[5e] Descent into Avernus (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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dragonborn(red) Sorcerer 3 (storm) HP: 21/21| AC: 13 | Saves: Str: +1, Dex: +2, Con: +4, Int: +1, Wis: +0, Cha:+5| Resist (fire)

Tibs fires another bolt of flame at the leader.

firebolt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
damage: 1d10 ⇒ 4

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Gorn slams into the iron consul's shield in a tremendous blow, the rivets cracking and sending tiny wooden splinters showering into the water. Yig drops the remnants and quickly adjusts to a 2-handed grip on the spear's shaft, obviously having some experience teaching recruits the mastery of such weapons. AC 16 now With a quick flourish deflecting the bolt of fire from Tiberius off his spear point.

Dex vs Grim: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Dex vs Grim, advantage: 1d20 ⇒ 6

But Grim's sacred energy found a weakness in his soul, and what began as a irritating tingle rapidly spread into a roaring combustion bursting at the man's heart, throwing him off balance. Donal sought to capitalize on the distraction and rushed...

Str vs Donal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Str vs Donal, advantage: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

...yet the battle hardened veteran had learned to never sacrifice awareness in combat, and stood his ground.

Int vs Mal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Int vs Mal, advantage: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

All the while the halfling toyed with his mind, although was finding it difficult to map an incursion into the mental landscape.

Tactical Discipline. The iron consul has advantage on all ability checks and saving throws made during combat.

Round 5:
Evendur, Malaric, Gorn, Donal, Myl, Tib
The Iron Consul <---

Iron Consul 24/45 hp, 16 AC

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The commander, clearly outnumbered and sensing little options, disengages from the melee, stepping backwards up the stairs towards the shackled captive while deflecting blows. "*huff pant* I'll end this one right now, I swear. Whatever payment his family offered ye, you'll not get it..."

The excitement seems to further torture the bound man, covered in dried blood and tears "Yes, its me, Klim! Klim Jasso! Don't you remember me Tiberius?" he pleads.

Medicine 10:
The captive looks quite close to death.1 hp

"Quiet, you. Now. You turn and rout, I'll let this one follow. You could get out of this with a tidy sum. *coughs up blood* Step closer he's finished, and while ye might just best me, the Death's Head'll find ye...twist yer mind to mush and discover new and interesting places to cut ye for weeks...come on now, use yer heads."

He doesn't seem to be lying.

Round 6:
Evendur, Malaric, Gorn, Donal, Myl, Tib <---
The Iron Consul

Captive and Yig are up the small set of stairs to the west near the suit of armor (the little star on map), within 30 from all.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Too bad, you have misread this situation, Donal says calmly as he heads up the stair.

Wisdom (Insight): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 What is the Insight DC?

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Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

That's fine. Donal weighs one life against the myriad that will die at this man's hands...

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

Evendur trusts in the sacred wrath of his god not to hit the captive...

DC13: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

At the flash of Grim's holy flame, Donal breaks into a run, taking two steps at a time and swings at the spear wielding cultist!

War mace: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11:(

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Round 6:
Evendur, Malaric, Gorn, Donal, Myl, Tib <---
The Iron Consul

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

The mean-looking halfling subtly finds a blind-spot of the Iron Consul and casually drops a dagger into his hand.
bonus action to hide: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

When he sees the sudden movement of Donal, he shrugs and moves with 20 feet and throws his dagger.
thrown dagger: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 211d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
sneak attack?: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Silver Crusade

Init:+3 | Perc: +5| Insp = | +5/d8+3|Shillelagh| Berries: | Shape: 2/2|W:+6 D:+4 C:+4 Druid 3 {Circle of the M00n}| AC 16 | HP 27/27 | 1st: 3/4 2nd: 2/2

"Tidy sum, how tidy we talking? Is it tidy enough to keep us in the best food around? By that of course I mean deep fried flumph. You crack it in two, take the guts out, sauté it in vinegar and garlic and add a dash of HEY LOOK A DISTRACTION!"

