Willow Nevardmipth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hmm, roles. Well the one we just lost was a vigilante who could do a good amount of damage. We do have a brawler and a battle oracle on that front as well. My witch is doesn't do much damage as well as our healer, though he might be able to but just has concentrated on healing so far, not sure.
So hope that helps.

Eric Kostroff |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hmm, roles. Well the one we just lost was a vigilante who could do a good amount of damage. We do have a brawler and a battle oracle on that front as well. My witch is doesn't do much damage as well as our healer, though he might be able to but just has concentrated on healing so far, not sure.
So hope that helps.
My oracle is very specific. He's good at grappling and... nothing else in general. If a creature cannot be grappled or he does not want to (as with a dirt demon), then he stands and takes blows .))

Roberta Crask |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Given that we're in the Abyss some form of Buffer/Debuffer to handle the many DR's that our opponents come with could be useful.

Today is a good day to... halp |

Okay, so it looks like the current party makeup is the Elven Witch, the Human Healing-focused Oracle, the Dhampir Grapple-focused Oracle, and the Tiefling Brawler/Rogue plus the Human Alchemist NPC. :)
Some possible character prospects have come to mind, here on my end. Let me know what you all think of them [the additional party member to be]:
1. Here's a gonzo sort of choice that's kinda 'out there'; a Vine Leshy Paizo Cavalier with the Verdivant archetype. He was a flower/plant gift to the succubi that somehow gained sapience, along with a plantish improved monster mount.
2. If a Ranged attack-style Damager is desired; a 3pp Dwarven Crossbowyer comes to mind. He's a willing mercenary styled guest of the succubi- possibly even partakes in their services.
3. If a 3pp Psionic-type of character that can collective with fellow party members is okay with everyone; a Peri-variant Aasimar that is a Tactician class...leaning towards the Metanexus or Soul Conductor archetypes. Psionically-based buffing/debuffing but 3/4 BAB though.
4. Another 3pp Psionic Skirmisher, the Skipper, a full BAB teleporter-type seems ready-made for just fighting and damaging.
5. A 3pp 3/4 BAB debuffer/buffer? Malefex, especially of the Rustpicker variety seems oddly apropos for a succubi setting.
6. Two 3pp full BAB classes from Rogue Genius Games, both the damage-focused Witch-Hunter and the buffing-focused War Master offer some intriguing possibilities.
7. If sticking with just Paizo-based buffing/debuffing classes is more preferable to everyone, then both the Omdura of the Arcane Exemplar type [adding to the arcane casters total] or some type of Bard Archetype [such as the Arrowsong Minstrel for your ranged attacker needs] will serve just nicely. If something more along the lines of a Paizo-based full BAB is desired, perhaps a Vanguard Slayer might just do... pending any additional archetypes to shoe-horn in there.
For those without a chosen race yet to go along with the class, those will be pending on what classes will get approved.
Obviously, only one will be chosen out of all of them to be that new party member. Which choice tickles your fancy? ;p

Today is a good day to... halp |

Heh, it just occurred to me that the listing I gave yesterday- which was more or less me just throwing stuff out there and seeing what sticks- could be taken the wrong way in giving the mistaken impression that all those 3pp classes that I had previously listed were somehow okay to use.
So I do want to stress that all those prospective 3pp classes are certainly subject to GM Liliyashanina's approval for possible use; so it is still quite possible that none of them would be okay to use. :)
Beyond that, I figured that I'd get everybody's input as to what they'd like to see me go with. I'm even open to the possibility that none of the previously listed choices are even going to get the nod- in such an event, I'm definitely open to hearing the rest of the parties' input on what I should ultimately go with. ;p

Willow Nevardmipth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm not familiar with any of the 3pp stuff. And add another layer of utterly and completely no help, I am nearly always on the side of playing what you find most interesting. :)

