[5e] Descent into Avernus (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

The not so mean-looking halfling lowers his shortsword, since it didn't elicit the response of fear that he tried.

Next to Tarina, he whispers, "So, where's the Dead Three?"

Ready an Attack if threatened in melee: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 91d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5
Evendur "Grim" Greymantle wrote:

Evendur sighs, disappointment evident they hadn't broken and fled yet...

Why are we doing this the hard way... a waste.

He strides forward towards the nearest foe.

1d20 + 4 for 1d8 + 2

His swing is half hearted, almost theatrically wide over the top of his opponent's head.

1 to hit... but max damage... figures :D

Given I would have gone after the boss enemy and seen the hit had I waited to post, can I retro in a bonus action healing word?

Female High Elf/ PP 13, AC 17, HP 22/21, Action Surge 1/1 Fighter / 2, (Saves) STR +4, DEX +1, CON +4, WIS +1, CHA +0

Myl has never had such a lack of skill. Was it the smoke in the room. Was she ill. Her eyes set on the pirate she presses the attack.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Wicked Knife 1
2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 3) + 2 = 6 deep cuts.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 One of these scimitars.
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 and another.

I need to sharpen Wicked knife 1 and see if it needs to be rebalanced.

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Sure no problem, Grim :D

Silver Crusade

Init:+3 | Perc: +5| Insp = | +5/d8+3|Shillelagh| Berries: | Shape: 2/2|W:+6 D:+4 C:+4 Druid 3 {Circle of the M00n}| AC 16 | HP 27/27 | 1st: 3/4 2nd: 2/2
GM Infinity wrote:
Gorn 11/15

Whoa there, Tex! The delectable SnaX that I had ingested earlier gave me 2 temporary hp (denoted by the [2] in the ACTION! bar). His blow has merely let me burn off all those calories. Delicious, delicious calories. Gorn 13/15. =3

"Gah!" Gorn bellows as the pirate lands a hit! A palpable hit. The brief flare of pain berns away the bonhomie his earlier apertif had garnered and his berserker fury is momentarily calmed with a tide of rationality.

"I could ask you the same thing! Why are you trying, and failing, to cut your way through a squad of Fists just to get at someone that is obviously part of your past? Clearly she doesn't want to see you with no clothes on anymore. And if she owes you money for allegedly cheating at 'Bones', well, you've got three dead men behind for your troubles and two angry warriors still beating on you. If you end up dead right now will you ever be able to see anything of her's again? Dude, have you even -heard- of the Sunk Cost Fallacy?"

Then the red-tinge returns to his vision and the blood-lust takes hold of fist and tongue.

"But no! You stand here like a moon-struck teen who's never rolled in the hay! So we will NOT say 'hold'! We will NOT say 'enough'. We WILL say, Ein, Zwei, amen and attack!"

Attack!: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Damage!: 2d6 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4, 2) + 3 + 2 = 11

While swinging the hammer he crammed his last bacon-and-lamb biscuit into his mouth because nothing tastes better than eating in combat. Of course maybe it affected his aim but it doesn't matter because bacon.

Bonus action to eat last SnaX. +2 temp hp.

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AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

So his was 13 and not 11 after the hit?. no need to healing word then... also bacon? Mhmmmmm

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Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal walks past the man with the civilian, as if daring him to attack him. If he takes an Attack of Opportunity with his dagger, I will take that opportunity to attack, since he has to take the blade from her throat.

War mace, if he takes a swing: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

dragonborn(red) Sorcerer 3 (storm) HP: 21/21| AC: 13 | Saves: Str: +1, Dex: +2, Con: +4, Int: +1, Wis: +0, Cha:+5| Resist (fire)

I wwant to say Tibs merely knocks them out... but, I don't think he would. 1. He wouldn't think to, 2. He likely wouldn't care to, and 3. As a noble, you don't leave enemies alive that can come back for revenge, however unlikely XD.

Again, apologies for all this dear boy, but you did make your own decisions. May you find a fairer fate in the next world.