Aid action to Donal. Advantage to his war mace attack.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Advantage: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
If hit, damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

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Round 6:
Evendur, Malaric, Gorn, Donal, Myl, Tib <---
The Iron Consul

Any tricks up your sleeve, Tib?

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Ill nudge things on tonight if Tib doesn't show, roughly 8 hours.

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Perception vs Mal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Tactical Discipline: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

As Donal surges forward, Malaric (surely under the favor of the God of Thieves herself) melts into the shadows. The Tormtar's mace knocks Yig's face sideways just enough for the halfling's dagger to find a path through the thousand chain links.

Dex vs Grim: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Tactical Discipline: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Truly miraculously, at the same time the undying spark of Kelemvor's spirit seeks a nostalgic return to mortal justice, setting the Banite's heart again aflame.

Mylivanni does her best to take down the morally rival commander...

Attack1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Attack2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

...but the awkwardness of the double-bladed scimitar seems at a disadvantage for this tactical environment.

Malaric, since you attacked from hidden you have advantage. Its again the situation where you already hit, but could roll for crit.

Yig 12/45 hp, 16 AC

Round 6:
Evendur, Malaric, Gorn, Donal, Myl, Tib
The Iron Consul <---

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

no whammies: 1d20 ⇒ 17

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"So you believe, man of the Vale." and with that, Yignath the Iron Consul of Bane, thrust his spearpoint deep into the soft and already quite lacerated abdomen of the noble Klim Jhasso. To the dainty man's merit, he held onto life up to the moment Yig twisted the point, dislocating a small section of the tortured man's spinal column. With that final sick *pop* the nobles head sagged...but it was not over.

The evil of Bane went far beyond the simple murderous intent of Bhaal.

Jhasso, or rather his corrupted life essence now flitting between worlds and now eternal captive of Bane, screeched the ear-piercing sound of the damned. In a burst of thick and strangely sweet smelling light this quantum of soul-energy appeared to conduct a great transference. Not to Yig, but to the suit of armor recessed in the north wall!

The suit of armor that was tightly welded together save a pair of ornate black gauntlets.

The Black Hands of Bane.

These possessed gauntlets detached from their mundane host, taking flight and seeking to pummel the intruders to a similar fate.

So, the hands popped off the suit and are now acting like animated objects attacking the party.

Leftie vs Donal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Bludgeoning: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Rightie vs Donal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Yig vs Donal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

"Now you can be certain, you will know death this day. For it is our Lord of Darkness to choose to rule for all eternity as the ultimate tyrant. The Black One, who can induce hatred and strife at whim, and all will bow down before Him while in His kingdom." the gauntlets surge with power and strike again...

Leftie vs Donal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Rightie vs Donal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Donal takes 4. Party up.

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Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal spits a little blood and ignores the gauntlets, swinging at Yig, I won't kill you right away... I will consecrate you to Torm first, so you will be eternally separated from you beloved god.

War mace: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

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AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

What in the ever bless'ed name of Kelemvor?!!! This bastard just keeps being villainous LOL

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

The mean-looking halfling backs out of the way of those animated gauntlets within line of sight to the Iron Consul. We puts his hand in his pocket gripping his crystal and whispers, "Shar."

Mind Sliver DC 13 Int: 1d6 ⇒ 4

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dragonborn(red) Sorcerer 3 (storm) HP: 21/21| AC: 13 | Saves: Str: +1, Dex: +2, Con: +4, Int: +1, Wis: +0, Cha:+5| Resist (fire)

No tricks sadly, I'm fairly "blunt force" far as magic goes atm. But, if you have a good hammer, what isn't a nail?

How, dare you! You filthy common mongrel! Is all Tibs exclaims at the man performs his sacrifice on his fellow noble. His anger causes electrical currents to erupt and flow over his scales and arcs outward every so often.
He stares the man down before speaking in a cold, threatening voice.

You will know the fury of the storm.

