GM Tyranius (PF2) Flames of Rebellion (Inactive)

Game Master Tyranius

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Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

"Ending Master Thrune's involuntary servitude is the right thing to do. However, I am not certain we have the resources to accomplish this task. At this point, I am open to suggestions..."

Are we on a timetable? Basically do we have the time to rest, and more importantly, for Miladistra and Eltis to regain spells? Between us we can probably Medicine check people until they're at full hp but depending on how much of a threat this devil is, hp might be the least of our problems...

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

You are not on a strict timetable.

The ghost seems very pleased by your offer of aiding him with the devil, ”A very capable group you say? Listen here, my friends: I have a bit of a proposition for you. I cannot leave this keep under my own power for as long as the devil is free upstairs, and he can’t be sealed back up in that throne of his by anyone other than me. So here’s my proposal: I’ll seal myself up in a wayfinder or another magic item. You head on upstairs and confront that infernal bugger. Best him in combat, and when it seems he’s destroyed, he’ll be weak enough to bind. What matters is that one of you place the item containing me against his throne and speak the proper words, which I will teach you. That’ll seal the bugger back up in his throne and put him at the service of the keep’s proper owner. Once he’s sealed up, place both of your hands against the object you seal me in and speak the same phase; I’ll be free to travel on to the afterlife I’ve earned with my service to the empire. Once I’m gone, you’ll be the keep’s proper owners, with your own bound devil to oversee the place. What do you say?”

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Bound devils? Sounds terrible. I wouldn't mind claiming this keep.

"Eltis, yer gonna be busy. Cleansing the fields in the name of good gods and banishing this devil ain't gonna be easy." She munches on a fig before looking at Digger Thrune. "We'll need some time to prepare ourselves for this. Anything you can tell us about this devil? Is it strong? Relies on magic?"

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Diggen thinks for a moment, ”Well he’s a barbazu, a foot soldier of Hell. Naturally immune to fire, resistant to physical damage unless it's silver. He has a glaive that leaves a bleeding wound, though be careful of his claws and beard, and he can appear around the room at will.”

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Tiger winces slightly at the ghost's words.

"Save for these magical handwraps, I'm afraid there is little I can do against a creature like that."

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Mindartis's mouth hangs open at the ghost's description of the devil. "O...K... And how do you propose we dispose of this devil?"

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

I just picture Mindartis and Nnamdi standing side by side, staring at Thrune, and both of their mouths hanging open in disbelief

Regaining his composure after the barbazu's description Nnamdi speaks up, "I would be useless against such a powerful devil! Are there weapon stores in this tower that might have silver weapons?" Half jokingly he adds, "If not maybe there's a peaceful option we can explore to get the devil to leave."

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Deroff ain't got silver teeth. The best I can do is enlarge you front liner types so you can stay away from his claws." She ponders. "Eltis, you have any way to deal with devils? We're definitely going to have to sleep on it. Much as I... don't like Mother, her magic is gonna be useful here."

"Oh! I could try to charm the devil to make it do something stupid. But he'll hogtie me as soon as he sees through the ruse."
My options are: Enlarge, Charm. Maybe there is a fey I can summon.

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

Apologies, off work but working on home projects. Less free time to check in. :) Eltis can do good damage but not a lot at once. Will make him a target for sure. No other useful offensive magic...

Eltis studies the ghost. "Can you please tell me the details and the words used in this ritual you speak of to bind the devil and free yourself?"
Eltis listens intently but looks for possible treachery
d20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Perception and religion are both +7, to see if he is lying via sense motive or use religion to check the veracity of the ritual. Whichever is more pertinent

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

GM Screen:

Miladistra's Perception (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Nnamdi's Perception (E): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Loong Laohu's Perception (T): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Mindartis Nightbreeze's Perception (E): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
LEltis's Perception (): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Mindartis wrote:
"O...K... And how do you propose we dispose of this devil?"

"Best it in combat of course."

