DM DoctorEvil |
The group travels the corridor underground for many miles. There are few branches off the main tunnel and a few small chambers, but this appears to be the main path, so you stay on it.
After more than an hour of exploring, you come to a place where the main tunnel widens into a sprawling cavern. However the room feels more claustrophobic than the tunnel because viscous spiderwebs crisscross nearly every inch of the place. As far as your light can illuminate the room is full of thick cords of webbing. Along the northern wall, several large human-sized lumps in the webs are thickly wrapped in silk webbing while the entire floor is covered in sticky goop.
See the new map at top margin. The entire walls and floor of this chamber are coated with sticky goo making any movement in difficult terrain.
Olaf, Son of no-one |
Olaf glares at all the webbing and growls, ”This is foreboding, do we burn our way through I wonder?”
Trista Lortella |
"Let's try to cut our way through first. I'm afraid of a fire in an enclosed space like this." The glow in Trista's eyes belies her words, but she pulls her sword and starts carefully slicing a path through the webs.
Zainab Ebrahin |
Her unease of the area was pretty visible to the others. "Either way, I have a bad feeling whatever caused this may have sensed us by now," she spoke softly. She pulled out her weapon as she walked slowly through the tunnel with shortened breath.
Fentus Mourncrag |
Drawing a dagger to cut threw any webs he encounters, "Are we really sure we don't wanna try fire? I'm sure I could burn this all down in no time," His fingers begin s smoking just thinking about it. His hands itching to produce flames.
Olaf, Son of no-one |
”Burn it or don’t, we need to get through. Could be victims or survivors in all this I suppose.” The Northman muses as he looks over the webs and hefts his shield, ready to move in.
DM DoctorEvil |
The movement of the party in the hall and Trista's cutting of the webbing stirs the lair of the half-dozen hunting spiders enough that they come to investigate, hungrily clacking their mandibles together in an eerie sound.
Spider Nest - Round 1
21 Yellow Spider
17 Zainab
16 Trista
16 Green Spider
16 Blue Spider
15 Olaf
10 Fentus
10 Orange Spider
10 Red Spider
9 Purple Spider
Yellow Spider advances across the webbing on the floor of the room, then fires a ball of sticky stuff at Olaf, which misses then clambers up the webbing to be 15' off the ground.
Zainab and Trista are up now for the party. What is your light source down here?
Green spider: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Blue spider: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Red spider: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Orange spider: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Yellow spider: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Purple spider: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Olaf: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Fentus: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Zainab: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Trista: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Yellow Spider ranged web: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Olaf, Son of no-one |
we didn’t specify what this time but last time we were in the dark Olaf was casting dancing lights, I assume he’d have been doing that again. Which I believe means I need to spend an action sustaining it
Trista Lortella |
Trista examines the spiders to determine their type. Could it be a giant orb weaver?
Esoteric Lore: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Reminder (since it's been a bit): That also counts as a Recall Knowledge if it is high enough to meet the DC.
She advances through the cobwebs and glares at the orange spider. A nimbus of fire flashes around her for a moment--bright, but so brief that it might be imagined.
Intimidate (Demoralize): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Exploit Vulnerability, Stride, Demoralize (Elemental Embellish)
Zainab Ebrahin |
Maybe Fntus' idea would have been better. Either way, they would have had to deal with the creepy creatures sooner or later. As a precaution, she imbued everyone with the blessing of her God.
Casting Bless. Trista moved alread,, but could I say she received the effects too since I Starr first?
DM DoctorEvil |
Olaf having Dancing Lights up is fine, and yes, you will need to Sustain the Spell to keep it lit. I put four small blue orbs near the map that you can use to show where the lights are per the spell. You can also move them up to 60' as part of Sustaining. You can see within 30' of any light as normal and another 30' as dim (with miss chance). May not be able to see the whole room depending on position of the orbs.
Spider-Nest - Round 1 - continued
Trista doesn't even really need the book to know these are not orb spiders, but rather the more common giant hunting spider. They have the ability to "shoot" sticky webbing up to 30', and their fangs deliver a dangerous toxin. It's best not to get bitten if you can help it. The bold Suli's elemental aura and menacing glare take the nearby spider aback, it seems to shrink away from her for a moment.
Zainab takes a moment to cast her deity's blessing on the party, filling those surrounding her with a bit more fighting prowess.
