Daughter's Due hosted by GM Nomadical for PaizoCon '21 (Inactive)

Game Master Nomadical

Slides and Handouts

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Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

OOC Discussions here please. Of course, ooc comments and commentary directly related to character actions are easier for me and everyone else to track and process when included in the gameplay posts.

Please drop a token on Slide 1

Please post here with:

Player Name:
PC Name:
PFS Number:
Level & Class(es)
Discord name (if you have one):

I'm only asking for the Discord name as an alternate method of communication in case we have extended or frequent issues with the Paizo forums as happened during a PBP con a couple years ago or recently with the whole Cookie Fiasco. If you don't Discord, that's okay, as I said it's just a backup.

There is a HUGE list of scenarios with tie ins to this one. I'll make a separate post asking if you've played or run any of them later.

Grand Lodge

Bedisa | Female NG Medium Half-Orc Bloodrager (Id Rager) 4 / Shaman (Animist) 2
Bloodrage Stats:
HP 42/66 | AC 19, T 11, FF 17 | CMD 22 | F +10, R +7, W +11 |
HP 54/54 | AC 21, T 13, FF 19 | CMD 22| F +8, R +7, W +7 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage 6/12, | Active Conditions: n/a

Hey all, checking in too.

Have a Bloodrager 3/Shaman 2 (Bedisa) that I would like to play. She's done quite a few of the Blakros's scenarios. Planning on playing her during PaizoCon so she *should* be level 6 by the time we start.

Player Name: MauveAvengr
PC Name: Bedisa
PFS Number: 215382-4
Faction: Grand Lodge
Level & Class(es): Bloodrager 3/Shaman 2 (will update if this changes)
Discord name: MauveAvenger#1042

[ooc]Also, the slides are in 'View Only' mode right now.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)
Bedisa wrote:
Planning on playing her during PaizoCon so she *should* be level 6 by the time we start.

So, I had to ask how that was supposed to work. Meaning, can you play a character in a PaizoCon VTT game and in a PaizoCon PBP game during the same weekend? Officially PBPs start on Friday, so technically no. But the organizers then weaseled out and left it up to the GM to decide when the PBP games start.

Because you brought it up first, and because I've played with you before, I'll go ahead and state that this game will "officially" start after the last VTT has ended so that you can indeed play her. And anyone else is also free to play the same characters in a PaizoCon VTT and in this table.

Of course, if your character dies irrevocably in a VTT during the weekend, you'll have to change characters to continue in the PBP.

I'll post the introductory Gameplay post on Thursday the 26th, and people can get started with introductions whenever.

Bedisa wrote:
Also, the slides are in 'View Only' mode right now.

Sorry. I missed a step. Try it now.

If we go low tier I'll play my Monk 6, who is a melee type. If we go high tier I have three level 9 options (Oracle (support with melee pet), Sorcerer (typical arcane caster), Warpriest (melee type)).

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Checking in...

Player Name: kaervek78 aka Chris N.
PC Name: Grunjar
PFS Number: 331079-1
Faction: Silver Crusade
Level & Class(es): Cleric 6 (Desna)

Day Job: Scribe
Progression: Normal

Looking forward to the game! :-)

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

Player Name: Abraham Z.
PC Name: Bon Jon Bovi
PFS Number: 100198-12
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Level & Class(es): Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist archetype) 6
Discord name (if you have one): Abraham Z.#9742

Day Job: none (might use for a faction mission or something)
Progression: Normal

Dark Archive

Male NG Warpriest 9 of Ragathiel | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 89/89 | AC 21, T 16, FF 15 | CMD 23| F +14 R +14 W +16 | Init +6 | Perc +14, Sense Motive +9, Diplomacy +17 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 9/9 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions: Defending bone

Thanks for GMing!

