Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Please introduce yourselves.
We will officially begin Friday May 28, but I will be traveling for much of that weekend and busy with RL. As such expect mostly role-playing banter to start and we will get into the game more earnest after June 2.

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The half-orc enters the room, dressed in grey from head to toe, including a grey tabard pulled tightly across his scale mail. His shield, which he sets down by the door, is painted with a stylized whippoorwill is also grey.
Good day all, I am Chalmers, called by some 'the Redeemer'. Faithful of Pharasma. I am pleased to make your acquaintances this day. May our journey begin here and culminate when all days end. he smiles a toothy grin at the crowd. I am far more used to tending to the dead than the living - forgive me if my manners are stiff.

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A tan, bespectacled half-elven woman clomps into the room in fine full-plate, a nodachi at her side. She nods.
"Jessenia," she says by way of introduction. "Not much for flowery phrases myself - books are more my forte."

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A strong Mwangi human joins you.
His umber skin is covered with red and white stripes which are arrayed in tribal patterns.
Although he is clearly accustomed to a jungle setting, this man is wearing stone full plate armor with bestial drawings on it that resemble saurian predators.
He has a dagger, a greatsword, a bardiche and a morningstar with him.
Resting on top of his chest, an amulet showing the holy symbol of Lythertida is visible which looks like an eye with a single tear.
~ ~
"I late? But I here now. I have come aid! No one die too soon!” he says and looks at all of you.
"I Ejtehah. Member of Pathfinder Society."

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A tall, heavy armored man with brown hair stands stiffly in a corner of the room, facing the door. You can see a greatsword on his back and a dagger in his belt, but no shield. A heavy backpack sits next to him on the ground.
If you look closer, you can see that he has a holy symbol of Sarenrae hanging around his neck. As far as you can tell he's quite young, too. He has well defined muscles and looks ruggedly handsome - but at the same time also quite intimidating. Maybe it's his height...
The man does neither move nor talk. Only after the Mwangi human appeared, he walks to the middle of the room and introduces himself.
"Greetings, fellow pathfinders! I am Kurik, paladin of Sarenrae."
Kurik shakes the hands of his fellow pathfinders with a firm grip.
"I'm not an expert on many things, but I do know how to use my sword to defend my comrades and make our enemies cry. I can provide some healing and also make some small talk - but most people seem to find me a bit intimidating."
Kurik is a STR-frontliner with a greatsword and power attack. If ranged attacks are necessary, he uses his sling. His best skills are Diplomacy(+9) and Intimidate(+8) - he uses the latter regularly to demoralize enemy combatants. He is not too bad in Bluff(+3) and Disguise(+3) despite not being trained, though he will not tell lies. He surely isn't very perceptive(-2), and Knowledge isn't his domain, either.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Hi all, Thank you for your patience (and your roleplay). I am excited for this table to get going. If you have not already done so. please look at slide three (link above) for handout Number 1.
Please make a DIPLOMACY (GATHER INFORMATION) or KNOWLEDGE (GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, OR LOCAL)& RP your findings with evereyone.
DC 15+
DC 20+

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Diplomacy (Gather information): 1d20 ⇒ 12 So if we're headed to Korvosa first, I've heard the Fort there was founded by Chelish marines, under a Field Marshal. It was sort of a jumping-off point for explorers in Varisia, and its now a major city, but we need to watch out for imps, otyughs, and shrew flies.... But that's all I know about it, spoke with a local merchant at a wake for his second cousin. That's what he said at least. the half-orc relates.

