GM Ietsuna |

You have just arrived in Janderhoff after earlier receiving an urgent missive from Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch.
Pathfinders, the Society seeks your assistance in a matter most urgent. Recent engineering works uncovered a series of lost chambers beneath Janderhoff, but the company that began exploration and refurbishment of this space soon encountered trap-related difficulties. I quickly assembled a group of nearby agents to explore the lost corridors in exchange for a brief window of time in which to study anything found within. I have not heard back from those agents, and a contact has informed me that the team has been missing for two days, prompting the Mithral Mallet Mining Company to send a team of its own specialists to find out what became of them. Nobody has heard from either group since.
It is rare that we have an opportunity to document the interior of a Sky Citadel, so your task is twofold. First, find out what happened to the first team of Pathfinders. Second, explore the recently reopened chambers, and recover or document any historical treasures found within. I doubt that representatives of the Mithral Mallet will be pleased to see additional Pathfinders, so contact Rukha Borthwick, the sister-in-law of one of our agents in the first team. She is a resourceful dwarf and likely knows what steps to take to get you into those ruins. Luck be yours, Pathfinders.
Finding Rukha Borthwick is not difficult, as after 80 years spent as a civil engineer specializing in the trenches and pipes that channel water around and away from Janderhoff, the brunette dwarf has developed a modest amount of status. As you arrive she ushers you into her office without delay.
My thanks for coming so quickly. Did you have any questions before you embark on your explorations?

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Spica reports in although there doesn't seem to be much call for underwater exploration or a water elementalist ..... but .... who knows. A flooded tunnel perhaps?.
k local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Actually I probably have lots but it would soon become apparent that I am woefully ignorant of the situation. So, I will just wait for more .... knowledgable .... people to join us. Although, if there is a map, that would be most helpful, thank you.
She is dressed in sky blue adventuring robes. See the picture that the profile pic is taken from in People of the Skies - yes, that's what she looks like She is an astronomer/wizard specialising in aquatic spells.

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The brawny half-elf reports to Janderhoff after receiving venture-captain Heidmarch’s letter. Two teams have already been lost in there, and now they send us. Maybe they’re hoping the traps will get full? he thinks wryly. Doesn't thrill me to this mission, that’s for sure. He doesn’t need to wonder why he’s been brought along, though— he’s no good at documenting, or disabling traps (except perhaps the hard way), but any exploration team needs muscle. Dumm doesn’t have many talents, but he knows he has that.
He shows up at Rukha’s office dressed in his usual ironleaf armor, with twigs and small bones carefully braided into his long hair—looking for all the world like he’d be more at home in a tree than a city street. ”Yes, have questions. Rukha know situation with lost Pathfinders, say Lady Heidmarch. Yes? How many Pathfinders lost?” Fewer than us, I hope. ”And, lost building are how big?”
(“How many Pathfinders are missing, and how big is the citadel?”)

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Tabar is wearing a dark brown adventuring outfit and light leather armor, he has a buckler and carries a fine Rapier at his hip that is attached to his wrist with a very fine chain.
ln local : 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 = 31
”Yes, yes! Or no, no! We have not had the pleasure or misfortune to work together before. I am Tabar! And of course I know a lot more than the average human !“ he says with a sarcastic tone.
“Listen well … “ he says and starts a small monologue.
Open all spoilers.
“You are also for equal rights for all races and beings, right?!? Right!? All power for humans is not your slogan, right?!?“
The scrawny Ratfolk with dark brown hair and black eyes sits on a riding dog with a military saddle. The dog looks like a mixture of a black wolfhound and a mastiff.
Around Tabar’s neck a pendant with the holy symbol of Chaldira Zuzaristan is clearly visible.
”This dog of mine is ‘Sag’ ... " Tabar says very fast with a friendly smile on his face that suddenly fades away.

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Knowledge, Local: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
"You know more than the average human. Just means you know less than the rest." Aiden taps his finger to his lips. "But in this case, I think you're right, Tabar. And I don't mean about the equality thing." He rolls his eyes.
The tall Chelaxian brushes mud off his dark blue cloak. It's a rich color, but it's also clearly seen better days. Some might initially think Aiden is some nobility given his posture. But you know the man is more of a butcher than a noble. His belt carries curved knives, manacles, and even a barbed net.
"Has anyone heard of this Beetle character? Why am I not surprised the Pathfinders would have recruited special talent?"
He turns to Rukha. "What is your in-law's name? And do you know what we could carry with us if we need to stabilize a cavern? I assume an engineer like yourself would be well-versed in that."