Player Name: noral
PC Name: Suussmaar
PFS Number: 314670-15
Faction: Dark Archive
Level & Class(es): Warpriest 7
Discord name (if you have one): noral/GM_Nowruz#2139

Day Job: none
Progression: Normal

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

Fyi, I'll be on vacation June 1-6. I should still be able to post but possibly not as frequently as normal. Thanks for understanding and please bot me as needed.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Copy that, Bon Jon.

I'm opening up the Gameplay so you can all start introductions over the weekend.

Welcome to PaizoCon 2021!

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

I forgot to ask for this earlier. Please let me know which if any of the following scenarios that you (the player) OR your character has played. Please specify if it was this character or another character that did so.

• #0-05: Mists of Mwangi
• #0-35: Voice in the Void
• #2–11: The Penumbral Accords
• #3–07: Echoes of the Overwatched
• Grand Convocation 4712 AR (PaizoCon 2012 special event)
• #4–09: Blakros Matrimony
• #5–03: The Hellknight’s Feast
• #5-09: The Traitor’s Lodge
• #5–14: Day of the Demon (previously numbered #4–EX)
• #5–23: Cairn of Shadows
• #6–02: The Silver Mount Collection
• #7–09: The Blakros Connection
• #8–99: The Solstice Scar (any version)
• #9–05: Call of the Copper Gate
• #9–17: Oath of the Overwatched

Grand Lodge

Bedisa | Female NG Medium Half-Orc Bloodrager (Id Rager) 4 / Shaman (Animist) 2
Bloodrage Stats:
HP 42/66 | AC 19, T 11, FF 17 | CMD 22 | F +10, R +7, W +11 |
HP 54/54 | AC 21, T 13, FF 19 | CMD 22| F +8, R +7, W +7 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage 6/12, | Active Conditions: n/a

Beidsa has played the following:
#0-05 Mist of Mwangi
#2-11: The Penumbral Accords
#3-07: The Echoes of the Overwatched
#4-09: Blakros Matrimony
#5-03: The Hellknight's Feast

Have not played any of the others with any character.

Dark Archive

Male NG Warpriest 9 of Ragathiel | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 89/89 | AC 21, T 16, FF 15 | CMD 23| F +14 R +14 W +16 | Init +6 | Perc +14, Sense Motive +9, Diplomacy +17 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 9/9 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions: Defending bone

Of course!

• #0-05: Mists of Mwangi - OTHER CHARACTER
• #0-35: Voice in the Void - OTHER CHARACTER
• #2–11: The Penumbral Accords - OTHER CHARACTER
• #3–07: Echoes of the Overwatched - not played
• Grand Convocation 4712 AR (PaizoCon 2012 special event) - not played
• #4–09: Blakros Matrimony - OTHER CHARACTER
• #5–03: The Hellknight’s Feast - OTHER CHARACTER
• #5-09: The Traitor’s Lodge - OTHER CHARACTER
• #5–14: Day of the Demon (previously numbered #4–EX) - not played
• #5–23: Cairn of Shadows - THIS CHARACTER
• #6–02: The Silver Mount Collection - OTHER CHARACTER
• #7–09: The Blakros Connection - OTHER CHARACTER
• #8–99: The Solstice Scar (any version) - OTHER CHARACTER
• #9–05: Call of the Copper Gate - not played
• #9–17: Oath of the Overwatched - OTHER CHARACTER

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Neither Grunjar nor I (the player) played any of the above listed scenarios.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Elf Ranger 7 / Wizard 1 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 21 (15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 23 | F: +8, R: +11, W: +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +22, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Color Spray 1/1; Reduce Person 1/1 | Active conditions:

Player Name: Beatrice
PC Name: Elenial Windwalker
PFS Number: 123480-1
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Level & Class(es): Ranger 7 / Wizard 1
Discord name (if you have one): Baerlie#2595

I GMed/played the following:
• #0-05: Mists of Mwangi (other)
• #0-35: Voice in the Void (other)
• #2–11: The Penumbral Accords (other)
• #3–07: Echoes of the Overwatched (other)
• #5-09: The Traitor’s Lodge (other)
• #6–02: The Silver Mount Collection (other)
• #7–09: The Blakros Connection (other)
• #8–99: The Solstice Scar (other)

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

I've played a bunch of these but none with this particular character.