As he finishes his statement, he sends a pulse of electricity running down his arm into his staff, which coalesces in a sapphire gem embedded and wrapped in wood at its tip. He gives a small thwak on the pirate lads arm which causes the electric charge to course through the poor sod.

shocking grasp: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8

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Grim, quite annoyed at the state of this 'battle' finds his way through the smoke to the man guarding the entrance. But the heavy stride of his boot startled a flock of river herons soaking up some warmth on the cobbles outside, and the pirate had ample warning of his approach.

Gorn, ah yes prof bonus treats. Won't be the last time I miss that, surely. I'll keep an eye for it and mark on my tracker as well.

Gorn unleashes a confusing yet erudite barrage into the concentrated swordplay of the high seas master, but it seems he understands only one thing "Sunk Cost?! So, yer after me buried treasure too then, eh?!" Dead-eye's paranoia renews focus on the Heartlands chef, making it much harder for Shellcracker to find its mark.

But it was just the distraction Mylivanni needed. The lack of pommel made counterpoise with the double-bladed scimitar unpredictable, but those chaotic fluctuations could also be a boon. Rushing forward as Dead-eye presented an opening, the top blade's momentum was awkward...but simultaneously the bottom blade vaulted into a perfect legsweep, raking the captain's calf with a line of red. If he let that get infected, there might be a wooden peg in his future for sure.

"Wha-? What are you doing? Get back! I'll slice the b%#!+!" the goon sputtered to Donal as he deviously baited his attack. "I'm warning you, last chance!" But the attempts at intimidation were quite flacid, and the hardened Seeker knew the tenets of sacrifice...

AoO Donal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

...besides, this little boy wasn't going to get anywhere near his vitals. *crack* another body hit the floor. P5 dead

Tiberius, a rare noble in the Lower City, was apparently not as helpless as stereotypes would have it. The coursing ion discharge made the pirate's skin flubber and flap and dance as it crashed into a pile of glass bottles. P4 terminated

With Malaric "Heh, you really would like to know, wouldn't you? What's your game? Aren't you that Nightcloak that slinks around the book-sellers joint? How is it you're running errands for a toolbox like Zodge?"

Foe hps:

Dead-eye -4-7-4
P6 not wounded
P7 not wounded

Round 3:
Gorn, Mylivanni, Donal, Tiberius, Malaric
Dead-eye, Goons <--UP

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Crunching on a few fennel seeds as an after-meal breath freshener, the gnome removed his bib and waved it like a little flag hopping onto his table "Friend? Sir? Pirate Captain Sir!? Yes, over here. It's me, Chipluck. Hi there!! I'm here to make your day a little brighter. That lovely lady you've got your heart set on is right over there!" pointing out the private dining area.

Tarina groans "Ugh...I'm going to gut that little turnip farmer..."

Dead-eye's face delights "Aha! So, you were hiding her!" his eyes go wild, perhaps jacked up on some illegally imported Silkroot from Mulmaster, as he tries to hack through the bodies blocking his way like a Chlutan jungle...

Multi1 vs Myl: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Multi2 vs Myl: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Multi3 vs Gorn: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Dmg to Myl: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
CritDmg to Gorn: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7 snack and rage reduce the knife's damage to 1, just like in real life

Mylvianni unfortunately takes the full brunt of the gnome's betrayal, anger beyond anger swelling inside as her consciousness departs. The blade gets caught just on the side of her stomach, her arm reflexively pinching it close. With a final tug Dead-eye retrieves the sidearm, spilling elven blood in the Elfsong tavern for the first time in 47 years. "Har har! Now you, baldy!" indicating Gorn. The dagger slid through the outer cornea easily, and without sound, quickly finding the brain just beneath the retina. But it was a block of goat's head cheese, not Gorn's head, and the dagger made only the slightest pinprick.

Suddenly Alan pops out from behind the bar with something grasped in his hand "Head's up! Fire brigade!" a tiny pellet streaks across the taproom, striking one of the burning tables. It makes a curious sucking sound as it shatters, but that is quickly forgotten due to the appearance of a massive 15 cube of water!