Nnamdi wrote:
Are there weapon stores in this tower that might have silver weapons?"

"'Fraid not, most anything useful was looted years ago."

Diggen is ecstatic that you are going to help him, ”That’s the spirit! A course I will do what I can to help.” Moving out of the way of the messenger bag Nnamdi is able to get to the items. There are several missives dated nearly a century ago, discussing matters of the day. Of most significance are three items: another archaic wayfinder, a deed signed in 4617 AR by a Chelaxian magistrate noting the ownership of the keep known as Diggen’s Rest was legally and officially transferred to the Pathfinder Society, and a wax sealed envelope protected by minor abjurations to prevent decay, marked with the date “14th Nerth, 4091 AR” and addressed to Gregaro Voth. The archaic wayfinder and documents will be worth something to the Pathfinder Society. (Handouts are in the Maps)

Diggen eagerly teaches Eltis the necessary words to bind the devil that requires someone trained within arcane or religion to use.

He warns you that there may be more kobolds in the barracks next level up before reaching the devil's throne.

If you have no further questions, he willingly enters a magic item of your choosing or the archaic wayfinder. Bound in the item until you free him.

Tiger and Mindartis:

You don’t feel Diggen is being entirely honest with you. He was being truthful about your group becoming the proper owners, though he doesn’t believe his soul will be free from the contract but only free to venture a bt further beyond the walls of the keep.

Sounds like some of you have an interest to rest for the evening? If so where at?

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |
GM Tyranius wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Mindartis wrote:
"O...K... And how do you propose we dispose of this devil?"

"Best it in combat of course."

"Of course, how silly of us... " Tiger says dryly.


Radiant Oath

LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

We want to rest would it be safe to do it here? Does the devil wander the tower or does it stay cooped up in the attic? Because if it stays in the top level without leaving that means maybe we would have a chance to rest and maybe think decide how best too attack it.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Miladistra keeps her distance from Diggen. Deroff keeps watch over her, noting her agitation. Life and death should be two sides of a leaf; you can't choose to stay on the edge. It reminds her of her own origin: neither elven, fey nor divine, but somewhere in the middle.

Once the ghost is gone, Miladistra's ears finally relax. "Okay. Maybe we should go upstairs and clear out the barracks. Or at least convince 'em to go away."

"I... I do want to get rid of this devil. These kobolds moved in and the devil corrupted them all into worshipping it. Even if we just take notes and leave, the devil will just corrupt the next visitors. Maybe they have some silvered weapons."

"The devil will corrupt this land. Its mere presence is enough. We need to stop it as soon as we can." She pets Deroff, who tolerates it for her sake.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

"This is a possibility," Tiger agrees, "But shall we rest now or after we clear the kobolds upstairs?"

Tiger settles beside Deroff and gives him another scratch in more or less the same place as before. He notes Deroff seemed relieved when scratched rather aggressively in a spot below his ears.

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Diggen nods. "The devil won't come down this far with me here. I can make sure you are safe for the evening, or at least give you enough warning if not." The ghost seems happy to have actual civilized folk to talk to.

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Deciding to head upstairs to clear the kobolds before resting the group makes their way upstairs. A narrow, twisting passageway, clearly built for defense over convenience, winds its way north from the stairwell. The ancient stones here are solid and free of dust, though a few of the sturdy blocks comprising the floor seem to have shifted or settled during the centuries since the tower was first erected.

The kobolds that dwell here now have turned over much of the furniture and formed it into a barricade, further fortifying the area against intrusion and protecting their infernal “god”. The barricade blocking the eastern room is hard to climb, but there is a small tunnel through it.

Eight kobolds make their last stand in the northwesternmost room, ranged weapons ready to pelt the invaders with attacks as they come through the narrow hallway. "Wait for them to come." A kobold and tattered robes chitters.


