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1) I am based in Southeast Asia (UTC +8) so my posting hours may be unusual (especially for those in North America). I usually update at least one or twice per day. Just to keep the game moving, please post at least once every day and at least once during the weekend. If you disappear for more than 24 hours, especially during combat, I will simply place your character on infinite delay just to keep things moving.
2) Please label all three of your actions. Even if you think what you are doing is obvious.
3) If I am unavailable for longer than 24 hours, I will let you know in the Discussion Tab. Out of respect for your fellow players and myself, I ask that you do the same. Real life happens, and real life will always take priority over the game, but out of fairness for your fellow players, please let us know if you will be unavailable for an extended period of time.
4) Questions, concerns? Feel free to share them in the Discussion tab.
5) Let's have some fun and tell a great story together! After all, that's what we are here for.

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A small Isoki with starry eyed pupils and tattered robes sniffs around and rubs his hands together.
"Ahh yes... yes. Fellow Pathfinders... I feel a force from beyond the stars... we'll be called for a mission soon. Soon I tell, you... yes yes..."

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A human with a distinct purple sigil on his forehead joins the room accompanied by a curious-looking creature with the same sigil on its forehead. The creature looks to be a cross between a lion with its majestic mane, a bull, with large horns on its head, and a walrus, with its distinct blubber and fangs.
"Greetings fellow pathfinders! Martin Amblecrown, a candidate maven from Absalom's Arcanamirium. This is Mavenee. An unusual-looking creature, I know, but I assure you she's tamed. Nice to meet all of you!."

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An elven woman kneels in front of Mavenee, confused and curious. Not the first time she's faced a lion's jaws before. But this time she's conscious!
"Howdy there Mavenee. I'm Miladistra, pleased to meet cha!" She looks up at Martin. "Do I pet her, stroke her mane, or... one moment." She turns around to look at the young grey furred wolf.
"Come on Deroff. You said yesterday you wanted to go on another trip. Now you won't even say hi. Come on up here, she ain't gonna bite!" Miladistra waves the wolf over before turning to her teammates. "Deroff usually isn't this shy, even around other animals."

Deroff |

What is this smell?
What is this pose?
Is it rearing to attack?
Is it eating?
Deroff sees the Missus is safe, for now. He fights his better instincts and approaches her and the... other animal. He stands cautious, keeping watch over her.

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A human covered in mystical tattoos joins the gathering Pathfinders. He looks around with a serious look on his face. "Greetings Martin, Mavenee, Miladistra." he says before nodding at Tarkii, "I'm Arlen. Arlen Bales. I hunt demons, daemons, and devils, though I hope we don't encounter on this mission."

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A muscular, purple-blueish, woman donned in full-plate enters the room. She has long, purple hair, several gills on either side of her neck, and a necklace with a single, eloquent pearl resting around her neck. Strapped to her back she wields a long polearm with a hook at the end, and she has several seashells tied to her backpack.
Torrent speaks excitedly and looks at everyone one-by-one with a warm, gentle smile, "Hope I'm not late! Had the charter boat from Taldor drop me off a few miles off-shore and arranged to pick up my belongings here at the lodge. Can't quite beat such a swim! Name's Torrent. Just finished my first few missions with the society and most recently served as a translator at one of the newer base camps! I'm eager to see what lies ahead!"
Mechanically Torrent is a L3 Magus (inexorable iron) and wields a gillhook for reach/grappling. She is a mix of front-line damage with 16 INT to cover those INT based checks, also some some diplomacy skills.

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"Me too, Arlen. Devils smell terrible. I spent weeks scrubbing the... yuck... away from Deroff. Smelled worse than a pig pen." Miladistra pets Deroff again to get him to relax.
"Howdy Torrent. Howdy Tarkii. Good to see ya. You definitely smell like the sea, Torrent. And Tarkii, you smell... well, I'm not sure, really."

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A half-elf, his Mualijae heritage visible, walks down the path clad in full plate armor. Strangely a great helm or similar device does not adorn his head. It is graced by a fancy hat embroidered with gold thread and set with beads. He carries a shield strapped to his arm. A pick and a machete hang from his belt and a quiver of javelins is strapped to his back. A young Mwangi woman dressed in traditional garb accompanies him.
"Greetings everyone I am Toanthel. I hail from Nantambu as does Mbali. She is an initiate at the Magaambya and I am guiding her in her studies. She is a skilled engineer as well as a student of the arcane."

