Mylivanni |

Seeing the last adjacent enemy fall, Myl puts her head down, and charges into the next room to confront the Necromancer.
Double Move
"Ahhh! You're going to wish you'd never taken up the black arts"!

Tiberius Vorrack Kerrhylon |

apologies, been sickly these past several days.
Tibs steps up enough to see the remaining enemy and lets out a another stream of fire form his finger.
firebolt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
damage: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Then a thought occurs to him.
Ah! Are we wanting to take any of them alive? I say, it may be the most useful course of action in the long term.

Donal the Seeker |

Donal growls, They are fanatics, questioning them will do no good. They would sooner bite their tongues off before betray their cult!
EDIT: Reconsidering, Donal adds, But if you want to try... I would give it a shot.

GM Infinity |

Mylivanni ducks the noble dragonborn's line of fire on her way to confront the final necromancer, readying the sinister double bladed sword as the bolt shatters through the window leaving a mathematically perfect circle in the glass just behind the necromite.
His eyes flutter to the bodies on the floor, illuminated by the light of Evendur's spell. "Grr...Here for a massage?" the withered old man jests, the annoyance on his face as clear as the dead bugs under his fingernails "I'm afraid my touch is rather more chilled than that flower Jabav..." He takes the chain of his skull flail hand to hand pulling it taught, ready to ensare whichever blade or blunt strikes forth.
At the mention of a parlay, he distorts his voice to be as sweet as your dear ol' grandpa "...well now. You gonna kill me, sonny? You may take this finished and frail body, but I will transition..." Perhaps he was telling the truth. While Kelemvor had decisively taken the mantle of Lord of the Dead, Myrkul became Lord of Death...and Undeath. "Death's embrace is for all and is patient, but sure! The dead can always find you. Death's hand is everywhere...there is no door it cannot pass, nor guardian who can withstand it."
He must realize he has no chance...6 skilled adventurers against one old man. Yet regardless, seems to have the patience to let you decide.
Round 4
Donal, Mal, Gorn, Tiberius, Evendur, Mylivanni <--UP

Donal the Seeker |

Donal, as serious as you have ever seen him, speaks calmly and in a low even tone, Oh, death will not come quickly. Do you know how often the elderly fall and break a hip?
The warrior looks to Myl for the go ahead...

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I think we're waiting for Myl to make the call.
Having dispatched all that needed dispatching, Gorn calms down a moment and takes stock. The others are more than enough to clear up the final details, so his thoughts turn to a more practical nature.
Having lived near poverty--and poverty with _excellent_ taste is no picnic--he's always on the lookout to make a think that is not his, to be his.
He dispassionately paws through the swiftly-cooling copses, pocketing their weapons and looking for things of value.
That done he starts policing up the inside of the structure itself. From the outside he had guessed that this place would have a serviceable kitchen (because who can relax on an empty stomach?) so he starts sniffing around. If he's wrong he's gonna be -epically- disappointed.

GM Infinity |

Donal, the old necromite weighs your words, coming up with "So. Torture then, is your threat...yes, I would expect nothing less from the Flaming Fist." a flash of blue energy sparked from his eyes, but you could sense a hint of desperation in his voice.
Gorn, the bodies offer little besides their weapons. They were not even armored...not a scrap of leather to be found under their thick clothes. Each has a rather nasty looking dagger however that seem much more ceremonial than practical...the sheer length of it is rather absurd. Still, they might fetch a fair price (if the buyer could overlook the blatant symbolism of Bhaal that encircles the quillions, that is).
4 daggers and a human skull flail
During your search, you also happen to notice the scorched scar of a brand on each of their wrists. It seems to be a skull set within a circle, but without eyes or teeth. The dead necromite in the north room has a similar brand, but his is set within a triangle.
Sadly, there is no kitchen (perhaps thats why the lizard sellers were allowed to freely peddle in the courtyard). There are however numerous oils stashed in the two massuese parlors, a few so exotic you can't identify the herb infusion. Of course, oils purposed for use on the body may not be the best tasting when rubbed on a roast chicken, especially when necromancy is involved...but on the other hand sometimes 'secret' ingredients are notoriously unorthodox.
There also seems to be neverending hot water spewing forth in the large baths (that could make a lot of noodles). On closer inspection, its rather alkaline and you find tiny spongelike pores on the surface of the stone that prevent the waters from overflowing (one could also of course remove the snug little plug at the bottom). Nearby are a few clean towels and stacks of neatly packaged soap, and some kind of perfume you suppose is meant to be poured in the water.
Mysteriously, and quite unintentionally, you do find some footprints. Tiny like a rabbit or bird, but tridactyl like...well, you strain to think of a creature that could leave such tracks. They are near the entrance and partially dissolving in the water spilled onto the marble by Mal, seeming to wander in and back out again.