Miladistra, Search: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Nnamdi, Search: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Loong Laohu, Avoid Notice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Mindartis Nightbreeze, Scout: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
LEltis, Avoid Notice: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Kobold Warrior: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Kobold Mage: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Round 1
Nnamdi (24/24)
Miladistra (Deroff 21/30)

Kobold Warrior
Mindartis (28/28)

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"I'm gonna do something stupid. Sorry, Deroff." Miladistra hustles ahead towards the noise. "Oh my. Now. Everyone calm down." A burst of rose pollen shoots forth, landing upon the kobold in tattered robes as well as all but the Cyan and Purple cohorts.

Well, I hope I don't get skewered for running in front, but I do want a line of sight. The spell is a 10 ft burst. I think I can get everyone except Cyan and Purple. I marked the point and the burst radius on the map.

◆ Stride
◆◆ Casting Calm Emotions. Will Save DC is 19.

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Before the encounter with the Kobolds.

Once they're out of Diggen's earshot, Mindartis shares his unease with the group. "I think he is not being entirely truthful to us. Let's do what we can with the devil but let us be wary in completing our 'deal' with Diggen."

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Before the kobold encounter

"I agree. What slave will not say anything to get out from under his master's thumb."

After climbing the stairs

"Be careful Miladistra. These creatures do not look friendly"

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Saving Throws:

Red Will Save DC 19: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Green Will Save DC 19: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Orange Will Save DC 19: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Yellow Will Save DC 19: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Pink Will Save DC 19: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Blue Will Save DC 19: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Miladistra seems to calm the majority of the room as the look at her and smile large toothy grins. "Why we waiting Gex, she seem nice?" Their broken common seems concerned.

Round 1
Nnamdi (24/24)
Miladistra (Deroff 21/30)
Kobold Warrior (Green Non-Hostile) (Orange Non-Hostile) (Yellow Non-Hostile) (Pink Non-Hostile) (Blue Non-Hostile)
Mindartis (28/28)
Kobold Mage (-1 Att)

Radiant Oath

LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

Nice job Miladistra!

Seeing the aggressive kobolds calm down Nnamdi lowers his axe but keeps a firm grip on it moving in front of Miladistra. Over his shoulder he says, "Well done Miladistra. Maybe we can get some information and help from these Kobolds now.

◆ Stride
◇ Delay

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Miladistra relaxes a bit as most of them relax. "Now, everybody calm down. Let's just talk it out, alright? We don't need more bloodshed."

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Nnamdi seems to feel a bit better as Miladistra seems to have control over the room. The kobold mage calls out. "These dim-witted fools!" The rest of you get behind the barricade, protect the throne!"[/b] Two of the kobolds seem a bit reluctant with what is going on and quickly retreat to the east as they duck low through the small gap in the barricade making it to the other side.

The kobolds still in front of you lower their weapons as they don't seem to care or understand what is happening. The mage alone stands defiantly at the back of the room.

Round 1
Nnamdi (24/24)
Miladistra (Deroff 21/30)
Kobold Warrior (Green Non-Hostile) (Orange Non-Hostile) (Yellow Non-Hostile) (Pink Non-Hostile) (Blue Non-Hostile)
Mindartis (28/28)

Kobold Mage (-1 Att)

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Mindartis bides his time to see how this will go.

Delay until the end of Kobold Mage's turn

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Tiger waits as well, in awe of Miladistra's powers. He is thankful she's on his side instead of against.

Delay until the Mage acts as well

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

Eltis shrugs "Well, I guess stupid follows stupid..."

He steps up and casts a spell on himself.

"I am coming around to talk, brother. I want to know why you have forsaken your Dragon heritage to serve a devil."

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Tiger and Mindartis stand idly by as Eltis places himself into magical sanctuary. The still hostile kobold's spirit appears to be neary broken but still going as the mage shoves past the confused kobolds, jining those behind the barricade for a last ditch defense.

The kobolds stand slack jawed in the room. "What's going on? What should we do?" You begin to hear them questioning each other.

