Journey to the East - Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master Severed Ronin

When a decades-old secret is exposed, an unassuming local tavern-owner and a close friend of the PCs discovers her birthright is to rule one of the ancient Dragon Empires of Tian Xia—the empire of Minkai. Yet the current ruler of this empire, the mysterious and increasingly cruel Jade Regent, has no intention of giving up his hold over the throne. In order to save Minkai from a would-be tyrant, the PCs must not only escort their friend from Varisia to Tian Xia, braving the frozen horrors of the Crown of the World, but must aid her in gaining the trust and support of a nation on the edge of anarchy.

Current Characters

Cale the Calistrian

Male Human
(593 posts)
The Exchange Painlord

Male Humanoidish Yahoo 4/Painlord 6/Punk 2/Cleric of Happiness & Sunshine 1
(1,779 posts)
Corvus JR

Female Human Magus 4 - Init +2; Perception +2/+5*; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; hp 39; Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4

played by Birch33 (166 posts)
GM Beazy

played by Severed Ronin (264 posts)
The Rake
György Badžo

played by michaelane (134 posts)
Jean LeFavre

Male Half Elf (Elf) 3 Rogue (Swashbuckler)/ 1 Ranger

played by Joseph Yerger (199 posts)
Mukluk Muletender

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +9, Heal +7, Geog +7, Local+9, Nat +9, Perc +13, Driver 11,+5 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +9

played by Painlord (1,601 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Sir Gavin D'Monteforte

Royal Guardsman HP: 12/12 | Will:11 | Per:11 | FP: 10/10 | DR:24/8 | Dodge:9 | Parry:13 | Precog Danger Sense: 12 | Influence:+1 | Primary attk: Force Saber 18, Dmg: 7d(5) |

played by Camris (260 posts)
Treygan Gorski

{HP36/36 | AC16 T10 FF16 CMD17 | F/R/W 9/4/7 | Inish +0, Per +0}

played by Xzaral (340 posts)

Previous Characters

The Scribbler
Lantern Lodge Severed Ronin

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero
(820 posts)
GM Birch

played by Birch33 (2,263 posts)
Rayhan Xobhadi
Toshiro Kato

Male Human Sensei

played by ThreeEyedSloth (24 posts)