All but Malaric and Grim need a DC11 dex save vs prone as the liquid sloshes over everything. Basically a small swimming pools worth of water just dropped nearby. Arcana 10 to recognize it as Dust of Dryness.

Deadeye Dex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Myrtle Dex: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Neck Woman Dex: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Apparently the pirate's sealegs have nothing on the pair of housewives, who get merely a refreshing bath as the captain tumbles down.

The goon at the entrance uses the commotion to strike at Grim...

P6 vs Grim: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

...luckily his captain didn't see the horrid blow that barely scraped the priest's shield.

Upstairs you hear a lot of stomping around and door slamming.

Myl 0/12
Gorn 12/15

Round 3:
Gorn, Mylivanni, Donal, Tiberius, Malaric
Dead-eye, Goons
Evandur <--UP

Deadeye is prone and barely wounded. Myl is unconscious. P6 engaged with Grim just outside the entrance. P7 upstairs presumably. Fires mostly extinguished but smoke still lightly obscuring. Need dex11 save from all but Grim and Mal vs prone.

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

Evendur is surprised by the appearance of a washing font of water in the middle of the tavern.

He sees the elf go down and yells out a prayer for healing from The Great Guide.

Healing Word on Mylivanni: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

He then turns and attacks the pirate.

Hack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

His swing is distracted, still focused on his friend...

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

Chipluck. Mal turns the name and appearance over in his mind solidifying the memory for a future accident or at least payback.

He rounds on Tarina becoming very impatient with her stalling. With his shortsword in his hand, he turns his lapel over with his forearm to reveal his badge of the Flaming Fist. "I'm drafted into the Fist. Now, tell me what you know about the Dead Three, or Zodge will know that you would not return his favor and were uncooperative."

Ready an Attack if threatened in melee: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 201d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Female High Elf/ PP 13, AC 17, HP 22/21, Action Surge 1/1 Fighter / 2, (Saves) STR +4, DEX +1, CON +4, WIS +1, CHA +0

No. I can't die on my first assignment.

The elven warrior slumps slowly to the ground her weapon falling lifeless to the ground... then her journey to the afterlife is redirected by a flow of divine holy healing. She looks at Grim from her position on the floor, and winks and mouths thank you.

Then she gathers her energy, and attempts to rejoin the battle.

1d10 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 Second wind. (Bonus Action)

She then takes the disengage action, and the move action to crawl away from the the combat, and if enough movement is available after a half move, she'll use the other half of her movement to stand and present arms.

Hopefully she can crawl 10' away, and have enough movement left to stand. If not she'll just crawl away and stand the next turn.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Dex save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Leaping over the rushing wave and landing back in with a splash, Donal half swims, half wades toward the prone captain... Can I reach him in a move?

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Myl, crawling costs an extra foot of movement per foot traveled. So, 5 ft would cost 10 ft, 10 ft would cost 20. Standing costs half your speed, so that's 15. So yes you have plenty to do that since you aren't attacking. Move/Dash/Bonus Wind. Alternatively you could crawl 5 ft for 10, stand for 15, bonus wind and still have an action.

Donal, yes.

Female High Elf/ PP 13, AC 17, HP 22/21, Action Surge 1/1 Fighter / 2, (Saves) STR +4, DEX +1, CON +4, WIS +1, CHA +0

I believe not taking "Disengage" would evoke an AoO when I moved away.

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AvernusArt 2Grid

Ah right, you need that Disengage. ;) So, you could Disengage, crawl 5 ft (costing 10), stand (costing 15), and bonus wind.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Does the water completely disappear, or is there still 6 inches or so on the floor?

Donal kneels on the back of the captain's head, holding him down to the floor. Strength (Athletics) to grapple: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 Dammit! I don't suppose I have inspiration for this, eh? ;)

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Sure, I should've started everyone with it anyways.

Everyone take Inspiration.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Inspiration: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Holey moley, I have never had such terrible luck for so many rolls with this system. I guess I can only hope that the captain rolls terribly...

