
Martin Amblecrown.'s page

355 posts. Organized Play character for Marjim Marc Arafiles.


HP 78/78| AC 20| F +12 R +9 W +12 | Perc +12 | Stealth +4 |


speed 25 ft. | Active Conditions: --- | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ | Spells: L2 - 1/2, L3 2/2


NG Skilled Heritage Human Summoner 5 | Eidolon|

About Martin Amblecrown.

PFS Information:

PFS Number: 259680-2005
Experience: 48

Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance: 56
Grand Archive: 0
Horizon Hunters: 0
Vigilant Seal: 2
Minor Factions 0
Radiant Oath: 0
Verdant Wheel: 2
All Faction Reputation
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 60

Purchased Boons
Horizon Hunters Champion Envoys Alliance (0 Fame)

Martin Amblecrown:

Character Name)
Age: 25 years
Gender & Pronouns: Male
Physical Appearance:

ancestry Human
background Scholar
class Summoner; Level: 5; Experience: 48
size Medium traits Humanoid alignment Neutral Good; deity
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Jotun
Perception: +12 ((3) + (9) + (0)) [T/E/M/L]
Special Senses:

AC: 20 (10 + (2) + (7) + (1)) [T/E/M/L]
Max HP 78 / BT # Current HP 60

Unarmored: [T/E/M/L], Light: [T/E/M/L], Medium: [T/E/M/L], Heavy: [T/E/M/L]

Fortitude: +12 ((3) + (9) + (0)) [T/E/M/L]
Reflex: +9 ((2) + (7) + (0)) [T/E/M/L]
Will: +12 ((3) + (9) + (0)) [T/E/M/L]
Notes: (conditional modifiers, reactions, resistances, immunities, etc.)

Class DC: 21 (10 + (4) + (7) + (0)) [T/E/M/L]

Speed: 25 ft. Movement Types: none

Melee Strikes
Staff +7 ((0) + (7) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
damage (1d4) [B/P/S] Two-hand d8

Unarmed +10 ((2) + (7) + (1) [T/E/M/L]
damage (2d4) [B/P/S]

Ranged Strikes
Sling +9 ((2) + (7) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
damage (1d6) [B/P/S] Propulsive

Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: [T/E/M/L], Martial: [T/E/M/L], Other (weapon): [T/E/M/L]

Magic Traditions
Primal: 5

Spell Attack Roll (Primal): +11 = ((4) + (7)) [T/E/M/L]
Spell DC (Primal): 21 = (10 + (4) + (7)) [T/E/M/L]

Focus Points: 2/2

Spell Slots per Day
2nd: 2
3rd: 2

Spells Repertoire
Link Spells: Evolution Surge, Lifelink Surge
Link Cantrips: Boost Eidolon, Reinforce Eidolon
Cantrips (2): Light, Protect Companion, Produce Flame, Detect Magic, Tanglefoot
2nd: Thundering Dominance, Dispel Magic, Heal
3rd: Envenom Companion, Haste


Acrobatics: +9 = (2) + (7) + (0) - (0) [T/E/M/L]
Arcana: +0 = (1) + (0) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Athletics: +9 = (0) + (9) + (0) - (0) [[T/E/M/L]
Crafting: +3 = (1) + (2) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Deception: +6 = (4) + (2) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Diplomacy: +11 = (4) + (7) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Intimidation: +14 = (4) + (9) + (1) [T/E/M/L]
Lore (Academia): +8 = (1) + (7) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Lore (Pathfinder Society): +8 = (1) + (7) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Medicine: +10 = (3) + (7) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Nature: +12 = (3) + (9) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Occultism: +3 = (1) + (2) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Performance: +6 = (4) + (2) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Religion: +10 = (3) + (7) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Society: +3 = (1) + (2) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Stealth: +4 = (2) + (2) + (0) - (0) [T/E/M/L]
Survival: +10 = (3) + (7) + (0) [T/E/M/L]
Thievery: +4 = (2) + (2) + (0) - (0) [T/E/M/L]

STR +0, DEX +2, CON +3, INT +1, WIS +3, CHA +4

Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Special 1st: ---
Heritage 1st: Skilled Heritage (Athletics)
1st: General Training (Toughness)
5th: Clever Improviser

Skill Feats
Background: Assurance (Nature)
2nd: Intimidating Glare
4th: Terrifying Resistance

General Feats
3rd: Diehard

Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Eidolon (Brutal Beast Eidolon)
Feature 1st: Evolution Feat (Energy Heart)
2nd: Reinforce Eidolon
3rd: Shared Vigilance, Unlimited Signature Spells
4th: Lifelink Surge
5th: Eidolon Unarmed Expertise