Today is a good day to... halp |

No worries, Willow, that should leave about 3 others plus our GM to decide upon the prospective new addition. You might end up being the tie-breaking vote, if it should occur, however unlikely. ;p
Maybe I should 'flesh' out on some of the prospective characters and see if any of them happen to gel with folks.
For the Paizo-based class choices:
1. A Male Agile/Grapevine/Lashvine Vine Leshy Cavalier of the Verdiant Archetype that goes by the tentative name of 'Hoisting Kudzus', along with his grown, plant-based version of a Griffon known as 'Flying Bullwhip' [via the Monstrous Mount feat]. His stats will be: Str16, Dex16, Con12, Int10, Wis14[13], Cha 15[14].
His quote: "Okay to attack these ones, yes?"
2. A Female Annis-born Changeling Omdura of the Arcane Exemplar Archetype that goes by the tentative name of 'Iobne', herself a devout worshipper of Noticula by utilizing the False Focus feat. Her stats will be: Str16, Dex14[13], Con12, Int10, Wis12, Cha19[18].
Her quote: "In Noticula's name, her will be done..."
3. A Female Munavri Bard of the Arrowsong Minstrel Archetype that goes by the tentative name of 'Golmana'. Her stats will be: Str12, Dex19[18], Con14, Int13, Wis14, Cha19[18].
Her quote: "By my arrow's point, I've got this shot!"
4. A Male Keen/Skilled Kitsune Slayer of the Vanguard Archetype; possibly even the 3pp Headsman Archetype, if allowed. He goes by the tentative name of 'Leffertiste' and his stats will be: Str12, Dex18[17], Con14, Int16[15], Wis14, Cha10.
His quote: "We can take 'em!"
For the 3pp-based class choices:
5. A Male Iron-Within/etc. Dwarf Dwarven Crossbowyer 3pp class who goes by the name of 'Tardek'. His stats will be: Str14[13], Dex18, Con12, Int10, Wis16[15], Cha10.
His quote: "Got 'em in my sights!"
6. A Female Peri-blooded/Emberkin Incorruptible Aasimar Tactician [Psionic] 3pp class of the Metanexus Archetype. She goes by the tentative name of 'Yarisana' and her stats will be: Str12, Dex12, Con12, Int19[18], Wis12, Cha18[17].
Her quote: "Join up with the collective- we will strike as one."
7. A Male Kasatha Skipper [Psionic] 3pp class who is known by his tentative moniker, 'Garlax', and his stats are: Str17[16], Dex17[16], Con12, Int10, Wis16, Cha13.
His quote: "Who needs some killing? Time and distance? No trouble at all!"
8. A Male Deft-Swords/Glide Tengu Malefex 3pp class of the Rustpicker Archetype who goes by the tentative name of 'Chuufa'. His stats are as follows: Str12, Dex18[17], Con12, Int12, Wis18[17], Cha12.
His quote: "Lucks' never on their side, heh."
9. A Male Juggernaut/Liberty or Death Half-giant [Psionic] Witch Hunter 3pp class who is known by all as 'Zarbney'- tentatively, of course. His stats are: Str18[17], Dex12, Con12, Int12, Wis18[17], Cha12.
His quote: "I shall suffer no opposing witch to abide..."
10. A Male Aphorite War Master 3pp class by the tentative name of 'Torbayleon'. His stats are: Str16, Dex12, Con12, Int17[16], Wis14[13], Cha14.
His quote: "Here's what we'll do..."

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Arrowsong ministrel looks reasonable to me, not sure what a Munavri is though, if they are mostly humanoid and have a way to communicate with humans, Hotel Leningrads core are Soviet WW2 veterans, but they are pretty nondiscriminatory in their hiring practices.