Green Spider scuttles across the room, moving twice, and then biting at Trista
Green Fangs vs Trista: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Blue Web vs Trista: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Trista piercing dmg: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Trista is bitten once and takes 3hp dmg; she is now at 41/44 and needs a Fort save vs poison. Since its nonverbal the Intimidation check takes a -4 penalty, but its still a success vs the spider's Will DC. Zainab, Bless is a 5' emanation from you, though once per round, you can use an action to expand it by 5' more. Right now, Trista is just outside the zone, but the other two are inside, unless they move away from you. Olaf and Fentus are up now.
Olaf, Son of no-one |
Olaf directs his dancing lights into the cave to illuminate as much as he could, then trundles forward, blade flashing at the spider that was threatening Trista.
Sustain, Stride, Strike
Attack, Bastard Sword, bless: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 11 + 1 = 30
Damage, S: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Perhaps a crit?: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
I can now raise shield and block as a reaction (with the increased AC retroactively added, so its possible a hit will become a miss when I block) and I will do so. Hardness 5 on my shield, AC22 when I block
Fentus Mourncrag |
Fentus, knowing he should have led with fire, runs up next to the radiant Zainab and flicks his hand producing a small fireball and throws it the Yellow Spider directly head, "I'll start blasting the ones in the back, if you hold the line Olaf!"
Produce Flame: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 10 + 1 = 18
damage: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 = 10
DM DoctorEvil |
Spider-Nest - Round 1 - concluded
Spreading his balls of light around the large chamber, Olaf then steps forward and delivers a single mortal blow to the nearest spider, killing it right away.
Fentus sees Olaf has the front line, so he focuses on those farther away. His thrown magical fire strikes the spider on the ceiling, scalding it but not quite finishing it off just yet.
The Orange Spider rushes forward to bite at Trista. But both its attempts to sink its venomous fangs into the thaumaturge end in misses.
Red Spider scuttles ahead a small distance then lobs a gooey ball of webbing at Olaf but the toss is ill aimed, and misses.
Purple Spider rushes ahead striking twice with its jaws at Olaf, but once again, all the attacks miss.
End of Round 1
Spiders deal no more damage. The dancing lights have to be within 20' of each other, so I moved one slightly. Trista still needs a Fort save vs Poison. On to Round 2.
Orange Spider fangs: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Orange spider fangs, agile 2nd strike: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 9 - 4 = 17
Red Web toss vs Olaf: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Purple Bite vs Olaf: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Purple bite agile 2nd strike: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 9 - 4 = 10
DM DoctorEvil |
Spider Nest - Round 2
Bless active in 5' aura around Zainab.
21 Yellow Spider (10hp dmg; on ceiling)
17 Zainab (Bless cast 5'aura)
16 Trista (41/44hp; needs Fort Save]
16 Blue Spider
15 Olaf (sustaining Dancing Lights)
10 Fentus
10 Orange Spider
10 Red Spider
9 Purple Spider
Yellow spider, still hanging on the ceiling, drops a blob of webbing at Fentus, who burned it last round but again the attack fails. The spider then scuttles across the ceiling, getting behind the party.
Zainab and Trista are up now. Trista needs a Fort save to start the round.
Yellow Spider web vs Fentus: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Zainab Ebrahin |
Zainab nervously steps forward and strikes at one of the spiders attacking Olaf, both to give him space and make sure Trista is okay.
Shortsword 1 vs Purple Spider, Bless: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 1 = 14
Damage 1: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Shortsword 2 vs Purple Spider, Bless: 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 1 - 5 = 8
Damage 2: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Trista Lortella |
Elemental Embellish makes Demoralize lose the auditory trait and gain visual. You don't need to share a language. (Because fire is scary :P )
Fortitude: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Trista fights against the spider's venom, but she feels the warmth of Zainab's spell strengthening her arms and lashes out at the orange spider.
shortsword: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 1 = 13 for slashing: 1d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 = 6
shortsword: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 1 - 4 = 27 for slashing: 1d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 2 = 8
shortsword: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 8 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 1 - 8 = 19 for slashing: 1d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 2 = 5
These guys should have weakness to my strikes, as they are the same as the spider I originally Exploited Vulnerability on. (Weakness 4 or whatever weakness they have.)