"Mal" Malaric |

Having murdered his first person, albeit in self-defense, the mean-looking halfling is feeling extraordinarily confident. He heads into the north room and looks for a secret door. But, he is of no help to anyone usually hearing his information, instead of looking for it.
Investigation: 1d20 ⇒ 1 Or helps, someone with a higher modifier.

GM Infinity |

What looks to be a hairline crack in the tile grout on the wall turns out the be the secret door you were informed of, and with a slight *click* the door swings inward slightly.
You are rewarded with a blast of sewer/death stench that blends sickly with the oils and perfumes (and incense) of the bathhouse. Inside is a stairway leading down around a corner some 20 ft...smooth stone steps and brick walls. A pair of sconces still hold a few sputtering torches but farther down is black.
Your passive check was actually enough. *thumbs up*

"Mal" Malaric |

Mal opens the secret door and catches his gag reflex from the stench. He takes out both short swords and starts prowling down the stairs.
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Mylivanni |

Sorry guys. Work is slamming me at the moment.
"I have often thought that the only good necromancer is a "permanently" dead one".
Then Myl hears the snick of the secret door.
"Ah. Perhaps this gives us another option. Let's tie him up and bring him behind the secret door... perhaps with the rest of these corpses as well.".
"So what do you think? Leave them here as a warning, or stash them behind the secret entrance"?

Evendur "Grim" Greymantle |

Evendur was hard on killing this cultist but sees him now as a pathetic old man, speither scared of death or scared of the cult... and one who maybe has something up his sleeve.
Insight: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
He decides to draw him out...
I have forever - and not the hollow illusion you've been pedalled, and sheathes his sword...

Donal the Seeker |

Donal comes in hard with a shove of his shield He would have walked up next to Evendur when talking to the old man... slamming the man up against the wall!
Strength (Athletics): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Then steps back, dropping the cultist to the floor and opening up an angle for Grim to finish the fool whether K.O.ing him or killing him...

GM Infinity |

Jump out the window? No, he is much too decrepit for such acrobatics. Ignite the oils? No, he is without a brand and hands full anyways. Cast some devious spell? No, this ones casting ability are only in their infancy...the claws of the grave he summoned earlier had the signs of a novice, more likely he's a one trick pony.
Still, his willingness to allow you to continue unchecked, without offering his life in a violent defense, might suggest he knows something you don't know. Or perhaps he isn't a watchguard at all but was rather in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Athletics vs Donal: 1d20 ⇒ 10
At Grim's goading, he mumbles in a devilish language (Abyssal), making some kind of sign of anointment over the Doomguide...like a rite you might give a dead body to send it away. But the ritual is cut short as a 4 ft wall of wood and steel, anointed with its own blessings of Torm crush the necromite against the hard marble, crushing his throat instantly and sending him into a coughing and sputtering gasp.
Donal's rush forward also causes the man's chain to snag on a wet towel, pulling it off the massage table to reveal what looks like a child's severed leg. Most of it is covered in maggots, save the meaty calf which is quite nicely preserved and glistens with oil.

GM Infinity |

Mal, the stairs turn a sharp 90 and soon the torchlight from above isn't enough to prevent the corridor from slipping into total darkness. You hear the sound of gently sloshing water and creaking of wood coming from below. One or both of the torches could be removed, or you could carry on relying on other senses.

GM Infinity |

Doh of course, from sorcerer. Hadn't marked it.
The brick walls eventually become hewn limestone as the stairs continue another 40 feet or so. They end at a large murky pool which, needless to say, smells incredibly bad. The murk makes it difficult to see the bottom or gauge the depth by sight alone.
The ceiling here is about 9 ft off the surface of the water, and bisected by a large supportive wooden beam which looks...unsafe to say the least.
Near the middle of the pool, you see a shirtless bloated corpse with many knife wounds in its back bobbing up and down.
On the other side of the pool (about 15 ft across) you can see 2 open passages which seem to either dead end or turn a corner.

"Mal" Malaric |

Mal returns upstairs to report what he found wondering what’s taking them so long with the old man.
It was only after he reached the top that he realized that His Mistress Shar had opened his third eye and he could see within Her Darkness.

Tiberius Vorrack Kerrhylon |

Tibs, for his part, is more than happy to remain in the background for most of this. However, when told of the chamber, he would, after covering his mouth with a scented cloth, make his way down to investigate further.
Any check to know if and what type of ritual potentially happened here? And if any effects of it are still about?

GM Infinity |

Tib, you could try Arcana or Religion if you are just trying to sense the surroundings at the bottom of the step. If you had a light source and entered the nasty water (or somehow brought the body to you) you could examine it more closely with something like Investigation, Medicine, or History.

