GM Tyranius (PF2) Flames of Rebellion (Inactive)

Game Master Tyranius

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Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Dot in here

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Miladistra smells like blueberries; the deep purple stains still apparent on her dress. Her fingertips still blue, she decided to remain standing, lest she stain something by accident. Berry picking is one of her favorite pasttimes, and the nearby farm wanted all the help they could get during harvest season. It was too tempting to ignore. She runs her hands across Deroff absentmindedly.

HP 69 | AC 24 | Saves 14/15/13 | Perception +12 (low light vision, scent imprecise 30 ft) | Mature Animal Companion, Wolf (level 7) | Miladistra's Companion

The wolf puts up with Miladistra's berry-soaked hands. His hair always smells like her, anyway. Besides, now he gets to lick some fruit juice later on.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

A tall man of medium build approaches the pair. He wears the plain homespun robes of a monk. He carries no weapon save for a sling tucked into his belt and a handful of war darts strapped to what appears to be a homemade sash of leather across his chest.

"Greetings! Have you been summoned as well? I am called Loong Laohu, but you may call me Tiger for short."

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Oh! Howdy! I'm Miladistra." She reaches her berry blue hand for a handshake. "And this is my friend Deroff. Good to meetcha, Tiger!" She can't help but look around him. "Do you have... a tiger as a friend?"

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Your group arrives at Sauerton in the late morning, after a long trek north from the Andoran coast. You traveled here under orders from Venture-Captain Brackett. See handout in Tactical Maps above, otherwise I pasted it in a spoiler below as well.

Venture-Captain Brackett Request:

To my illustrious associates,
I hope this missive finds you in good health. Recent news from out of the River Kingdoms has made the Society aware of important histories that may have been resting directly under our noses for the past several centuries. One of the founding Pathfinders, a woman named Kerinha Napsunar, whose exploits in the Chronicles have often had curious gaps and omissions, appears to have once had a temporary lodge in or near what is today the town of Sauerton. I implore you to travel there and speak to the locals. See if you can track down any documents or records of Napsunar’s time in the area or the purpose of her lodge.

You should find an ally in Sauerton in the form of the town’s mayor, Thalia Andares. Several years ago, the Society assisted Thalia in navigating a difficult situation with her father, and she has remained a trusted and reliable ally ever since. Her knowledge of the town and its families should quicken your investigations immensely.

If you discover that the lodge still stands or any of its contents have been preserved, please do your best to obtain any documents or possessions of the Society that remain. Once you have obtained whatever evidence there is to obtain, please report back to me hear in Almas.

Yours most sincerely,
Venture-Captain Brackett

The town of Sauerton is primarily comprised of row upon row of neatly kept vineyards, interspersed with old stone villas built in the Chelaxian style. Each plot of grapevines is accompanied by vats for crushing grapes and extruding their juice, along with a large warehouse for storing and aging the wine. The vineyards bustle with the busy hands of numerous workers, though the packed dirt and cobblestone roads have few other travelers during these industrious hours.

Asking for directions from a nearby vineyard worker for where to find Thalia Andares. An older worker smiles friendly, he seems happy to pause for a moment, removing his soil-stained gloves, and offer a vigorous handshake, ”Yes, you’ll find her in the old Sauer estate” He cheerfully directs you to a large villa that takes you deeper into the sprawling settlement.

Continuing on, your group reaches the old Sauer estate as directed. The estate itself has clearly been rebuilt recently, and the vineyards around it are sparse and covered with fresh loam and soil.

At the main house, you Meet Thalia “Hey there, strangers!” The call comes from a human woman in her mid‑thirties with long, dark hair and an open, friendly face. “You must be the Pathfinders Brackett told me to expect. I’ve done a little digging on your behalf but haven’t turned up much yet. Why don’t you all join me on the veranda for a glass of wine while we talk about your mission here?”

Thalia leads your group to the veranda and pours each a glass of wine.
Once everyone has been served the wine (a sour red whose best quality seems to be that there’s a plentiful supply of it), Thalia takes a seat on a chaise longue and asks "What is it I can assist you with?”

Please continue character introductions, last minute purchases and you each begin with 1 Hero Point. Let e know if anyone has any GM Glyphs to pass out.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Tiger smiles, already liking the elf.

