Abyssal adventures (Inactive)

Game Master Mightypion

Air ship Map 1

Alyushinnyrra, city of untold riches, metropolis of untold ways to die, capital of lust and mayhem and murder.

You may have ended up there, while alive, for a multitude of reasons, and while many mortals have been consumed by the cities corruption, you are free, and have even acquired property of your own.

You are the proud owners of the "Inn and out", a rather unusual fusion of an inn and a not exactly legal import/export company.

Can you hustle yourself from small time businessmen to demon-lord-adjacent status? What does the Abyss have in store for you? Apply and maybe find out!

Character creation:

All alignments allowed, but if you are a lawful good Paladin you better have a really good reason to cater to demons, and some way to have planar adaptation on you at all times.

25 point buy
--You are starting at character level 8.

--3rd party stuff is case by case basis.

--Elephant in the room houserules are in effect. (both for players and enemies)

--Background skills are in play.

--Pick your expected wealth level. You can recoup up to 8K from self crafting items.

Rolling for hp is: Roll half you hitdice, add this to the other half.
Example: Bob he fighter (d10 hd) rolls a D5 and adds 5 to it. Meaning you are guaranteed at least mildly above average hit dice.

If you liked:
--Act 4 Wrath of the righteous
--Running a criminal enterprise in Riddleport
--Perhaps enjoyed Black Lagoon (either Anime or Manga)

You should have fun in this adventure.

Basic plot conceits:
--The player characters are ambitious enough to voluntarily stay in the Abyss, as it has been working out reasonable well for them, although some player characters are there to escape persecution for their pasts. You could relatively soon plane shift out and never go back, and I will not latch you to some infernal contract analogon to prevent that.
--You are level 8 characters in a city with several million demons, while you arent pushovers, a lot of things could easily crush you, Nocticulas laws kind of prevent this, but only kind of, things that want to actively fight you will be CR appropriate, things that you go out of your way to challenge may not.
--No Player vs Player as its just a pain to manage.

Tavern map main and first floor

Basement including way to "port"

Battlemap air ship port