GM Ietsuna |

My brother-in-law Sandricaan Molnworret led the group, and he is a wizard of some talent. I know that he brought three others with him—a halfling, a human, and a half elf. Sandricaan mentioned that the Tian woman has a reputation as a jinx, having been the sole survivor of several previous missions. Sandricaan’s no saint either, especially after his stint with the Aspis Consortium. Still, family is family, and I would rather see my sister’s husband safely out of there.
We are unsure exactly how far the tunnels go, so I cannot tell you how big they are accurately.
The Mithral Mallet is unlikely to allow other explorers into the tunnels, especially because early reports show that the section seems to need bracing. It may be that speaking nicely to the foreman will gain you easy access to the site, but you’d need to convince him that you’re competent and unlikely to cause any damage to the area. I am unsure exactly what skills you have in that area but mundane methods such as timber beams and reinforcing columns could work, or there are magical means also. Failing that, I might be able to direct you through a few pipes that let out near that part of the Sky Citadel, but I would rather avoid risking my job to get you in.

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Tabar looks at Aiden and raises an eyebrow.
“You are typical for you race human!! You have not even introduced yourself and are already belittling us non-humans!! Not with me! I’m a social justice warrior and I’m warning you all
that I’ll record your transgressions for Society audits!!“ he says and takes out a note where he starts scribbling something.
He then turns to Borthwick and smiles.
“Be assured that I’ll personally see that your brother in law is returned lady Borthwick and does not end up as collateral damage because he’s a dwarf!! Who knows, maybe the Tian Pathfinder lady is crazy and killed her colleagues? Humans are unpredictable!!“ he says.
He thinks.
“Just one question regarding the history of the tunnels … do you know more?“

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Spica looks rather impressed at Tabar's knowledge and tells him so. I did not know any of that. Thank you very much. she also says.
If we have to swim in using the water pipes, I do have the waterbreathing spell she offers.

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"Vell helllloooo, daahlings," the stunningly beautiful woman announces as she sweeps into the engineer's office fashionably late.
"Did I hear somevun tsay zhat all ve need to do is ask nicely?" She bats her long eyelashes and tosses her long raven locks.
Her expertly tailored noble's outfit and very expensive jewelry are somewhat unusual for a Pathfinder, but looking carefully you can see the hint of a finely-made chain shirt peeking out from beneath the black silk and lace bodice - neither of which hampers the view of her décolletage. The handbag on her shoulder bears the interlinked LV logo of Lyria Veres, one of the top bespoke magical-goods makers in Absalom's Petal District, and her custom aurochs-hide adventurer's boots have heels that would make a Calistrian envious. Full-length black silk gloves cover her hands, one of which rests on her cocked hip. Slung slinkily low across her ample but perfectly proportional hips is a belt akin to a bandolier, with the tops of several potion bottles visible in the pouches. Her long black hair tumbles in perfectly coiffed waves across her shoulders, and a pair of ruby-red-lensed sunglasses(?) are perched atop her head as if she'd just come from the beach, though her flawless alabaster skin would belie that notion.
"I'm zhe Lady Vanessa Reisende of Panglois, and it's suuuch a pleasure to meet you all," she continues with the slightest of bows of her head.
She doesn't apologize for being late, because being late is simply what one does. Instead, she looks around at the group. "I imagine zhat some of zhese fine folks have all zhe right know-how, and zhese two," she continues with a pointed look at Aiden and Dumm, "have aaallll zhe muscles."
She turns her dazzling smile on the dwarven engineer. "I tsink ve'll be fine, daaahling."
She shifts her imperious gaze to the not-muscle (Tabar and Spica, and presumably Claudia, too). "But just in case, daahlings, iz zhere anytsing else you need to ask her before ve go?"