"I am nicknamed 'Tiger' for the two styles of unarmed fighting I am trained in. My name literally means 'Dragon-Tiger'. You might say that, now, you do have a Tiger friend"

Tiger takes the proffered blue hand and shakes it firmly. Then offers his other hand for Deroff to sniff.

Tiger is purchasing 1 minor healing potion

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Miladistra remembers to take a Scroll of Restoration from the Pathfinder School of Scrolls before traveling to Sauerton.

She grins as Tiger describes his name. "I guess I do have a Tiger friend. Better than a Tiger enemy. I met lions who made a mess of me." Mildistra rubs her belly. "Could have been a lot worse if Deroff wasn't around." Deroff happily sniffs Tiger's hand, at least to remember the scent.

Miladistra almost prances through Sauerton's vineyards. Grape jam, grape juice (non of that fake frozen stuff!) and of course, raw grapes. Miladistra wants to chow down, but she'll settle for wine, too.

"Thank you kindly, sir!" Miladistra gives the farmer a hearty shake (or the best her arms can manage.) "Nothing gets my day started sooner than the kindness of farmers. It's like we're all in one big family."

She sits down at Mayor Andares's table and waits for the bread, cheese and wine. And the butter. Freshly churned butter is so delicious. The air keeps it all soft and loose, and the bread soaks it and the wine for a delicious spread. Miladistra can't help herself.

Deroff simply stares at her, embarrassed at her indulgence.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

With her face full and belly stuffed, Miladistra leans back. "Your farming and cultivation is incredible, mayor. So delicious." She stifles a burp.

"Let's talk about one of the founding Pathfinders, a woman named Kerinha Napsunar. We heard she once traveled here, and left some clues nearby. Any leads you have would be very helpful. But where are my manners?" She quickly cleans her mouth.

"Anything in Sauerton we can help with? Any rumors? Any places of interest we should look at? We're here to help."

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

A small Kobold walks into the meeting room. He has dark red scales shot through with silver. He wears a cloak over leather armor, carries a staff and has a holy symbol around his neck that appears to be a silver dragon gazing into either a pool or a portal.
"Greetings. I am Eltis. Very nice to meet you all. I am a cleric of Apsu. So, what adventure are we on this time?"

Eltis walks through the streets and roads, enamored of the sheer amount of grapes.
"I hope we have the opportunity for some tastings!"

After they meet Thalia, "Greetings! A glass of wine would be wonderful! We have been sent to uncover a possible lodge used in the past by a pathfinder named Kahrina Napsanur and recover any records or items of interest. It may help us understand the early days of the society better!"

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

She takes a sip of her wine before explaining, "Frankly there’s not much to tell about the Pathfinder lodge that used to be here. The Strickmund winery was built long before I was born, but from what I was able to find in old records about Sauerton, the land the lodge was built on was bought by Ven Strickmund’s great‑great‑grandfather about 100 years ago. Apparently Ven’s ancestor was a Pathfinder, so he might be able to tell you more. Be patient, though; Ven likes to talk and takes his time getting to the point. Particularly when he’s interrupted before he finishes his thought.”

“Ven is one of Sauerton’s oldest living residents, and a passable vintner. If anyone in town can tell you anything about what the Pathfinders were doing on that land back when they still owned it, Ven will be the one.”

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

An elf and a hawk join the rest of the pathfinders in Thalia's veranda. "Apologies for my tardiness, we seem to have had trouble finding the right house. Greetings fellow pathfinders and to you Lady Thalia."

He settles the hawk on one of the tables and introduces himself. "I am Mindartis, and this is my companion, Mialee. We've received a request to search and investigate the labors of one of our own here." He then turns to Thalia. "We thank you for your efforts on our behalf. Where can we find Ven at the moment?"

Grabbing a healing potion from the society

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Try this glass. It's a bit smoky, so it goes well with the cheese." She passes her favorite glasses over to Mindartis and Eltis.

"Sounds like we should pay Ven a visit, then. I'm certain he has many stories to tell. We should always listen to our elders, anyway."

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

Eltis accepts the glass with a nod, takes a sip, looks up at the ceiling for a second, takes a second sip and a small bite of cheese.

He then looks back to Miladistra.
"That is quite good! Thank you."
He contentedly sips and nibbles for a while.

Radiant Oath

LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

Coming in right after Mindartis is a tall clean shaven Mwangi man with a slight bashful grin due to his tardiness. The green of his cloak is reflected in the head of the great axe that is almost as tall as him.