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"Why yes. She really likes it when you stroke her mane." He moves closer to Mavenee and strokes on her thick mane. Immediately, the creature loosens up and gives a grateful bark at Martin.

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Your adventure begins in the Grand Lodge of Absalom, where Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin has summoned you to help Rain in Cloudy Day with an urgent task. When you arrive in the venture-captain’s office, you find Rain in a desperate state.
Rain in Cloudy Day stands on a chair behind a large oak desk covered with documents.
"Ah, you’ve arrived! What a relief! I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment, and I could use your help. The Pathfinder Society leadership is in a closed-door meeting right now, reviewing the latest news from Iobaria, the distant land where the Society has focused its efforts of late. I can’t wait to hear more about all the interesting things our agents discovered there! But, while they’re busy, I’ve been asked to catalog the flood of correspondence from our Inner Sea lodges. Just look at all these letters! Ambrus—that is, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin—asked me to sort and summarize all of it, but there’s so much! And, I’m not ashamed to admit that with my relative inexperience, all of it seems urgent! I’ve got to put a report together, but I’m overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar names and places! Here, take these
letters. See what you can make of them. I’d hate to miss something important and disappoint the venture-captain, and I think the meeting is almost over."
Rain hands you six pieces of parchment (see pages 4-5 in the slides).
"Feel free to share these among yourselves and exchange information."
You each start with one hero point, though from all the glyphs and campaign coins, you've each got more... :)
Applicable skills are on each document. One check per document only please. As this is a secret check, please nominate who will roll for which doc and I will make the roll (either from the macros, or if you post your modifier.)

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Tarkii sniffs at the various papers
"Of course we'll help... yes, help we will." comments Tarkii as he examines the various notes.
Nature of Religion +6 For 1 or 6 are what Tarkii's good at.

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"Let's see what we can help you with..."
Letter 6: Nature +6

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Arlen takes a look at the letter for Osirion, "I've been here. Learned the language too. I'll take a look at this one."
Only specialized skills I have apply to letter 3. Arcana +7. Otherwise, I can help with any of the letters unclaimed with Pathfinder Society lore +5

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"Howdy Torrent. Howdy Tarkii. Good to see ya. You definitely smell like the sea, Torrent. And Tarkii, you smell... well, I'm not sure, really."
"Isn't it lovely? Nothing quite like the smell of the sea!" she says, grabbing one of her sea shells, placing it near her nose and inhaling deeply.
"RAIN!!! So good to see you again my friend! It seems like it was just yesterday we saw each other. But of course it was this morning! Yes, let's get right to it!"
Torrent looks through the letters fairly quickly, "I'll do whichever is left over. I recognize a lot of these names and places..."
Torrent has +8 Pathfinder Society Lore and can do any handout

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We don't quite have a perfect fit of skills with Martin and Miladistra both having Nature as their best. Martin has a smaller difference between their nature and occultism so I think our best bet is:
#1 Tarkii Religion +6
#2 Torrent PFS Lore +8
#3 Arlen Arcana +7
#4 Martin Occultism +1
#5 Toanthel Crafting +8
#6 Miladistra Nature +9

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My bard would mop this up, ha. But instead...
Miladistra reaches to Mavenee's mane when Rain approaches. "I'd love to help. Although... I stay away from cities and rumors and all that noise."
Nature +9 is the only relevant skill I have here. I have a +2 Int bonus if we're going to make untrained checks.

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Realized I haven't added my additional lore from PFS training. I'll just go with the default PFS Lore. That will be at +4.

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The Ruby Prince restricted Pathfinder Society activity in Osirion in no small part because of a cursed relic the Society accidentally presented to him as a gift.
The Sandswept Hall in Osirion’s capital was for many years one of the most active Pathfinder Society lodges, due to being located in one of the oldest and most prosperous empires in the Inner Sea. Osirion’s interests once warranted the dedication of an entire Pathfinder Society faction, a group that eventually tied itself to the Scarab Sages to pursue ancient knowledge and the artifacts known as sage jewels.
The Ruby Prince restricted Pathfinder Society activity in Osirion in no small part because of a cursed relic the Society accidentally presented to him as a gift.
The nation of Taldor, once a sprawling empire, has long sought to restore its former glory. Lady Gloriana Morilla is a former venture-captain who supported the rise of Taldor’s new monarch, Grand Princess Eutropia. Muesello is the current venture-captain, and he spends
much of his time tinkering with custom wayfinders for Pathfinder agents.
Harbormaster Hansara Molnesh is one of the city’s many harbormasters in charge of managing the cargo flowing to and from Absalom on hundreds of ships each day. She is known for her uncanny ability to predict the weather.

