Brains over Brawn?

Game Master trawets71

All wizard campaign.


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Welcome all! Please complete your character's alias'. Feel free to discuss roles and skills. You can make some changes to your characters to make sure everything is covered. Backing up other roles is fine as long as everyone knows what their main role is.

Please post in Gameplay and then delete your post. This will let the campaign show up in your games.

Male Human Fate 3/Resilience 3/WS 43, BS 20, ST 5, T 38, INIT 41, AGI 27, DEX 25, INT 25, WILL 38,FEL 30

I think I need to pick up sleight of hand

male, tiefling, alchemist/wizard 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 15 (t13, ff12) | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 | perception (darkvision 60') +1, sense motive +1 | initiative +3 | active effects: --

Greetings all, and thanks for the pick GM.

As you all know, I’ll be the party healer. The healing abilities that I have right now should (hopefully) be enough to get us through the first level or two but they won’t scale super well, unfortunately. As we level though, my UMD and Heal skills will become more reliable and I’ll take the feats that were discussed in the recruitment thread to make the heal skill really functional. Even with those feats though, we may want to consider setting up a party share of the loot from the beginning to cover things like cure wands and status removal scrolls (I get remove fear, lesser restoration, remove disease, restoration, cleanse, pillar of life, greater restoration, mass cure critical wounds, and true resurrection as we level but we may want to invest at some point in things like remove blindness/deafness and neutralize poison).

As for skills, aside from 2 already mentioned, I have knowledge planes (which I need for one of the heal feats) and knowledge religion (which might open up some feats for pretending to be a cleric/healer?) and then my last two (knowledge local and spellcraft) I could trade out if there are things we need to cover still.

A white bearded dwarf carrying a book as large as his torso sat down and looked over the group in front of him carefully. Slowly he opened the book and began flicking through the pages. At length he stopped and closed it. Having concluded that there were no grudges against any present he decided that there was no need for violence this day.


Hi everyone. I've got the honor of being the close combat wizard. For skills, I'm bringing perception, spellcraft, knowledge arcana/history/geography and UMD (though that is just for a feat). My spells will likely be defensive in nature, to keep Torgald from dying a horrible, squishy death.

This is going to be a very interesting experience. Especially in the lower levels.

AC 12 (12 touch, 10 FF); CMD 11; Init +2; Perc +0, Sense Motive +2; Scent; F/R/W: +1/+2/+2; Max HP: 7; Current HP 3;

A tawny-furred feline humanoid saunters in, looks the place over, then chooses a spot close to the fire (though he remembers at the last minute not to curl up on the floor). He casts a quick spell and uses the cantrip to smooth out his fur and remove the travel's grime from his paws. Placing an order for a mug of cream, he gazes about the place, checking out its denizens.

Felos here, happy to be on board. Felos brings along face skills, mostly Diplomacy, though he can be deceitful when needed, and Intimidating in an emergency. He doesn't have a lot of knowledge skills (Arcana only) so he fails as pseudo-bard in that regard.

He can also play recorder. It's not quite a saxophone on a fencepost, but it's close.

GM, no rush on starting things. Felos is quite content to sit in limbo with his mug of cream until things settle down for you. Prayers for a safe and speedy recovery.

Male elf evoker (admixture) | HP 1 / 8 | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | F +1 | R +4 | W +2 | Int +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +0 | CMD 14 | MWK Composite Longbow +5/+6 (pbs) (1d8/×3) | Dagger +0 (1d4/19-2 (-4 Strength)

Well met everyone!

This is Nightfiend stepping in as Alwin and I wanted to say thank you for the invite. I'm looking forward to some interesting gameplay to say the least. I'm glad to see that Giant Halfling was able to complete a submission in time, so welcome aboard. It will be interesting to see how the wizard heal skill progresses and if it can keep up with a somewhat squishy party.

So, it looks like I will be taking on the role of the caster. I have outfitted Alwin as an archer for early gameplay, which allows him to focus somewhat on ranged attacks. I intend for him to convert this focus into rays as he progresses. I also intend for him to be more evocation focused. For now though, I think my primary concern is going to to be just surviving the first few levels. Also I have put points into disable device so he can "aid other" if needed. That being said, he is nothing close to the skill of a rogue. I simply figured, high Dex why not.

(GM) Trawets,
I hope everything goes well with your son. You have my best wishes.