As he settles in next to his companions Nnamdi waves off the wine, "Sorry to say I am a bit of a lightweight when it comes to wine and I would like to be clear headed as I take in the beautiful land you have here," he says with a gentle smile. He however takes a large chunk of cheese that he finds to be an acceptable amount for being in polite company. His mouth stuffed with cheese he asks,"Does Ven live close by?

I'm taking a minor healing potion

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Tiger is taking a minor healing potion from the Pathfinder School of Swords, supplementing the one he just bought

Tiger stands and greets the new arrivals.

"Greetings, fellow Pathfinders. I am Loong Laohu, but you may call me Tiger", winking at Miladistra.

Turning to Thalia, he continues, "I thank you, Mayor Andares, for your most excellent hospitality. However, like Nnamdi, I am also somewhat of a lightweight when it comes to wine. May I trouble you for water or fruit juice instead?"

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Mindartis gracefully accepts Miladistra's glass and raises it in her direction. "Thank you Lady Miladistra. Here's to our good success."

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

Eltis raises his glass and joining in the toast.
"Good to see you and Mailee again, Mindartis. That race in the snow was rough."

Edit: Keep forgetting to post this. Eltis will take a scroll of heal for his school item.

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Passing around a few bottles of fine wine (Fruit juice for Tiger and Nnamdi) for taste-testing purposes Thalia raises one final glass and gives you direction to Strickmund’s winery before bidding you farewell. "I will send word out to Ven that you are on your way."

The winery isn't too far off and you locate it on the hilltop ahead, surrounded by fields with neatly ordered rows upon rows of grape vines and trellises. The winery is built of dark, well‑polished wood, the steps leading to the front door grooved with the passage of many feet.

Ven Strickmund sits in an old wooden rocking chair in the shade provided by the covered deck that serves as the front porch of his winery. The old human man bears a long, gray beard, and his teeth are stained a light magenta color from years of “tasting” the wine he and his family produce. When he you, Ven raises one hand in a vigorous wave and calls out to you, “Well, ’ello there friends! Welcome t’ Sauerton! Thalia let me know ye were comin’. Grab a chair and sit a spell!”

Ven loves to talk and hates to get to the point. He talks to you about the weather, the most recent harvest, and the political savvy of politicians from across the Inner Sea. After meandering through his stories, Ven finally gets to the matters of interest.

“Well, round 'bout a hunnerd years or so ago, my pappy's pappy's pappy's pappy bought this here land from a feller from the Pathfinder Society. Got a great deal too, on account of how he was a Pathfinder hisself. My pappy's pappy's pappy's pappy that is, of course the fella sellin' the land was a Pathfinder as well. Anyways, this wasn't a great place for a lodge at the time; too much a goin' on, too many folks riled up about Pathfinders. Your group hasn't always had the best reputation in all parts, though yer allus welcome 'round here. Where was I? Right, right, the old lodge. It was a big t'do at the time, on account of the money from the sale of this here estate being used to buy the deed to Diggen's Rest, an ol' keep 'bout a hunnerd miles east o' here. Folks 'round these parts know the stories 'bout the battles and such fought 'round there back during the empire days, an' suppose'dly there was e'en a ghost or some such. Pathfinders at the time figgered it was a proper place to move their books an' such. Ghosts tend to keep the vis'ters away, y'know? Funny thing is, I don't know as that Pathfinder ever came back through here. Maybe they's still out at Diggen's Rest, maybe they went somewhere else? Yer best bet's probably to go look for yerself. I kin mark it on a map fer ya, or close 'nough, and I'm sure you can get supplies fer the hike here in town.”

Ven has little else of value to share with you, though he’s happy to talk as long as you let him.

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Mindartis listens earnestly to the tons of information Ven is sharing. Once he stops talking and seeing that Ven really likes to talk, Mindartis lets him talk for a few more minutes. "So tell us more about your uhm..., he counts his fingers to be sure. ...pappy's, pappy's, pappy's ....pappy. What's he like?"

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Miladistra enjoys walking through the vineyards. But she really likes Van's home. Quiet, full of memories precious to him and his legacy. She is honored to be welcome at his home.

