Age of Ashes - PF2 AP by DM Doctor Evil

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Goblinblood Caves map

Citadel Dungeon Level

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Growing accustomed to the surroundings, Fentus presses his ear against the door and tries to sort out conversations from the low buzz on the other side. "Roxie, get us some lunch, eh?" one voice shouts. "I'll warrant those heroes have been done in by the goblins or some such!" cries another. He hears the name Roxie said more than once.

Secret Check:

Fentus Seek: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

DC 15 Society:
You know there is an innkeeper of a bar in Breachill named Roxie Denn. Her place is a lower-class joint called the Pickled Ear -- mostly a rough and tumble place of stevedores and workmen. It lies in a more run-down part of Breachill.

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

Whispering back to the rest of the group, "We are in an Inn or tavern or something, does anyone remember the name Roxie from in town? I honestly forgot most of the townsfolks names already," he says with a slight chuckle holding his hands up for forgiveness.

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

Society: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

"Not anyone that I've met. Do they sound like cultists?"

NG female human cleric of Jaidz 36/48 | AC 15| F +9 R +5 W +11 | Perc +9 | Int +0 | speed 25 ft

Society: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Zainab shakes her head and shrugs. The voices were as alien to her as the others. "They don't sound cultish to me."

| N Human Male Magus (Sparkling Targe) 4| AC 20| Class DC 19 | Perception +6| Fortitude +9, Reflex +7, Will +8 | Speed 25 ft | | ♥️ 48/48| Shield 1 20/20 | Shield 20/20 | ☘️ 1/1 | Focus: 1/1 | ⚕: | ✋: Bastard Sword +1, Steel Shield

little guy is good now. Flu into pneumonia was fun but he’s back to 100

Society: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

”Hmmm.. Roxie, that sounds familiar.” Olaf muses quietly before grunting, ”There was in innkeeper named Roxie in Breachill. Rough place, my kind of place … the Pickeled Ear is it’s name. I’m thinking we’re back in town.”

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

"Well, I could use a drink after the day we've had." Trista pushes open the door.

Trista leads the group out of the storeroom. The door opens onto a short flight of stairs up, and then into the common room of the Pickled Ear. Several patrons are there, eating lunch and consuming libations, and all conversations stop as your group, dusty, bloody and scratched emerges from teh storeroom.

A rather rotund red-headed woman with a stained apron calls out from behind the bar. "Oi! Who'r you lot and how'd ye get in me cupboard, eh?"

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

"Ah, we are the heroes of Breechill. At least this month! We seem to have found a back door into your establishment. How about a drink? Adventuring is thirsty work." Trista bellies up to the sticky bar of the Pickled Ear and peers at the cloudy bottles racked behind the bar.

NG female human cleric of Jaidz 36/48 | AC 15| F +9 R +5 W +11 | Perc +9 | Int +0 | speed 25 ft

Out of all the situations she prepared her mind to deal with, coming back into an establishment from a cave wasn't really one of them. So when the redhead called them out on it, she froze... wondering what to say before she just blurted it out.

"Would you believe us if we said we walked right into here from a hole in the ground?" she laughed nervously.

The barkeep, who it turns out, is also the proprietor Roxie Denn, looks surprised. "The heroes a' Breachill? But you're all at Hellknight hill, ain'tcha? What tunnel are you on about now? This some kind of joke?"

She flips a bar towel over her shoulder and puts her hands on her ample hips, and says in a gruffer tone. "Let's go back down there an' you can just show me, eh?" She points back down the stairs to the storeroom.

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

Eying the rest of the patrons suspiciously, "Alright they'll show you the secret tunnel, but the rest of you all are staying in here with me, I'm not sure what's going on, but until we figure it out, no one," and he points and eyes each patron, "and I mean no one is going anywhere, so don't even think about trying to leave," and with that he conjures a ball of flame and tries to act intimidatingly towards the patrons of the tavern.

intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

No one stirs, not even to pick up a drink or a bite of food as they are all mesmerized by the bloody and torn sorcerer's magical fire. The rest move slowly back down the stairs to the storeroom. "No one's movin' no-how guvn'r" says one of the petrified workmen at a table near the back. "Strange goin's on, s'what this is."

When you show the trapdoor in the floor of the storeroom, Roxie is stunned staring at the portal with an open mouthed. "Well! Never in all my years at the Ear have I seen such a bloody thing. Where do you think it goes, eh? Are boogeymen and goblins going to come out and eat me pickles?" She seems overwrought with worry.