Round 2
Nnamdi (24/24)
Miladistra (Deroff 21/30)

Kobold Warrior (Green Non-Hostile) (Orange Non-Hostile) (Yellow Non-Hostile) (Pink Non-Hostile) (Blue Non-Hostile)
Mindartis (28/28)
Kobold Mage (-1 Att)

Radiant Oath

LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

At least we can say we tried to be diplomatic.

Nnamdi rushes forward with his axe at the ready.


Moving with the assumption that since the kobolds are non hostile I don't have to roll to move through their squares.

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Will do Mindartis actions right after the Mage acts.

Seeing the mage retreat, Mindartis signals Mialee to take flight as they give chase to the spellcaster.

Command Animal, Stride, Stride. Mialee will double Stride.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Miladistra turns to Eltis. "You er, worship a dragon god, right? What's his name again?"

Miladistra maintains control and continues to calm the kobolds. "Howdy ya'll. Just relax for a bit and we'll take care of this. Seems like there's a misunderstandin' going on with your boss. Aspu sent us to make sure you stopped sacrficin' yerself to the false deity upstairs." She exhales and waves Deroff over. "This is my friend, Deroff. Say hi to him."

Deroff moves up alongside the Missus. He doesn't like all of these kobolds hanging so closely, but they aren't threatening.

◆ Sustain Calm Emotions (2 rounds)
◆ Stride
◆ Direct Animal Companion

◆ Stride
◆ Stride

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Seeing the mage retreat Mindartis and Mialee give chase, Nnamdi goes after. The kobolds in the room don't seem to interfere and step out of your way. "No, don't go..." They turn back as Miladistra as she begins speaking to them. Oe bends down to pat Deroff on the head. "Oh, that's no false God upstairs. He's the real deal. Infernal and all!"

The pair of warriors behind the barricade chuck a small stone at Mialee.

Purple Sling vs Mialee AC 17: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Lt Blue Sling vs Mialee AC 17: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Round 2
Mindartis (28/28) (Mialee 14/17)
Nnamdi (24/24)
Miladistra (Deroff 21/30)
Kobold Warrior (Green Non-Hostile) (Orange Non-Hostile) (Yellow Non-Hostile) (Pink Non-Hostile) (Blue Non-Hostile)

Kobold Mage (-1 Att)

Radiant Oath

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

Eltis steps up t other calm kobolds and gestures most of the group on to help with the mage.
"Greetings friends..." He starts in Draconic, "The lady speaks true. the infernal you follow is just that, a lying and deceitful devil who will happily devour your souls when you are no longer useful to it. I am a cleric of Apsu. One of our forebears. He would welcome you into his fold freely. He would even be happy for you to safely leave the service of this evil devil and go live out your lives peacefully. What say you, friends?"
diplo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Looking around the robed Kobold knows it is defeated. Backed into a corner it looks for a means of escape as he lowers his hands. "Cleric of Apsu, I am the Dragon Mage of my family." He looks back to the stairs, then back to Eltis. [b]"You let my family go now and we will leave this place.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Tiger moves forward, standing by to act if the situation turns hostile. He stands beside Mindartis but does not assume any combat stance.

"If they wish to depart, we can let them go in peace. It is a much better solution to all concerned."

Radiant Oath

LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

Lowering his axe in a non threatening way Nnamdi nods at the kobolds.

If you wish to leave and not come back you can go.

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

The Dragon Mage growls lightly as he passes, but ultimately does so without harm One by one he shoves the 'friendly' kobold family out pf the room. "Let's go, knock some sense into these ones and get out of here." And with that you watch as they flee the tower with their lives.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Great job handling this, GM!

Miladistra waves goodbye. "Ya'll should be more friendly to outsiders, ya hear?" Once they are downstairs she relaxes and lets her concentration lapse. "Good job, everyone."

"I'm pooped. Did we want to rest up now that the tower's clear?"

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Mindartis stows away his weapons and tends to Mialee. "A rest does sound tempting, but I think we're all good." He moves towards the door to see if the tower is clear of any danger.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

"We should take advantage of whatever respite we can get. I imagine things will get interesting upstairs."