Male Human Fate 3/Resilience 3/WS 43, BS 20, ST 5, T 38, INIT 41, AGI 27, DEX 25, INT 25, WILL 38,FEL 30

Alphonso "Al, the jeweller" Wolf walks in wearing nondescript travelling street clothes with a hat covering his hair and eyes and puts himself in some shade where he just seems to blend in. He looks at the crowd from the side and nods a bit but keeps words to himself.

I shall be playing the rogue. I have steath, disguise, disable device, use magic device, bluff, sleight of hand, and perception for my skill set. I am specializing in illusion so my plan is to stay hidden and cause some battlefield control.

I will get something up later today. We are moving currently so I might be a bit erratic in posting for a day or two.

Iron skin 6/6 day (+2 ac) Male Oread metal wizard 2| 20 ft Speed | HP: 10/10| AC: 11(15)/10/11(15)|Init: +1| Perc: +1| Fort: +4| Ref: +0| Will: +3| CMB: 1| CMD: 11 spells =1/2 +1/1 = body capacitance, mage armor, shield

Tore walks in from the outdoors limping slightly from the long journey. He leans on his bulk quarterstaff. He skin is damp from effort and he has fleshgems imbedded across his face and arms. These gems are Emerald and peridot green. This green seems to catch the light from the windows and fireplace. His eyes dart around looking at each individual in the room weighing them to some standard only he knows.
He sifts his pack from his shoulder to his hand and then strides purposefully toward the counter of the inn. Something harsh to drink and something to eat if it don't cost all my money.he says bluntly to the female human in and apron behind the counter. What's the latest here in the Hallows?He queries nonchalantly.
While waiting for his food and an answer, he carefully leans his weight on the stool and counter. I think that this stool may not hold me. Do you have something a bit more .. he glances around again at the accoutrements in the room ...umm... sturdy.

I will be one of the meat shields ie...fighter. My main thing for combat is high ac from spells and touch spells. I have some natural healing when exposed to acid so will probably carry a vial of acid to activate this in a tight spot. I will advance through touch spells most being without saves or saves for half damage is my goal.

DM = How's your son doing?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

He's is keeping his food down better. We came home from the hospital on Saturday. Trying to recover from being in there.

Take all the time you need. Glad to hear he is home.

Male Human Fate 3/Resilience 3/WS 43, BS 20, ST 5, T 38, INIT 41, AGI 27, DEX 25, INT 25, WILL 38,FEL 30

I am glad you are all home as well

male, tiefling, alchemist/wizard 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 15 (t13, ff12) | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 | perception (darkvision 60') +1, sense motive +1 | initiative +3 | active effects: --

Glad to hear he’s improving!

Iron skin 6/6 day (+2 ac) Male Oread metal wizard 2| 20 ft Speed | HP: 10/10| AC: 11(15)/10/11(15)|Init: +1| Perc: +1| Fort: +4| Ref: +0| Will: +3| CMB: 1| CMD: 11 spells =1/2 +1/1 = body capacitance, mage armor, shield

For me, take all the time you need, I'm in the middle of a move for the next 2 weeks or so, so things might be a bit haphazard as to posting but I shall get something up when we start.

Male elf evoker (admixture) | HP 1 / 8 | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | F +1 | R +4 | W +2 | Int +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +0 | CMD 14 | MWK Composite Longbow +5/+6 (pbs) (1d8/×3) | Dagger +0 (1d4/19-2 (-4 Strength)

I'm also good with you taking some time if needed, so no rush on my part either.

Iron skin 6/6 day (+2 ac) Male Oread metal wizard 2| 20 ft Speed | HP: 10/10| AC: 11(15)/10/11(15)|Init: +1| Perc: +1| Fort: +4| Ref: +0| Will: +3| CMB: 1| CMD: 11 spells =1/2 +1/1 = body capacitance, mage armor, shield

How's the kiddo doing?

Robbie is doing better. I am still trying to recover from being in there. I do intend to start soon though.

male, tiefling, alchemist/wizard 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 15 (t13, ff12) | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 | perception (darkvision 60') +1, sense motive +1 | initiative +3 | active effects: --

Great to hear!

Iron skin 6/6 day (+2 ac) Male Oread metal wizard 2| 20 ft Speed | HP: 10/10| AC: 11(15)/10/11(15)|Init: +1| Perc: +1| Fort: +4| Ref: +0| Will: +3| CMB: 1| CMD: 11 spells =1/2 +1/1 = body capacitance, mage armor, shield

glad he's doing better. Mind if I ask what was wrong with him?

Tore Galyna wrote:
glad he's doing better. Mind if I ask what was wrong with him?