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Round 4:
Gorn, Mylivanni, Donal, Tiberius, Malaric <--UP
Dead-eye, Goons

Silver Crusade

Init:+3 | Perc: +5| Insp = | +5/d8+3|Shillelagh| Berries: | Shape: 2/2|W:+6 D:+4 C:+4 Druid 3 {Circle of the M00n}| AC 16 | HP 27/27 | 1st: 3/4 2nd: 2/2

Dex save!: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

The water surges against the large barbarian, seeking to lay him low as it had already done to his foe. But nay! Gorn is made of sterner stuff, and the crashing tide breaks against him like the waves against the ever-living rock.

As the Captain falls, Gorn laughs. A long, low, reverberating thing that lacks joy or mirth. "How appropriate. I might say 'grovel before me and I will let you live'. But I never was very good at lying.

Gratitude, Donal. Hold him for me and I'll swash his head like a melon."

The great warhammer Shellcracker rises and falls against the prone target, trying to live up to its name.

Attack!: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Attack Advantage vs prone!: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage!: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 6) + 3 = 13

The two-handed maul crashes down on the star-crossed pirate with a blow that might slay a normal man.

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Alright, it's been more than 24 hours, Tiberius is choking on smoke and loses turn. Getting posts together.

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Grim spun round, capturing Mylivanni in the summoned conduit of divine energies. He saw a reflection of glass a silver mask, but when looking again it was gone. The elf's back arched as she snapped back into consciousness, and nearby Myrtle gasped and quickly prostrated herself upon witnessing the miracle.

Mylivanni had taken a terrible slash, but upon waking the wound was barely even visible. Something inside stirred her soul, and she felt more alive than ever. Her pulse rate lowered, her muscles and tendons felt fresh as if she hadn't even fought today, her arms and armor hardly any burden. Such was the extent of the elf's resolve.

Donal pounces on the fallen captain, shoving his mouth and nostrils into a puddle that had collected on the floorboards...

vs Grapple: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

...but the wily captain flicks his leg back with enough force to losen the Tormtar's grip, and he wriggled free finally gasping for air.

Had Dead-eye known he had a choice between that air and the impact of Gorn's mallet, he might still be holding his breath. Shellcracker landed neatly on the pirate's skull, and the metallic circlet under his head bandana was the only thing that kept his brains from slipping through the floor boards as fast as the water was.

Tarina continued with Mal "Wow, drafted into the Fist? I didn't know they could do that. Those Hellriders must be winning if they're turning to random adventurers for help...Don't worry, you'll get your information. But Dead-eye needs to be taken care of first..."

Foe hp:

Dead-eye -4-7-4-13
P6 not wounded
P7 not wounded

Round 4:
Gorn, Mylivanni, Donal, Tiberius, Malaric
Dead-eye, Goons <--UP

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It wasn't going well for Lekard "Dead-eye" Cadavrus. Being a few miles downriver, the port fees here in Baldur's Gate were certainly less than on the true coast...saved him a few coin. But good hired hands were harder to find here, and he needed at least 20 to man the Uncivil Serpent. He was down 5 men, and nearly bloodied...he never would've guessed the Flaming Fist would interfere with his revenge.

"Get off me will ya, ye trying to crack me teacups?" standing slowly and scowling Donal, Gorn, and the half-elf bartender in turn. "Make yerself useful and stop throwing them magic beans, get that gnome a drink..."

Suddenly he made a break for it, disengaging from Donal and Gorn with a few threatening prods of his blades. Clearly, he was heading right for Tarina. He thought he'd be clever and step his boot into the sliding door to prevent it from closing again...but his cleverness was instead rewarded with a halfling's blade to the foot.

"Arg! Ye little stink...and you, b@%%&. I'm gonna price you like I price a pig. 1 gold per lb of flesh...I'm gonna keep hackin' til we're even hows that sound?!"

All still 1 move within Dead-eye, except Grim who is just slightly more than 1 move. On the map, Tarina and Mal are in the little room south of the stairs.