Secret Checks:

Zainab: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Trista: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Olaf: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

"I'd bar the tunnel and place something heavy over it. We can talk to the blacksmith in town about getting a lock for you." Trista finds the situation pretty odd, too. But then, it's been a a strange day.

| N Human Male Magus (Sparkling Targe) 4| AC 20| Class DC 19 | Perception +6| Fortitude +9, Reflex +7, Will +8 | Speed 25 ft | | ♥️ 48/48| Shield 1 20/20 | Shield 20/20 | ☘️ 1/1 | Focus: 1/1 | ⚕: | ✋: Bastard Sword +1, Steel Shield

To supplement the sorcerer’s display, Olaf casually rests his bloody sword across his shoulder and smiles.

NG female human cleric of Jaidz 36/48 | AC 15| F +9 R +5 W +11 | Perc +9 | Int +0 | speed 25 ft

Zainab gently put Fentus' hands down. "I... think she got the point," she added softly.

Once they got to the tunnel, she would ask Roxie a question. "Have you been anyone shady walking through your bar as of late?"

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

Fentus, weary and untrusting of the towns folks after the recent days in the Fortress, relents his aggressive behavior toward the seemingly innocent townfolks, "Maybe you're right, I'm just tired," He quenches his flames and looks toward Roxie.

"Its all just very suspicious, we really have reason to believe cultists have been using this tunnel to move from the town to the Castle,"

With some effort, Roxie slides a tun of wine over the trapdoor. "This'll keep bloody intruders out I reckon!" she says, slightly out of breath.

She turns to look at Zainab. "Have you seen this place, its full of shady peopel all the time. Can't get reg'lar customers to come here, much as I'd like ta. These roughnecks scare every'un off. Shady, yeah, that's rich."

As Fentus mentions cultists, Roxie looks confused. "Cults, what? There ain't been no cultists 'round here. That I can guarantee yeh. Some touch guys here and there, and what not, but no preachy evil fellas. Will be sure to call ya if I see any, ha!"

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

"Well, it takes all sorts. If you see any people that aren't locals, can you leave a message for us? Warble should know how to get in touch with us, if we are out at Hellknight Hill." Speaking of Warble, Trista thinks it probably best to check in with the goblin before heading off to a more reputable place.

NG female human cleric of Jaidz 36/48 | AC 15| F +9 R +5 W +11 | Perc +9 | Int +0 | speed 25 ft

"Specifically, if you see anyone trying to enter through this tunnel again, could you tell us who? We think whoever's coming and going may try and do so again."

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

Nodding and thunking the Tun of Wine over the trapdoor, "Seems pretty solid, though hopefully we don't need to use this escape tunnel in the near future," he says with a small chuckle, before looking to the others "Well, we are back in town, should we sleep here tonight and head back to the Castle bright and early?"

We've been underground for so long, I'm not even rightly sure what time of day it is anymore

Roxie nods and says a bit sarcastically. "Sure, sure. I'll be right certain to tell you if anyone pops up in me bloody storeroom. The very idea...Far as I know that hatch-thing never existed an' no one's ever used it. Period. The end." She shrugs her shoulders as if to say, "is that all?".

While you are keeping an eye on the common room, one of the louts there, who clearly had too much drink and not enough bathing catches your eyes and motions you over to his table. His breath is fetid with booze and rotted teeth, but he says, "Oi, govn'r! You say someone is creepin' the village from this tunnel, eh? I seen 'em, I did! Roxie's lyin' to yer faces. Doan know why, but there's someun always creeptin' round the backroom. Seen em meself, an' more'n once."

| N Human Male Magus (Sparkling Targe) 4| AC 20| Class DC 19 | Perception +6| Fortitude +9, Reflex +7, Will +8 | Speed 25 ft | | ♥️ 48/48| Shield 1 20/20 | Shield 20/20 | ☘️ 1/1 | Focus: 1/1 | ⚕: | ✋: Bastard Sword +1, Steel Shield

”Rest would be good. I wouldn’t mind stopping by a blacksmith and seeing about some heavier armor, if we have time, with all this fighting. “ Olaf observes, wiping and sheathing his blade, now that things seemed calmer.

I feel like we got some money at some point and scale or even a breastplate would be nice to have

The Loot Tracker (at top margin) shows the items held, assigned, and the cash on hand for each character. You can sell some of those things to get more cash as needed.

NG female human cleric of Jaidz 36/48 | AC 15| F +9 R +5 W +11 | Perc +9 | Int +0 | speed 25 ft

It might have been a good idea to continue the interrogation, but at that point she was exhausted from all the stress of fighting and she merely let out a tired sigh. "You can go ahead. We'll think of what else to do later." When she left, she turned towards the others.

"I still think we should check to see if anyone tries to come back here. It might be our best chance of a lead."

