[Outpost V] PF2e 03-01: Intro Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (P4) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

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Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Please dot (add a post) in here and then delete your post to add yourself to this campaign.

1) I am based in Southeast Asia (UTC +8) so my posting hours may be unusual (especially for those in North America). I usually update at least one or twice per day. Just to keep the game moving, please post at least once every day and at least once during the weekend. If you disappear for more than 24 hours, especially during combat, I will simply place your character on infinite delay just to keep things moving.

2) Please label all three of your actions. Even if you think what you are doing is obvious.

3) If I am unavailable for longer than 24 hours, I will let you know in the Discussion Tab. Out of respect for your fellow players and myself, I ask that you do the same. Real life happens, and real life will always take priority over the game, but out of fairness for your fellow players, please let us know if you will be unavailable for an extended period of time.

4) Please complete the Macros and the Slides linked at the top of the page.

5) Questions, concerns? Feel free to share them in the Discussion tab.

6) Let's have some fun and tell a great story together! After all, that's what we are here for.

Vigilant Seal

M Goblin Magus 4 | HP (44/50) | AC 21 | F +10, R +7, W +8 | Perception +6 | Darkvision

Toasty jumps up and down excitidely. "Have any of you seen my sideshow? It's called Will it Burn? I get a cauldron set up on the streets and people bring me stuff, and pay some coins and then we find out... Will it Burn!?. Society expeditions also good for finding out if new things burn."

Grand Archive

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 7 / HP 71/71, Perc +11, AC 25, Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +13 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control

A cauldron? We could prepare some mushrooms in it. That's good the mushrooms. Even if an omelet is better than a soup, with mushrooms. Do you like mushrooms either?

The man who says that looks a little hirsute. He wears leather armor with a dagger on his belt. But what intrigues the most is probably the swarm of gems flying next to him.

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Summoner 3 / HP 52/52, Perc +7, AC 18 (19), Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +7 / Spells 1. 2/2 2. 1/1, Focus 2/2 / Active conditions: Mage armor, Darkvision, Toughness

You see a goblin singing with lute. Then he stops singing and says: Hello dear friends! My name is Ambius. As a weapon he has a dagger on his belt.

Horizon Hunters

LN Male Hobgoblin Fighter 2 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 (22) | F +9 R +6/9 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | 20 ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: fire resist 1, mental resist 2

Stiff-backed, a tall hobgoblin warrior decked in imposing black full plate and wrapped in chains arrives. He carries his helmet in one hand and his pack in the other. "I am Zaighar," he says glancing down at the goblins with his eyes.

Radiant Oath

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Your adventure begins in the Grand Lodge of Absalom, where Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin has summoned you to help Rain in Cloudy Day with an urgent task. When you arrive in the venture-captain’s office, you find Rain in a desperate state.

Rain in Cloudy Day stands on a chair behind a large oak desk covered with documents.

"Ah, you’ve arrived! What a relief! I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment, and I could use your help. The Pathfinder Society leadership is in a closed-door meeting right now, reviewing the latest news from Iobaria, the distant land where the Society has focused its efforts of late. I can’t wait to hear more about all the interesting things our agents discovered there! But, while they’re busy, I’ve been asked to catalog the flood of correspondence from our Inner Sea lodges. Just look at all these letters! Ambrus—that is, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin—asked me to sort and summarize all of it, but there’s so much! And, I’m not ashamed to admit that with my relative inexperience, all of it seems urgent! I’ve got to put a report together, but I’m overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar names and places! Here, take these
letters. See what you can make of them. I’d hate to miss something important and disappoint the venture-captain, and I think the meeting is almost over.

Rain hands you six pieces of parchment (see pages 4-5 in the slides).

"Feel free to share these among yourselves and exchange information."

While you're perusing the documents, you may introduce your characters. Also, you each have time to make a check on only one document.

Horizon Hunters

A dark skin young human man stands in one corner, a warm welcoming smile on his face. Other than some simple robes, a dagger by his belt, and staff in his hand, he is quite simply garbed, except for a faintly glowing sigil of a drooping leave on his forehead.

