GM Tarondor's Skandersvik - Traveller (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Player's Guide to Skandersvik

Trading Summary

Speculative Cargo List

Images and Maps for Skandersvik

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Welcome to GM Tarondor's Skandersvik, a Traveller campaign using the Mongoose 2nd Edition rules.


Narsil (Sword Worlds / Spinward Marches 0927)
The Final Fjord Hotel, Ballroom C.

”Good afternoon. My name is Magnus Sunstrom and I am the Master of SS Skander. Before I begin the mission briefing I want to remind you all that when you signed aboard you agreed not to disclose details of the mission to anyone before departure. We take that agreement very seriously.”

”Very well. Let’s get started.”

Skander will leave Narsil on a jump-two transit to the worlds of the ‘Kardin’s Three’ – a cluster of three systems in the rimward end of the Darrian subsector. We plan to go by way of Spume and Condaria, both relatively minor worlds. We do not expect trouble in either system. There are tensions but that is nothing new. The Darrians, I expect, will treat us politely enough and have no reason to doubt the ship’s stated mission. Unless this crew starts something – which will [u]not[/u] happen – there should be no problems on the transit. I do intend to do some trading in the ports we visit but Spume and Condaria are merely stepping stones to reach Kardin’s Three – Kardin, Dorianna and Bularia. There, we intend to undertake a more detailed analysis of local trade conditions and set up long-term deals as well as trading whatever we can.”

Sundstrom waves his hand and the display changes.

”After Kardin’s Three, we will transit onto the Bowman Arm of the Spinward Main by way of Ucella in the Five Sisters, heading trailingward through District 268 into the Lunion Shield Worlds and eventually back into Confederation space at Biter. Trade will be conducted at my discretion along the way, with possible side trips to investigate opportunities or obtain useful information.”

Sundstrom checks the security system and looks at you, his officers. ”Trade, as important as it is, is only half our mission. We are also going to gather intelligence data of a military rather than commercial sort along the way. However, I fully intend the cruise to produce a profit overall and to implement deals that will permit follow-up cruises to carry goods to the end market.”

”Are there any questions?”

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor nods as Sundstrom speaks of the mission. He'd heard of the man of course, and who hadn't? Though not an entertainment type of celebrity, he was well known and respected among those that made space travel a career. The fact that their voyage had a secondary mission beyond simple trade was no stunning revelation either. Had this been solely a trade mission, it was likely Corellon wouldn't have signed on at all, even given his desperation to put some distance between himself and his recent past. But the opportunity to serve as an officer under Magnus Sunstrom on what might be his final interstellar flight? It was an opportunity he couldn't resist, especially when it seemed highly likely that the magnate would be partaking in something beyond simple trade on this voyage.

Raising a hand, the second officer speaks. "Yes sir. If I might ask, what sort of intelligence in particular are you looking to collect? Will this be a boots on the ground type of recon, or will we simply be using shipboard technology to gather data?"

"Both, Mr. Anders," says Sundstrom. "I will candidly tell you that it is my belief that the Sword Worlds Coalition is taking the threat of Imperial and Darrian expansion too lightly. It is inevitable that the Imperium will link its holdings in Five Sisters subsector with those in Glisten and Lunion by annexing District 268 in the next ten to twenty years. This will cut us off from Rimward trade into the Trojan Reach. If Darrien were to annex the Kardin's Three, the Sword Worlds would be completely cut off from lucrative markets in Foreven Sector, entombing the Sword Worlds forever."

"The primary mission of this voyage will be to assess the economic, military and social postures of the worlds we visit, as well as the Darrian and Imperial presence in those worlds. In order to do this we will use observation, public records, diplomacy and, where necessary, well-placed bribes to learn all we can. We will be planetside in most systems we visit, talking to the economic elite. It will provide opportunities to learn what is happening out there."