His eyes glow blue with crackling energy as he coalesces the entirety of it into his hand before unleashing it in a thunderous roar. The lightning arcs from Tibs hand into Yignath.

lightning arc (flame bolt): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
damage: 2d10 ⇒ (4, 7) = 11

Felt like a good time for that thing to happen.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

How dramatic!!!

The stroke of lightning causes Donal to jump as it flashes past his shoulder, Tibs, you had to make me a liar, eh?

Do the gauntlets go inert, or are they still a threat?

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Int vs Mal: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Tactical Discipline: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Donal's promise is punctuated by a thin line of red streaming from the iron consul's nose. And while Malaric's divine jinx wavers its still enough to distract the man from the impending magic of the dragonborn.

Yignath loses control of his muscles ability to contract and expand as tiny blue lines of current writhe across nearly every inch of his body like a swarm of ants. The spear acts like a grounding rod for the energy, but unfortunately this means the electricity must pass fully through the iron consuls chest. His back muscles tighten so extremely that it is enough to break his back, and there is one less servant of Bane in Baldur's Gate.

Arcana 12:
You believe something similar to a wild magic burst just animated from within Tiberius' body. Somehow the creature's blood altered the cantrip's usual workings, the pattern of the weave appearing as a mirror-image of itself before twisting into something completely new. Whatever it is, the effect seems quite unstable and probably dangerous.

The gauntlets, for their part, having either lost their conduit to this place with Yig's death or Bane himself perhaps losing interest in his inept servants, flop to the ground.

Combat over.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal moves over to the noble and checks to make certain that they are not saveable, deep down knowing the answer...

Wisdom (medicine): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

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The dead man's many wounds are ritualistic and precise, his torturers seeking areas to maximize pain while still extending the period of time they might continue their sick torment. The oldest wounds are scabbed with a few days growth, suggesting he's been captive for less than a tenday.

He remains upright in his shackles, and its then you notice Yig was carrying an iron ring with 7 large keys.

History 15, Tiberius has advantage due to noble background:
You've heard a rumor of this Klim Jhasso. With a dead mother and ailing patriar, his three younger siblings constantly squabble over cravings of their inheritance. The trading coster that the family part-owns is well past its glory days. Any ransom or reward was probably pretty unlikely...they're the type that'd prefer splitting the inheritance 3 ways instead of 4...

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AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

The priest performs last rights over the murdered victim, and uses one of the Coins of Kelemvor as a marker that he is worthy of a righteous funeral - a sign or hint that this man is a victim, not a perpetrator or conspirator with this evil. No doubt his family would pay for a better class of funeral but the fact the coin was used would be a comfort to them... and maybe a hedge against damage to their reputation.

Such is politics. And the Church of Kelemvor, by dint of their purview of faith, struggled to make allies and benefactors.

Once done? He is careful to decapitate each of the evil doers lest they rise again from the dead.

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Grim, take inspiration for your 'righteous' roleplay. ;D

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5


Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

History: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

The eyebrows of the mean-looking halfling shoot up when he sees Grim start to hack off the heads. He tries to change the subject, "I've heard a rumor of this Klim Jhasso. With a dead mother and ailing patriar, his three younger siblings constantly squabble over cravings of their inheritance. The trading coster that the family part-owns is well past its glory days. Any ransom or reward was probably pretty unlikely... they're the type that'd prefer splitting the inheritance 3 ways instead of 4..."

He collects his dagger and cleans it on the outfit of the Iron Consul before resheathing it.

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As the group recovered a moment from the adrenaline rush of battle, Mylivanni considered some options moving forward. "...that may be, Malaric. Nonetheless the Watch probably wont be happy about losing one of their charges..." She might be right. Honor actually meant something to the Watch of the Upper City, the duty being passed from generation to generation. Rather with the Flaming Fist, 'duty' is nothing more than as a mercenary fishes for coin. Still, the Watch was outnumbered and did not enjoy the wide scope of power the Flaming Fist exploited. Shame and scolding was about the best it could do, and of course the Fist hardly cared about ethics. "I wonder how they let a noble be captured in the first place."