Today is a good day to... halp |

Everything without 3PP seems to me more cute .)
Although if it's 3PP, then I would choose psionics. At least look at this mechanics in action!
Thank you for your input, Eric; I can try to go a bit more in depth on the Paizo 1st party choices plus the two 3pp psionics choices [Tactician or Skipper]- possibly three if you'd count the Half-Giant 3pp Witchhunter [although that one's not even psionic class by any means]. ;)
Arrowsong ministrel looks reasonable to me, not sure what a Munavri is though, if they are mostly humanoid and have a way to communicate with humans, Hotel Leningrads core are Soviet WW2 veterans, but they are pretty nondiscriminatory in their hiring practices.
Thank you for your vote choice of Golmana, Liliyashanina; I wasn't entirely sure if some of either my racial or class choices, 3pp or otherwise, would get shot down- but I did have my metaphorical money on the Skipper not making the cut though, heh. ;p
In terms of what Golmana's race, the Munavri's are... basically they're albino psychic descendants of the ancient human Azlantis who fled were taken underground to escape the Earthfall. They eventually settled deep within the 3rd part Darklands where there's an underground ocean and are one of the few non-evil denizens of the Darklands. I guess they really don't get seen much as a playable race since they might be considered a bit more powerful... kinda like the idea of the Elf/Drow/Drow Noble divide [in this case, Human/Azlanti or Thassilonian Human[the ones with +2 to all stats]/Munavris]. There probably shouldn't be any real communication issues apart from speaking something other than common/undercommon. ;)

Today is a good day to... halp |

So with the current vote standing at possibly one for Golmana, I'd figure that I go a bit more in depth into the classes, both 1pp and 3pp, that have been previously mentioned.
I'll start first with Golmana the Munavri Arrowsong Minstrel Bard since she's at least got the GM's eyes upon her. Having some limited ability to buff her allies within 30' due to her archetype, Golmana's main strengths lie in her ability to make damaging ranged attacks via her longbow plus her slightly limited 6 levels of arcane casting. Most likely, she'll be VMC as a Sorcerer of the Solar bloodline to help mitigate with some of her racial light-blindness penalties; possibly even using the False Feat as someone who venerates Skode.
Next up, is Hoisting Kudzus the Vine Leshy Verdivant Cavalier. As a small sized character, he may not do the most powerful of physical weapon damages but that job seems to be left to his larger Monstrous Mount of a Griffon. Unlike the standard worries that a normal cavalier may have for their mount possibly dying towards great expenses, a Verdivant Cavalier can always 'grow' back the mount the very next day with no issues at all. Hoisting Kudzus can also buff allies either within 10' or 20' of him with various effects- all thanks to his effervescent spores that he can utilize around 4 or more times per day.
Third up is Iobne the Changeling Arcane Exemplar Omdura of Noticula; Besides her 30' buffings of allies via her judgement-like Invocations, she is a 6-leveled arcane caster that utilizes the Magus's spell lists that also uses the False Focus feat. Iobne will utilize Hag Magics racial substitute from the Agents of Evil companion book along with being an Annis-born Changeling.
Fouth up is Leffertiste the Kitsune Vanguard Slayer who may, if allowed to, utilize Rogue Genius Games Headsman 3pp Archetype as well. Besides have some minor ally-buffing abilities, Leffertiste will be a Dex/Finesse focused switch-hitting damage dealer for the most part.
Fifth up is the first of our 3pp Dreamscarred Press Psionics based class choice, Yarisana the Aasimar Metanexus Tactician. Being a full 9th leveled Psionic Manifester, Yarisana can place all her allies within 100+' into her collective where she can buff them or she can cast her psionic powers through them or even share some limited use racial traits between them- all while telepathically coordinating with one another.
Sixth up is the second of our 3pp Dreamscarred Press Psionics based class choice, Garlax the Kasatha Skipper. Mainly a damage-dealer, Garlax can use his short ranged 35' teleportation to cause as much damage that can be done, melee or ranged- not very hard to do when you've got four working arms.
Seventh up is the combination 3pp Dreamscarred Press Race plus 3pp Rogue Genius Games Class, Zarbney the Half-Giant Witch Hunter. Primarily a damage dealer who focuses on the supernatural category of beings known as 'witches', which not only includes the various arcane caster-types but also monstrous Hags and Outsiders, Zarbney can easily wield larger sized weaponry by dint of being a Half-Giant. The main downside to Zarbney being a viable choice is that the party already does have a noted Witch as a fellow party member though. ;p
Ninth up is 3pp Dreamscarred Press' non-psionic based class, Chuufa the Tengu Rustpicker Malefex. This skillful luck-based, enemy-focused Debuffer occupies a similar space to Paizo's Occult Mesmerists but without any of the spellcasting involved.
Lastly, Tenth up is 3pp Rogue Genius Games' class, Torbayleon the Aphorite War Master. Torbayleon can tactically command his retinue of allies within at least 30' through various actions and buffings via mundane means. Could easily drop him as a prospective choice of party member should everybody prefer to keep all the choices within the single digits. ;)