She sits down and listens. And listens. And nods. And follows along. Most of these Pathfinder missions have her in some dank crypt, or stuck in some crowded, noisy, smelly city. But here it's a villa, an old man, and all the fruits she can eat (or drink!)

"Diggen's Rest" she mumbles, caught up in the story. She continues to listen and is willing to trade plenty of stories about her home village. Like the time Deroff came to town and drove the pigs out of their pens. Or the town dance that started a barn-burning blaze. And its subsequent reconstruction. Or the fight she had with Mother that led to the crops getting blessed. Most of them were blessed, anyway.

Eventually the other Pathfinders have to interrupt her to pull her away from Ven.

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

Eltis also gets caught up in the stories, nodding and smiling often. He loses himself and the passage of time as well.
Especially if snacks and wine are offered.

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Ven lovingly goes into expansive detail about his pappy's, pappy's, pappy's ....pappy as he and Miladistra share story after story well into the day.

With the new lead of Diggen's Rest in hand the rest of the group has to drag the pair away from each other to get a little bit of distance in before nightfall.

Having prepared for the journey, you set off through the forest along a little used road. Despite the elven communities and dangerous forest‑dwelling predators that call the forest home, the route to Diggen’s Rest is strangely free of travelers and beasts.

Eltis and Miladistra begin to feel increasing uneasy the deeper the group travels into the forest. You start to have nightmares of blood-drenched battlefields and the screams of the dying as the days pass.

After several days the group comes to a place within the forest where the densely packed woodlands give way to a sprawling pasture. Rising out from the grass and moss covering the ground, the ancient, rusted hilts of old swords and decayed helms stand out in silent testament to some long-past conflict.

The warriors who died on this battlefield were slain during a battle that occurred as part of a failed attempt by local landowners and their allies to secede from the Chelaxian empire. As part of a show of force to suppress any further thoughts of secession from other citizens in the region, the Chelaxian forces in the area forbade anyone from burying the slain insurgents or performing any religious rites on the corpses. Over the many years since, the battlefield has become haunted, the skeletons of the slain animated by the lingering hatred and disquiet of the spirits.

As your group begins to cross the ancient battlefield a group of flaming skull skeletons rise up from the grass to attack those who disturbed their peace.


Miladistra, Search: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 = 12
Nnamdi, Search: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 1 = 20
Loong Laohu, Avoid Notice: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 1 = 19
Mindartis Nightbreeze, Scout: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 1 = 24
LEltis, Avoid Notice: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16
Flaming Skeletons: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Round 1

Flaming Skeletons

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Mindartis takes a step forward, sets his sights on the red skeleton, grabs his bow, and quickly shoots an arrow.

Longbow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Piercing+Precision: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

◆ Step, ◆ Hunt Prey, ◆ Quick Draw

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

"Too far away for a spell...", Eltis mutters as he takes a step, attempts to shoot Red as well and then reloads
hand crossbow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
P damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Mindartis and Eltis' projectiles both hit the skeleton, though only Mindartis' arrow barely manages to leave a scratch. Resistance.

Round 1

Flaming Skeletons (Red -1)

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Alright, that's it! 3 scenarios in a row with skeletons. This ranger is buying a sling after this one. LOL. =)

Radiant Oath

LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

Even without drinking any wine Nnamdi was finding it hard to keep up with all of Ven's pappys. At one point Nnamdi found himself drifting off to sleep as Miladistra traded stories with the old man. When they are finally given a location name Nnamdi perks up knowing that the adventure is really beginning.

As they get deeper forest Nnamdi begins to feel unnerved as he is sure danger is close by. "It seems we walk on lands of dead warriors," he says to his companions in a whisper. Having experience avoiding the taboo places of the Mwangi Jungle Nnamdi continues "Maybe we should..." but is interrupted by the rising dead.

Never a fan of the undead Nnamdi nevertheless pulls out his greataxe and launches forward, aware of his grim duty of putting these warriors to rest.

◆Interact (Draw weapon)
◆◆ Sudden Charge

Sudden Charge Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 91d12 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Going to use a hero point to reroll. Thanks, Miladistra!
Sudden Charge Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 241d12 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Tiger runs forward, pulling out his sling and loading a bullet from his belt pouch.