For the most part, the intelligence gathered will be abstracted with numbers. We as players won't be dealing with the nitty-gritty details of how many ships are present in a system or where the dissident groups are, etc. Instead, each system has a value attached to it correlating to how much raw intel is possible to gather there. Then, based on your efforts, I'll assign a value to how much you gathered. Gather more, make Sundstrom happier.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

How do you feel about some spycraft, like bugs or perhaps even computer intrusion systems? As your legal officer, I of course wouldn't turn you in or anything, that would violate the legal code of ethics. However, I should know what I might have to potentially fight in court... like bribery for instance, as you mentioned.

Zaeta owned several bugs of her own, and looked forward to using some spycraft, but she didn't think now was the time to express that. First find out how he felt about things like that, and then either work with, or around, him to help him reach his honorable goal.

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"I think such methods will be largely unnecessary, Ms. Zaeta. Public databases, visual observation, drinks with the right people, these will often tell us the information we wish to know. I am not trying to acquire defense secrets or suborn treason. I merely wish to form a solid picture of the situation out there. In short, I wish to gather information, not steal it."

"It is my duty to report that we have lost our Purser, Mr. Kuttner, who is choosing not to voyage with us. Ms. Zaeta, as Legal Officer you are the senior member of the Purser's staff. I would like to offer you the position of Purser."

After hearing Zaeta's reply...


"Very well. Next topic. Trade. While Skander is definitely going to bring in a profit from this voyage, our main commercial goal is to create markets and customers for Sword Worlds goods. We will sell no junk, squeeze no profits. Our goal is to sell quality goods that the individual worlds actually need and want. We create the market now and our customers will demand our return with more quality goods."

"That said, we will definitely turn a profit. Each world we visit is an entire planet, often consisting of dozens if not hundreds of settlements or even nations. While I deal with governments, trade unions and mercantile combines on one side of the planet, there will often be trade opportunities crying out for attention in other cities, continents or even other planets in the system."

"Because of this, I would like to offer you the opportunity to act independently in trade matters when your other duties will permit. For this purpose I have designated you the Independent Trade Group or 'ITG'."

He waves his hand and the holographic projector displays two choices.

PLAN A - ITG to assume responsibility for 250 tons of mixed cargo amounting to no more than 20% of Skander' supply of any one item.

PLAN B - Skander to supply ITG with 250 tons of cargo space and MCr1 credit to purchase any trade goods it wants.

"Under either plan," says Sundstrom, "the goods still belong to Skander and so do the profits. But this will increase Skander's trade reach and our opportunities to fulfill our two missions."

"I'll give you a few minutes to discuss your choice of Plan A or Plan B, but I'll need to know now so that there is time to arrange the letter of credit and for you to acquire the goods if you should choose Plan B."

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor grins apologetically when he discusses the two plans with the others that compose the ITG. "I have no real background in trading goods or the like, though perhaps I will find my niche in this endeavor once it starts rolling. For myself, it seems like Plan A is the safest route, though if any of you possess a mercantile background, this would be a fine opportunity to showcase your skills."

Voting for Plan A, but only because Cor would have NO idea of what kind of trade goods might turn a profit. Tarondor, would we get some kind of dice roll to make that determination, based on a skill?

Traveller has a whole trade system in the Core Rulebook. If you folks as a team have no interest in the minutiae of trade, we can hand-wave it. Trade is merely the vehicle for adventure here! But if you're interested, it's a fun way to be involved without risking your own money or livelihoods. So Plan A is sort of "trade lite". Plan B is "trade intense" and hidden option C is to hand-wave the whole thing.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

I don't think I've reached that part of the book yet! I'll have to take a peek...

OK! Looks pretty interesting, actually. I'm presuming Passengers are out and we'd be looking at either Freight (not very risky) or Speculative Trade (figuring Sundstrom will frown on the Smuggling aspect.) In any case, if nobody has the Broker skill, we can still do this (though it'd be nice if someone does) and the rules are on pages 243-245. It's probably worth a shot, so I'll change my vote to Plan B - if anyone else is interested in going that route?

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

"I like plan B because I lack the funds to pick up 250 tons of anything. Probably even air. If we are going to trade I suggest tech goods. Everyone needs capacitors, tools and chips." Crastor says as he considers the needs to keep up everything from farming equipment to space ships.