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

Here's a sample character, Golmana, since she's still up by one vote compared to all the other prospective characters. ;)
I suppose that some of the specific character details still are in a bit of a flux as it were but I'm certain that the main choices for magical items and non-magical equipment should be fairly locked in although any feedback on them and other details [spell or skill choices comes to mind] will be carefully considered. :)
May as well take care of some HP rolls while I'm at it. ;)
HP roll: 1d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7. 2nd
HP roll: 1d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 = 10. 3rd
HP roll: 1d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 = 9. 4th
HP roll: 1d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 = 10. 5th
HP roll: 1d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 = 10. 6th
HP roll: 1d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 = 9. 7th
HP roll: 1d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 = 10. 8th
Not too shabby for 75 hit points.

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I recommend picking up Linguistics, to speak Common and Abyssal. Its a class skill so you can grab 2 extra languages on top of that.
Abyssal is not a secret language in the Abyss. Nor is infernal or celestial (in Nocticulas realm), Nocticula does encourage stealing the enemies secrets.
Forcing enslaved devils to teach Bored Demons infernal is hilarious, forcing them to teach it to mortals is even funnier.
If you joined Hotel Leningrad more then 6 month ago, one of these could be Russian, although most of the grunts will make fun of you for failing to pronounce swearwords properly, which they would still do even if you were fluent :).
If you were tight with Fritz, you could know German. A total of roughly 10 people in Alyushinnyrra speak it, there are uses to speaking a language nobody else knows, however, a bunch of inhabitants are under constant or at will tounges.

Today is a good day to... halp |

Hotel Leningrads core are Soviet WW2 veterans, but they are pretty nondiscriminatory in their hiring practices.
Y'know, it just occurred to me that out of all ten prospectives, only three would look out of place openly among humans without access to a hat of disguise; those 3 being Hoisting Kudzus the Vine Leshy, Garlax the Kasatha, and Chuufa the Tengu.
For characters like Zarbney the Hairless Half-Giant or Tardek the beardy Dwarf, they seem close enough to being human-like that the plane-lost Soviets [they're in some kinda afterlife, beyond their wildest notions?] might not give them another thought as being too alien. Same thing with Yarisana the Peri-blooded Aasimar, Iobne the Heterochromia-eyed Changeling, or Torbayleon the Aphorite.
Now Leffertiste, on the other hand, being a Kitsune; he'd be able to pass off as human mostly until his fox form is revealed- then, it might be more likely that those Soviets might consider him to be some kinda weird Lycanthrope then. ;p

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

I recommend picking up Linguistics, to speak Common and Abyssal. Its a class skill so you can grab 2 extra languages on top of that.
Abyssal is not a secret language in the Abyss. Nor is infernal or celestial (in Nocticulas realm), Nocticula does encourage stealing the enemies secrets.
Forcing enslaved devils to teach Bored Demons infernal is hilarious, forcing them to teach it to mortals is even funnier.If you joined Hotel Leningrad more then 6 month ago, one of these could be Russian, although most of the grunts will make fun of you for failing to pronounce swearwords properly, which they would still do even if you were fluent :).
If you were tight with Fritz, you could know German. A total of roughly 10 people in Alyushinnyrra speak it, there are uses to speaking a language nobody else knows, however, a bunch of inhabitants are under constant or at will tounges.
That'd actually would make a lot more sense for Golmana to take Linguistics instead of something like Sleight of Hand or even Know:Engineering. Consider those 2 changed over to Linguistics then for 2 ranks in it. Probably the chosen languages will be Abyssal and Russian then?

