Will usually try to move in close, then Flurry of maneuvers, to grab, then kick an opponent. (will need to adjust for MAP) [dice=Athletics, Grapple]1d20+19[/dice] [dice=Dragon Tail]1d20+17[/dice]
Classes/Levels : NG Human Monk 8 | HP 112 | AC25 | Fort 15E Ref 17M Will 17E | Speed 40ft | Perc +16/Init +18 |
played by
The Roxtar
Berwick Winetrout
N Small Humanoid Cleric (Warpriest) 8| HP: 80 | AC: 25 | Perception +16 | Fort +13 Reflex +12 Will +16 | Move 25’ | Pilgrims Token
played by