"You misunderstand, Mr. Deems," says Sundstrom. "Plan A has you taking responsibility for 250 tons of -my- goods already onboard the ship."

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

"I still think it would be easier to trade if we know more about the product by getting our own." Crastor says.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Zeata nodded when asked what she thought of trading for themselves.

Sure, let's try it. I think it sounds interesting.

She doesn't really know a lot about trading, but she did know about how prices could go way up for things that were scarce. Maybe she could buy things she knew were valuable on a prison planet and find a good place to sell them. Err, at least the legal things, of course...

"Very well. The Purser will issue you a one megacredit voucher this afternoon. Secure your goods and have them aboard no later than Forday. We lift off Fiday at noon."

"Good day, ladies and gentlemen."


So you have a million credits to secure up to 250 tons of goods. What will you buy?

Gotta run. Will post some trade info later.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Zaeta can't believe it... one megacredit. More money than she had ever seen or held or earned in her entire life. Wow.

Her mind went into overdrive...

"Okay, first, let's see if there is mail available for any of the destinations on the list. That's a guaranteed amount, and it shouldn't take up much space." ... "Then when we figure out how much mail they have for us to carry, we can go fill up the rest of the hold with other things."

"What do you guys think?"

Question... can we roll for mail for each planet on the itinerary now and then again at each subsequent world? It isn't a lot all alone, but 25,000 a pop that could add up, if we make enough rolls. Seems like each planet has at least a small possibility of having mail that needs to go to any other planet we are planning to visit.

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Zaeta wrote:
Question... can we roll for mail for each planet on the itinerary now and then again at each subsequent world? It isn't a lot all alone, but 25,000 a pop that could add up, if we make enough rolls. Seems like each planet has at least a small possibility of having mail that needs to go to any other planet we are planning to visit.

Yes. There are four types of things you can carry: A) Mail, B) Freight, C) Passengers, and D) Speculative Cargo. Skander isn't taking on passengers, so that leaves Mail, Freight or Speculative Cargo. Of the three, Mail and Freight are the most certain, but the rates of return per ton are low (although Mail is better than Freight). Speculative Cargo is a risk/reward sort of thing, but with a good Broker (ahem!) you can really make it work for you.

At each port I'll present you with what's available. To save time, I'll make the broker rolls for you. This could really bog down play if we let it, but can be fun if we keep it moving. For that reason, whoever speaks up first about what you're carrying on any given leg of the journey is what'll happen.

Since this is my first time dealing with trade on this level (my PC's usually just fly around and have adventures), I'm taking some time to get it right. It'll go faster on future legs of the journey.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor is also starry-eyed at the amount of credits they're given to spend. He has never before had the opportunity to speculate on trading goods and the idea of being able to do so now is a heady one. "I think we should take a hard look at the worlds we're heading to first and see what we think they might need. Seems like we could turn a pretty good profit if we find the opportunity to find needed cargo here where it's plentiful."

So cargo space could be a real problem. Tarondor, that 2Dx10 for common manufactured goods is for EACH 20k credits of base price? Jeez, that'd be almost our entire allotment (depending on the die roll) if we purchased just 2 Units for 40,000 credits, is that correct? If so, we'll need to go with the more expensive stuff, I think. The 1Dx5 for advanced electronics, machine parts and manufactured goods would fit in our space better, though the DM modifier is only +2 (or +1) instead of +5 for the more common (but heavier) goods.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Tarondor, let me know if I'm completely misunderstanding the Trade Goods table as far as price and cargo weight goes, but after some number crunching, maybe the best plan for the Speculative Cargo, given our space limitation, would be:

Advanced Electronics (Purchase DM +2); 700k for 7 'Units' at 1Dx5 (x7) Tons (35-210)

Advanced Machine Parts (Purchase DM +2); 300k for 4 'Units' at 1Dx5 (x4) Tons (20-120)

That would be our entire one million credits, with a weight that would range between 55 tons at the minimum and 330 tons at the absolute maximum if the dice rolls hate us. So chances are very good we'd come in below the 250 tons if we have average (or even slightly below average) luck with the dice rolls on the tonnage. And if we get a better price and have the weight to spare, we could maybe even purchase another 'unit' or two until we hit the maximum tonnage.

