Liliyashanina |

Hello there friends, for your intraparty plotting and plausibly deniable dotting needs!

Liliyashanina |

Yeah, I understand why Paizo doesnt allow user made pictures, but it would definitly help if we could add our own.

John Gs |

That would be lovely! If only...
Okay questions. Can the others take advantage of willow's craft wondrous? In character generation I mean.
Also do you want me to drop leadership? I would like to keep Persiska around for roleplaying banter from time to time, staying at the inn, but happy other than that.

Liliyashanina |

Paizo boards glitching on me :).
Ok, I just noticed I already wrote in campaign info that the craft recoup limit if you can craft is 8K.
You can pick one other character who can recoup up to 4K based on your crafting.
You can totally keep Persiska around.

Liliyashanina |

I would prefer not having leadership yet, but Persiska is a fine enough NPC. Basically, give me some time to get a handle on the party first.
Also, vote on the first subplot, with exceedingly little information other then the chaotic whims of a dude who is way too fond of Succubi.
Oi dude where is my Car Flying Ship
Themes: Asset recovery, battle, show trial
Abyssal Spelling Bee
Themes: Escort, sightseeing, intercultural exchange
I bet you cant!
Themes: Arena Combat, Battle, Banter, Performance

Cenna Kellen |

Super excited for this, Cenna is currently stated much like a face rouge I was also pondering the possibility of a dip into rogue for trapfinding as we don't currently have access to it. His biggest weakness in that department is lack of perception.
My order of preference for first subplot would go
1: I bet you cant!
2 Oi Dude where is my car Flying Ship
3 Abyssal Spelling Bee

Willow Nevardmipth |

Step one, beginnings of a profile along with a potential picture (which might change once I wander through the 4000 or so pictures). I copied some bits from the recruitment post and some stats, still need to add some and deal with money.
Does anyone want to attach themselves to some degree to Willow so she can explain why she made something for you (craft wondrous item)? If there are multiple takers, we can roll randomly at that point.

Cenna Kellen |

Though I don't need the crafting unless no one else wants it in terms of connection I was thinking that Cenna and Willow mostly would have interacted with each other though backroom dealings to get "exotic" ingredients under the table as well as in day to day running of the Inn as he works as the innkeep!

Willow Nevardmipth |

That makes complete sense. She makes the drinks (and occasional cookies), he tends the bar. And his "brother" gathers the more exotic things she needs :)
His intimidation skill, btw, is intimidating! Willow's top skill is 23

Cenna Kellen |

Yeah, I have always had a passion for skill based characters but never found much use for intimidate cause I didn't want folks to hate me, but I have the perfect out from that now because "Cenna" didn't do it, I have found a new attachment to Vig I think it opens up so many fun opportunities!

Cenna Kellen |

assuming 3rd is 1 point second is 2 and first is 3 that gives us current voting totals of
I bet you cant! 7
Abyssal Spelling Bee 5
Oi dude where is my car Flying Ship 6

Eric Kostroff |

Thank you very much, I was very glad to read this news in the morning (can you imagine what a good start to the day?) and I am looking forward to the game!
- Adventures: I'm ready to just follow the flight of fantasy of the master, the plot and the party, so I'm interested in all the sub-plots to the same extent.
- Party: Is there someone from Ustalav and/or a nobleman? I want to establish some connections before the game starts.

Willow Nevardmipth |

Good Morning.
Willow is not a noble, but I can easily imagine her study of the elder gods would bring her to Ustalav at one point.

The Inn and Out |

It is witch, 2 oracles (one being combat heavy, one being you :) ,a melee bard, a vigilante, and while Roberta has a rouge level she is mostly a brawler.
Also, you have me, your most favorite and lovely Inn with endless room for improvment and growth, hello everyone!

Willow Nevardmipth |

Hi Inn!

Eric Kostroff |

I just thought before that Eric would come from Versex, and this is just the most occult and cthulchic region of Ustalav.
Eric is a handsome man, clearly adoring military affairs and rarely parting with his armor. He is gallant and behaves like a nobleman and a cavalier.
You definitely know that he is from a noble family. And also that during the period of your acquaintance he was looking for items similar to your subject. He was clearly not interested in knowledge as such, what he wanted was the strengthening of personal power through strange and forbidden rituals. He willingly made contact with all the dark rare cults, feeling comfortable there and "like among his own" - it was noticeable.
What could have introduced us? How long have we been in contact? Were there any common affairs, or maybe expeditions?

Willow Nevardmipth |

Just saw your post Eric, I'll brainstorm over dinner!