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As you give Rain this information, he eagerly writes it all down in his notebook. As a brand-new Pathfinder agent, he is especially curious about any information pertaining to the Pathfinder Society’s older factions. Rain ponders aloud whether these events might be related, but before he can ask for more details, a tall man with tan skin and dark, meticulously groomed hair throws open the doors and strides into the office: Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin clearly has something urgent on his mind. Rain in Cloudy Day jumps up to interrupt him, proclaiming that the report summarizing the correspondence is ready. The venture-captain, taken aback, accepts the journal that Rain shoves into his hands. Rain watches expectantly as Valsin skims the report.
Ambrus Valsin nods to those gathered and says in a gruff voice, "Ah, yes. Thank you Rain, agents. Let me see… this is all quite worrying! Your thoroughness is praiseworthy. Unfortunately, we cannot act on any of this right now. Another urgent matter has come up, right on our doorstep. I need agents to go to the Blakros Museum and meet with Curator Adjutant Seshuun, who is temporarily in charge. I do not have any details, but she’s requested the Society’s immediate presence, and she seems upset. We’ve worked hard to establish a working relationship with the museum, and I do not want it to fall to pieces now with everything else going on. Please help the curator with anything she may need, and if you can, try to make a good first impression. Rain and I will remain here and bring this report to the Society’s leadership. Some of this is quite serious, and we’ll take it all the way to the Decemvirate if needed!"
As you prepare to depart for the museum, a grateful Rain hands you a small pouch filled with vials of red liquid (4 x lesser healing potions). He also offers you the choice of either an acid flask, alchemist’s fire, tanglefoot bag, or thunderstone (all moderate level).

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Arlen shakes his head, "The Blakros Museum. Never know where the line is, do they?" he says handing over his work, "No problem. We'll take care of it."
The Blakros Museum. Prime example of what happens when you mess with stuff that should be locked up in a vault or handled by experts, not put on display for the public.

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"Well, let's see what this is all about, if Nigel isn't involved, then maybe it's not all that bad."
Are Torrent and I the only ones proficient in alchemical bombs? I think a tanglefoot bag might be useful in stopping something running amok or away.

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"Harbormaster Hansara Molnesh can predict the weather? Ma and Pa would love that kind of power. Do you water the plants today, or do you let Gozreh take care of it? Puzzled my village for decades..." Miladistra flips through the tome.
"Ah, Moldy Onions! Venture-Captain, don't startle people like that-" Miladistra holds a hand to her chest to steady herself. "Okay, what is it now?"
Miladistra scowls, like a beetle bit her in the one spot she couldn't reach. "Blakros. Always Blakros. Come on, Deroff." Deroff stands up and follows her.
No real opinion on which item to get- I'll be buffing frontliners or spamming good old Electric Arc.

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Before Ambrus arrives, or perhaps on the trip to the Blakros Museum, Torrent eagerly shares what she learned in exquisite detail. Torrent's spoiler open. She also speculates about the Dark Archive as it was before her time but sounds quite interesting!
Torrent doesn't seem too keen on any of the supplies, deferring to others.
someone else can take the potions. And while torrent may be proficient in alchemical bombs, she wouldn't be very good at throwing them (looking at +4 to throw). She has cantrips/spells for the elemental weaknesses and wouldn't seem very interested in throwing a tanglefoot .

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Martin will take one of the healing potions. He listens intently as Torrent shares the bits of information he was able to glean from the briefing.

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Your journey from the Grand Lodge to the museum is uneventful. As you arrive, you see gardeners and landscapers busily hauling plants and building materials through the gardens that flank the path leading to the imposing, multistory building that is the Blakros Museum. Its outer walls are crafted almost entirely from a single chunk of volcanic rock. A woman
stands near the entrance, speaking with several of the workers in a calm yet commanding voice. She has deep blueish-purple skin and vibrant teal markings, denoting her ancestry as one of the aquatic azarketi. She approaches you and introduces herself.
"Well met. I am Curator Adjutant Seshuun. What business do you have at the museum?"
The plants—a few real, but most of them fake—are intended to make the gardens appear like a grove straight out of Iobaria.