1st action: stride 25'
2nd action: Interact (draw sling)
3rd action: Load sling

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Oh yes, the entire village chipped in!.. And then I saw Mother's mark on the pumpkin and knew she interfered... Oh, I've never mixed olives into the bread dough, how does the yeast rise?" Miladistra continues chatting even as her teammates begin ushering her away. "Oh! Right! We'll be back in a few days. Maybe we'll have some new stories to tell. Be seeing you!" Even Deroff has gotten tired of resting and headbutts her out the door. "Oh, that was so pleasant! Ah wish the Society sent us more on these missions."


"I hate this mission." Another day of march along lonely, cursed roads. Carrion, scavengers, death and decay linger. She has to pause a few times to control her senses as the scent overwhelms her. Deroff has already resigned to burying his nose in the dirt road to stifle the scent. But something has him on edge...

"What is it, Deroff? You see somethin..." The corpses begin to rise, flesh falling off their skin as they burst into flames. "Yup. Really hating this mission."

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Miladistra considers her options and decides to Enlarge Nnamdi. "Okay, this should make you hit a lot harder and reach a little further- should be able to teach 'em a lesson for gettin' close to ya!"

◆ Stride
◆◆ Cast a Spell

Clumsy 1, but +2 to melee damage and 5 more feet of reach.

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Running across the ancient battlefield Nnamdi shatters through one of the flaming skeletons, breaking it apart. Tiger draws his sling as he closes into the undead.

Deroff gives Miladistra a bit of warning as he begins to growl. Sending a small bit of fey magic across the clearing Nnamdi begins to double in size.

The undead all tear their flaming skulls free from their bodies and one by one they hurl the skulls at Nnamdi's towering form.

Blue Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Damage (Piercing): 1d4 ⇒ 2
Damage (Fire): 1d4 ⇒ 3

Purple Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Damage (Piercing): 1d4 ⇒ 1
Damage (Fire): 1d4 ⇒ 1

Pink Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Damage (Piercing): 1d4 ⇒ 4
Damage (Fire): 1d4 ⇒ 1

Green Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Orange Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Yellow Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

As the skulls soar the air passing through them make a screaming sound before they batter into the large man. After hitting Nnamdi they bounce across the ground, roll and begin to return to their owner's bodies.

Round 2
Nnamdi (12/24; Enlarged)

Flaming Skeletons

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Still holding his sling, Tiger charges at the closest skeleton. He drops into a fighting stance and unleashes a powerful kick and a quick punch with his free hand.

1st Action: Advance 20' to Blue
2nd Action: Enter Dragon Stance
3rd Action: Flurry of Blows w/ Dragon Tail and Fist strike

Dragon Tail (Bludgeoning Damage): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 101d10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Fist (Bludgeoning Damage): 1d20 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 6 - 4 = 181d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

Eltis moves up a bit and sends a holy torrent of energy into the Yellow skeleton.
disrupt undead damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Stride, Disrupt undead. If it lives and crit fails a DC 17 fort save it is also enfeebled 1

Radiant Oath

LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

Taking the damage Nnamdi's adrenaline begins to rush just as he is enlarged. His usual calm and friendly demeanor quickly changes to one of quiet rage. Holding his ground he swings again at the flaming skeletons.


◆Attack (green skeleton)

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 171d6 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7

◆Attack (yellow skeleton)

Attack: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 2 + 1 = 171d6 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 2 = 8

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Alright, Deroff! Come on in!" Miladistra directs Deroff, who seems to nod before moving to Nnamdi's side. Miladistra points at Nnamdi and the scent of garlic and rosemary waft to his nostrils, easing some of the burn wounds.

Heal: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

◆ Direct Animal Companion
◆◆Level 1 Heal, 2 action version

◆ Stride
◆ Stride

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Mindartis commands Mialee to assist Nmadi. The bird flies to flank the yellow skeleton. Mindartis runs and shoots an arrow to the orange skeleton.

Longbow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Piercing+Precision: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Nnamdi's axe slices into two of the skeletons, it's edge deflected by the smooth bones. Resistance. Tiger's powerful leg strike misses but his punch to the spine of the skeleton breaks it apart.

Disrupt Undead Fort Save DC 17: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Eltis sends some holy energy into the skeleton to disrupt the magic holding it together. The positive energy burns across the skeleton like flames as it burns to ash. Miladistra tends to Nnamdi's burns as Mindartis' arrow bounces off of the flaming skull. Hit but resistance.

The skeletons grab their heads from the ground and mindless continue to toss them at the large tree of a man in front of them.