What is more unusual is the humanoid standing beside him. Although shaped largely like a man, his bark skin, vine tendrils draping over his body, limbs shaped like branches, and patches of leaves all over its body makes it clear he is no ordinary humanoid. Its ... his connection to the human is evident though, for it ... he, too, has the same sigil on his forehead.

The human man steps forward, quickly skimming the parchments before passing it on. "Woah, that's quite a bit to read. But I believe introductions are in order first? My name is Melokuhle, and my ... most strange companion is Abebe." He gestures to the plant eidolon standing beside him, with both affection and yet faintly sorrow in his eyes.

Grand Archive

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 7 / HP 71/71, Perc +11, AC 25, Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +13 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control

I can roll for any document Pathfinder Society lore +8. Let's see which one is the more suitable for the party.

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Summoner 3 / HP 52/52, Perc +7, AC 18 (19), Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +7 / Spells 1. 2/2 2. 1/1, Focus 2/2 / Active conditions: Mage armor, Darkvision, Toughness

I can roll to the document:

#2 Occultism +4

#6 Nature +4

Horizon Hunters

LN Male Hobgoblin Fighter 2 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 (22) | F +9 R +6/9 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | 20 ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: fire resist 1, mental resist 2

Are these secret checks? Lore (PFS) +5

"Let me see the letter from Cheliax," Zaighar says. "For a land of laws, it is terribly lawless."

Grand Archive

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 7 / HP 71/71, Perc +11, AC 25, Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +13 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control

Zaighar: we can roll only for one document. So the goal is to know who rolls for which document.

Vigilant Seal

M Goblin Magus 4 | HP (44/50) | AC 21 | F +10, R +7, W +8 | Perception +6 | Darkvision

Toasty! is pretty sure these documents will burn and sees no pressing need to light them on fire at this very moment so instead peruses them, helping pass them around between allies.

Task distribution thoughts:
The non global skills are specific cities along with:

Mercantile Lore

Pathfinder Lore and Society seem useful on all.

| Vilmur-Pathfinder Lore +8
| Zaighar-Pathfinder Lore +5
| Ambuis-Nature/Occultism +4
| Toasty-Arcana/Crafting/Society +6
| Melokuhle-Nature +7/Religion +3
| Sunshine-Nature +7/Religion +4

I feel bad asking the druid to pass on Nature, but we're better suited with Sunshine on Religion

Toasty happily bounces around, swapping papers between people, hoping to be done with this task quickly before the urge to burn the notes becomes overwhelming.

"This look good for bur distribution of labor, ya?"

Suggested Distribution:
#1 Andoran | Sunshine-Religion +4
#2 Cheliax | Ambuis-Occultism +4
#3 Osirion | Toasty-Arcana +6
#4 Qadira | Vilmur-Pathfinder Lore +8
#5 Taldor | Zaighar-Pathfinder Lore +5
#6 Absalom | Melokuhle-Nature +7

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Summoner 3 / HP 52/52, Perc +7, AC 18 (19), Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +7 / Spells 1. 2/2 2. 1/1, Focus 2/2 / Active conditions: Mage armor, Darkvision, Toughness

Occultism:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Grand Archive

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 7 / HP 71/71, Perc +11, AC 25, Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +13 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control

The witch tries to understand the document from Qadira.

Pathfinder Society lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Vigilant Seal

M Goblin Magus 4 | HP (44/50) | AC 21 | F +10, R +7, W +8 | Perception +6 | Darkvision

Arcana: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Toasty does his best to examine the Osirion file.

Horizon Hunters

LN Male Hobgoblin Fighter 2 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 (22) | F +9 R +6/9 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | 20 ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: fire resist 1, mental resist 2

Lore (Pathfinder Society): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

"Fine. If you insist," Zaighar takes the letter from Taldor and reads it. "False agents in Oparra committing crimes. Well, that is..."