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Soviets are entirely aware where they are, and that they are not actually dead. WW2 is still going on (for a price, reports are available. Its currently Fall Blau, the leadup to the battle of Stalingrad), but the current cast did fight during the succesfull Soviet counteroffensive at Moscow, and considers their duty to the Motherland fulfilled.
They would also rather not have to explain to the NKVD what the hell happened to them.
They are perpetually amused that the living conditions in Alyushinnyrra are a sizeable upgrade from the eastern Front.
Whats also interesting is that the Demons they had interface with arent entirely sure that the Soviets are "humans", and speculate that the absence of magic on their world, be it arcane or divine, has made them much tougher.
Some have reservations about some of their members becoming half Demons, but the now Half Balor Colonel in particular bailed them out of so many absurd situations that they would follow her to hell (they already did, exceeding Nocticula expectations during a demonstrative raid on Cania, its what the Colonel got her Half Balor package for).
Funnily enough, the old seargent the party met at the door is actually from WW1, and managed to survive 20 years, in Alyushinyrra, mostly on his own.
Edit: Linguistics is a class skill for Bards. You put in your first point, you get basically 4 ranks, and I am ruling that you get to pick 4 languages.

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

Some have reservations about some of their members becoming half Demons, but the now Half Balor Colonel in particular bailed them out of so many absurd situations that they would follow her to hell (they already did, exceeding Nocticula expectations during a demonstrative raid on Cania, its what the Colonel got her Half Balor package for).
Funnily enough, the old seargent the party met at the door is actually from WW1, and managed to survive 20 years, in Alyushinyrra, mostly on his own.
Edit: Linguistics is a class skill for Bards. You put in your first point, you get basically 4 ranks, and I am ruling that you get to pick 4 languages.
Good to know, Liliyashanina and thank you as well for the extra languages; so besides Abyssal and Russian, Golmana may as well pick up Infernal and German too since those seem a bit more relevant at the moment. ;)

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

If you joined Hotel Leningrad more then 6 month ago, one of these could be Russian, although most of the grunts will make fun of you for failing to pronounce swearwords properly, which they would still do even if you were fluent :).
If you were tight with Fritz, you could know German. A total of roughly 10 people in Alyushinnyrra speak it, there are uses to speaking a language nobody else knows, however, a bunch of inhabitants are under constant or at will tounges.
Sounds like a good segue way into becoming part of the plot; From Golmana ending up loosing her fellow sailing crew in a Darklands Sightless Sea attack bu Urdefans/Aboleths/daemons/etc? in the beginning past and somehow later on ends up falling into planar shenanigans with the Soviets in Hotel Leningrad over in the abyss over 8 months to a year ago? Possibly Fritz would inquire about strange lands, such as Thule/Mu/Atlantis, that Golmana would know absolutely nothing about [she'd know of Azlant, maybe even Thassilon?]. Probably can figure out some more upon her backstory later on. ;)
And if there's any other prospective characters that fellow party-members would wish to vote in on, including Golmana as a prospective choice, please feel free to do so. :)

Fritz von Braun |
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Fritz dislikes Thule organization because "their stupid pseudoscientific crap diluted funding for my totally glorious projects, such as Ballistic CHainsaw Bayonets!". He got a bit too vocal about voicing this, got send to a penal Batallion, he got planeshifted to the deathfrost, and teamed up with the Leningrad guys there.
Balalaika considers him "too crazy to actually be a Nazi" which is an accurate enough assessment, he also does follow her orders, considering her a considerable improvement over his last bosses.

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sure thing!
Sending a totally risk free remote hug hopefully resulting in a +Con profane gift as well!

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

Depending on what cold medications you happen to use, Anatoli, I've had good results with using Guaifenesin products, Mucinex in particular, back when I had Covid a couple of months back.

Willow Nevardmipth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hope you feel better sir!

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

Been updating the profile character sheet for Golmana.
I have her alignment initially as Chaotic Good; should I go with something more along the lines of Chaotic Neutral to better fit with the party or should just I keep her as the token good character? ;)

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think Rebecca is mostly good as well.

Willow Nevardmipth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Any alignment conflicts we can work out as a group, I think. Willow is CE, but won't ball at someone wanting to do something good. She won't understand it, nope, not at all, but will go along with it.