• #0-05: Mists of Mwangi - played & gm-ed
• #0-35: Voice in the Void - played (core)
• #2–11: The Penumbral Accords
• #3–07: Echoes of the Overwatched - played
• Grand Convocation 4712 AR (PaizoCon 2012 special event)
• #4–09: Blakros Matrimony - played
• #5–03: The Hellknight’s Feast
• #5-09: The Traitor’s Lodge
• #5–14: Day of the Demon (previously numbered #4–EX) - played
• #5–23: Cairn of Shadows - played
• #6–02: The Silver Mount Collection - played
• #7–09: The Blakros Connection
• #8–99: The Solstice Scar (any version) - played
• #9–05: Call of the Copper Gate - played
• #9–17: Oath of the Overwatched

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

Busily packing for trip, may not manage to get another post in gameplay until Wednesday, but I'm here :-)

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Thanks for checking in. Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you were able to get one in before you left. Safe travels!

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Everyone- please go ahead and roll a single D20 here for a PaizoCon gift voucher or boon. If you roll a 1, 2 19, or 20 you win ... something.

A natural 19-or-20 are winners of Paizo gift vouchers!

A natural 1-or-2 are winners of a boon! Please roll a d10 to determine which one.

If you win, I will need your name and email address.

PaizoCon!: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Grand Lodge

Bedisa | Female NG Medium Half-Orc Bloodrager (Id Rager) 4 / Shaman (Animist) 2
Bloodrage Stats:
HP 42/66 | AC 19, T 11, FF 17 | CMD 22 | F +10, R +7, W +11 |
HP 54/54 | AC 21, T 13, FF 19 | CMD 22| F +8, R +7, W +7 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage 6/12, | Active Conditions: n/a

Boon!: 1d20 ⇒ 1
boon?: 1d10 ⇒ 5

Woo! The only time I want to roll a 1. What're the boons? Will shoot you my email address

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Got your PM. Congrats! I don't know what the boons are, sorry. The Con Committee will send it to you. If it's not one you want or can use, there's a boon trading thread.

Dark Archive

Male NG Warpriest 9 of Ragathiel | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 89/89 | AC 21, T 16, FF 15 | CMD 23| F +14 R +14 W +16 | Init +6 | Perc +14, Sense Motive +9, Diplomacy +17 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 9/9 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions: Defending bone

boon : 1d20 ⇒ 6

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Boon!: 1d20 ⇒ 1 Yahoo! :-D
boon?: 1d10 ⇒ 10

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

First bit of housekeeping: Paizo just informed the PBP Gms that they need us to report the boon rolls by the end of the day (2359 PDT) on this Thursday, 3 June. I still need rolls from Elenial and Bon Jon.

I'll bot Bon Jon on Thursday night if I haven't heard from him by then, given his vacation situation.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

The investigation phase basically contains a series of skill checks for each missing item. We’ll take it one item at a time in the order y'all decide; I’ll list the item and the appropriate checks in spoilers. You can Aid Another on these checks. Some of the checks are dependent on previous ones and they are noted by an ooc comment. Working together as a team, as long as one character makes the dependent check, any character can then attempt the follow-up check.

For example, in the Crusader’s Blade section, making the Appraise check gives you good information and is important, but it does not unlock the dependent check. If anyone makes the Diplomacy check, then anyone (that same character immediately or someone else) may attempt the dependent Knowledge Local check, or may simply declare that they are heading to the Grand Lodge Records Archive.

Liberty's Edge

Female CG Elf Ranger 7 / Wizard 1 | HP: 63/63 | AC: 21 (15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 23 | F: +8, R: +11, W: +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +22, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Color Spray 1/1; Reduce Person 1/1 | Active conditions:

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 1
which boon: 1d10 ⇒ 5

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Congrats Bedisa, Grunjar, and Bon Jon. I've submitted your info.