Selling these items on a non-industrial world like Condaria seems to be would only get us a +1 Sell DM. But Dorannia might just fall under Asteroid, which would get us +2 and +3 respectively.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

"Okay, tell me where you are going to get a sure thing that is better than what we will get for delivering mail, and we'll do it. Mail doesn't cost us anything, doesn't take up much space, but it is a sure thing, guaranteed profit. Plus, people will love us for bringing them news. Always good to have people happy when you are trying to negotiate with them about other things."

"Let's just see what they have. There will be plenty of space left over for other things."

I sense that we're going to have a fundamental disagreement here... perhaps we could compromise by having each player use 50 tons of space for whatever they personally want to invest in and split the trade money that way as well (200,000 each). We won't be able to buy in bulk as much, but it spreads out our risk and could cause less tension among the players. We can also make friendly in character bets on whose small side business will do the best at the end of the trip (but of course we will use my bonus for all of the actual rolling, not try to sabotage each other's endeavors or anything). What do you think?

Zaeta wrote:
I sense that we're going to have a fundamental disagreement here... perhaps we could compromise by having each player use 50 tons of space for whatever they personally want to invest in and split the trade money that way as well (200,000 each). We won't be able to buy in bulk as much, but it spreads out our risk and could cause less tension among the players. We can also make friendly in character bets on whose small side business will do the best at the end of the trip (but of course we will use my bonus for all of the actual rolling, not try to sabotage each other's endeavors or anything). What do you think?

I get the concern, but 3-4 days of that multiplied by 15 systems... that's a lot of extra time when not everyone is interested in the minutia of trade. Sitting around a table it would be fun. As an experienced PBP GM, I'm pretty sure people are going to get bored and by the second or third jump will simply be saying "whatever so-and-so decides is fine."

Boredom is bad for games, but really bad for online games. I just want to keep things snappy.

That said, I'm fine with everyone doing their own thing. Players, what do you want to do here?

Port: Narsil (Sword Worlds/Spinward Marches 0927)
Modifiers: Hi Pop: +4; Starport B: +1; Hi Tech: +2. Total Modifier: +7.

Mail Available
This is the mail Narsil is willing to let you take. Frey's SOC and Cor's Naval rank both helped.

* 1 5-ton container bound for Spume (Cr25,000)
* 1 5-ton container bound for Condaria (Cr25,000)
* 4 5-ton containers bound for Bularia (Cr100,000)

Freight Bound for Spume

Lot A: 20 tons. Fee: Cr32,000 (Mining and Survey Equipment)

Freight Bound for Condaria

Lot A: 25 tons. Fee: Cr110,000 (Residential Appliances)
Lot B: 25 tons. Fee: Cr110,000 (Workable Alloys)
Lot C: 20 tons. Fee: Cr88,000 (Computer Gear)
Lot D: 20 tons. Fee: Cr88,000 (Spices)
LOT E: 15 tons. Fee Cr66,000 (VR Computer packages)

Freight Bound for Kardin
LOT F: 15 tons. Fee: Cr123,000 (Personal and Commercial Computers)

Freight Bound for Bularia
LOT G: 30 tons. Fee: Cr960,000 (Weapon Components)
LOT H: 20 tons. Fee: Cr640,000 (Weapon Components)




'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link
Zaeta wrote:
I sense that we're going to have a fundamental disagreement here... perhaps we could compromise by having each player use 50 tons of space for whatever they personally want to invest in and split the trade money that way as well (200,000 each). We won't be able to buy in bulk as much, but it spreads out our risk and could cause less tension among the players. We can also make friendly in character bets on whose small side business will do the best at the end of the trip (but of course we will use my bonus for all of the actual rolling, not try to sabotage each other's endeavors or anything). What do you think?