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Ejtehah nods at all the Pathfinders but remains silent as he has little to share.
diplomacy : 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3

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Kurik uses his wand of honeyed tongue on himself before starting to gather information.
Diplomacy GI Take 10 + honeyed tongue: 10 + 9 + 5 = 24
"I knew the name Eylysia sounded familiar, so I asked a few fellow Pathfinders - and as it turned out, my last mission uncovered quite some information about her. I was also able to get some historic, interesting information! Listen up:
'Near the conclusion of the Everwar, Field Marshal Korvosa led a band of soldiers from Cheliax into Varsia. They met fierce resistance from Shoanti tribes (or “quahs”). As Korvosa’s troops wore down, relief came by way of the gentleman explorer, Montlarion Jeggare. Leading an expedition up the river now bearing his name, Jeggare delivered transport and supplies to Korvosa’s beleaguered soldiers.
Dozens of Pathfinders followed in the wake of Cheliax’s armies during the Everwar. Where the army went, Pathfinders could readily study sites previously disallowed by local groups. The Pathfinders plundered numerous abandoned sites. The lack of Society oversight from distant Varisia left few to question such methodologies.'
What do you make of this?

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Jessenia frowns. “We may want to see which treasures we can convince the proprietor to part with on the Society’s behalf. I’m sure the Dark Archive would be interested in studying those artifacts, and perhaps the Society could then return them to their rightful owners.”

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Speaking of the proprieter...
The museum’s striking marble edifices rise above the surrounding terrain. Upon their arrival, the party is greeted by the museum’s current curator, a portly man adorned in a frock coat and ruffled blouse.
“Welcome to my museum Pathfinders! I am Mercival Jeggare, the head curator.” The scholarly figure gestures toward a grand entryway dotted with displays of weapons, artwork, and fossilized remains. “Come in, come in! Always a pleasure to host members of the Society. I assume this is in regards to the missive I received from Mr. Shane?”

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Ejtehah just nods.
”Yes! We come here. Pathfinder sent!!“

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It seems your ancestor uncovered something called a 'speaking artifact', perhaps Shoanti in nature? Yes, Pathfinder Shane perhaps wrote to you in advance of our coming? Also I would be interested in seeing any funerary artifacts of the Shoanti people; particular interest to me. the half-orc smiles at the portly museum curator to try and allay his worries.

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“I’m sure the Dark Archive might also be interested in any interesting texts - I’d perhaps a new member as knowledgeable as yourself.”
Jessenia is hoping that by recruiting Mercival Jeggare, there might be better access to the museum’s treasures.
Knowledge Arcana, DC 17 recruitment check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

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Kurik bows before he answers the greeting.
"Good day, head curator Jeggare. My name is Kurik, paladin of the Dawnflower. You are correct, this is about the missive from Venture-Captain Shaine."

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

The scholar puts a hand to his lips before he answers the warpriest's question. “I am unsure. Adding an enchanted mouth could make an artifact speak, I suppose. A ‘rider’ may suggest someone mounted or else a proviso or alteration of some prior statement or decree.”
Also: I added Mercival's picture to the slides. :)
He grins at Chalmers interest. “Most of the exhibits displayed here were collected by my family and ancestors. Of particular note is the esteemed Montlarion Jeggare. Presently, some personal effects of his are undergoing restoration for public debut. Antiques from Korvosa’s founding, vestiges of conquered Shoanti tribes, and ancient rune-etched artifacts account for the bulk of the collection. In recent years, the
collection’s expanded to include treasures from other all over Golarion. Why just this morning, we procured several Tian antiquities!" He says pointing at Jessenia's nodachi.
Mercival catches himself. "Oh right of course. Let me take you to the Prime Gallery. It has the largest collection of Shoanti artifacts." He points at many of the items on display as you walk. And seems quite interested in the 'Dark Archives' "Sounds ominious, please tell me more.
Any other questions for Mercival? I will retcon them in as necessary :) If not you reach the Prime Gallery.
A massive glass-walled case dominates the center of the gallery and holds three bound volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles. To the south, a table bears two metal chests as another holds two wooden reliefs.