Verdant Wheel

Female Vine Leshy Animal Order Druid 4 / Beastmaster | Secular Medic | Animal Companions Upuan, Ugatpuno | HP 48/48, AC 21 w Niyahaat (+2 w Hide Shield raised), Fortitude** +10, Reflex* +8, Will** +12 (w ↺ Leshy Superstition), Perception** +12 (low-light vision), Stealth +2 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions Restoring 1 HP/min, Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

A green female leshy sitting on her moving chair which is also her pet aptly named Upuan, enters the office. She flips her tendrily green hair before she stops, I mean Upuan stops, and guides her down the floor. She begins to smile enthusiastically, seeing Rain is a leshy too, though he is more of a fungi and she is a plant.

”Hello!” she beams her words to Rain, ignoring the others. ”Sunshine of Happiness is my name.” she tells him while trying to shake his hand. ”I am sorry if I am late, we are called for something, what is it, oh yes, the letters. Let me check.” she randomly picks one of the letters and reads it.

I am good with the Letter from Andoran, Religion +4

Horizon Hunters

nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Melokuhle reads again the notice from the harbour.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

GM Screen:

Sunshine of Happiness's Religion (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Ambius's Occultism (T): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Toasty!'s Arcana (E): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Vilmur's PFS Lore (T): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Zaighar's PFS Lore (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Melokuhle's Nature (T): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Sorry folks, these are secret checks.


Venture-Captain Brackett is a priest devoted to the deceased god of humanity, Aroden.


Varian Jeggare is a half-elven wizard. He is almost always accompanied by his bodyguard Radovan and his faithful dog Arnisant. He runs a secret lodge from his manor in Cheliax, a nation known for its ties to devils and authoritarian rule where most Pathfinder activity is forbidden. The Grand Lodge’s own archivist, Zarta Dralneen, was once a paracountess of Cheliax before becoming the leader of the Dark Archive, a former Pathfinder faction devoted to finding dangerous relics and occult knowledge.


The Sandswept Hall in Osirion’s capital was for many years one of the most active Pathfinder Society lodges, due to being located in one of the oldest and most prosperous empires in the Inner Sea. Osirion’s interests once warranted the dedication of an entire Pathfinder Society faction, a group that eventually tied itself to the Scarab Sages to pursue ancient knowledge and the artifacts known as sage jewels.


Qadira is the westernmost satrapy of the great Padishah Empire of Kelesh. Qadira once commanded its own faction within the Society, which it used to promote its trade interests across the Inner Sea. That faction eventually became the Exchange, a group more broadly dedicated to influence via commerce.


The nation of Taldor, once a sprawling empire, has long sought to restore its former glory. Lady Gloriana Morilla is a former venture-captain who supported the rise of Taldor’s new monarch, Grand Princess Eutropia. Muesello is the current venture-captain, and he spends much of his time tinkering with custom wayfinders for Pathfinder agents.


Harbormaster Hansara Molnesh is one of the city’s many harbormasters in charge of managing the cargo flowing to and from Absalom on hundreds of ships each day. She is known for her uncanny ability to predict the weather.

Radiant Oath

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Rain looks at Toasty! with an expression that's slowly turning to abject terror.

"No you don't! Don't set these on fire please! I've got too much to do and all this needs to be chronicled!"

Verdant Wheel

Female Vine Leshy Animal Order Druid 4 / Beastmaster | Secular Medic | Animal Companions Upuan, Ugatpuno | HP 48/48, AC 21 w Niyahaat (+2 w Hide Shield raised), Fortitude** +10, Reflex* +8, Will** +12 (w ↺ Leshy Superstition), Perception** +12 (low-light vision), Stealth +2 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions Restoring 1 HP/min, Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

”Venture-Captain Brackett says there is this legal claim on Almas Cathedral in Andoran and some bad things happening there too that are needed to be addressed,” Sunshine summarizes the contents of the letter from Andoran for Rain. ”Fun fact: did you know that Venture-Captain Brackett is a devoted priest of the well-known Aroden, the deceased god of humanity? No, you don't.” she tells proudly to everyone before she turns her back on them and mounts herself on Upuan, her legchair, facing them again with a smug face from her fun fact she just shared.