Sounds like a great plan!

Cor will take on the following:

26 Tons of Common Electronics (3k cr)
14 Tons of Advanced Electronics (55k cr)
4 Tons of Pharmaceuticals (55k cr)
2 Tons of Luxury Goods (65k cr)

Total (if my math is right) = 46 Tons, 178k cr (of 50 Tons & 200k cr)

That should leave me with 4 Tons & 22k cr of my own allotment left over, which is fine for now. I'll wait and see what trade opportunities come up on our route.

As Corellon oversees the loading of his cargo, he grins at Zaeta as she approaches. "Hey, I don't think I ever told you thank you for getting me out of that scrape in my misguided youth. I remember you well, and it's funny how the universe has thrown us together again.
You know, I wound up washing out of school anyway, but hell, at least I avoided any prison time. Thank you."

He nods at the trade goods. "And thanks for negotiating those prices for us! I think we could make a good profit if we can find a buyer desperate enough for some of this stuff."

See GM's Decision in the Discussion Tab and continue.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Oh, no worries. I didn't get you off... I just put in a good word for you, told the judge it was just a prank that backfired, that you were a scared kid that needed another chance, etc. You know the drill. And I hope we do make a good profit. Should be fun to try to figure it all out.

Zaeta's trading corner:

30 Tons of Mail
* 1 5-ton container bound for Spume (Cr25,000)
* 1 5-ton container bound for Condaria (Cr25,000)
[ooc]* 4 5-ton containers bound for Bularia (Cr100,000)

20 Tons of Freight for Spume
Lot A: 20 tons. Fee: Cr32,000 (Mining and Survey Equipment)

I kind of wanted some speculative stuff, but I also want a profit on every planet, and to open up some room that way, so this is what I do with my 50 ton area. Playing it safe for now I guess. Looking forward to seeing what other people want to do.

Total Tonnage: 50/50

Total Money Invested: 0/200,000 (Happy to help someone else out if they want to invest in more expensive stuff.)

I'll give Crastor, Freyjason and Yuri until tomorrow night to pick their cargoes. Then we light this candle!

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)




38tons @ 227.5kcr

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Hey Frey and Cor... since you guys (together) didn't use 16 tons of area, mind if we load up some freight for Condaria (Lot E, takes up 15 tons of space) in that area? I can give equivalent space back to you at Spume because I have 25 tons of stuff being delivered there, so if you find something you want to buy there, there will be space, and I'll also be happy to help finance if needed.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

@Zaeta - Sure, you can use my 4 tons of space for that no problem!

@Frey - I think Cor has already claimed the 4 tons of Pharmaceuticals. Hope that's okay!

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)
Corellon "Cor" Anders wrote:

@Zaeta - Sure, you can use my 4 tons of space for that no problem!

@Frey - I think Cor has already claimed the 4 tons of Pharmaceuticals. Hope that's okay!

That Frey was wrong? It's totally okay, given that his ego isn't real ;)

Mine though ...
Let me see what else is out there.



34t @ 172.5kcr

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

That's even more leftover space... might be able to get a larger package, but I'll wait and see how it goes with the others. I'll just fill whatever leftover space we have (as long as I can return it to you at the next stop), if that is okay with everyone.

Freyjason, those prices were -PER TON-. So 14 tons of biochemicals will cost Cr630,000. Similarly, 20 tons of Medical supplies will cost MCr2.55.

I think you need to think smaller.

Yuri Sokolov - 87C665 | Third Officer/Operations | Mjolnir (Swordworlds) |

Yuri actually has no interest in's just a little too much for his mind to encompass. He is more interested in the safety and security of the crew and the ship...

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

@Yuri okay... either Cor or I will use your space. Cor... you already offered to help people with this... you want it? If not, I will take it. (Yuri's includes money, not just extra space.)

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'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link
Zaeta wrote:
@Yuri okay... either Cor or I will use your space. Cor... you already offered to help people with this... you want it? If not, I will take it. (Yuri's includes money, not just extra space.)