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yeap, LG would be problematic, also because you get debuffed for being it quite considerably outside of Alyushinnyrra.

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

No worries then, Liliyashanina, Willow; may as well tentatively keep with the CG alignment then- if it does become an unforeseeable issue in the future, it can always be changed. :)

Eric Kostroff |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey! (you may have read this message in other shared games) I will be on a trip next week with three possible options: I will post as usual, 1 time a day; I will not be able to post until Thursday; I will not be able to post all week and will return to the gameplay in 7-8 days. In any case, feel completely free to bot me if needed. Cheers!

Willow Nevardmipth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |


Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

Just wanted to check if being called up via intercom is the standard operating procedure for Hotel Leningrad. :)
Figured that having her own private room in Hotel Leningrad [everyone in the party has their own room or would just the Russian troops be expected to bunk together in a barracks-type situation?] would be a thing then? ;)
One idea on how Golmana is friendly to Fritz would be her ability to do her 8 min/a day, Advanced Object Reading, which makes her perfectly able to help 'test' out his inventions, like a chainsaw bayonet for example. The rest would be learning his German language as she goes- so as to make the testing procedures more efficient. ;p

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The intercom is something Fritz scrounged together, from a bunch of wiring, a Succubus that tried to murder Balalaika (she gave it a 1/5 in terms of comedic performances), spit, ducttape and a bunch of Quasits that dared to sabotage Fritz's booze destillery.
Each room has a tube, and a "Room number" dial, you put in the room number and the person in the other room hears whatever you are speaking into the dial.
The Hotel is a semi-demi plane, surprisingly enough most people have their own rooms, it is much more spacious in the inside then on the outside.
THe party is not in hotel leningrad, they have their own inn called "The Inn and Out".

Willow Nevardmipth |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

We're respectable business owners!

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yeap, legal citizens even! And because Demons are terrible at beurocracy tax collection is, infrequen to non existing.

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

Oh, it would help me greatly with balancing if, once your characters are ready, you could post:
--One full attack action ruoutine fully buffed
--Your highest and lowest spell DCs
--One full attack action routine unbuffed
I'll have to get around to doing that soon, one of these days. But for now, suffice it to say that Golmana is primarily a ranged damage-dealer with two primary buffing bardic song performances.
Many of her spells can be categorized as either damaging or buffing/supporting herself and other party members, especially the Bard-based spells. There might be one spell, the Unflappable Mein, that can be considered defensive but she'll mostly rely on her armor and buckler for defense. She'll be constantly relying upon her Penumbra cantrip to deal with any bright light blindness issues since she's immune to being dazzled thanks to her VMC Solar bloodline.
Golmana might be discomfitted by learning that Eric is a blood-drinking connoisseur but upon learning that he doesn't cause transformative vampirism, like the native outsider Urdefhans do to create other Urdefhans, she'll only be slightly wary of him ;)

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating it- or will, later on today. ;)

Willow Nevardmipth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

To you and everyone else as well!

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Can someone check if the battle map is editable for other people?

Eric Kostroff |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A friendly reminder to GM about my ability. I recommend simply entering two rolls from Eric into the formulas with which you roll the initiative for the game (so as not to remember this every time).
War Sight (Su): Whenever you roll for initiative, you can roll twice and take either result. At 7th level, you can always act in the surprise round, but if you fail to notice the ambush, you act last, regardless of your initiative result (you act in the normal order in following rounds).

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

Also confirming that the map seems fine and unedittable... though I've not attempted to move any of tokens either. ;)

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, I can edit it if I log in, click on the picture and click edit, is this options available for you?

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

If I try to right click on my token on the airship, it shows the 'copy' option on the edit bar only, Liliyashanina. Same with the other player tokens- and none of them are either selectable or movable too.

Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think I fixed it, it now sees to work properly!

Golmana of the Sightless Sea |

Still seems to be view only on my end, Liliyashanina; I suspect that some open editing access might be necessary to move the game tokens but given the distinct possibility of maps being accidentally moved, the using the undo button is a must sometimes or a 'before' and 'after' screenshot will be needed, just in case, when moving the tokens on the map. ;)