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Kurik walks over to the tables in the south and studies the two wooden reliefs.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Skylights illuminate this gallery. Exhibits displayed within decorative alcoves include several wooden totems and tools. More wood-carved pieces rest within a raised exhibition area to the north.
A massive glass-walled case dominates the center of the gallery and holds three bound volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles. To the south, a table bears two metal chests as another holds two wooden reliefs.
Kurik heads to the south tables when suddenly, a resounding “crack!” and cascade of wood dust heralds the fall of an enormous glass skylight before it shatters upon the marbled floor.
What is that? screams Mercival. "Insects! Keep them away from anything wooden, or paper, or well anything plant-in origin!" [ooc](anything marked P on the map)
Two swarms of flying bugs descend into the room. Fortunately Jessenia and Chalmers are a step ahead of the creatures!
Round 1
Jessenia Gaspar (19) <-- here now
Chalmers the Redeemer (13) <-- here now
Swarms (11.2)
Kurik (11.0)
Ra’geh Ejtehah (2)

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Chalmers, looking with uncertainty at how to best combat a swarm of bugs, draws his warhammer and shield, and steps toward the nearest swarm in an attempt to draw their attention, Hey bugs! Over here! Get away from that!
Draw weapon, Move (5' step)

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Jessenia's action might mean a retcon on my part, but I am going to press on.
Thousands of flying bugs converge on a tasty looking bull-boat, unfortunately they are also swarming over Chalmers which means they are biting and stinging the warpriest!
swarm: 1d6 ⇒ 3
The swarm to the north goes after a collection of two dozen shoanti spears. 1d6 ⇒ 5
"My artifacts! Get them off my artifacts! screams Mercival. "Someone, please help. HELP!
Round 1
Jessenia Gaspar (19) <-- here now
Chalmers the Redeemer (13): moved, drew weapon
Swarms (11.2)attack bull boat, spears
Kurik (11.0)<-- here now
Ra’geh Ejtehah (2) <-- here now

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Ejtehah casts bless on the party and then steps back!
+1 to hit for the group!

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"On my last mission, the wizard sprayed colors at a bat swarm and knocked them out! We then killed the bats with alchemist's fire. I have some fire and acid vials in my backpack!" shouts Kurik while reaching for the first vial he can get his hands on.
which vial: 1d4 ⇒ 4 (1/2=acid, 3/4=alchemist's fire)
"Heads up!" he calls out before taking a 5-foot-step forward and throwing the vial at the (orange) swarm in front of him.
alchemist's fire (35 feet): 1d20 + 1 - 6 ⇒ (12) + 1 - 6 = 7 (without bless as it happens afterwards)
fire damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2
If the attack above does not hit AC:
roll to determine landing square: 1d8 ⇒ 8
+50% damage against swarms, if I remember correctly.
Also, 1 splash fire damage to all squares surrounding the square where the vial lands.
On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage (also +50% vs. swarms).

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Jessenia lifts the target artifact out of the swarms influence. It works, but the spell is not powerful enough to affect most of the artifacts in this room. Ejtehah brings divine blessings upon the party while Kurik's alchemy brings fire upon the swarm.
Round 2
Jessenia Gaspar (19) <-- here now
Chalmers the Redeemer (13): <-- here now
Swarms (11.2):
Kurik (11.0)
Ra’geh Ejtehah (2)

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Chalmers raises his warhammer, trying to crush the bugs near him.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
dmg: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
I got nothing to affect the swarm, and the rookie warpriest will just swing away.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Green: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Orange: 1d6 ⇒ 5
The swarms continue gnawing on the bull-boat and collection of spears. As Jessenia looks for an effective weapon against the swarms, and Chalmers continues swinging his ineffective one, Mercival begins shouting.
"Twentythreenineteen, twentythreenineteen!" and he runs out of the room back down the hall you came in from.
Round 2
Jessenia Gaspar (19): retrieves some torches
Chalmers the Redeemer (13): swings his hammer
Swarms (11.2): nom nom nom
Kurik (11.0): <-- here now
Ra’geh Ejtehah (2): <-- here now
Round 3
Jessenia Gaspar (19) <-- here now
Chalmers the Redeemer (13): <-- here