As Klim's blood continues to let down his restraints, you notice that rather than pool and congeal it quickly evaporates upon the stone...

Religion 10:
The pillory Klim is bound to is actually a single piece of stone that anchors itself into the massive dais raising up from the waters nearby. Although simply adorned there is little doubt: its actually another religious altar. A material world focus for the essence of Bane.

As Grim performs his sacrament, he notes that besides the smooth iron keyring few things of worth lie scattered here. Some chainmail, shields, a few maces, a crossbow...they are outfitted as soldiers, not explorers or guerrillas. Their personal belongings must be stored elsewhere. With the exception of being dead, they also seem both well fed and surprisingly in good hygiene...there must be more to this dungeon hideout than stinkwater and decay.

The statuesque suit of armor is also there, minus its gauntlets. The pieces are all fused together so it isn't really usable at the moment, but perhaps a blacksmith could break them apart and salvage something from it.

Exits: North takes you upstairs the way you came. East is a waterlogged door back where the crossbowman lie dead in the water. The 2 southern passages quickly connect to a single passage that rises up out of the water and ends at another door. So in short, you have a choice of east or south doors when ready. Map slightly updated.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Intelligence (Religion): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Grim, this man was sacrificed on an altar to Bane. His soul is likely forfeit to the dark god.

Is there any way to desecrate it, so that it is rendered unusable? Perhaps with a ritual?

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Regarding Desecration in the Realms. It is widely spread, by novice users of the divine Powers in their overtheoretical first sermons, that encountering an essence of one energy you must present its opposing energy in equal measure...a 'beam on a balance' in simpler terms. Thus the undead tip to expiration in the presence of positive energy, and the living wither and break exposed to the negative.

Tales of humans with this power to render holy altars no longer effective sweep as far to the south as Calimshan and beyond the eastern plateau of the Red Wizards. It is one of things that makes atheism so rare on the Coast, being such clear evidence of the gods touching our souls even when not in sight.

But just as many warn of the perils of desecrating a shrine. Few explain it so simply as 'bad luck' or 'misfortune'...rather the heretic is burdened with a sinister geas, a forced service at the whim of the mocked Power.

Still, many a drunk have misplaced the behind-the-tavern stone with a golden nude without consequence.

Sure, you could perform a ritual to desecrate it. Just use a spell with positive energy on it and make something up.

Silver Crusade

Init:+3 | Perc: +5| Insp = | +5/d8+3|Shillelagh| Berries: | Shape: 2/2|W:+6 D:+4 C:+4 Druid 3 {Circle of the M00n}| AC 16 | HP 27/27 | 1st: 3/4 2nd: 2/2

Gorn was clearly out of his league. A man of simple taste and few true needs, he took a dim view of all this talk of sacrifice and victims and dark tales. To roist and slaughter was his calling; just as he might slaughter more than most, so too his revels were special events. To be caught down in the pits made him uneasy.

While the more religious minded did what they felt they needed to, Gorn did the same, which was to collect what valuable bits could be had. Weapons, armor, it made no difference. They go into a sack to be pawned off at some later time.

That the armor was a solid piece might make carrying it actually easier. Hopefully someone could salvage it properly later.

"Shall we try to the East first?" he asks, obviously uncomfortable with the dark, dank room.

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Mm, what's that smell?

Gorn, as you approach the waterlogged door (the wood swelled in its frame and clearly needing a good whack to get open) the unmistakable odor of traditional northern Surströmming (fermented herring) tickles your olfactory pallete. A high-class feast indeed must lie beyond this door.

For others with less culinary experience, its the stench of repugnant rotten eggs and the vomit rising in the back of your mouth will surely taste better.

Survival 10 or Leatherworking Proficiency:
That memorable smelling gas is well known to be quite flammable, occuring naturally near waste pits of large clusters of civilization. But even the smallest orc families over time can produce massive quantities of the hazard, the gas being heavier than air it can become trapped and stay in the same pits that generate it.