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Arlen nods at the woman, "We're Pathfinders. Ambrus Valsin told us that you may need some help." No surprise there.
Arlen then gestures towards his group, "Hopefully, we can assist you." And hopefully, we don't end up on the Shadow Plane as a previous group did. This place is nuts.
nature untrained: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

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Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Martin tries to take note of the plants. As he examines them, the curator shows up and Martin explains the situation at hand. "Yes. We were informed that you needed our immediate presence and that something upsets you. So how can we help?"
Make an Impression: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

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"Greetings Curator Adjutant Seshuun! It is not every day that I find another land-dwelling azarketi!" she says as her neck gills subtly flair with excitement. "I am Torrent, it is a pleasure to meet you. As my companions mentioned, we have been sent to help with something of great importance!"

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Nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 Wow.
"Howdy, I'm-" one of the flowers is especially potent. The scent wafts up her nose like a needle, and she starts coughing, violently.

Deroff |

Oh! The Missus is barking!
Deroff barks in unison with her.

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"If you had wanted some Iobarian foliage for your exhibit you should have asked the Society. We've always been happy to lend our services to the museum."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

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"Howdy, I'm-" one of the flowers is especially potent. The scent wafts up her nose like a needle, and she starts coughing, violently.
Oh! The Missus is barking! Deroff barks in unison with her.
Turning to Miladistra, Seshuun tsks in irritation at Deroff's barking. "Will you please keep your animal companion quiet? Maybe you should step away from the plants, if they're bothering you so."
"If you had wanted some Iobarian foliage for your exhibit you should have asked the Society. We've always been happy to lend our services to the museum."
"The Society is always ready to help, is it? Then why haven't the relics arrived yet?!" she irritably snaps at Toanthel.
"Greetings Curator Adjutant Seshuun! It is not every day that I find another land-dwelling azarketi!" she says as her neck gills subtly flair with excitement. "I am Torrent, it is a pleasure to meet you. As my companions mentioned, we have been sent to help with something of great importance!"
"So, you’re the ones Valsin sent to fix this mess. No, not the gardens. The shipment! You know, the relics? The Iobarian relics? Surely you can explain why the shipment hasn’t been delivered yet. The Sixwing Drake should have arrived with the relics by now, but I’ve heard no word. We can make the gardens look as authentic as we want, but nobody is going to visit an empty exhibit. The recent business with the curator, Nigel Aldain, has tarnished the museum’s reputation enough as it is. I can’t allow the Society’s delays to cause further problems. You look like you might have questions. Please tell me you can help?"
Each PC can either make a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression or a Lore (Academia Lore, Azarketi Lore, or Iobaria Lore) check. Tarkii, Torrent and Arlen - you want to give it a try? You need one more success.

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Miladistra keeps her distance and Deroff licks her face until the pollen is out of her nose.
Stuffy city slickers, always think they can own nature. She squats to pet Deroff and calm him down. Let the rest of the team clean up this mess before Miladistra really chews the woman out.

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diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Yeah, no.
hero point: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Well, maybe its not a critical failure now.
Arlen simply shrugs, "We were told you needed help and nothing about a delivery. We can track it down for you or do anything else you need, but don't mistake us for the ones that lost your shipment in the first place."

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Torrent sees that Curator Adjutant Seshuun must be very concerned about her relics if she doesn't acknowledge her own kin. Torrent speaks in Azlanti (and willing to repeat in Common if her Azarketi Kin doesn't understand).. Torrent speaks in a calming voice and tries to reassure the Curator that this has the upmost importance
Azarketi Lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
"Shamwari yangu, hatina kukunda tichipesana nealghollthu kuti timire nyore. Isu tinodzosera relic sekunge kuti ndiyo yaive Lysianassa's pearl."