Back at the entrance, Grim continued to fend off the loyal goon...

Atk vs Grim: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

...the bound animated armor helpfully bumped into the goon as he struck however, and the blade easily found Evendur's shield.

Round 4:
Gorn, Mylivanni, Donal, Tiberius, Malaric
Dead-eye, Goons
Evandur <--UP

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal swears and chases after Dead-eye and swings at the captain's hip, hoping to slow the man! War mace: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

Evendur continues his duel with the pirate henchman...

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 for 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

His blow is still not the best and the pirate is able to pull back before the full blunt of it can do too much, the pirates quick reflexes saving him from a more grievous wound.

dragonborn(red) Sorcerer 3 (storm) HP: 21/21| AC: 13 | Saves: Str: +1, Dex: +2, Con: +4, Int: +1, Wis: +0, Cha:+5| Resist (fire)

apologies! Got caught up in life.

Tibs notices dead-eye making a run for it, as well as his battered appearance.

He Utters a draconic word as he funnels magic into his staff, using his free hand to gather and direct the magical energy. Then, raising it up and out towards the Captain's direction a burst of clear energy that distorts the air shoots out towards the man, rapidly gaining before slamming into him.

sleep: 5d8 ⇒ (8, 4, 6, 7, 7) = 32 if less than 32 hp, he falls asleep.

Silver Crusade

Init:+3 | Perc: +5| Insp = | +5/d8+3|Shillelagh| Berries: | Shape: 2/2|W:+6 D:+4 C:+4 Druid 3 {Circle of the M00n}| AC 16 | HP 27/27 | 1st: 3/4 2nd: 2/2

Ooooo. That's interesting. Imma hold off until we see if that works. Also, if he does sleep do we wanna take him alive?

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The blast of enchantment strikes the captain directly, and he sways this way and that as the effect takes hold "...nap time men, where's me hammock..." he manages to sputter, even having the sensibility to pull a small polka-dot nightcap from his vest and donning it sloppily before doubling over.

Was about to say 'nope' but noticed I failed to count Mal's dagger for 8...turning the nope to yea.

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal sees the man toppling over and catches him, laying him down, Well, well, timely as ever, eh, Tibs?

The agent of the Fist pulls his rope from his pack and begins tying the man up, tight as you please.

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

The mean-looking halfling looks tremendously disappointed not to able to gut the captain.

"OK Tarina. Spill."

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Cheer up, Mal. Dead-eye might not be worth my rope, and I'd like to get it back.

Silver Crusade

Init:+3 | Perc: +5| Insp = | +5/d8+3|Shillelagh| Berries: | Shape: 2/2|W:+6 D:+4 C:+4 Druid 3 {Circle of the M00n}| AC 16 | HP 27/27 | 1st: 3/4 2nd: 2/2

"Yes, I _am_ trying to crush your--HEY!" Gorn yells as the dishonorable pirate dishonorably runs away from the combat dishonorably.

He doggedly pursues the irate pirate and makes ready to finish the job Shellcracker started, but stops short as it's clearly nappy time.

Shrugging, he helps Donal tie him up. "Good work, Donal," he says.

Then he relieves the pirate of his weapons...and any other valuables he can find.

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The last goon standing disengages with Grim, escaping into the multilayered network of slummy city streets. Can follow if you want. Otherwise Combat Over.

Alan rushes to Skoona's side, slapping her face gently. When convinced the gurgles and grunts coming from her massive chest are snores rather than a death knell, the half-elf bartender moves to cut the ropes binding his enchanted animated armor. "Pirates...I hate pirates." he mumbles.

"Good to know the Fist still protect damsels in distress..." Tarina jokes, poking the captains head with the tip of her boot. "Now who will man the Uncivil Serpent? Anyways, Zodge's favor. Let me get something straight: after this, we're square and done. Oh and another thing...you don't want to ask how I know what I know, unless you want to end up dead. But several blocks northwest of here is an old public bathhouse with a walled garden and frolicking nymphs carved into its front gates...artsy lookin'. Followers of the Dead Three have been seen coming and going from the bathhouse, and I'm told there's a secret door inside that leads to a dungeon. That's where the killers are hiding."