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"Ah. Perhaps this gives us another option. Let's tie him up and bring him behind the secret door... perhaps with the rest of these corpses as well."."So what do you think? Leave them here as a warning, or stash them behind the secret entrance"?
Seeing the piles of soap, and knowing how hard it is to find good soap, Gorn dumps the bathsoap and accompanying perfumes into his sack. Then, just because he wants to be a jerk to this dumb place, he pulls the plug. (Also, with this many dead bodies around, there could be more in the pool. You never know.)
After hearing the good suggestion to hide the bodies behind the newly revealed secret door, Gorn unceremoniously grabs them by the ankles and dumps them into the secret corridor.
If nothing more interesting happens, he'll shrug, grab one of the torches, and see what everyone else is doing.

GM Infinity |

On Mylivanni's command, Gorn takes on the grunt work of piling up the dead and intermittently flatulating carcasses just inside the hidden egress. Presumably placing the unconscious/dead necromite at the bottom of the doggy pile, he loves the dead after all.
What next all? Reminder, first room below has been described by Mal in character.
The ceiling here is about 9 ft off the surface of the water, and bisected by a large supportive wooden beam which looks...unsafe to say the least.
Near the middle of the pool, you see a shirtless bloated corpse with many knife wounds in its back bobbing up and down.
On the other side of the pool (about 15 ft across) you can see 2 open passages which seem to either dead end or turn a corner.

"Mal" Malaric |

When the group is ready to proceed down the stairs, Mal takes the lead with one of his shortswords in hand. He tries to stay 30 feet ahead but has short legs.
Down at the bottom, he'll check out the open passage to the left first.

Donal the Seeker |

Donal left the man alive, at Myl's suggestion warning, If we leave him alive, he will kill again. If we need information, I will make it work, but if not... we'd best let Grim take care of him. I believe our Doomguide may be able to convince this fool that Kelemvor can deny him a rightful place by the Three's side.
Looking at Mal waiting for them, he continues, Though, do we really need him?

Evendur "Grim" Greymantle |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Bind him, gag him and put him with the dead. I'll take him to our temple for more robust and expert questioning when we have explored the passage, which I hazard leads to their unholy shrine.
He waves his enchanted light around vaguely before heading to the passage down.
I have little left in terms of blessings from Kelemvor. I retain enough to save one of our number from a grevious wound or similar, that and simple blessings such as this light. Let us hope the cultists here lack competence.

"Mal" Malaric |

Mal, just to be clear there is no walking path around the water down there (its wall to wall after the last step), and no one knows how deep it is. Still proceeding?
Ack! No way. Didn't understand that at all. Thanks for the clarification. Did the water level change in the basement when Gorn pulled the plug upstairs?
Mal waits on dry land in the basement unwilling to tempt the dead water alone.

Evendur "Grim" Greymantle |

Evendur walks down the stairs and looks at the water.
Curious... anyone have a line and a weight? This is a wonderful opportunity for traps hidden underwater.
He holds up his light, looking for signs or scratches into the walls.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Investigation: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

GM Infinity |

Grim, you notice multicolored ring stains forming layers up the limestone walls a few feet above the current water level...similar to what you might see in a pond that often dries up and refills. Otherwise they are for the most part untouched from their original hewning.
The supportive wooden beam just a few feet above your heads is a different story, looking both consumed by termites and rotten with age. You'd wager one or two good whacks would have a decent chance of bringing the entire ceiling down.
Also, I neglected to ask earlier Grim, what object did you cast light on?

Donal the Seeker |

Donal joins the rest after helping to tie up the old man and throw him into the pile of the dead, What are we waiting for?
Looking at the disgusting water, the warrior grimaces and walks past everyone and wades in.
Using his war mace, Donal will poke about, like one would a ten foot pole, but just in the square before him as he makes his way forward...
Wisdom (Perception)?: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

GM Infinity |

Tib, while you can't make out anything as specific as spell school or pinpoint a location, there is some residual arcane energy suffused in the limestone of this place that matches a memory. It's that unique sensation somewhere just inside your spine, locking you into attentiveness...something compelling you to worship. While the effect is far from overpowering you, here the tapestry of the Weave has that distasteful pattern of the divine.
Meanwhile Donal steps off the final stair, and perhaps the only thing passing through his mind is 'Oh s$&@!'. There is that momentary panic in that instant of freefall, when you have no idea when the ground will reach your feet...
But it comes almost instantly, the water being only about 2 feet deep (to Mal's horror). Heroically he strides through the unseen muck on the bottom, feeling it squish beneath his sabatons and the head of the champions mace. Perhaps for the second time, he thinks 'Oh, s##*.' as the identity of the mysterious muck is learned.
DC 10 Con save or vomit a minute as you acclimate to walking through sewage poorly masked by the perfumed waters from above. It's like those bathroom cake fresheners that somehow only make it worse. ;P
You can see the nearest tunnel branching south quickly turns east, while the other southern passage seems to shortly end in a small chamber. You pass under the wooden beam looking up, and your curiosity is rewarded with a light rain of very fine limestone dust, loosened by your steps...but the beam holds. As you pace around demonstrating the pool's safety to your companions, the pale corpse bobs nearby, uncaring.