Green Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Orange Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Damage (Piercing): 1d4 ⇒ 4
Damage (Fire): 1d4 ⇒ 4
Demoralize (Tiger, Nnamdi, and Deroff): 1d20 ⇒ 4 Does not frighten anyone.

Purple Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Pink Screaming Skull vs Nnamdi AC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Only one of the skulls hits Nnamdi as it leaves a small burn on his shoulder.

Round 3
Nnamdi (20/24; Rage; Enlarged)

Flaming Skeletons (Green -2)

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

Eltis moves up again.
"We almost have them! "
He targets the Pink skeleton this time, leaving targets for Nnamdi.
disrupt undead: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Same as before. Stride, disrupt undead. DC 17 fort save or enfeebled 1

Radiant Oath

LG|M|Human (versatile) | Barbarian 1 | HP 17/24 (+4 while raging)|Temp HP 4/4 | AC 18 (-1 while raging)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | Perc +6| Stealth +1 | speed 25' | Hero 2/2| Explore Mode: Search | Active Conditions: Rage (28 hp, +2 damage, 17 AC)

Seeing his attacks bounce off Nnamdi's rage intensifies and he attacks the two skeleton's again recklessly.

◆Attack (green skeleton)
◆Attack (orange skeleton)
◆Attack (green skeleton)

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 161d12 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 = 10
Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 61d12 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 2 = 18
Attack: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (2) - 3 = -11d12 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Bite those skeletons! I bet they'll smash like twigs!" Miladistra points toward the skeletons and Deroff growls before stepping in and biting.

Biting vs Green, Flatfooted if Flanking: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Piercing Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Miladistra takes the chance to get a bit closer and grabs her big tree branch/club.

◆ Direct Animal Companion
◆ Stride
◆ Draw a Club

◆ Stride
◆ Strike

Horizon Hunters

CG Woodland Elf Ranger 6 | Animal Companion | HP 78/78| AC 24| F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +12 | speed 35 ft. | Active Conditions: none | ◈ | ◈◈ | ◈◈◈ | ◇ | ↺ |

Sorry. Realized I haven't transferred Hunt Prey to orange.

Mindartis now sets his sights on the orange skeleton. He commands Mialee to attack it and he shoots an arrow to it as well.

Longbow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Piercing+Precision: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2

Bird Animal Companion 6 | HP 52/52| AC 23 | F +12 R +14 W +13 | Perc +13 | Stealth +14 | speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. | Active Conditions: ---

Mialee flies to flank orange and tries to peck it with its beak.

Jaw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Piercing+Precision: 1d6 + 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + (7) + 2 = 13

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Whirling his sling, Tiger unleashes a bullet at a distant skeleton, taking care not to hit Deroff or Nnamdi. Striding forward, he moves to flank another skeleton, unleashing another vicious kick and a quick punch.

1st action: Sling attack vs Green
2nd action: Stride (move into flank vs Purple)
3rd action: Flurry of blows (Dragon Tail, Fist)

Sling vs Green: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Sling damage, Bludgeoning: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Flurry of Blows Attack vs Purple (Flat-footed from the flank)
Dragon Tail: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Dragon Tail damage, Bludgeoning: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Fist: 1d20 + 6 - 8 ⇒ (14) + 6 - 8 = 12
Fist Damage, Bludgeoning: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Dragon Tail in 4 separate occasions and I have yet to hit something :)

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

Mindartis' arrow plinks off the skeletal frame but Mialee manages to fly into the ribcage and tear the skeleton apart from the inside. Nnamdi axe slashes through another of the skeletons sending small bits of flaming bones back into the soil.

Disrupt Undead Fort Save DC 17: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Tiger's sling cracks another skeleton's skull, though his fists miss. Eltis' positive energy are able to finish it off as the skeleton burns away. Deroff pounces onto the last skeleton, grabbing ahold of the skull and tossing it far off into the woods.

Combat over. Nnamdi gets a hero point for blocking off all of the skeletons with his massive size.

With the skeletons defeated, you have an opportunity to notice several details about the battlefield. One of the skeletons that attacked is somewhat “fresher” than the rest, wearing clothing and armor closer to modern styles, though still nearly a century out of date, as well as carrying an archaic wayfinder and a leather satchel all but destroyed by time.