Radiant Oath

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Rain excitedly writes everything in his notebook.

"That's an interesting beast, " he comments to Sunshine.

Horizon Hunters

Melokuhle glances briefly at Sunshine, a faint look of skeptism crossing his face but quickly fading away. A priest of Aroden in this time and age? But knowing better, he doesn't comment and instead shares what he has come across in his brief travels.

"Harbormaster Hansara Molnesh is one of the city’s many harbormasters in charge of managing the cargo flowing to and from Absalom on hundreds of ships each day. Rumors has it that she has an uncanny ability to predict the weather. I suspect there's more than meets the eye."

Horizon Hunters

LN Male Hobgoblin Fighter 2 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 (22) | F +9 R +6/9 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | 20 ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: fire resist 1, mental resist 2

"A former venture-captain wants the Society to send agents to covertly investigate the current venture-captain in Oparra because the false agents' wayfinders bear the hallmarks of that venture-captain's work with the devices. This seems more urgent since the events described threaten the reputation of the Society in Taldor and if left unchecked could turn a powerful ally into a powerful enemy." He hands the letter back toward Rain in Cloudy Day.

Grand Archive

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 7 / HP 71/71, Perc +11, AC 25, Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +13 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control

Well, it is said that Qadira is the westernmost satrapy of the great Padishah Empire of Kelesh. Qadira once commanded its own faction within the Society, which it used to promote its trade interests across the Inner Sea. That faction eventually became the Exchange, a group more broadly dedicated to influence via commerce.

Not sure there are any mushrooms over there...

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Summoner 3 / HP 52/52, Perc +7, AC 18 (19), Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +7 / Spells 1. 2/2 2. 1/1, Focus 2/2 / Active conditions: Mage armor, Darkvision, Toughness

Did Zarta Dralneen find anything?

Vigilant Seal

M Goblin Magus 4 | HP (44/50) | AC 21 | F +10, R +7, W +8 | Perception +6 | Darkvision

Toasty! nods, still not having set anything on fire yet.

"I wonder if we'll ever get missions in Osirion again. It's hard with the country closed to outside archeologists but maybe some old permit will finally finish processing or something. I hear the Ra Sun Priests have this fire spell that reflects off the Sa---. Err here's your letter back."

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Rain turns to Ambius, "No idea. I hope so."

As you give Rain this information, he eagerly writes it all down in his notebook. As a brand-new Pathfinder agent, he is especially curious about any information pertaining to the Pathfinder Society’s older factions. Rain ponders aloud whether these events might be related, but before he can ask for more details, a tall man with tan skin and dark, meticulously groomed hair throws open the doors and strides into the office: Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin clearly has something urgent on his mind. Rain in Cloudy Day jumps up to interrupt him, proclaiming that the report summarizing the correspondence is ready. The venture-captain, taken aback, accepts the journal that Rain shoves into his hands. Rain watches expectantly as Valsin skims the report.

Ambrus Valsin nods to those gathered and says in a gruff voice, "Ah, yes. Thank you Rain, agents. Let me see… this is all quite worrying! Your thoroughness is praiseworthy. Unfortunately, we cannot act on any of this right now. Another urgent matter has come up, right on our doorstep. I need agents to go to the Blakros Museum and meet with Curator Adjutant Seshuun, who is temporarily in charge. I do not have any details, but she’s requested the Society’s immediate presence, and she seems upset. We’ve worked hard to establish a working relationship with the museum, and I do not want it to fall to pieces now with everything else going on. Please help the curator with anything she may need, and if you can, try to make a good first impression. Rain and I will remain here and bring this report to the Society’s leadership. Some of this is quite serious, and we’ll take it all the way to the Decemvirate if needed!"