Willow Nevardmipth |

I was trying to figure out if I needed to move Willow to another patron so we would have a caster with haste (since haste is rather nice) but it appears like our melee bard, the awesome and amazing Ashleaf, has it.
I have rebuilt from scratch to make sure I have all the money parts done correctly (including free spells). Hero lab tries to give her two extra ones based on the headband of intelligence +4 increasing her brainpower. So I picked two level one spells to get it to stop pestering me and reduced her money total by that amount.
Moved her skills around a little to have all the main (non-background) knowledge skills. Might fiddle more based on the rest of the group finalizing, just wanted to get her up in the updated form.
I love the idea of the inn being a huge totally-not-mimic :)

Willow Nevardmipth |

Okay, ideas.
Willow is rather into trying new things, especially new liquid concoctions, which has to do with her notion of how to attract the attention of an elder thing, which might be both brilliant and crazy.
So in <insert city you want> a lovely elf dressed in expensive flowing fabrics is drinking in a dive, sampling drink after drink and writing in her journal after each one.
Willow has a poop fort roll so she's rather intoxicated in no time. Pretty, rich, and drunk with no one with her would make a gallant knight-type person think about saving her from meaty paws and bad decisions. But cause she is a more than a little cracked witch whose power comes from Lovecraft's nightmares, horrors are creeping out of the corners, accompanied by strange whispers and general feelings of chalk on blackboards.
So the never do wells in the bar are leaning more toward burning at the stake than indecent notions.
Maybe Eric could save her, either cause he does that kind of thing or because the strange effects of her intoxication have intrigued him since it is adjacent to what he is looking for. Or it is the way she cutely slurs Cthulhu when she is drunk. (cafoowoo said really slow)
They could go searching for these dark cults you mention together, both for their own reasons. His smile and strong arm combined with her esoteric knowledge and brain would do wonders. So shenanigans ensue, cultist montage, and so on. Success or failure, they go their separate ways, then run into each other years later in the abyss.
Just babbling, whichever bits you like we can go with and chunk the rest. Or go ao completely different direction.

Ashleaf |

Hello, it's an honor to be with you. To be honest, I didn't think much of my chances, but I'm happy to give it my all. I have a few unassigned things, and I will check to see if we have any holes. Also, since I have craft wand, I would like to help a healer out with some cheap healing as well if that's okay.
And Willow, (a fetching name if Ashleaf ever heard one) flattery will get you everywhere. Although I would say thay Ashleaf's only real love is music. Haste is pretty much essential, so on bigger fights that we can't prebuff, it might be a couple rounds until I can get in the fray.
As for the choices, I like them in order presented.
Ashleaf would like to make a performance space with magic mouths set to go off with certain musical cues in addition to his ghost sound and Staff of Accompaniment. In this way, Ashleaf can play any kind of music with any number of instruments. So I will be posting links of pretty much any song I want for flavor ot to set the mood. ...and I will take requests as well. If Ashleaf doesn't know it, he'll just make up a song on the spot, by which I mean I will steal something mildly appropriate or inappropriate as the case may be off of YouTube. That's what you get from a master musician with skill checks consistently 40 and above.

Roberta Crask |

Hey everyone, sorry for going silent. Family emergency took all my attention the last week.
Things have settled down and I'm back to posting.
I planned Roberta as the former brutal thug who is now looking to change her life. She's the stoic who doesn't talk much and still tends to regard violence as the first and best solution to problems. Though she is trying to change. :)
She's tall and well muscled, tends to loom in the background and doesn't realize how intimidating she looks to most people.
I'll look over your characters and see how I can work her into the group over the next few days.
She is a good cook and brewer.

The Inn and Out |

Hi, I am not currently sentient.
Technically speaking, all of Alynithia, the demon isle which Alyushinnyrra is on, is a ded Demon Lord, or perhaps not that ded actually? Who truely knows how Nocticulas "Turn ded Demon Lords into her property" skill actually works! Perhaps it is actually akin to extremely suspended animation while Nocticula draws every last bit of power out of it over milennia?
Anything that was sentient once can become sentient again with appropriate rituals, and, if certain relatively high priced rituals are performed, an upgradable genius locii equivalent can certainly increase your defense, as well as provide other advantadges.
You do know for example that Lady Chivarros House of a thousand dreams (exremely high class Bordello) has such a "spirit", probably a partial imprint of the Lilitu even, that quite ably assists in her operations.
It is also available as a "girl" there, if someone wants to ehmm, literally have carnal intercourse with a Bordello, then someone may as a matter of fact do so. No, I am probably not a romance interest, stop asking!
For know I am just in the background, looking all sad but very upgradable.