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Aiden laughs. "A former Aspis, a jinx, and a murderer. I might have liked that crew! Or else the Society never expected them to return..."
He glances at Tabar. "Are you crazy? Don't write this all down! Secrets stay secret. That's why they're of value. The Paracountess would have a heart attack if she thought everything was being recorded. And she'd take it out on me, and not even in the good way." He sighs. "I'm Aiden." He says the last in a slow tone to the ratfolk.
When Lady Vanessa enters, Aiden definitely takes notice. "Well, well, well. Of course, Lady Vanessa, I will be happy to ensure you are quite taken care of." He winks at her.
Does anyone have Knowledge Engineering?

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Spica gives Lady Vanessa an appraising look and quickly realises she's out of her league and probably has competition. She then sighs as Tabar and Aiden continue sniping at each other.
Yes. +9

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Dumm acknowledges the others as they are introduced, but he openly stares at Lady Vanessa and all of her... attributes. He can't help but blush a little at her compliment. "Are Dumm," he says proudly. "No worry, Lady Vanessa," he adds, shooting Aiden a competitive look, "Dumm will protect you. And are sorry for no saying Common very good. Are Dumm's... uh, two, tongue. लेकिन मेरी एल्विश बहुत बेहतर है अगर कोई इसे बोलता है."

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Spica replies to Dumm in elven
Oh .... and I'm Spica Capella. Water elementalist wizard and astronomer. she says.
She then looks down at Lady Vanessa's footwear.

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The Lady is used to the competitive and fawning reactions from the boys, but she also catches Spica's appraising look and attention to her boots. Little does Spica know, but Vanessa enjoys being with all types (though she's never been with a ratfolk or a grippli. Yet.) and is certainly not exclusive nor competitive in her own right. She is a Kuthite, though, not a Calistrian, so anyone enjoying the pleasure of her company best be prepared to enjoy some pain, too.
"Tsank you, dearies. It's alvays a pleasure to vork vith such big strong men," she says to Aiden and Dumm without even trying to hide the double entendre.
"Spica, daahling, vhen we're done, I simply must take you shopping. I found zhis little dwarven jewelry shop on my vay here, and I just know zhat we can get tsometsing zhat vill compliment zhose beautiful blue eyes ov yours." She makes a point of staring deeply into Spica's eyes for a lingering moment before gesturing breezily to the silver armband just above her bicep. "Like zhis, apparently zhe current tsing here. Zhough I find it a bit ... mmmm ... rustic, it's alvays nice to have a little local color on."
As always in a new city, Lady Vanessa went shopping to pick up the latest Fashionable Accessories. I don't know how long we'll be in Janderhoff, but they'll remain fashionable for 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 months.
@Spica: "People of the Skies?" Link and page?

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Well .... I suppose it won't do any harm to look although .. most of my gold is being saved up for a .... erm ... large telescope .. and an observatory to put it in. she replies to Vanessa bashfully. Although, if we pick up anything that can be enchanted ... well ... why not Glancing at the armband she says Bracers of Armour perhaps?
Spica's Butterfly symbol of Desna is also visible, as well as a dolphin pendant carved from mother of pearl that serves as her Natural Armour Amulet. She also wears a headband with a pearl set in it. (Headband of Intellect). The only other jewelry is a ring.
Compared to Vanessa, she looks rather plain. And anyone wanting to be with her should be prepared to be underwater.

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A voice sounds from surprisingly close to the ground, answering the conversation in elven.
A closer look at the source for the little voice turns up a little frog woman, standing upright, in armor, with a little sword hanging at her side. She is about 2 feet tall, and carries herself with confidence.

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Tabar is fascinated by Lady Vanessa Reisende and swallows his tongue to say something. He is clearly a little intimidated by her.
He looks at the Grippli lady and nods.
“Ehh … can we go???“

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Aiden glances at Spica and Dumm. Then be gives a nod towards the grippli warrior who speaks elven.
Aiden wans to buy a tree feather token before we leave. Maybe it can be used in an emergency if you need to shore up an area (albeit at 60 feet height).

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Spica kneels down to be at eye level with Claudia before saying hello. It seemed polite to do so. She then stands back up.
Can't think of anything at the moment. Though what's the bet I'll discover the need for a spell I don't have she says with a grin.
She too is eager to get started.