Tiger settles close to where Deroff settles, having gotten quite fond of the wolf during their travels. He considers studying closely the ways of the wolf, possibly to incorporate it in his combat stances.

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

As the kobolds leave Eltis' shoulder s drop.
"Ah. I fear they will continue to be a menace elsewhere but in the short run at least they did not die here. Who knows, if only one of them were swayed to be a better being, I have done good work here today. And yes, perhaps a rest. It sounds as if this devil only wants to fight on his terms."

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Eltis definitely gae the kobolds family something to think about as the group heads back downstairs under the protections of the ghost Diggen. He chats with you through most of the evening as you are undisturbed. It seems you may have cleared the tower out of most if not all of the kobold squatters.

Come morning Diggen grows restless. "Big day ahead. Which magical tem would you like me to be in?" He looks around.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Miladistra looks at Eltis and smiles. "Less bloodshed is better. You did a great job. I'm just happy I was able to calm them down long enough to listen."

"IF we go now, and that's a big if, all I can do is shoot sparks. Most of my big magic is gone. Bet you could sling arrows all day though!"

The classic caster vs warrior dilemma!... already solved because I didn't reload the page from this morning.

Miladistra keeps to herself, which means she mostly keeps to Deroff. Which means she mostly talks to Tiger. "Now Deroff goes foraging by himself, usually. I think he does it out of respect. When I ask him, he says it's because his kind of food isn't my kind of food." She shrugs. "A few weeks ago I learned how to talk to him directly. It takes a lot of energy, but it's nice to use my magic to speak with animals rather than destroy everything."

HP 69 | AC 24 | Saves 14/15/13 | Perception +12 (low light vision, scent imprecise 30 ft) | Mature Animal Companion, Wolf (level 7) | Miladistra's Companion

Deroff spends the night eating some preserved jerky, drinking as much water as available, and hanging around Tiger. This man knows how to hold his paws ready to strike. Whenever the Missus seems ready, she just shakes Deroff's paws.

Everyone falls asleep, eventually. Deroff doesn't mind acting as a big fluffy pillow for the Missus, the family has to stay together.

A new morning means it's time for food and it's time to help the family.

According to the <Resting> rules, Deroff should regain (2 Con * 3 Levels =) 6 HP. He's at 27/30 HP, right?

Radiant Oath

LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

I am not hurt bad so I will keep watch.

Positioning himself to watch the entrances to the room he folds his arms and waits patiently.

"I bet wolves talk a lot about bone treats. I know if I was a wolf I would," he says with a smirk as he watches the the door.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Before settling down to sleep, Tiger tries to treat Deroff's wounds again, trying to make the wolf more comfortable.

Medicine: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8


Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

Glad the calm emotions worked. I am not sure if I have ever seen that work. Maybe in 1e once someone calmed an enemy barbarian down 1 round after he raged but otherwise... And oops. Missed that Deroff was still hurt. Anyone else?

With everyone together and the group about to rest Eltis stands near the middle of the group and says a prayer that takes several seconds. A wave of healing emanates from him...

healing: 1d10 ⇒ 2
Snort. At least it wasn't a 1!

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Wait, I'm Trained in Medicine and have Healer's Tools. I can <Treat Wounds> too!

Medicine: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Healing: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4

"There ya go, Deroff. Sometimes I forget I can do this the old fashioned way."

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

You guys have enough healing to be able to heal up completely for the evening before resting. Which magic item are you putting Diggen into and who is carrying the item? If none of yours you can always put the ghost into the Archaic Wayfinder you just found.

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

"Yeah. Let's hope we can best this devil. You can bind yourself in this wayfinder." Mindartis suggests as they prepare for the worst.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Let's just stick 'im in the Wayfinder and move on." Miladistra takes the archaic wayfinder and holds it in Diggen's direction. "In you go, feller."

Once that's done, she carefully climbs over the debris and looks at the stairs. "Alright, up we go, now."

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