I'll keep loot per encounter/location on my tracker for you guys.

Dead-eye Loot:

coin pouch with 32 gp and 15 sp
2 thick gold necklaces worth 25gp each
a blackened ring with a white pearl set in it (125gp)
studded leather

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Also, everyone level up to 2nd. ;D

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

what does the rumor monger know about this old bathhouse place? Are there convenient stores along the way where Mal can buy a 10 gp crystal arcane focus on a necklace? Are there any rolls required to answer these questions? Cheers

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Mal, other than having an extremely sophisticated plumbing system, you've heard the bathhouse owner is a member of the aristocracy that goes to great lengths to keep their identity secret. Also, there is an androgynous masseuse whose mediocre touches could be yours for a price.

For magic shopping, of course Sorcerous Sundries is the obvious choice here in Lower City. But various temples would also have what you are looking for, such as the Water Queen's House (Umberlee) or Shrine of Suffering (Ilmater) in Lower City. There is also a druid who lives in Insight Park who would surely have something.

edit: If you guys feel like exploring the city (theres quite a few little side quests and encounters built into the adventure) I can make a short list of destinations. Also ok to go straight to bathhouse. There's also Deadeyes' ship up for grabs.

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

”I know that bathhouse. Supposedly a sophisticated water system and an anonymous aristocratic owner.”

“I need about a platinum coin worth of that loot and to make a stop along the way,” Mal offers to the crew.

Does anyone need a short rest to heal? Mal doesn’t but would go shopping.

The mean-looking halfling turns to Tarina and replies, ”hope that’s enough information to satisfy Zodge. Think you owe us big for this Captain Deadeye. What are you offering us?”

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal shakes his head, I want my rope back. Since we have stripped Dead-eye I assume, since we took his armor too, we put a bag over his head and deliver him to his ship. Leave it to him as a mercy, and leave no uncertain terms that he owes us his life, should we decide to collect... Then take care of the Three.

Female High Elf/ PP 13, AC 17, HP 22/21, Action Surge 1/1 Fighter / 2, (Saves) STR +4, DEX +1, CON +4, WIS +1, CHA +0

Myl is encouraged with the growing teamwork of the group. Considering the loot she has a suggestion.

"Since we all worked together to make this happen I would suggest that we spend the party funds to help those in need of additional funds. I don't need a full share at this time... just enough to keep fed, so I would be willing to contribute say... 30 GP of my share to a group equipment fund".

She nods her head at Mal's information. "Good to know".

"I guess we don't have any need for a ship at this time. Perhaps the goodwill of letting him live might prove to be valuable".

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal nods in agreement, Eventually, I would like some better armor, more mobile armor. But I am good for now. Take what you need.

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The mean-looking halfling turns to Tarina and replies, ”hope that’s enough information to satisfy Zodge. Think you owe us big for this Captain Deadeye. What are you offering us?”

"I told you, we're square and deal's done. If you want more, how's this: I'll do you the favor of not telling you to go screw yourself? Are we gonna have a problem now, Nightcloak?" she emphasizes the name, a reminder she knows where to find you at the priestess of Shar's bookshop.

There was no doubt about it, Tarina was a total b**#*. But the strength of the Guild behind her was her true edge...and everyone knew the Guild owned Lower City.

dragonborn(red) Sorcerer 3 (storm) HP: 21/21| AC: 13 | Saves: Str: +1, Dex: +2, Con: +4, Int: +1, Wis: +0, Cha:+5| Resist (fire)

Tiberius gives a nod as the spell takes hold, and his servants companions do the clean up. He takes time to start drying his clothes after the water incident before walking up to the group.

Excellent work fellows. Hmm. Yes, now what to do with the man. I am wary of leaving him alive, it is quite clear he has a penchant for seeking revenge... and technically, one might could commandeer his vessel for impounding.