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Lady Vanessa watches everyone interact with Claudia only in Elven (which she doesn't understand, but certainly recognizes). At this point she's convinced that the little green lady only speaks in the language of the Elves. "Vanessa," she says by way of a simple introduction in case she's right.
"Tso, who iz zhis foreman zhat ve need to speak to, and vhere do ve find him?" she asks their host. "Is zhere anytsing else you tsink ve should know about him?"

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Vanessa expertly hides her surprise when Claudia so eloquently introduces herself. It's not the first time she's run across someone that doesn't initially seem to speak the local language.
It was that damn Minkai Shogun, Toku...something Ietsu...something that was always using an interpreter even though he was perfectly fluent in Taldane. Well, at least, he screamed in Taldane quite well once I got him alone, she remembers fondly, her inner smile creeping onto her face.
"Yes, a pleazhure to meet you alzo, Claudia," she says while bending over to shake the little lady's hand, and accidently giving the boys a deeper insight into her "assets."

GM Ietsuna |

Rukha nods. If you are ready I can guide you through Janderhoff. The market place is on our way if any of you need last minute supplies.
Do shopping if you need to. Deduct from your coin purses etc.
He leads you through the city and after going through the market you arrive at the entrance to the tunnel system.
Two dwarfs stand guard at the entrance. While not looking outwardly aggressive in their posture towards you they also do not look friendly.
Halt. What business do you have here with the Delvers?

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"Hello," the Lady begins with a dazzling smile. "Ve're here to speak to zhe Foreman, or whoever can grant us access. Ve're Pathfinders, and ve've been tsent to rescue a group of ozher Pathfinders zhat vent missing."
She pauses to look back at the team standing patiently behind her. "I know ve may not look it," she says with a smile and a wave of her hand at her outfit, "but I assure you zhat ve're quite capable. Ve heard zhe tunnels might need tsome vork done, so I've brought two ov my ... I mean, our ... strongest men. And she's actually a very accomplished engineer," Lady Vanessa coos in compliment to Spica while gently setting a long-fingered hand on the undine's shoulder.
Diplomacy to make a request, Fashionable Accessories : 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 18 + 2 = 34

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Spica purchases a scroll of Wall of Ice [4th] for later scribing (-700) as well as Wall of Force [5th], even though it is one spell level too high for her. (-1125)
spellcraft to learn Wall of Ice: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16
Well that's not going in her book anytime soon. At least she didn't waste it. She gives it a look of disgust and files it away for later.
At the entrance, she gives the dwarves an awkward smile and blushes slightly at Vanessa's compliment.

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Aiden picks up a tree feather token on their way to the dwarven city.
When Lady Vanessa explains why they are there, Aiden simply moves to stand hear her and Spica. He glares at them as he attempts to look solid and imposing.

GM Ietsuna |

Well, you seem to know what you are talking about there The dwarf gives Lady Vanessa a sly smile.
And you seem to have the appropriate number of strong types. Procede, but take care.
You move forward into the first chamber.
A recent, unfinished passageway branches off from a preexisting dwarven hallway. The extension runs for only a few dozen feet before reaching a smooth, worked stone corridor that opens into a large circular room with two exits leading east. Aside from the musty atmosphere, these ancient chambers are strikingly similar to Janderhoff’s more modern construction. Hewn from the mountain, the floor is worked to resemble flagstones and the walls are intermittently decorated with mock brickwork. Arrows—some broken, some splintered, and all ancient—litter the cold floor.
Map link is up above. Please yourselves on the map in the open area.

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Tabar rides forward on his riding dog to investigate the chamber.
He also uses his discerning Wayfinder to detect magic.
perception : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

GM Ietsuna |

Among the broken arrows Tabar finds 5 intact ones. Two seem to be normal arrows, one is made of adamantine and the other two are different again.

GM Ietsuna |

Among the broken arrows Tabar finds 5 intact ones. Two seem to be normal arrows, one is made of adamantine and the other two are different again.
In addition to this as you move toward the south (bottom of the map) you hear a click from the floor and a loud clicking from the walls as if something is trying to fire but is out of ammunition.

