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Hello! Welcome to my table. Before we start, please do the following:
Please fill in the Macros and the Slides. The links will be on top of the page. If applicable, please fill in your marching order.
In slides, click image and then click the "Crop Image" button. (Fairly far to the right on the menu, kinda looks like a square if the lines were overdrawn. Click Shapes and then the circle. Tadaa!

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Thanks for the game! I have a little bit of updating to do on this character before he is ready. I still have the free rebuild boon from season 1 and haven't fully fleshed out the details. I'll definitely be prepared by tomorrow, though!

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You may also make your Downtime roll and list your consumable.
Martin Amblecrown gets a level boost and max 2 mentor boons.
@Martin Amblecrown, for this adventure:
Your hit points increase by 10 or 10%, whichever is higher
+1 to your attack modifiers, damage, save mods, skill mods, Perception mods and AC
+1 to all your DCs
GMs with glyphs and/or campaign coins may also distribute additional hero points at this time.

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I have one glyph that I can give to Martin as well as a campaign coin. I don't have a mentor boon for this PC, but if we don't already have 2 in the party I can purchase one.
FYI, I am currently GMing this one. I will let others provide direction but Toanthel will gladly take the lead position in the group.

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I also have a GM Glyph. Thanks for the invite!
Performance: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
That's one way to start off my Earn Income roll.
By the way, I have an animal companion. Say hi, Deroff!

Deroff |

Deroff looks up for a moment at the Missus before putting his head right back on his front arms and going back to sleep.

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Hello! I have 4 GM glyphs, which means we have enough for everyone to have 2 starting hero points, plus I have a campaign coin as well so Toanthel and Torrent will have those in addition to starting hero points.
Torrent has the Combat Mentor boon available as one of the two mentor boons that can be used by Martin
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide pointers and lead drills that ensure your newer colleagues’ attacks strike true. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to attack rolls to 2.
Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s attack roll modifiers by 1.
Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons
I have run this scenario multiple times so will take a back-seat on decision making as well.

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2 Glyphs and a campaign coin blah blah blah :P
I have played but not GMed or read this.
I have Protective Mentor available so can give 6 more extra HP if you want the Radiant Oath boon.

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Thanks for the mentor boons and glyphs. So if I got this correct, then the following applies to this scenario:
- From my starting HP of 21, it increases to 37 because of Protective Mentor.
- All attack rolls get a +2 thanks to Combat Mentor.
- Skill checks, DCs, and ACs, damage rolls, and perception rolls are at +1.
- We start off with 2 hero points.
Did I get all of those correct?
Earn Income: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Also, taking a minor healing potion from the society.

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will do my own downtime
taking 2x minor healing potion

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I'm still missing the following entries...
Tokens/Marching Order: Miladistra (and Deroff), Martin Amblecrown
Macros: Martin Amblecrown, Torrent, and Arlen
Please fill them in as soon as you can. Thanks.

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oh, and I would appreciate comments at the end of the game on how I did... might even be an informal evaluation with all the glyphs and Venture-Officers I've got here :)

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I think we may be good on hero points with everyone starting with two, but I'd nominate Miladistra just because I liked their RP for rolling a critical failure and coughing on the flowers.

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I'll nominate Torrent for using the Lore option.
I'll also nominate Arlen for not repeating my Diplomatic blunder.

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Ty, though Torrent has the max of 3 hero points atm (campaign coin is a third starting one that can be gifted to others. The downside is that it technically is still a hero point)
I'd nominate Arlen for avoiding the diplomatic blunder,
And Martin for being the Level 1 who is going to have some heroic moments!

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Thanks. My votes go to Torrent and Miladistra for really getting into character.

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Ha. Well, they can hit hard but they are very all-or-nothing in my experience. Or at least mine is. But I like martials and it has been a fun balance between martial and spellcaster.

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How far below from the docks is the water?
For instance, if Torrent decides to jump into the water, does she think she'd still be able to hit Circle with her reach weapon?

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If Torrent goes in, Nicki will serve as a flanking buddy.

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Miladistra visibly relaxes as they enter the marketplace. She slows down to glance at the fruit and veggies. Some are dirty. Some are moldy. Some are... surprisingly fresh. She's tempted to buy some rutabaga when panic breaks out.
I am not for sale!!

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Fine, the rhubarb looked tastier, anyway!

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That's weird. The first initiative set I posted is correct. Ignore the one with the combat tracker.

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Since a Bloodseeker functionally Grabs a creature when it attaches, do you think it needs to maintain the Grab as well like Grappling (Athletics)? Attach is a really strange ability.

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My understanding of the text is that it's not a grab, per se. It's similar to grabbing the creature but instead of holding you in place, it moves with you.

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Sure, I just thought I'd bring it up as doing three sets of automatic damage with no additional checks seems pretty strong. I guess escaping isn't too hard, though.

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Temp hp does not stack. The creature only gets the highest of the 3 rolls.

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Temp hp does not stack. The creature only gets the highest of the 3 rolls.
Argh. Forgot about that. Sorry.

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Sounds like it's time for a Heal spell.
These Temp HP buggers are a pain. It's best to focus fire and kill them quickly.

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Arlen, I'll heal you and then I'll tell Deroff to fall back. Let's cluster up so it's easier to switch targets.
I doubt these insects can take advantage of our Fireball formation :)

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Oh right. Thanks for pointing that out. GM, Does that mean the bloodseeker detaches from Mavenee? If so then Martin will use the Stand, Interact to get the potion, and another Interact to drink it for this round.

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Correct. The bloodseeker is no longer attached. I moved Mavenee off to the side just to remind myself that he's dematerialized.

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Don't forget the flat checks against the concealed condition. Also remember that concealment works differently in 2e than in 1e.
While you are concealed from a creature, such as in a thick fog, you are difficult for that creature to see. You can still be observed, but you're tougher to target. A creature that you're concealed from must succeed at a DC 5 flat check when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect. Area effects aren't subject to this flat check. If the check fails, the attack, spell, or effect doesn't affect you.
Concealed applies to all targeted effects, even if they don't require an attack roll.

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It even applies when trying to heal an ally. I've had a party member die in Age of Ashes because I failed a concealment check with Heal. Sense Allies helps with such instances

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Wait, how big are these bugs? Big enough to conceal Arlen?

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Now that you mention it, no. They're tiny in size, so I didn't need to roll concealment for Arlen (pls feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here). From the text, the bug is concealed, but I don't think attaching makes the entire cube concealed.

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Huh, for some reason i wasn't getting any notifications from this discussion tab past few days. Must've hit the ignore new posts button. My apologies!
Got to say, I'm not liking the odds of us winning this fight, possibly even surviving it for some of us.
Apparently we just needed 2 nat20's. Arlen will live i hope!!

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Torrent has 3x lesser healing potions in her belt pouch and previously told the party this when we were taking supplies and figuring out who is carrying what.
There also is the Assisted Recovery activity (usually two actions) to reduce the flat DC to recover or end the bleed if the help is particularly relevant.

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You can also use Administer First Aid on bleed damage, but the issue (with the bloodseeker stats) is that no DC is listed. My gut would say to use the level based DC for the creature's level and that's what I did when I ran this adventure.
Toanthel is not trained in Medicine so his chances aren't great (and could crit fail easily) and he's already spend his focus point.

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That's what I've been doing for the escape attempts -- using level based DC.