@Bon Jon: I didn't get a PM with your email address. The Con committee found an email address on your Warhorn account (ab****ab@gmail.com - redacted for privacy) They will submit to Paizo using that unless they hear otherwise.

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

Sorry I missed the request for my email - less free time on vacation than I was expecting - will catch up with our game as I can. That email address is perfect - thanks!

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)
Grunjar wrote:
[ooc]@GM Nomadical: Would it be ok for everyone to assume that Grunjar constantly casts guidance on them during the investigation part(s) as mentioned above?

I don’t mind a liberal use of guidance. But I ask for reasonable and logical limits. At its core is the issue that guidance only lasts 1 minute, but requires a standard action to cast, of which there are only 10 in a minute. So, sure, a caster could cast guidance on the 5 party members (including himself) each minute, but it would be a little weird for him to be walking around doing almost nothing else except moving from one to another casting a spell every few seconds.

Certainly when a party member is about to engage in an activity that another party member can see and which will be accomplished in a short time, then yes, one can assume that Grunjar cast guidance. Examples include picking a lock, climbing a wall, jumping a stream, examining an item, reading a text in a lost language, etc. Using it on yourself before attempting something purely mental, such as a sense motive check makes sense also. [[“Hmm, I wonder what they’re really thinking?” Cast guidance as you contemplate their body language and tone of speech.]]

But the problem arises with checks that take an indeterminate or lengthy amount of time, or which require continuous interaction with others. That's why guidance can't be used for Day Jobs. Imagine in your mind’s eye what it would be like for a staff member to be chatting with Bedisa while Grunjar stands behind her continuously casting a spell. I expect that might freak the staff out and make them less likely to open up, not more. (I realize that’s not what you posted as your actions, but an example of how “constantly” casting it might look in certain situations.)

It’s kind of a moot point, since the investigation is over at this point. It also didn’t really matter for Bedisa’s last Sense Motive, since Grunjar hit the DC anyway. And I get that PBP makes things weird with the non-linear party actions due to posting sequence, so I do tend to be liberal with Aid Anothers and guidance anyway. But “constant” is a bit much.

Anyway, back to the action!

Grand Lodge

Bedisa | Female NG Medium Half-Orc Bloodrager (Id Rager) 4 / Shaman (Animist) 2
Bloodrage Stats:
HP 42/66 | AC 19, T 11, FF 17 | CMD 22 | F +10, R +7, W +11 |
HP 54/54 | AC 21, T 13, FF 19 | CMD 22| F +8, R +7, W +7 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage 6/12, | Active Conditions: n/a

Bedisa has a familiar (Swaine the Thrush) that can cast Guidance as well. I always forget about him though.

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

@GM Nomadical: Thanks for the explanation, that's fine with me.

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

Back from vacation and catching up now.

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

It looks like the group managed to get all of the skill checks but if there are any that I've missed that still need a roll please let me know (though Bon Jon is not terribly skillful).

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)
Bon Jon Bovi wrote:
Back from vacation and catching up now.

Welcome back! Hope it was a refreshing break. No worries, you didn't miss much.

Bedisa wrote:

Have a Bloodrager 3/Shaman 2 (Bedisa) that I would like to play. She's done quite a few of the Blakros's scenarios. Planning on playing her during PaizoCon so she *should* be level 6 by the time we start.

Did you end up leveling Bedisa from PaizoCon? It doesn't affect tier or anything, but just want to make sure her stats, etc. on her profile page are correct.

