with it being lost, Vahaluv specifically resisting for a full century, so until at least 4706, technically Shadow Spring is not under the Demons either, although the inhabitants went mad) diaspora, his guide to Kellid customs involved him moving around from different tribe members in the Diaspora, often in the same city, as well as collecting various pieces of lore, specifically so that it would not be forgotten.

    In contrast to more traditionalist minded Kellids, he kind of wrote for a non Kellid market to popularize the culture among non Kellids.

    It got him enough funds to explore some other tribal cultures.

    I kind of disagree on needing high knowledge planes to know a lot about demons if you grow up near the worldwound.

    A Thrune loyal Chelish would likely know that her infernal Majestrix has a Pit Fiend advisor under her, because she propagandizes this. They will not know what a Pit Fiend has in terms of immunities, but they will know that it represents the Apex of the infernal hierarchy.
    Likelwise, a Kellid will know which Demons rules which Kellid city, especially if his family was from there, and will likely also know the species of said demon, even if that doesnt mean he actually knows offensive or defensive capabilities of that demon species.
    Beerfiends tribal group fled from Raliscrad, which is currently ruled by the Lilitu Minagho. What he knows about a Lilitu is "Worse/more powerful then a Succubus" or "Like a Succubus but more so".

    Picking Kn. Religion (instead of planes) at level 1 is admiddetly somewhat metagamey, but he is a Skald meaning he can make checks in it untrained and as celesial crusader (I forgot to put that in) he gets a total of +2 on top with another +2 from tears to wine for a total of +5.
    Now, research in a reasonable library, or with the assistance of knowledgable elder skalds, and you are at a +9ish. Take a 20 and you have +29 without having a rank there (which he is going to pick up at level 2). This kind of gives me 2 reasonable kn skills at level 1, rather then one really good one.

    The stranger rescued from the ritual was an idea to tie it with a possible stolen fury trait, and I wrote it when there was 1 trickster character and few stolen fury characters in the offing.

    Backstory is certainly malleable, I dont know about you, but my characters backstory tends to change/expand a fair bit during a module, typically for purposes of greater engagement and storytelling.

    I hope that didnt come off as too standoffish.

    N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

    It's certainly not standoffish. I have been going through and reading peoples' backstories to figure out how/whether my character would know them. Because yours is written more as scenes with dialogue instead of narrative, there were/are still a lot of unknowns. For instance, I had no idea from your profile that Askold was from Sarkoris. That's awesome and exciting and makes a lot more sense than what I had gathered from my initial read.

    I understand not liking the level one question, but we're not adventurers yet. I'm wary of seeing level one PCs with grand stories of their glorious deeds because it stretches credulity when we then see them in their first combat and they're getting pummeled by a wet noodle. Maybe it's just me, but I prefer to write my level one characters dealing with level one trials: a druid fighting off a pack of wolves, a swashbuckler leaving home for his first adventure having never bloodied his sword, etc. I try to save my crazy stories for characters that come into games at higher levels.

    And I'm not saying that you need a high knowledge planes, but being able to distinguish between the ranks of fiends with high Knowledge DCs, much less untrained, is a lot, even with the help of libraries and elders. If I'm trying to compose a character's background, I try to think about what my character would reasonably know, not what they could possibly know given unlimited time and resources. And if knowing something specific is significant, then I try to make that clear in my background. Otherwise, I assume that they know about as much as they could by taking 10 in a trained Knowledge skill. So again, I had no idea that Askold was from Raliscrad, but it now makes sense that he would know about the ruler and want to learn more about the lilitu.

    We as players have much more knowledge of Golarion lore than our characters probably ever will. I enjoy peppering in details of things that my characters might know that are not directly pertinent to gameplay. For instance, I have a druid in a game of Kingmaker who has traveled up and down the Sellen and gone to the Moot of Ages every year since he became a druid. He's heard lots of stories there, so he's up on basic gossip enough to reference interesting tales. But he has met some low-level fey and rolled a natural 1 on his Knowledge (nature) check and been completely flummoxed by what they are.

    My backstories also expand during gameplay. But I like having a firm foundation from which to start, as it helps me understand my motivations and the GM to find clear hooks with which to test me.

    Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |
    Pakk Holstad wrote:

    We as players have much more knowledge of Golarion lore than our characters probably ever will. I enjoy peppering in details of things that my characters might know that are not directly pertinent to gameplay. For...

    Which is why I tend to RP my PCs as 'the standard' or 'stereotypical' person one would expect of race (x) or region/nation (x) and then they change as they interact with other PCs and other parts of the world. It makes sense to me that they would change unless I built them to be stubbornly resistant to changing their perspective.

    Day has been busy, but, get ready for the big post by the end of today or midday tomorrow!

    As for the metagaming, it should be kept minimal, but a few certain names can be thrown about without much to ruin interactions, as Anevia would have many under her for information's sake. She has eyes all over the city who report to her in person, by proxy, or dead drops. As for Nocticulas, her name is mostly whispers in the city, while a certain book's copies tend to be passed around by various cults.

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    Ennead Star
    Silver Crusade Shadow Dragon

    (709 posts)
    Agathion, Leonal
    Anathiel of the Broken Halo

    HP 12/12 (0 NL) | AC 16 (17 with shield) T 13 FF 14 (15 with shield) | F +5 R +5 W +5 (+4 vs disease) | Perc +5 | darkvision | Speed 30ft | 1st: 4/4 | Channel 4/4 | Resist 5 A/C/E | Active Conditions: None

    played by Philo Pharynx (46 posts)
    Pahmet Monk

    LG M Dwarf Bard (Dwarven Scholar) 1 / Unchained Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1 / Gestalt 1 | HP 11/11 | AC16/T16/F13/CMD18 | F+3/R+4/W+5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (Darkvision 60') | Sense Motive +3 | Speed 20' | Conditions/Effects: None |
    Limited Daily Use:
    Bard Lvl 1: 2/2 | Bardic Performance: 7/7 | Ki Pool: 1/1 | Stunning Fist: 1/1

    played by hustonj (39 posts)
    Algon the Ever-Seeking
    Arrius Voralius Constantine

    Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (9 / 9) | Smite: 2 / 2 | Mythic Power: 5/5 |

    played by Shadow Dragon (563 posts)
    Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson

    Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6

    played by Mightypion (116 posts)

    DM CrazyComic

    played by Michael_Hopkins (123 posts)

    F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

    played by Mightypion (1,562 posts)
    Pakk Holstad

    N Male Half-Orc Beastmorph Dimensional Excavator Ectoplasm Master (Alchemist) 1 // Panoply Savant (Occultist) 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 18 Touch 11 Flat 17 CMB +4 CMD 15 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +4 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +0, SM +0 | Focus (Abjuration 3/3, Transmutation 3/3) | Extracts (Lv1 2/2), Spells (Lv1 2/2) | Bombs (4/4), Mutagen (1/1) | Active: None

    played by polyfrequencies (53 posts)


    played by Michael_Hopkins (7 posts)
    Master Basaalee Minvandu
    Zeno Leroung

    | HP 11/11 | AC 19 | F +2 R +5 W +1| Perc +0 |Init: +9 | Sorcerer Spells 1st: 5/5 | Oracle Spells 1st: 4/5| Effects: Mage Armor

    played by Geometer (20 posts)

    Previous Characters


    Female (she/her) (57 posts)
    Pixie Glowhorn

    N Female Small Fungus Leshy | ♥️ 32/32 | AC 16 | F +7; R +6, W +8 | Perc +6 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 19 | ⚕: None | ✋: | ☘️ 2/2 | Exploration Action: Covering Tracks (Always)
    played by feyrial (49 posts)
    Radi Hamdi

    | Male NG Medium Human Cleric 2 |
    Temp Immune to Battle Medicine:
    | Medic Battle Medicine 1/1 | ♥️ 28/28 | AC 16 | F +6 R +6 W +10 | Perc +8 | Class DC 18 | Speed 25ft | 1st: 3/3 | Healing Font 2/2 | ✋: Walking Staff ✋: Torch| Active Conditions: (Light Cast, Torch) | Default Exploration ( Searching) | ☘️ 1/1

    played by Michael_Hopkins (158 posts)