Eric Kostroff |

I suggest we assume that they did travel together for a while. A couple of weeks or something. You found out that he is a demon worshipper, specifically a follower of Zura, the patroness of vampires.
The rituals that interest him are rather related to the undead, the summoning of demons and various pacts that can be concluded with the dark forces. Chthonic entities do not cause Eric any rejection and also fall under this type. But still, during your research and adventures, there was an unspoken pact between you about the division of loot like grimoires and other things: you usually took everything occult and arcane for yourself, while Eric more often took the divine and planar for himself.
Oh, yes, about loot - most often dark cults turned out to be ruined and looted, if we could do it at all. If not, then we already had to negotiate ))
This is Eric's nature - everything that can be taken by force, he took by force. He found pride in it. And his insatiable thirst for blood - literally, even though he is not a vampire - was repeatedly seen by you in the process of violent attacks on cults with which he had recently been peacefully communicating.
In general, I see it as constant references to "what happened in Budapest" between Hawkeye and Black Widow in Marvel films. Only with us it's a Versex ))
How do you like that?

Roberta Crask |

OK. Roberta was once a Chaotic evil thug. Abandoned in the streets by a mother she never knew. She grew up feral, thinking if she wanted something it was hers to take. If she could beat you and take it then that was right. If you beat her then she would get stronger and kill you later.
She had enough cunning to pick targets that were at her level of course.
By the time she reached her teens Roberta was a brutal bully and thug for hire. Breaking bones and snapping necks for pay and pleasure.
Always angry because she didn't understand people who talked nicely and helped others. People who had loving families made something inside her hurt, so she got even more angry and violent.
Picking up that Rogue level started the change in her. For the first time she didn't have to go through people to get what she wanted. Besides when you're seeking the slippery thief who stole your stash of gold who do you look for, the cunning Rogues, or the hulking bruiser with bloody knuckles?
Not having to fight and hurt people to get coin, be able to think things out and plan changed her gradually from CE to CN
She moved away from her old stomping grounds and the many there who wanted to get revenge for her many brutal deeds on them or their loved ones.
Got some education, learned to behave in a more civilized manner, or fake it at least. She slowly drifted to being purely Neutral, burnt out on extremes of her past. Wondering if she could really change?
Which is what has lead her to Alyushinnyrra. If Nocticula can make such a change after how many centuries is it possible Roberta can do so?

Eric Kostroff |

By the way! Roberta reminded me of a wonderful question. Perhaps the answer has already been somewhere, then I apologize in advance. Do we play in Alyushinnyrra before the ascension of Nocticula or after? From the GM's messages, it seemed to me that there was still "before"

Liliyashanina |

Before, it is a bit before Act 4 wrath of the righteous as well.
There are news that the Crusaders have repelled an attack on Kenabres and are marching towards Drezen, which led to no small degree of chuckling among the Golarian Diaspora.

Ashleaf |

How are we acquiring the Inn and Out?
I have an idea- Cenna, business minded as he is found people with more money than they knew what to do with, particularly Ashleaf, possibly Anatoli, with his long history of mercenary work. Together they were able to bankroll the venture, and upon founding, needed some muscle to make things mildly safer for business. Hence Roberta and Eric, since Eric and Willow were acquainted, and she knew how to brew, it seemed like a good fit.
Adjustments to said idea are welcome.
Mechanics wise- I'm ditching Identify and Knowledge Nature, Willow has those covered. I will be instead taking Triple Time (Masterpiece) and Perform Sing. I'll be switching Versatile performance of Sing for Wind (still playing flute primarily though, it's his thing) because we need a bit more Sense Motive in our lives. Not that we can't get by with strong-arming and assuming everyone is lying, but knowing how one is lying and what about may be useful.

Willow Nevardmipth |

Not much time to post, so quick thumbs up to Eric's post on their past and ashleaf's origins of inn ownership