It's also something that must be responsibly dealt with in the effluent waters of leathercraft, being the most common cause of fires and explosions in metropolitan tanneries.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

I will have my elder colleague from the shrine we visited earlier assist with the cleansing of the altar... assuming we live. Alas, I am out of ability to draw on anything other than basic power until I rest and pray.

He sniffs, makes a face... then his expression lights up with comprehension, albeit tinged with worry... we need to leave. And right now at that. We Doomguide's hunt evil in many places, including Mines. Some of our writings speak of bad air in mines that explodes when flames draw too near. Let us go[/b].

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal nods, That seems wise. Are we sure that there are no more hiding here?

He grimaces when he catches the foul stench, ready to be done with this place, but understands his duty if the commander tells them to finish.

EDIT: One more door to the South, let us at least check it... Gorn! Anything through that one?

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Just as a little drop of meta, you guys are about 1/3rd through the content down here. Of course your characters wouldnt have any idea.

Perception 12, South Door:
An odd assortment of sounds bounces through the pipes in the walls leading behind the southern door. For one, much skitting and scraping, like 100 furious professors scribbling with chalk on a blackboard. This is combined with a low song, from a single female performer...Malaric would think it sounded a bit like Infernal, but Tiberius might counter that certain elements appear to be ancient Draconic.

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

There could be a holy avenger +5 but with our current state of wounds/resources we really shouldn't push it

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Grim, you are certainly the worst off since you missed the last long rest. The crypt room where the Myrkites played dead is a good example of a defensible chamber within the dungeon if you don't want to completely pull out. As before, and as you might imagine, repopulation of cleared rooms and the addition of new threats would be a possible consequence of such a hit-n-run type of assault.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Once we see that there is more to go, I think that we might have to be more tactical. Maybe moving in a clearing pattern, like SWAT clearing an area...

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

Survival 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Perception 12: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Mal sniffs at the air and cautions the team. "The air is flammable. Avoid using any open flames while we can smell it."

Taking his turn listening to the south door, the mean-looking halfling whispers, "sounds like lots rats or insects behind the door. And some chick is singing in Infernal. Can't be good."

He stands back, way back. How they would combat swarms without fire greatly concerns him.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal shakes his head, Without flame, I will be blind in there and of no use. Grim, Tiberius, do we have any supernatural light that we can use?

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

I do indeed... it's one of the few things besides my skill with a sword I can offer at the moment.

dragonborn(red) Sorcerer 3 (storm) HP: 21/21| AC: 13 | Saves: Str: +1, Dex: +2, Con: +4, Int: +1, Wis: +0, Cha:+5| Resist (fire)


Tibs will move to inspect his, friend was a strong word, but perhaps the truth of it. He will aid in tending to the man.


Hmmm. A bit of infernal, though I also hear draconic, mostly the old form of it, but its there...

At the request of life, he seems to harrumph a bit.

Can I make light? Of course I can. I dare say... He rambles on about the slight insult to his abilities, but does cast light for the group during his ramblings.

Also, I've still much of my magical strength remaining, though I... do admit, my injuries are starting to wear on me.

I have 2 more 1st level spells, and 2 sorcery points, which is basically another 1st level spell.

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With the torches extinguished, the party breaches the seal...wading into the cesspit at the dungeon's heart. Its revolting, its gagging, its your dead grandpa's farts times a thousand. Luckily the thickest layer hovers gently on the water's surface in a greenish haze, a few feet below the nose you struggle to keep covered (or so it was for the tall-folk).

You pass more rickety supports...this chamber has certainly been heavily braced on both the left and right sides. And those pillars of rotted planks would be the perfect hiding spot for a nightblood...but as the party rounds the next corner, it seems clear only a few oddly fattened rats nocturne in the dank edges of this hell-hole.

Some stairs now to the south, or continue on in the murk to the east. Slight map nudge.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Mal, are you scouting ahead?

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You could roll stealth/perception/whatever for both passages if so.

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

Mal scouts ahead.

Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

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I'll assume you meant east when I update in a few hours unless otherwise stated.

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