Bonus Feats
5th: Untrained Improvisation

Combat Gear: staff, sling, +1 striking handwraps of mighty blows, +1 explorer's clothing
Magic Items: demon mask
Other Gear: backpack, bedroll, chalk (10), flint and steel, rations (2), rope, soap, torch (5), waterskin, healer's tools, wayfinder

Bulk: 2 (Encumbered at: 5 = 5 + (0); Maximum at: 10 = 10 + (0))

Coins: 2 copper 4 silver 89 gold 0 platinum


1. PFS(2) 03-01: Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries:

Reputation(s): +4 Envoy's Alliance
Gold Earned: 14 gp
Downtime: Earn Income - 8 cp

2. PFS(2) 02-19: Enter the Pallid Peak:

Boon: Kin-Warded
Reputation(s): +4 Envoy's Alliance
Gold Earned: 14
Downtime: Earn Income - 8 cp

3. PFS(2) 03-05: Inheritor's Rite:

Reputation(s): +4 Envoy's Alliance
Gold Earned: 14
Downtime: Earn Income - crit fail
Gold Spent: Handwraps of Mighty Blows (+1) - 35 gp
Total Gold: 15.66 gp

4. PFS(2) 99-02: United in Purpose:

Reputation(s): +4 Envoy's Alliance
Gold Earned: 22
Downtime: Earn Income - 8 cp
Gold Spent:
Total Gold: 37.74 gp

5. PFS(2) 03-10: Delve the Pallid Depths:

Reputation(s): +4 Envoy's Alliance
Gold Earned: 22
Downtime: Earn Income - 8 cp
Gold Spent:
Total Gold: 59.82 gp

6. PFS(2) 02-03: Catastrophe's Spark:

XP After Scenario: 24 (Level 3!)
Reputation(s): +4 Envoy's Alliance (24), +2 Vigilant Seal (2)
Gold Earned: 22
Downtime: Earn Income - Crit Fail!
Gold Spent:
Total Gold: 81.82 gp

7. PFS(2) 04-10 - Arclord's Abode:

XP After Scenario: 28
Reputation(s): +6 Envoy's Alliance (30), +2 Vigilant Seal (4)
Gold Earned: 38
Downtime: Earn Income - Crit Success: 2.4 sp
Gold Spent:
Total Gold: 122.22 gp

8. PFS(2) 04-12: Negotiations for the Star Gun:

XP After Scenario: 32
Reputation(s): +4 Envoy's Alliance (34)
Gold Earned: 38 gp
Downtime: Earn Income - Fail: 1.6 sp
Gold Spent:
Total Gold: 161.82 gp

9. PFS(2) 04-13: Within the Prairies:

XP After Scenario: 36 (Level 4!)
Reputation(s): +6 Envoy's Alliance (40), +2 Verdant Wheel (2)
Gold Earned: 38 gp
Downtime: Earn Income - Fail: 1.6 sp
Gold Spent: Demon Mask - 85 gp, Handwraps of Mighty Blows (+1 Striking) - 65 gp (100 gp - 35 gp) | 150 gp
Total Gold: 51.42 gp

10. PFS(2) 03-08: Foundation's Price:

XP After Scenario: 40
Reputation(s): +4 Envoy's Alliance (44)
Gold Earned: 64 gp
Downtime: Earn Income - Success: 2.4 gp
Gold Spent:
Total Gold: 117.82

11. PFS(2) 03-12: Fury's Toll:

XP After Scenario: 44
Reputation(s): +6 Envoy's Alliance (50)
Gold Earned: 64 gp
Downtime: Earn Income - Failure: 3.2 sp
Gold Spent:
Total Gold: 182.14

12. PFS(2) 04-14: Shattering Golden Chains:

XP After Scenario: 48 (Level 5!)
Reputation(s): +6 Envoy's Alliance (56)
Gold Earned: 64 gp
Downtime: Earn Income - Failure: 3.2 sp
Gold Spent: Explorer's Clothing - 1 sp, Armor potency rune +1 - 160 gp | 160.1 gp
Total Gold: 89.24

13. PFS(2) 02-23: An Agent's Obligation:

XP After Scenario: 52
Reputation(s): +4 Envoy's Alliance (60)
Gold Earned: 84 gp
Downtime: Earn Income - Success: 4 gp
Gold Spent:
Total Gold: 177.24 gp