GM Qronos's Strength of Thousands Campaign

Game Master Qronos

The first campaign for the GCPathfinders

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We are not currently recruiting, but here's a thread.


Hey ya I’m interested. I guess I should lion through the game history? Any info Ron character creation?

Silver Crusade

Howdy howdy! I’m Paul (the New Zealand fellow).

Once you’ve got access to the Gameplay thread, you can post there as your character. You can also post in the Discussion thread as yourself.

Silver Crusade

I’d also highly recommend Pathbuilder (for 2e) on your computer for character creation. Android phones have it on mobile, but not iOS.

GM Qronos wrote:
We are not currently recruiting, but here's a thread.

Are you planning to start a game soon or have you already started one and this thread is just here in case you lose a player?

Silver Crusade

Hey there. We've already got a game going and are bringing in another player. This thread is for them to let them dip their toes in.

Sorry for the temptation.

FYI: I'm not the GM, but thanks for the interest!

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