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5
Mylivanni wrote:
"Since we all worked together to make this happen I would suggest that we spend the party funds to help those in need of additional funds. I don't need a full share at this time... just enough to keep fed, so I would be willing to contribute say... 30 GP of my share to a group equipment fund".

I agree. My needs are few, my Order will provide such aid as I need for much of my day to day requirements.

He carefully ear marks a portion of his future earnings to pay tithe as well as a funerary offering.

Mylivanni wrote:
"Since we all worked together to make this happen I would suggest that we spend the party funds to help those in need of additional funds. I don't need a full share at this time... just enough to keep fed, so I would be willing to contribute say... 30 GP of my share to a group equipment fund".

I agree. My needs are few, my Order will provide such aid as I need for much of my day to day requirements.

He carefully ear marks a portion of his future earnings to pay tithe as well as a funerary offering.

Tarina wrote:
"Let me get something straight: after this, we're square and done. Oh and another thing...you don't want to ask how I know what I know, unless you want to end up dead. But several blocks northwest of here is an old public bathhouse with a walled garden and frolicking nymphs carved into its front gates...artsy lookin'. Followers of the Dead Three have been seen coming and going from the bathhouse, and I'm told there's a secret door inside that leads to a dungeon. That's where the killers are hiding."

I do not wish anything more from you but please give us anything more you have.

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

The halfling looks around at his squad leader and new Fisters. He cannot believe they would help Tarina for free. She had to tell them about the Dead Three to get even with Zodge. Now, they protect her from certain torture and maybe slow death, and they're talking about what to do about the pirate and loot. Unbelievable.

With zero support to extract payment or debt from the spy, he shrugs and replies to Tarina, "fair enough. I guess we do not have problem."

Male human ftr 5 | AC 17 (19) | hp 46/47 | 5 HD (1 used) | Saves S +6, D +2, C +6, I +0, W +1, Ch +1 | Second Wind used [ ] | Inspiration [ ] | Action Surge used [ ] | passive Perception 14

Donal looks at Tarina and back at the others, Weren't we supposed to say that the Sarge sent us?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

Gotta love these forums and their occasional quirkiness... Told me that i couldn't edit a few times then printed everything thrice... what it should have said is I don't want anything more of you BUT if you have any other information let us know it.

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"I get it. Zodge and the real Flaming Fist are too busy chasing the Hellrider refugees to clean up these murderers, so he drafted some new mercenaries. You. And now with Chultan-whats-her-face missing he's trying to look good and step into a power role. These murders been going on for sixth months now it seems like...funny all of a sudden someone cares..."

She goes on to talk about the murders. Those who have been in Baldur's Gate recently may have already heard rumors of these murders as well, with quite a few fantastic explanations including: Duskhawk werewolves, a serial killer called 'Sickle Man', ancient pirate spirits, the ghost of Whitkeep Whistler...

What's frightening people though is the senselessness of the murders. Murder has always been common in Baldur's Gate but there's always an explanation: a husband murdered so the widow can marry a young lover, a tyrannical shop owner stabbed by a desperate underling, etc. But this recent spate seems truly random, with gold and valuables always left on the ripped apart corpses. "...they're all stabbings, like to drip the victim's blood like a crown around the corpses' heads."

She pauses to knock back a random drink magically undisturbed from the fight before "I told you not to ask how I know where they are, and you didn't, so good. Get to that bathhouse and you'll find them." she shrugs.

DM: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Perception 17:
Chipluck, the betraying gnome, seems to be making his escape silently around the west side of the taproom, waddling from cover to cover towards the entrance...

Halfling Dragonslayer | HP: 33/34 | 0/1d8 & 0d6 | Disguise 1/1 | Camo 2/3 | Recover 0/3 | Fast Rit 1/1 |1st 2/4 | 2nd 1/3 | Inspiration!
AC 15 | Str -1 Dex +6 Con +2 Int +7 Wis +1 Cha -1 | Init +3 | Perc +7, Darkvision 120 ft | Insight +1

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

lucky?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

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