How about we split it? 25 Tons and 100k cr each? I'll work on my list in the next couple of hours and get it posted.

I'll need to redo my list anyway, as I didn't realize those costs were 'per ton' of goods! So, for instance, 1 ton of Pharm is 55k credits? I'll have my new list up shortly though!

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)
Corellon "Cor" Anders wrote:
Zaeta wrote:
@Yuri okay... either Cor or I will use your space. Cor... you already offered to help people with this... you want it? If not, I will take it. (Yuri's includes money, not just extra space.)

How about we split it? 25 Tons and 100k cr each? I'll work on my list in the next couple of hours and get it posted.

I'll need to redo my list anyway, as I didn't realize those costs were 'per ton' of goods! So, for instance, 1 ton of Pharm is 55k credits? I'll have my new list up shortly though!

Well as long as Cor made the same mistake ;)

Clearly Frey's interest was in things that he is professionally associated with. If we were to have a "Skander Trade Committee" meeting, he would be sure to share that.

Frey wants, in order, to acquire the Med Supplies, the Pharma, and the Biochem. There is a LOT of war in the sector, Medical Supplies should have a good market. Frey will put up 35kcr into the project.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Okay, I'll take 25 slots... and you still have your extra 4 for this exercise. If you have leftover slots (or anyone does), I'll add freight loads at the end.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link
Freyjason wrote:
Well as long as Cor made the same mistake ;)

Definitely did! Not sure what I was thinking... I guess I was thinking in units that had variable weights, when it was actually a hell of a lot simpler than that! Good news is, I can't afford all four tons of pharma, so you're welcome to it as well! I can only afford 1 ton of the four available.

Zaeta, I still wound up with 4 tons leftover, so it's all yours! I think I've got my list of trade accurately figured now. This is based on the 'Current Price' being equal to 1 ton of goods. I've accounted for Cor's original share, and one-half of Yuri's share as follows:

Cor's Share (+ 1/2 Yuri's)
300k cr (200k + 100k)
75 tons (50 +25)

Purchases on Narsil:
Advanced Electronics (1 ton at 55k cr each)
Common Consumables (32 tons at 375 cr each
Common Electronics (6 tons at 9k cr each)
Common Industrial Goods (31 tons at 4k cr each)
Pharmaceuticals (1 ton at 55k cr each)

Total Purchases (credits):

300,000 cr
0k remaining

Total space used (tons):

71 tons
4 tons remaining

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Zaeta's trading corner (revised):

Zaeta arranges to carry the following:

30 Tons of Mail
--Spume: 5 tons (1 container). Payout when delivered: Cr25,000
--Condaria: 5 tons (1 container). Payout when delivered: Cr25,000
--Bularia: 20 tons (4 containers). Payout when delivered: Cr100,000

45 Tons of Freight
--Spume: Lot A: 20 tons (Mining and Survey Equipment). Payout when delivered: Cr32,000
--Condaria: Lot B: 25 tons (Workable Alloys). Payout when delivered: Cr110,000

Total Tonnage: 75/75

Total Money Invested: 0/300,000

(Edit: This is based on adding half of Yuri's allotment to mine, so now have 75 slots and 300,000 to work with)

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Zaeta and Frey throw their money in together:

4 tons of Medical Supplies 127,500 each for a total of 510,000.

These are stored in Cor's extra 4 slots, with his permission.

Then we load Cor's cargo area with

50 Tons of Freight:
Condaria: Lot C: 20 tons (Computer Gear). Payout when delivered: Cr88,000
Condaria: LOT E: 15 tons (VR Computer packages). Payout when delivered: Cr88,000
Kardin: LOT F: 15 tons (Personal and Commercial Computers). Payout when delivered: Cr123,000

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maybe its just the COVID talking (I've been sick for days), but I'm kinda lost.

Zaeta, is your post immediately above this (starting with "Zaeta and Frey") replacing the one immediately above that (starting with Zaeta's Revised Trading)?

This is getting exactly as confusing as I was afraid it would.