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Lady Vanessa thanks the two dwarven Delvers at the door and gestures for her big strong men to lead the way. She also steps aside for Tabar's dog and Claudia, who she's certain is far more capable than her size and demeanor suggest. She then takes Spica's arm in hers, as if the two were simply friends going for a stroll through the shopping streets of Absalom, and follows everyone else in.
As she enters the hallway, she reaches up and drops those fancy red sunglasses down over her eyes. One might be forgiven for being confused about why she'd wear sunglasses indoors, but rest assured the Lady does nothing without good reason.
She stops at the back of the room and watches silently as the others do their thing.
"Do you hear zhat? Zhat 'clicking' tsound? Did tsomevun set off a trap?" she asks.
The glasses give her the constant effect of the deathwatch spell. Most importantly to her: "You instantly know whether each creature within the area is ... healthy, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct). Very useful for choosing which spell to use on the opponent.

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Aiden quickly moves to the south to check the walls, trying to stay low. "Watch out. It sounds like it's empty, but you never know." He grabs one of the broken arrow shafts and probes the wall, looking for the trap mechanism.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Disable Device: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

GM Ietsuna |

Despite the clicking sound nothing comes flying out at the group.
Aiden does find a mechanism for an arrow trap, but does not succeed at disabling it.
Ok, what now? Do you want to do more in this room or advance?

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Not releasing Spica's arm just yet, as there seems to be no danger, Lady Vanessa uses her other hand to rummage around in her handbag. A handbag that seems to be much deeper and more voluminous than it should be. She finally draws out a slender rod and closes up the bag.
"Aiden, daahhling, you're good vith traps, yes? Be a dear and lead zhe way, pleaze. But do be careful." She says the last with a sly little smile to Aiden.
Then she turns her head and brushes her lips against Spica's ear as she whispers. "Ve vouldn't vant zhat body getting too damaged, vould ve, dear?"
She then waits for the others to clear the way into the next room.
Drawing a Bouncing metamagic rod.
Also, just realized I hadn't briefed this earlier. Vanessa is a dhamphir. Please don't heal her with positive energy. She carries 2 potions of Inflight light wounds, and a wand of the same. If she goes down, and no one can use the wand or no one has Infernal healing, feed her one of the potions marked with a Black X. She would have briefed you all of this enroute to the dig site.

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It would be advantageous all around if anyone's body does not get too damaged Spica whispers back. As for you ... I have noted the location of your wand. I should be able to activate it. After all, I would not your body to get too damaged either

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Aiden pulls his own wand and taps himself with it. He puts it away again. "Good with traps? Maybe. Or just decent at triggering them before they kill me. But I'll take the vote of confidence."
Aiden then proceeds into the next room, deciding that the trap is harmless now.
UMD - Longstrider: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34 Speed of 40!

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Dumm looks around the room, even sniffing the air a few times, like an animal in an unfamiliar setting. (No mechanical benefit for this, just thematic.)
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13
…not that it matters.

GM Ietsuna |

The central feature of this nearly square room is the wide set of shallow stairs that leads upward to a pair of passageways on the eastern side of the room. A row of ancient and splintered desks lies at the top of the stairs, and an empty room is visible beyond.
The stairs are only four inches high. On the easter wall sit old and rotting desks covered in old and rotting documents.

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Aiden walks into the room and pauses at the base of the shallow steps. He kneels down to examine them for any triggering mechanism before allowing anyone onto the steps.
If they are safe, then he climbs them up to the remains of the desks to look over the old documents. He pulls out his discerning wayfinder to check for any magical auras.
Perception to check for traps: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

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After Aiden has given the signal descends as well on his riding dog!
perception : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
He looks at the desk and the documents.

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After all, I would not your body to get too damaged either
"Mmmm, tsank you my dear," Lady Vanessa practically purrs in her husky sultry voice.
"Now zhen, if Aiden tsays zhe room is tsafe, let's follow, shall ve?" she asks rhetorically as she moves forward still with Spica in tow.
When she gets up behind Aiden, she reaches out a long-fingered hand covered in a black silk glove to gently stroke the big man's right ear while she whispers a simple spell. "Tsometsing to make you better at finding zhose traps," she informs him with a sly smile.
She does this for each of the following rooms, too, but where she touches him varies with each room. Once it's across the back of his neck, or along the line of his jaw, or playfully down the bridge of his nose. Purely to heighten his expectations and "enhance his senses", of course.
Casting guidance on Aiden, which she'll do before he checks each room. +1 to a skill check once per room.