Radiant Oath

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As you are about to leave for the Blakros Museum, a grateful Rain hands you a satchel containing four minor healing potions and offers you the choice of an acid flask, alchemist’s fire, tanglefoot bag, or thunderstone.

Grand Archive

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 7 / HP 71/71, Perc +11, AC 25, Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +13 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control

The mad man takes gladly a minor healing potion. He lets the others choose about the flask to pick up.

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Summoner 3 / HP 52/52, Perc +7, AC 18 (19), Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +7 / Spells 1. 2/2 2. 1/1, Focus 2/2 / Active conditions: Mage armor, Darkvision, Toughness

The goblin takes a healing potion. He lets the others choose.

Horizon Hunters

LN Male Hobgoblin Fighter 2 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 (22) | F +9 R +6/9 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | 20 ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: fire resist 1, mental resist 2

"I understand the Blackros Museum to be full of both antiquities and often violent trouble," Zaighar says. "Maybe something less likely to cause collateral damage to nearby artifacts."

Verdant Wheel

Female Vine Leshy Animal Order Druid 4 / Beastmaster | Secular Medic | Animal Companions Upuan, Ugatpuno | HP 48/48, AC 21 w Niyahaat (+2 w Hide Shield raised), Fortitude** +10, Reflex* +8, Will** +12 (w ↺ Leshy Superstition), Perception** +12 (low-light vision), Stealth +2 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions Restoring 1 HP/min, Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

Sunshine takes a minor healing potion and chooses the acid lesser? acid flask before she leaves.

Vigilant Seal

M Goblin Magus 4 | HP (44/50) | AC 21 | F +10, R +7, W +8 | Perception +6 | Darkvision

Toasty! takes an alchemist's fire, and doesn't drink it... yet.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Yes, the alchemical items are of the "lesser" variety and the healing potions are of the "minor" variety

Grand Archive

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 7 / HP 71/71, Perc +11, AC 25, Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +13 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control

Well we have to go now, otherwise the mushrooms won't be good to eat then.

Then man of Irissen goes to the docks.

Horizon Hunters

Melokuhle will take a scroll of heal for his school item, and one of the minor healing potions but fine if someone else wants it (think this is the last one).

Melokuhle turns to Abebe, and with a fond smile, gestures him to come along silently, then turns around with a bittersweet smile to follow the party to the museum.

NG plant eidolon (guardian plant) 1 | HP - | AC 17 | F +8 R +5 W +6 | Perc +4 | 25' | Active Conditions: boost eidolon (3 rd); magic fang (1m)

The expressionless Abebe simply nods and walks up behind Melokuhle, striding along.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Before heading to the docs, you've been directed to the Blakros Museum

Gardeners and landscapers busily haul plants and building materials through the gardens that flank the path leading to the imposing, multistory building that is the Blakros Museum. Its outer walls are crafted almost entirely from a single chunk of volcanic rock. A woman
stands near the entrance, speaking with several of the workers in a calm yet commanding voice. She has deep blueish-purple skin and vibrant teal markings, denoting her ancestry as one of the aquatic azarketi. She approaches you and introduces herself.

"Well met. I am Curator Adjutant Seshuun. What business do you have at the museum?"

Nature DC 15 / Have visited Iobaria:

The plants—a few real, but most of them fake—are intended to make the gardens appear like a grove straight out of Iobaria.

Grand Archive

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 7 / HP 71/71, Perc +11, AC 25, Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +13 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control

Nature:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Pff I'm sure there is no mushroom here.

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Summoner 3 / HP 52/52, Perc +7, AC 18 (19), Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +7 / Spells 1. 2/2 2. 1/1, Focus 2/2 / Active conditions: Mage armor, Darkvision, Toughness

Nature:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

The goblin notices something strange.

Horizon Hunters

LN Male Hobgoblin Fighter 2 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 (22) | F +9 R +6/9 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | 20 ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: fire resist 1, mental resist 2

"We are from the Pathfinder Society," Zaighar states stiffly behind his helm. He lifts his wayfinder on its chain from his belt as verification. "I understand. The armor can make it confusing. However, we are the immediate presence you requested and are available to help with anything you need."