Grand Lodge

Bedisa | Female NG Medium Half-Orc Bloodrager (Id Rager) 4 / Shaman (Animist) 2
Bloodrage Stats:
HP 42/66 | AC 19, T 11, FF 17 | CMD 22 | F +10, R +7, W +11 |
HP 54/54 | AC 21, T 13, FF 19 | CMD 22| F +8, R +7, W +7 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage 6/12, | Active Conditions: n/a

I did not play her during PaizoCon unfortunately. Got a bit burnt out by the end of the Con so decided to drop the game she was signed up for. So she's still level 5.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)
Grunjar wrote:
Can Grunjar attempt to decipher the foreign language with a Linguistics check?

Nope. Linguistics has two functions, and they are completely unrelated to each other. It does cause confusion, but it's pretty clear once one reads the skill description from the CRB.

(Link to AoN for reference.)

Putting a rank in Linguistics lets you learn to read, speak, understand, and write a language. But skill checks using Linguistics are only for written material. You could use Linguistics to study an ancient text and try to decipher the meaning, or you can create or detect forged written materials. But there are no provisions for using Linguistics checks to understand the spoken word, presumably due to the speed at which it occurs.

FWIW, this language is called D’ziriak, and this is the only reference to it that I've ever seen.

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Thanks for explaining! :-)

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9
GM Nomadical wrote:

Orange follows Gunjar and again tries to relieve the cleric of his new weapon.

[dice=Attack, Leaping, vs CMD]d20+11+1
And the battleaxe joins the warhammer on the ground.
Sorry, but that’s their tactics.

Don't be sorry, their tactics plays right in my cards.

Each action my opponent uses to attempt to disarm me (successful or not) is one he does not use to do any damage, so mission accomplished! ;-)
It only takes my move action to draw another weapon, but he uses up his standard action... that's my tactic, for now.

Although, if any of my comrades moved a bit nearer to Grunjar (target squares indicated by the green plus signs), he would have a great buff waiting for them for their next round(s):

Bit of Luck (Sp):
You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck.
For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result.
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

I apologize for the halo I gave Bon Jon - I just couldn't resist... ;-)

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Sorry, I missed it in my prep, but has anyone credited #6-99: True Dragons of Absalom on this character?

Grand Lodge

Bedisa | Female NG Medium Half-Orc Bloodrager (Id Rager) 4 / Shaman (Animist) 2
Bloodrage Stats:
HP 42/66 | AC 19, T 11, FF 17 | CMD 22 | F +10, R +7, W +11 |
HP 54/54 | AC 21, T 13, FF 19 | CMD 22| F +8, R +7, W +7 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Speed 30ft | Bloodrage 6/12, | Active Conditions: n/a

I have not.

Dark Archive

Male NG Warpriest 9 of Ragathiel | Aasimar Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Speed 30ft | HP 89/89 | AC 21, T 16, FF 15 | CMD 23| F +14 R +14 W +16 | Init +6 | Perc +14, Sense Motive +9, Diplomacy +17 | Reroll 1/1 | Sacred Weapon 9/9 | Fervor: 9/9 | War blessing 9/9 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Active Conditions: Defending bone

No! :-)

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Neither have I.

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

Nor me.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

I have an unexpected eye-surgery coming up tomorrow and may not be able to post in the next few days. Please bot me accordingly.

Grand Lodge

The Show Must Go On! Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall (Op VIII)

Will do. Hope it all goes well.

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin

Wishing you smooth sailing, Grunjar!

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

I am recovering from the surgery which went well. A (real life) regeneration spell would have been better, though...

Thanks for the good wishes! :-)

Silver Crusade

#08-00 The Cosmic Captive Male CG Dwarf Cleric 9 | HP 66/66 | AC 25 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +16 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs, +2 vs. charm/comp.) | Init +6 | Heal +12, Perc +18 darkv. 60' (Stonecunning: +2 extra), SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Lucky Number: 9

Just thinking:
Does anyone have the spell Mending or Make Whole memorized?
Alternatively, we could try to bribe it with a new hat in exchange for the headdress...

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin
Grunjar wrote:

I am recovering from the surgery which went well. A (real life) regeneration spell would have been better, though...

Thanks for the good wishes! :-)

Glad to hear it!

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