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Frustrated with his bad aim, Kurik moves up to the (orange) swarm and reaches for another vial of alchemist's fire.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Success! [Fire damage]1d6[/dice]
Ra’geh & Chalmers are up (chalmers you can attempt to hide/move.an artifact or maybe lead the swarm away]

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Do not fortget +1 to hit from bless.
Djahan throws his acid flask and takes out another.
acid, touch, bless: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 1 = 161d6 ⇒ 6 +50%=9

Venture Teller Play b'Post |
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The torch and flames are beginning to work, but these are some very large swarms!
Chalmers moves up to one of the artifacts, a collection of three shields of different sizes, but all bearing the same stylized fir tree.
This is how I am going to rule it. How about a full round action to pick up an artifact, moving an artifact will still require a finding a safe place for it. Most of the artifacts can't be carried in a single trip, so I will assume we start with the smaller ones. To cover or protect an artifact (regardless of size), make a relevant skill check (convince me the skill is relevant with flavor) and get a high enough roll to make it a standard action. The scenario doesn't tell me what an artifact is, so you can flavor that in as well.
Also I mentioned the chronicles are under glass (with wooden frame) and the are two metal desks just off the map at the south. (I cut them off when making the map fit the slide, but they were mentioned in the description.
Round 2
Kurik (11.0): moves
Ra’geh Ejtehah (2): misses with alchemist fire
Round 3
Jessenia Gaspar (19) burns bugs: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Chalmers the Redeemer (13): attempts to move an artifact.
Swarms (11.2): nom nom nom
Green: 1d6 ⇒ 4, Red: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Kurik (11.0): <-- here now
Ra’geh Ejtehah (2): <-- here now
Round 4
Jessenia Gaspar (19) <-- here now
Chalmers the Redeemer (13): <-- here

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Do not fortget +1 to hit from bless.
Djahan throws his acid flask and takes out another.
acid, touch, bless: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 1 = 101d6 ⇒ 1

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Kurik throws the alchemist's fire, then he 5-foot-steps up and grabs another vial - this time it's acid.
alchemist's fire + bless: 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 1 = 10 :-/
fire damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4 (+50%)
roll to determine landing square: 1d8 ⇒ 5
"Does anyone have lamp oil? You can burn the bugs with it!"

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Jessenia lands a squarely lands a blow on the swarm, the torch leaving dead bugs and smoke in its wake. The flasks of Kurik and Ra'geh, miss their marks, but the acid splashing still thins the cloud insects some.
Chalmers, with an armful of artifacts runs, to a safer place. I am botting this in, but feel free to correct me
Both of the swarms continue to eat at the arfifacts.
Round 4
Swarms (11.2): nom nom nom G9 Green: 1d6 ⇒ 3, Red: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Kurik (11.0): <-- here now
Ra’geh Ejtehah (2): <-- here now
Round 5
Jessenia Gaspar (19) <-- here now a torch normally deals 1d6 bludgeoning plus 1 fire damage, but I am going with 1d3 since the swarm has AoE weakness.
Chalmers the Redeemer (13): <-- here
Shouts from down the hall, sound as if staff are coming let by Mercival's frantic voice. "Hurry Hurry everyone!"
R6 Green: 1d6 ⇒ 2, Red: 1d6 ⇒ 5

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Do not fortget +1 to hit from bless.
Djahan throws his acid flask and takes out another.
acid, touch, bless: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 1 = 111d6 ⇒ 5
Onl 2 of my 5 acid flasks remaining. :(

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Perfect, thanks!
Chalmers will carefully place the gathered artifacts in his hands away from the bugs, and return back into the room, moving to grab another armload of ancient artifacts.
Figure with the move of 20' its a double move to get back to the corner where the icon is to grab up the next load of artifacts.