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

"I agree, but if we clear out the fort, I doubt anyone from town will bother going back out there. We can also warn the goblins about the tunnel and have them guard it, if they decide to return to that level of the structure."

Could one of us Gather Information to follow up on that lead?

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

After being called out, Fentus turns around quickly, responding to the drunk man, listening, his eyes growing cold and black, "When did you see this, tell me? Who did they look like?"

He looks to Roxie, gesturing and barking a magical word. I cast Charm on Roxie, DC 19 will save


to the target, your words are honey and your visage seems bathed in a dreamy haze. It must attempt a Will save, with a +4 circumstance bonus if you or your allies recently threatened it or used hostile actions against it.

You can Dismiss the spell. If you use hostile actions against the target, the spell ends. When the spell ends, the target doesn't necessarily realize it was charmed unless its friendship with you or the actions you convinced it to take clash with its expectations, meaning you could potentially convince the target to continue being your friend via mundane means.

Critical Success The target is unaffected and aware you tried to charm it.
Success The target is unaffected but thinks your spell was something harmless instead of charm, unless it identifies the spell (see Identifying Spells).
Failure The target's attitude becomes friendly toward you. If it was friendly, it becomes helpful. It can't use hostile actions against you.
Critical Failure The target's attitude becomes helpful toward you, and it can't use hostile actions against you.

| N Human Male Magus (Sparkling Targe) 4| AC 20| Class DC 19 | Perception +6| Fortitude +9, Reflex +7, Will +8 | Speed 25 ft | | ♥️ 48/48| Shield 1 20/20 | Shield 20/20 | ☘️ 1/1 | Focus: 1/1 | ⚕: | ✋: Bastard Sword +1, Steel Shield

Olaf watches Fentus’ actions with a wary eye, hand drifting to his hilt at the tone of his voice.

”So much for an ale, hot meal, bath and sleep.” he grumbled to himself.

Fentus spins a magical spell that settles over the plump barkeep. Soon enough, she smiles at him warmly. "Why hullo there big boy. I ain't noticed you before now, silly me. You are a handsome one ain'tcha. What can little ole Roxie do for you, hun?"

It's pretty clear the Charm worked really well.

Secret checks:

Roxie Will: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

His demeanor changing as he realizes his magic has taken effect. Fentus strides over to Roxie, whispering real close like in her ear, "Come on, Roxie, you can tell your new friend. Who's been using that secret tunnel?" Laying the natural charm on thick.

NG female human cleric of Jaidz 36/48 | AC 15| F +9 R +5 W +11 | Perc +9 | Int +0 | speed 25 ft

Zainab does a double take as she looks at Fentus before looking at Roxie, then back with Fentus with shock. She doesn't say anything just yet, but her reaction may well depend on how things go with the charm spell.

| N Human Male Magus (Sparkling Targe) 4| AC 20| Class DC 19 | Perception +6| Fortitude +9, Reflex +7, Will +8 | Speed 25 ft | | ♥️ 48/48| Shield 1 20/20 | Shield 20/20 | ☘️ 1/1 | Focus: 1/1 | ⚕: | ✋: Bastard Sword +1, Steel Shield

Olaf stays quiet, eying both the folks in the tavern and his battered shield, mentally cataloguing the steps he’d need to take to fully repair it, and it’s twin.

"I probably shouldn't be telling you blokes this, cuz she paid me to be quiet, but you seem like trustworthy lads, yeah?" She leans in close and whispers to you, "It were Voz Lirayne, it were. You know her, eh? She's the half-elven lass what runs the bookstore. She's a bit of a strange bird, you know. Doings with weird magic an' the like with skulls and bones and stuff. I don't know nothin' about why she'd be wanting to creep down this shaft, but seems like she did at least once. Paid me right handsomely for to keep it hush-hush, but here I am blabbing like it was me gossip group. Does that help ya, mate?"

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

Nodding along, as she tells him, "ahh, mhm mhm, yeah of course, I won't tell a soul, a little secret between new best friends," He winks at her, "Thank you for sharing this with me, I can't believe you were gonna keep some gossip like this from me. Now let's finish boarding this tunnel up, making sure no one else can use it for the time being,"

Fentus tries to make eye contact with Olaf and the other's, indicating he's learned something, big, like real big as he makes a nodding motion with this head.

"Hey Roxie, baby, my friends and I are just gonna step outside for a quick minute, get some fresh air, if you don't mind. It was pretty stuffy down there in that tunnel, we'll just be a moment,"

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

Trista takes a quick swig to finish her drink and heads out with Fentus.