Examining the book reveals it to be a journal written in Osiriani, though much of the information it contained has been water damaged or otherwise obscured. You can only find a single page that is still legible. 2 treasure bundles


But despite my frequent letters to the imperial governor, I fear my request will go unheard. Diggen Thrune and his ilk are considered heroes in the capital thanks to their efforts in “protecting the empire’s borders and quelling rebellion,” while I’m seen as little more than a foreign agitator, despite my accomplishments and discoveries, several of which have benefitted the empire. These tactics the imperial forces are using will have detrimental effects. Many of these so-called rebels were simply farmers and landowners asking for fair representation, or at least some pretense of imperial protection in return for the tithes and taxes they pay. This heavy-handed tyranny goes too far by several measures, and if the empire does not lighten its touch and work to fulllits responsibilities to its people, it may not last long enough to suffer the long-term effects of foolish choices like leaving the rebels unburied and unshriven or provoking the elven communities who call the nearby forests home.

Perhaps I can convince Durvin to get involved; he’ll see the sense in my warnings, and they’ve been publishing his last adventure in a string of serials across the empire. I’d ask Selmius, but I’m afraid the old fool has more dignity than sense when it comes to dealing with politicians. Gregaro would surely understand my worries, but with his heritage and the prejudices running rampant across the empire these days, I fear his word would carry even less weight than my own. There must be something

Player Status:

Nnamdi (20/24)

Radiant Oath

2396852-2003 | LG Male Human | Martial Disciple (Acrobatics) | Monk Lvl 6 | Medic Dedication | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F/R/W: 12/14/13 | Perc +13 | 35 feet (40 Stoked Flame Stance) | Class DC 21 | Acrobatics(E): +14, Medicine(E): +12, Stealth/Thievery: +12, Survival/Athletics/Diplomacy(E): +11, Lore (PFS, Warfare): +8, Nature(U)/Religion(U): +3 | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ |

Tiger tucks his sling back into his belt and trots over to Nnamdi.

"You are a fearsome warrior. I have heard tales of those such as yourself but I never thought I would ever see one in action. Do you need help with your wounds?"

Tiger takes out his healing kit and offers to bind Nnamdi's wounds.

Medicine, Treat Wounds: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Edit: the streak continues (in another game, my medicine check was also pretty bad!) :)

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Everyone alright?" Miladistra looks up at Nnamdi. "You'll come back to normal in a minute or so. I could magically heal the bruise, if ya want."

"A wayfinder... an old one. We're getting close." She picks up one of the pages. "Huh... can anyone read this?"

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

"Well done all. Let me take a look at those bruises."
medicine, treat wounds: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
healing: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 8) = 14
"There. That should take care of that."

He takes a look at the book. "Sorry, not familiar to me. However, these bodies should be taken care of to prevent this from happening again. If we are not in any hurry I would like to pray for them, see if that puts them to rest a little better."

Dark Archive

Tyrant's Grasp | | Age of Ashes | | Dead Suns | | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | ★

GM Screen:

LEltis's Religion (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Etis offers a small prayer for the dead on the battlefield to try and put the undead to rest. While the prayer does offer small respite Eltis feels the negative energy in the area is just too powerful.

Elts realizes to cleanse these spirits it is going to take much more. A shrine of a good deity erected with the area consecrated.

Pondering the books contents you continue onward to Diggen's Rest. Your journey onward through the forest is relatively uneventful. The undead haunting the old battlefield are a hazard that the elves and other forest residents have learned to stay well clear of (either through instinct or experience). After about two and a half days of travel since passing the forest clearing, the tower marking Diggen’s Rest comes into view.

A lone tower juts upward through the treetops, the crumbled stone walls surrounding the tower indicating that it may have once been part of a larger keep. Spiked wooden barricades force anyone seeking to approach on foot to take a winding and circuitous route forward.

How do you approach the tower?

Radiant Oath

M Dragonscaled (Silver) Kobold Cleric 3 of Apsu | LG | AC 20| HP 30/30 | Fort +7 Refl +8 Will +10 | Perception +8 Cleric 3

After a short prayer and some meditation Eltis shakes his head.
"The despair runs deep here. I will ask the society to arrange for this place to be consecrated once more. Until then it will be dangerous."

After seeing the tower and the approach.
"Looks like a trap. What are the odds there is another way in? Shall we scout?"

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