Evendur "Grim" Greymantle |

Evendur grimaces and slides down into the water, now stirred up with aged turds rising to the surface.
Con: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
But the Doomguide has dealt with the dead so much, whether it be cleaning the filth and the last of the bodies wastes from the departed, or with rotting corpses so much as to be desensitised.
Implacable, the priest powers forward with no other thoughts on his mind than the eradication of this aberrant and evil cult. He brushes by the water logged corpse with as much disregard as one would brush past an old acquaintance.
Check it, he says indicating the body with a nod of his head while he moved with his shield held high and looking at the wooden beam, then to the passage east.
Is there a secret passage above?, he wonders, looking up beyond the beam.
Investigation: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

GM Infinity |

Grim, you take a close look at the pattern of thin cracks spreading over a large patch of the limestone ceiling, like a spiderweb, just above the joist.
You remember from your time in Ormpetarr (when you were still little, having not yet met Albus), stumbling upon how the monks could neutralize bodily acids that threatened to accelerate the decay of a corpse with finely crushed malachite. When combined, a strange sort of liquid 'storm in the stone' would come to life that fascinated you. The same kind of...curious response...is happening here, you come to reason.
Either a splash of strong acid or a weak acid over time has dissolved the softer parts of the limestone...the resultant product being a fine powder acting to hold it all together by chance. You estimate from the size of the spread and the size of the rocks that should the wooden support here fail or be destroyed, the weight would be too much and that portion of the ceiling would collapse outright. But then again...more likely the moisture that has seeped into the powder has strengthened it into more of a cement, and would hold it aloft.
Either way, with a tool and a tenday, you could theoretically excavate upwards without much resistance.
But is this all concealing an entrance upwards? You think not.

"Mal" Malaric |

Con DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Mal is finally overwhelmed by his gag reflex and starts to hurl in technicolor everything that he has eaten for the past day. Then, start dry heaving.
After a minute or so, he sheathes his sword and nonverbally begs for someone to carry him across the sewage.

Mylivanni |

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 CON Save
Mylivanni seems distracted and has to be urged to join any conversations seems something is on her mind.
So this is what leadership is all about. It is most stressful. Am I cut out for this role, or am I better suited to follow? The responsibility is taxing... but I must push through".

Donal the Seeker |

Con save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Gods dammit, dice roller! You are ruining my cool! XD
Donal looks like he is handling himself quite well, for a whole 5 seconds. The erupting spew is violent and forceful!
Gods... Donal gasps as he wipes the vomit from his face with the back of his hand, I hate this job... *BLEARGHHHH*

Evendur "Grim" Greymantle |

Evendur regards the vomiting expressionlessly for a few moments, renews his light spell and then moves east.

GM Infinity |

You trod through the sludge down the south corridor, leaving the body and unexplored antechamber behind. Mercifully, after the passage turns east you only have to bear the foul waters another 50 ft as pair of steps rises up to dry stone again and winds back south.
Eventually, you reach a 4-way crossroads in a small 15 ft chamber, as you are presented with 3 closed doors each sporting an intricate design:
East Door. A tall, armored man wearing a bucket helm. His right gauntlet is painted black and clutches a set of shackles.
West Door. A powerfully built, skull-headed man with long, curved blades where his hands should be.
South Door. A cloaked figure whose face is hidden under a cowl. In his skeletal hands, he clutches a screaming human skull.
The untrustworthy cracks in the ceiling have followed you to this crossroads and seem to be a common theme of this under-realm.

Donal the Seeker |

Intelligence (Religion): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22This f-ing dice roller, man...
Donal still spitting, to get that vomit taste out of his mouth, indicates the East door, Bane.
The West, Bhaal.
Lastly, the South, Myrkul. We have found the Dead Three, boys.

Evendur "Grim" Greymantle |

I'd love to kick in a door buuuuuut ... none of these gods or worshippers are fools. Look for a trap or ambush , he says quietly.

"Mal" Malaric |

The mean-looking halfling looks a bit green around the gills and squeaks, "I've a skeleton key to unlock doors and chests, but I'm not good at traps and stuff. I'm a Rumorist not a Burglar."