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Kurik hastily throws the vial of acid, then he 5-foot-steps up and grabs his last vial.
throw alchemical vial + bless: 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 = 4 -_-
acid damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3 (+50%)
roll to determine landing square: 1d8 ⇒ 8
"Another miss - and I'm down to the last vial... Sarenrae, please bless my throwing arm!"

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

The Pathfinders have slowly come together into a well organized team. The alchemy is flowing and the flames are directed. The swarms time is limited. Jewel-eyed dolls, ancient spears, even chronicles from their own organization have been safely moved or protected.
Mercival returns with a handful of museum staff. "What the..." he pauses mid stride, then screams seeing the flames and the smoke. His staff, paying no mind to his expletives move around him and begin helping the Pathfinders. A few have spells that make the air move, pushing the swarms and the smoke around, or others that burst into a fan shape of flames. Still others move to contain the flames or counter the acid.
In the end only the first bull boat seems to have suffered significant damage and it may be unrecoverable.
Museum Staff officially return on R7, and you managed to prevent the bugs from eating most of the artifacts before they do. (3Discovery Points!)
If you would like to spend some time with the chronicles while the museum staff begins repairs and clean up, you can make a Linguistics or Knowledge (geography, history, or local).
After less than an hour Mercival rejoins the Pathfinders, "Thank you Thank you, those shrew flies must have been working on the skylight for some time, I have never seen so many get in at one time!"
He also invites the party to examine Montlarion’s personal effects in the restoration room.
riding leathers as well as stacks of yellowing papers. Crates and sturdy racks, holding bits of fragile-looking sculpture and pottery, press against otherwise bare walls. There are doors along the northwest and southwest walls, and the latter is padlocked.

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Rageh does not comment on anything and walks into the restoration room and looks at the different items but especially the totem.
perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
He also detects magic.

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Aid Knowledge: anything UNTRAINED: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (14) - 2 = 12 (if allowed)
Kurik wants to help by also looking at the chronicle.
"Hey, I recognize some of these pictures in here from the temple's archives! Look, Jessenia!"
He points at a fighting scene in one of the chronicles.

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Chalmers follows Ra'geh into the next room, feeling badly that he's not as helpful as he could be. What do you think that means? he idly looks at the papers, unsure of what he's even looking for.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

These are Pathfinder Chronicles, everyone can make a the check even if untrained. :) I will retcon those rolls in, but want to keep moving forward.
As Rageh approaches the totem, the washboard stands up, reaches for a piece of crockery and launches it at the warpriest. The clay shatters into a dozen sharp pieces. Every time someone tries to enter the room something gets thrown at them.
Upon looking closer whenever something gets thrown their is a slight highlight of runes shimmering on the washboard. The runes create the outline of a tiny humanoid, incorperating the washboard, but also giving it arms with which to throw things and it has a lot of things to throw.
"Keep. Biters. Away." Cries a tiny voice.
"Wait! Don't hurt it!" cries Mercival. "Please," he shouts to the washboard. "Please calm down. Biters, gone errr... the biters are gone!" the curator frets not sure he is getting through to the spirit.
Several pens get impaled into the door frame, making it quite clear Mercival is too high strung to calm the gaurdian spirit and the Pathfinders will have to step in.
Each of you may make an three actions to try and calm. Typically this is a skill check but an clever use of spell will also work. Here are some guidelines.

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kn nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Ejtehah tries to offer appeasement to the little thing.
kn nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

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Jessenia looks over the pages that Kurik points out.
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
"Yes, I believe these events may date back to Eylysia's time."
In the Restoration Room, Jessenia peers curiously at the little creature.
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
"It's a kami, a guardian spirit. A Shikigami, specifically. I don't think it means harm."
Based on her knowledge of shikigamis, she tries to adjust her body language to convey safety as she approaches.
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

The creature interrupts Ra'geh with more broken crockery flying in his direction.
Two successes down, Several more to go...

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kn nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
kn nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Ejtehah continues to offer appeasement to the little thing.