NG female human cleric of Jaidz 36/48 | AC 15| F +9 R +5 W +11 | Perc +9 | Int +0 | speed 25 ft

Zainab looks uncomfortable, but doesn't want to voice her concerns until they are out of earshot from Roxie. Once they were outside she gave him an odd look. "I really hope you have a good reason for using charm magic on that tavern lady."

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

Stepping outside with the others, looking to Zainab, "Sometimes, magic like that is necessary, especially when wayward bartenders are trying to lie to us,"

He then looks to Trista, eying her, "You know the bookstore lady right? You're pretty good friends with her, you'd say?" He takes a few steps back from Trista, "Roxie in there said that Voz Lirayne, the bookstore owner is the one that paid her to keep that tunnel a secret. That Voz has been doing Necromancy magic and worse,"

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

"We've chatted, but it looks like we'll need to have a more in-depth conversation." Trista yawns. "Preferably after we get a good night's sleep."

Fentus spills what he has learned to the others, and plans are made to visit Voz Liryane's shop tomorrow.

Ready for night's rest?

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

Yes. Sleepy time!

NG female human cleric of Jaidz 36/48 | AC 15| F +9 R +5 W +11 | Perc +9 | Int +0 | speed 25 ft

Zainab took the time to run through with this latest revelation. While her expression was one of disdain at first, she slowly reached the same conclusion. "Back in the cave, didn't you say that it had necrotic energy. If that's something Voz can do..." She paced herself and nodded when Trista suggested they visit her.

"Agreed on both accounts. Maybe you can talk to her about the evidence when we go to her place."

Yup, if only so she can cast spells again

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

Nodding with the others, "To bed then, I know we have some rooms across town at the other inn, the Wizard's Boot or something,"

| N Human Male Magus (Sparkling Targe) 4| AC 20| Class DC 19 | Perception +6| Fortitude +9, Reflex +7, Will +8 | Speed 25 ft | | ♥️ 48/48| Shield 1 20/20 | Shield 20/20 | ☘️ 1/1 | Focus: 1/1 | ⚕: | ✋: Bastard Sword +1, Steel Shield

"Rest sounds good." Olaf agrees and heads with the group towards their respetive beds.

The inn is the Wizard's Grace, and you all have been provided rooms there for free if you choose it. Trinil the owner makes food drink and bathing available to any who wish it. Many are gathered in the common room of the inn to hear your story, including the goblin ambassador Warble.

Feel free to relate what you know or feel like sharing. Otherwise, I am fine to hand-wave the night's rest, unless there are other nocturnal adventures you wish to embark on.

Not seeing any takers on night time actions, I will move us ahead to the next day with tomorrow's post. Recall that in addition to all your daily ability and spell slot resets, you can also heal your CON mod times your level in resting HP. If you are changing prepared spell slots, please let me know, so we can be on the same page when it matters next.

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

Sorry, yeah I think Fentus just wants to sleep after the nightmare of that castle. Fentus would heal up to full from a nights rest.

NG female human cleric of Jaidz 36/48 | AC 15| F +9 R +5 W +11 | Perc +9 | Int +0 | speed 25 ft

I couldn't think of much to RP on for the night. I'm willing to move on.

NG female (she/her) suli human thaumaturge 4 HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | speed 25 ft | focus 0/0| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: None| Esoteric Lore +9

Ready to sleep. Fentus, do you have any slots left for a heal?

HP: 40/40|AC:18 | Fort: +8, Refl: +8, Will: +8 | Perc: +6, Init: +0, Speed 25ft Spell Slots 1st 4/4 ~ 2nd 4/4 | Focus pts 1/1 | Hero Points 1/1

Hey yeah, Fentus can cast enough Heals to top everyone off.

healing: 4d8 ⇒ (8, 3, 6, 2) = 19

Before bedding down for the night, Fentus spends his remaining magic, exhausting himself to do so and casting his magic like he learned from Zainab to heal the rest of the group

| N Human Male Magus (Sparkling Targe) 4| AC 20| Class DC 19 | Perception +6| Fortitude +9, Reflex +7, Will +8 | Speed 25 ft | | ♥️ 48/48| Shield 1 20/20 | Shield 20/20 | ☘️ 1/1 | Focus: 1/1 | ⚕: | ✋: Bastard Sword +1, Steel Shield

My status effects will end with rest right? Other than that Olaf will repair both shields, which he should have plenty of time to do since it only takes a minute per attempt

Thanking Fentus for additional healing and feeling weak and drained, Olaf happily beds down for the night after maintaining his weapons and shields.

Sorry, having minor computer issues this evening, so may have to put off a real post until tomorrow. Yes, Olaf, all your conditions end with the night's rest as well as healing HP and resetting spell slots etc.

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