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At Torrent's calming words, the curator relaxes.
"I apologize for being short with you. This job has been really maddening. I need to make a good first impression with the museum management. But all these disruptions are getting out of hand. I am grateful for any help you can provide. I hope that the museum can assist the Society as well."
"Now then, it is imperative that you make your way to the docks to see what has happened to the relics aboard the Sixwing Drake. We can talk of other matters later, but for now you must go to the docks as soon as possible. I do have some items for you, though. These may help you in your search for the relics." She hands you an everburning torch, as well as a small statuette of a black dog. The statue is about an inch high. "His name is Dusty. To summon him, you need but to place the statue on the ground and speak his name."
Hero Point Time: Please nominate 2 players to give a hero point to. You may either vote openly, hide it behind a spoiler, or send me a private message. I'll award the points to the highest 2 players in 48 hours.

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"I understand. We will go investigate the docks posthaste."

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"I too understand, it all just shows how important this is. We will retrieve the relics and when we return you and I can get to know each other better if you so wish." Torrent bows and accepts the gifts, later asking who wants the figurine torrent has no need for it

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Miladistra keeps her nose held as she leaves the fragrant plants. There she goes, trying to own the plants.
Deroff gives Dusty a quick sniff before approving.

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The PCs’ journey from the Blakros Museum to the docks doesn’t take long. The waterfront teems with activity and the sights and sounds of one of the Inner Sea’s largest ports. A helpful dockworker points you in the direction of the docks where you can find Harbormaster Hansara Molnesh and the Sixwing Drake.
Hansara Molnesh is a tall, broad-shouldered Garundi woman with weathered bronze skin and graying hair. She directs a small group of dockworkers who are busy loading barrels onto a sleek, blue-sailed ship emblazoned with the name Sixwing Drake in faded paint.
"Well met! What is it you need?"

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As usual, Tarkii starts by approaching too closely and sniffing the woman before speaking.
"Yes... yes... we need many things, but today we would like to know the status of the Lesser Draonic form of the six wings... yes the Six Wing Drake... We were expecting it in this morning..."

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"Like my friend said here, we're looking for the Sixwing Drake. Some stuffy- I mean, Curator Adjutant Seshuun wanted to know what happened to the shipment. She's concerned about the Iobarian relics aboard."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Miladistra offers her hand to shake. "Pleased to meetcha. I'm Miladistra. This is my friend, Deroff."

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Arlen goes to speak but recognizes that Miladistra has the conversation well in hand. So instead, Arlen focuses on watching for any signs of his group being abnormally observed during the conversation.

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The harbormaster frowns in confusion. "Someone already came by to get the shipment. At least… I think they did? They were… hmm. To be honest, I can’t remember. Come to think of it, everything that happened this morning is all… cloudy. Wait, why are the workers loading cargo on the ship?!" She turns to the crew gathered on the docks and the Sixwing Drake and shouts, "Hey, listen up! The Pathfinders are here for the shipment! Let’s get to work!"
Moments later, a dockhand on the upper deck steps rigidly toward a stack of barrels and says something inaudible over the din of the harbor. A series of massive explosions obliterates the Sixwing Drake, spewing flames and charred debris onto the docks.
Two creatures resembling burning piles of refuse move across the dock opposite you.
Toanthel, Defend: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 1 = 27
Miladistra, Search: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 7 + 1 = 13
Tarkii, Search: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 6 + 1 = 24
Martin, Search: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 1 = 23
Arlen Bales, Scout: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 1 = 12
Torrent, Search: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 1 = 21
Circle Init: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Square Init: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Round: 1
Recall Knowledge (1 action): Arcana/Nature
Tactical Map
BOLD may go
Miladistra / Deroff
Circle: ◆◆Noxious Burst ◆Ranged Attack
Square: ◆Stride ◆◆Noxious Burst
Circle causes a large quantity of materials and rubbish to spew out in a fiery beam at:
1 - Arlen
2 - Toanthel
Who gets hit first: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Arlen, take Fire: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) = 6 damage, DC 21 Basic Reflex Save
Circle then follows up by hurling a small fireball at Toanthel.
Ranged Attack vs Toanthel AC 22: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30
Damage; Bludgeoning: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Toanthel, you also take 1d6 Persistent fire at the end of your turn
Square oils forward and stops in front of Toanthel. It seems to explode into a large cloud of noxious fumes that catches everyone in a 15' cone.
Poison Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7;
DC 21 Basic Fort Save for half:
Fail - Sickened 1
Crit Fail - Sickened 2