Verdant Wheel

Female Vine Leshy Animal Order Druid 4 / Beastmaster | Secular Medic | Animal Companions Upuan, Ugatpuno | HP 48/48, AC 21 w Niyahaat (+2 w Hide Shield raised), Fortitude** +10, Reflex* +8, Will** +12 (w ↺ Leshy Superstition), Perception** +12 (low-light vision), Stealth +2 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions Restoring 1 HP/min, Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

Sunshine looks around the hustling and bustling of people around, trying to find something familiar to her. She unmounts herself from Upuan.

Nature Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Eww. Fake plants, she says in her thoughts as she begins to scan and have a touch of the plants being installed.

She mounts herself again on Upuan and begins to introduce herself after the other stated their purpose. ”I am Sunshine. I noticed the plants, they are… They look like a grove straight out of Iobaria. Is that the theme of the museum?” she says with nodding as if she likes the idea.

Vigilant Seal

M Goblin Magus 4 | HP (44/50) | AC 21 | F +10, R +7, W +8 | Perception +6 | Darkvision

Toasty! looks at the museum and thinks to himself Almost certainty won't burn :(

Coming out of his own thoughts he nods to Ambius's description of events.

Radiant Oath

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"So, you’re the ones Valsin sent to fix this mess. No, not the gardens. The shipment! You know, the relics? The Iobarian relics? Surely you can explain why the shipment hasn’t been delivered yet. The Sixwing Drake should have arrived with the relics by now, but I’ve heard no word. We can make the gardens look as authentic as we want, but nobody is going to visit an empty exhibit. The recent business with the curator, Nigel Aldain, has tarnished the museum’s reputation enough as it is. I can’t allow the Society’s delays to cause further problems. You look like you might have questions. Please tell me you can help?"

Per V-C Valsin's request, you've been asked to make a good first impression with Curator Adjutant Seshuun. You may each make one roll either: Diplomacy or Academia/Azarketi/Iobaria Lore to Make an Impression

Grand Archive

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 7 / HP 71/71, Perc +11, AC 25, Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +13 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control

The mad man lets his ambassador to speak for him in the situation. So the swarm of flying gems around him explains to the curator that the party resolve this little issue quickly.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Sure it's because they are surprised to hear some gems talk.

Verdant Wheel

Female Vine Leshy Animal Order Druid 4 / Beastmaster | Secular Medic | Animal Companions Upuan, Ugatpuno | HP 48/48, AC 21 w Niyahaat (+2 w Hide Shield raised), Fortitude** +10, Reflex* +8, Will** +12 (w ↺ Leshy Superstition), Perception** +12 (low-light vision), Stealth +2 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions Restoring 1 HP/min, Void Resistance 1 | ◆◇↺

”We are willing to help you. Tell us where to go. And what relics are we dealing here?” Sunshine asks while she adjusts her seat on Upuan. The legchair begins to scratch its back, causing the leshy's balance to wobble a bit.

Diplomacy check: 1d20 ⇒ 19

Vigilant Seal

Goblin Summoner 3 / HP 52/52, Perc +7, AC 18 (19), Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +7 / Spells 1. 2/2 2. 1/1, Focus 2/2 / Active conditions: Mage armor, Darkvision, Toughness

We can help you.

Diplomacy:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

You need 3 successes. One to go!

Horizon Hunters

LN Male Hobgoblin Fighter 2 | HP 34/34 | AC 20 (22) | F +9 R +6/9 W +4 | Perc +6 | Stealth +4 | 20 ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: fire resist 1, mental resist 2

"Melokuhle, did the letter you screened not state that the Sixwing Drake would be in late this morning?" Zaighar asks the human. He turns his attention back to the curator. "The ship should be in by now. We can head there now, if you like, to try to expedite the process."

Diplomacy (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 Yeah, no...
Hero Point: Diplomacy (T), Vestments (1 Glyph): 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 1 = 19

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