DM DoctorEvil |
Spider-Nest - Round 2 - continued
Zainab steps up, actually flanking herself between two spiders, and her subsequent melee attacks both fail to penetrate the hard chitin surrounding the attacking spiders.
Trista fights through the spider-venom without consequence. She then makes a series of attacks against the Orange Spider. Her first attack misses, but only sets up her further strikes which, given her knowledge of the spider's weaknesses, are enough to kill Orange.
The Blue Spider creeps forward, and tries sinking its fangs in the tasty cleric, but neither of its Strikes are able to get inside Zainab's armor.
Olaf and Fentus are both up now. Since they are adjacent to the walls in this room, which are covered with sticky webbing, they must make a DC18 Reflex before acting. Failure means they must spend one action next turn freeing themselves from the sticky walls.
Spider Bite vs Zainab: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Spider Bits vs Zainab, 2nd attack: 1d20 + 9 - 5 ⇒ (6) + 9 - 5 = 10
Fentus Mourncrag |
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Avoiding the sticky webbed walls near him, Fentus continues to lob fireballs into the room, targeting the yellow spider again.
Produce Flame: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
fire damage: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 3) + 4 = 8
He follows up with casting a quick Guidance on Zainab offering words of encouragement as he does so, "Watch those sword swings, don't get overhwlemed!"
** Produce Flame
* Guidance on Zainab
Olaf, Son of no-one |
Reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Ignoring the sticky strands of webbing trying to entangle his sword arm, Olaf lashes out with his blade again, chanting out a spell as he does.
concentrate, spellstrike
Attack, Bastard Sword: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Damage, S: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
ouch, this probably will hurt: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Gouging Claw: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 6) + 3 = 12
Crit Spell: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 1) + 3 = 9
persistent bleed on crit: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Will shield block with an ac of 22 as a reaction
DM DoctorEvil |
Spider-Nest - Round 2 - concluded
Avoiding the grasping sticky webs, Fentus tosses more fiery goodness at the Yellow spider on the ceiling. This time his throw is accurate, and the target is immolated, dropping to the cavern floor - dead - with a dull thump.
Olaf, do your actions make the lights go out? Is that what you intend?
Olaf, Son of no-one |
sorry that wasn’t clear. I’m sustaining with my first action. I passed the reflex so I don’t need to waste an action on that, correct?
also neglected to specify I’m attacking the one in front of me… that’d be pink I think (I’m colorblind)
DM DoctorEvil |
Spider-Nest - Round 2 - concluded
Keeping the lights on, Olaf pulls away from the pesky webbing that wants to bind to him. Then he unleashes an attack combining his physical blade with an arcane claw. The effect is devastating, and the spider in front of Olaf is reduced to little more than a puddle of greenish ichor.
The Red Spider loosens more webbing at Olaf from across the cavern but the glob of sticky stuff lands well short of the target. The hungry spider then rushes forward, attacking one more with its poisonous fangs against Zainab who is out front. The fangs sink deeply in the cleric's shoulder, disgorging some of the toxin as well.
End of Round 2
Zainab takes 12hp dmg, and needs a Fort save vs Poison or perhaps have worse effects. On to Round 3.
Red Spider Web vs Olaf: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Red Spider fangs vs Zainab, 2nd strike: 1d20 + 9 - 5 ⇒ (20) + 9 - 5 = 24 critical
Piercing dmg vs Zainab: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 12 total dmg
Zainab Ebrahin |
[OOC]To speed things up.[OOC]
That was a mistake. Zainab shouts as the spider bites down into her shoulder. She weakly retreats to the back as she applies some healing to herself.
Heal, level 2: 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (8, 3) + 8 = 19
DM DoctorEvil |
Spider-Nest Round 3
Bless active in 5' aura around Zainab. 8 rounds
17 Zainab (36/48hp remain; Bless cast 5'aura)
16 Trista (41/44hp]
16 Blue Spider
15 Olaf (sustaining Dancing Lights)
10 Fentus
10 Red Spider
The poison has an immediate toxic effect on the cleric, causing more damage, and also make her reflexes slow. She tries to struggle through it, stepping backwards, and casting a healing spell on herself, to try to stay upright.
Zainab will need another Fort save next round, or progress to Stage 2 of the poison. She takes 8 more hp dmg, but with the heal, she is down just 1 hp total. Trista is up before the first spider acts.