Liliyashanina |

You acquired the Inn and Out quite normally, at an auction.
It once belonged to Devils, who had a rather terminal legistlative disagreement with Shamira, who later sold it off at a very cheap price as an extra insult to Mammon. You got the idea that mortals buying it was something she found hilarious, which resulted in you buying it at about 100K gold, pooling your available money together which was when you met each other (at the latest, some party members may have known each other longer then that).
The secondary draw was Alyushinyrran citizenship, which was attached to it.
Citizens are, by most of the rest, regarded as "Demons" even if they arent, and are not immidiatly seen, innately, as prey by other demons (in Alysushinyrra). Note, Demons kill other Demons all the damn time, and even in Alyushinyrra often with exceedingly little reason, but you will not be instantly preyed upon.
All of you can manifest an Abyssal word saying "citizen" in glowing abyssal rune above your heads if you want, it is considered a sign of weakness to run around with it at all times though.
If you get to a material plane, doing this in front of a armed and free Chelish or Mendevian inquisitor while also mooning said inquisitor is considered a meritous act, and Vellexia is known to pay bounties for visual proof of such acts.
In terms of responsibilities:
You made a vow to not "actively and knowingly oppose Nocticula or Shamira, or their plans as known to you", to "Plausibly pretend to follow the cities laws while in it",
and can in theory be drafted as territorial defense against external invaders, but only for Alyushinnyrra itself, not for other demon isles.
Shamira has the right to demand "reasonable tribute" of you.

Ashleaf |

Curious as to the size of the Inn and Out, is there enough room for a Hundred Patrons, or is it more of a hole in the wall kind of place? I'd be looking for a way to finish the Story feat Magnum Opus, It would explain why Ashleaf would go for ownership of a building, as he wanted to play to bigger audiences.
Also, I could see Ashleaf firing off Pyrotechnics and perhaps a Fireball in the middle of performances, so we'd have a sign about "listening at your own risk." More for laughs than an actual warning. Anyway, I'd be curious at the actual construction of the Inn, is it made out of dead demonlord? Fairly fireproof?

Willow Nevardmipth |

Do we feel that we have enough healing potential at the moment from two oracles for Willow to drop the healing hex? I am considering Swine.
[https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch/hexes/hexes/common-hexe s/swine-su/

Willow Nevardmipth |

One minor thing I dislike about hero lab's output is that I have no idea how to export her spellbook (in her case spells in her familiar). The ones she has memorized are listed but not the ones she knows.
I'll get them in shortly.
Okay to move things along and since Ashleaf will be helping out Anatoli with his crafting, I'll have Willow help Eric with hers. (allows him to spend an additional 4000 since she might have made his belt or something of a similar amount).
If that is not okay with anyone let me know and I'll roll randomly.

Willow Nevardmipth |

hp: 1d3 ⇒ 3
hp: 1d3 ⇒ 3
hp: 1d3 ⇒ 1
hp: 1d3 ⇒ 3
hp: 1d3 ⇒ 1
hp: 1d3 ⇒ 1
hp: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Willow Nevardmipth |

Side note: it is an odd group of adventures where NONE of us used charisma as a dump stat. Willow and Roberta are the lowest at 12 and 13.

Cenna Kellen |

I'm not one of the healers but I think that with 2 Oracles and at the level we are at (for purchasing wands) it should be fine to swap!
Also new totals
Oi dude where is my car Flying Ship 9
I bet you cant! 8
Abyssal Spelling Bee 7
with 2 votes left it could still go to any of them (Unless our lovely GM has started prepping one already!)

Roberta Crask |

Roberta votes:
1. Oi dude where is my car flying ship?
2. I bet you can't!
3. Abyssal spelling bee.

Roberta Crask |

Looking through our team I think that Roberta fits best with Anatoli. Both being Neutral in alignment.
Perhaps they met when both were seeking a way to Alyushinnyrra and teamed up?
She wouldn't understand Ashleaf at her current mind state. Eric, Cenna and Willow would be regarded as a step back. 'Been there. Done that. Got the scars.'
Regarding Charisma? I try to avoid dump stats if I can. Mainly due to having a player in my live group who always plays Rogues or Martial characters and tends to dump Wisdom. Then whines constantly about never making a Will save.

![]() |

I got picked up by a mercenary group who traded me along until I started working on my own and selling my services in that same manner so I could have met anywhere. Anatoli is a sort of leaf in the wind who doesn't so much care who he works for as long as it's a job well done and would rather not fight if he didn't have to

Cenna Kellen |

I was considering shifting Cennas base form to N as well, I think he is really neutral wanting to do right by everyone as long as he gets some cut out of it. Not really sure if that fits better as N or NE though but either way, sort of Amoral and as such a step back.
Updated scores
Oi dude where is my car flying ship? 12
I bet you can't! 10
Abyssal spelling bee. 8
the Bee is out, and Flying ship is either the winner or tied so it seems like that's the choice!

Liliyashanina |

Hehe, Threeflowers the very grammatically correct Thriae Tourist, and his trusty sidekick Windrince the Sauceecerror will bless you with their presence another day, but is it gambling or asset recovery! Soon we will know!