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

So it looks like a lot has been claimed. So I am going to go for something I think no one has done. I will do 11 tons of gems and 9 tons of common ore.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here’s what I’m seeing:

You have 250 tons and 1,000,000 credits.

Cor buys 71 tons costing Cr300,000.
Zaeta takes on 125 tons of mail and freight. 0 cost.
Zaeta and Frey buy 4 tons of medical supplies costing Cr510,000
Crastor buys 11 tons of crystals and gems costing Cr187,000
Crastor buys 9 tons of common ore costing Cr8100

I think that’s it, yeah? You’ve got 30 tons to spare but you’re overbudget by Cr5,100. I assume that Freyjason is putting this in out of his own funds?

After a briefing by Magnus Sundstrom before the crew on the Cargo Deck, the good ship Skander is ready to get underway. Her anti-grav drives engaged, she ascends into the smoggy sky over Narsil, rising first through the layers of greasy smog and then into the high winds of the troposphere. When at last she has broken atmosphere, Skander engages her drives and burns for the planet's jump diameter at 2G's, though the crew inside feel none of that acceleration.

Six hours later, Skander is well beyond the 100-diameter safety line and prepares to jump.

"All hands secure for jump," says First Officer Johansdottir over the comms. "Secure drives."

"Secure drives, aye," repeats Maneuver Chief Audhild Grondahl from her station in the engine room.

"Jump, spin up the grid."

"This is Jump. Grid engaged."

From the viewscreens you can see the silvery lanthanum grid that overlays the hull begin to glow as Skander prepares to transition into its own private universe for the next week.

"On my mark, Jump...Mark."

"Jump. Engaging drives."

With that, the stars disappear, leaving behind a silvery void - the hydrogen bubble in which Skander will exist for the next week.

"All hands, secure from jump. Skander is away!"


So, officers of the good ship Skander, how will you spend your week while en route to Spume, some two parsecs distant?

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Knowing that keeping himself fit as he approaches middle age is becoming tougher, Cor decides to seek out a new fighting style that might prove useful if the ship were to come under attack by pirates or the like. He learned some of the fundamentals of proper bladework while in the army, but his natural talent at marksmanship was given priority and though he became quite an excellent shot with energy weapons of all kinds, he figures to spend the time he has in remedying that oversight in his training. He figures there must surely be someone on the ship that can properly demonstrate how to fight with the short blade he keeps in the armory with his army-issued rifle.

Of course, his duties as second officer will take precedence over this pursuit, but it seems a good way to while away his off-duty time...

Can Cor pursue the post career education (training) in Melee (Blades)? Currently his skill is 0, but it might be nice to make it a 1 in case it ever comes in handy. If the Training is specifically for EDU-related skills, then maybe train Admin 1 up to Admin 2? Seems like the sort of thing a second officer might be expected to learn.

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

Crastor spends his free time working and maintaining his ship's boat and gaining more familiarity with the commands.

We will try for Pilot 1.

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)
Traveller Referee Tarondor wrote:

Here’s what I’m seeing:

You have 250 tons and 1,000,000 credits.

Cor buys 71 tons costing Cr300,000.
Zaeta takes on 125 tons of mail and freight. 0 cost.
Zaeta and Frey buy 4 tons of medical supplies costing Cr510,000
Crastor buys 11 tons of crystals and gems costing Cr187,000
Crastor buys 9 tons of common ore costing Cr8100

I think that’s it, yeah? You’ve got 30 tons to spare but you’re overbudget by Cr5,100. I assume that Freyjason is putting this in out of his own funds?

This math is smarter than my math, which said Freyjason fronted 10kcr for he & Zeata's deal. This is perfect.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Zaeta will get her compulsory training on her Vacc Suit.

Going for Vacc Suit 0, special training that I believe the Referee said will take 2 weeks. (Can't find the original reference, sorry.)

Very glad to know what you're all doing for post-career education, but what I intended to ask was - What are you doing [u]as officers of the ship?[/u] In other words, start a little role-playing here, please.

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