Poison Dmg for Zainab: 1d10 ⇒ 8
Trista Lortella |
Trista steps up and attacks the red spider.
Step, Strike, Strike
shortsword: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 for slashing: 1d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 2 = 4
shortsword: 1d20 + 10 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 10 - 4 = 24 for slashing: 1d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 = 6
Plus weakness
DM DoctorEvil |
Spider-Nest - Round 3 - continued
Trista steps up and continues to strike successfully at the Red Spider. Her deep lore allows her to take advantage of their specific weakness and the damage she deals is just enough to slay the nearest arachnid.
Only Blue Spider is left in the room, but is mindless enough to continue attacking in the face of superior numbers, and attempts to sink its fangs into the nearest fleshy intruder, which in this case is Trista. The spider then scuttles backwards along the sticky floor.
Blue Spider fang: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
blue Spider Fang, 2nd strike: 1d20 + 9 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 9 - 5 = 17
Piercing Dmg to Trista: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Trista takes 7hp dmg, which leaves her at 34/44. She also needs a DC16 Fort save vs Poison or take some other ill effects. Olaf and Fentus are up again. They are both still adjacent to the walls, so need a DC18 Reflex save or be stuck for an action.
Trista Lortella |
Fortitude: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Trista feels a bit woozy after the spider bite. "Drat these things. We just wanted to pass through."
Olaf, Son of no-one |
Reflex, DC 18: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Growling in frustration at his shield arm getting stuck in some webbing, Olaf stomps forward, maintaining his light spell.
sustain dancing lights, get unstuck, stride
Will raise shield and shield block as a reaction if attacked, AC 22 when shield is raised
Fentus Mourncrag |
reflex save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
"Argh damn bloody webs
Spending time to rip his way out of the webs, he sees that the blue spider has moved too far away for him to lob a ball of fire at it. Striding forward and away from the webby walls, he'll throw an Intimidating Glare at the remaining spider, hoping to scare it off guard for if it attacks Olaf.
Intimidating Glare: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Intimidating glare loses the Auditory trait and gains the Visual trait and doesn't suffer penalty for not speaking the same language. I have very scary eyebrows(which isn't as cool as having scary fire)
*Break free of web
*Intimidating Glare(Demoralize)
DM DoctorEvil |
Spider Nest - Round 3 - concluded
Trista feels a wave of painful cramps wrack her body as the spider venom starts working on her central nervous system as her muscles start to contract all at once.
At the same time, Zainab's body fights off the ill effects and while injured, she takes no more damage from the injected venom.
Nearby, Olaf finds himself stuck to the wall, and spends a few precious seconds tearing free, then advancing on the remaining arachnid foe. With that and concentrating on his light spell, he cannot attack, but does raise his shield if the spider tries to bite him.
Fentus also has to rip himself loose from the tangled webs that line the walls of this cave. He strides across the chamber, and makes bushy eyebrow faces at the remaining spider, who is appropriately intimidated.
End of Round 3
Trista venom dmg: 1d10 ⇒ 7
Trista takes 7hp more of poison dmg and needs another save vs Stage 2 of the toxin. She is also flat-footed next round. Zainab saves and is no longer affected by the poison. Back to the start of Round 4. Trista needs that save, and then may have her actions curtailed based on the result. She and Zainab are up now.
DM DoctorEvil |
Spider-Nest Round 4
Bless active in 5' aura around Zainab. 7 rounds
17 Zainab (47/48hp remain)
16 Trista (27/44hp; needs Fort save vs Stage 2 poison, flat-footed]
16 Blue Spider
15 Olaf (sustaining Dancing Lights; shield raised)
10 Fentus
Zainab and Trista are up now. Trista needs another Fort save vs poison or face Stage 2 effects. Zainab is adjacent to the wall and needs a DC18 Reflex or spend an actin getting unstuck.
Zainab Ebrahin |
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
This was not the kind of adventuring she was hoping for. The venom in her blood caused her to writhe in pain once more. But there seemed to be a bit more luck on her side. Not only did the pain subside, but she managed to use her weapon to push her way out of the sticky wall with little trouble. As much as she didn't want to, the rest of the party seemed to have worse luck, and that meant dealing with this spider once and for all. She maneuvered around the maze of webbing to get to the opposite side of Olaf and swung her sword down on the creature.
Short Sword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11