Not at all. In general he is developmentally delayed (almost for but is functioning at a 9 month level). He has epilepsy as well. Specifically what got us into the hospital this time was that he had been throwing up a bunch right after eating and it got to the point he wasn't keeping anything down. After 4 days in the hospital they have decided to blame one of his anti seizure meds. It was also causing liver issues. He is now eating much better and keeping things down and starting to put weight back on. Friday he gets a device (VNS) implanted for his seizures. It is outpatient surgery. It gets implanted in his upper chest and a wire runs up his vegas nerve. Kinda like a pace maker for the brain.

Male elf evoker (admixture) | HP 1 / 8 | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | F +1 | R +4 | W +2 | Int +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +0 | CMD 14 | MWK Composite Longbow +5/+6 (pbs) (1d8/×3) | Dagger +0 (1d4/19-2 (-4 Strength)

Wow that sounds like a lot. Hopefully everything goes well. I know its hard to see the ones we care about go through such difficulties. You have my best wishes through the process.

Iron skin 6/6 day (+2 ac) Male Oread metal wizard 2| 20 ft Speed | HP: 10/10| AC: 11(15)/10/11(15)|Init: +1| Perc: +1| Fort: +4| Ref: +0| Will: +3| CMB: 1| CMD: 11 spells =1/2 +1/1 = body capacitance, mage armor, shield

I'm familiar with the VNS device. I have a friend with one and they can make a world of difference from what he has said and I have seen. Anti-convulsives are nasty but they can do the job ok. Glad they pinpointed the problem and are taking steps to resolve it. Best wishes on the procedure.

There is a post up in gameplay kicking things off.

Wish you and your son the best. I can't imagine what it is like, but echo the sentiments of Alwin and Tore.

AC 12 (12 touch, 10 FF); CMD 11; Init +2; Perc +0, Sense Motive +2; Scent; F/R/W: +1/+2/+2; Max HP: 7; Current HP 3;

Same here. This seems like some good news though so I’m glad.

I'll be spacey and erratic the next few days. We are moving a 5 bedroom house and 7 people to a two bedroom apartment and 7 people. Gonna take some ingenuity.

I undergo surgery on Thursday to remove a lump from my abdomen. I will be in the hospital a night or two, supposedly, and then at home on drugs. I don't know what my posting will look like so please hang in there with me.

You can continue to talk in the tavern or I can start things going. Up to you guys.

Iron skin 6/6 day (+2 ac) Male Oread metal wizard 2| 20 ft Speed | HP: 10/10| AC: 11(15)/10/11(15)|Init: +1| Perc: +1| Fort: +4| Ref: +0| Will: +3| CMB: 1| CMD: 11 spells =1/2 +1/1 = body capacitance, mage armor, shield

I'd prefer to hold off. I am still moving to an apartment and will be until saturday. SO with that and work most of my time is invested til monday anyway.

male, tiefling, alchemist/wizard 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 15 (t13, ff12) | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 | perception (darkvision 60') +1, sense motive +1 | initiative +3 | active effects: --

I will be moving on Wednesday (June 30th) and just learned that because of the holiday weekend (in the US) I won't be able to get internet at the new place until July 6th. I'll do my best to keep up with posts from my phone but please feel free to bot me if necessary during that window.

Sorry things have been a bit slow on my part. My recovery has been a bit harder than expected and I had a bit of a setback sunday night. Nothing major. Just hang in there with me.

Male elf evoker (admixture) | HP 1 / 8 | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | F +1 | R +4 | W +2 | Int +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +0 | CMD 14 | MWK Composite Longbow +5/+6 (pbs) (1d8/×3) | Dagger +0 (1d4/19-2 (-4 Strength)

Pace is ok considering the holiday and all you are dealing with. I'm ok with you take what time you need. Besides PBP is a marathon, not a sprint.

Iron skin 6/6 day (+2 ac) Male Oread metal wizard 2| 20 ft Speed | HP: 10/10| AC: 11(15)/10/11(15)|Init: +1| Perc: +1| Fort: +4| Ref: +0| Will: +3| CMB: 1| CMD: 11 spells =1/2 +1/1 = body capacitance, mage armor, shield

Not a worry. RL first then the fun can happen

male, tiefling, alchemist/wizard 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 15 (t13, ff12) | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 | perception (darkvision 60') +1, sense motive +1 | initiative +3 | active effects: --

Sorry for my lengthy delay. I did get the internet hooked up at my new place today (finally) but was immediately swamped with work things I was behind on. I should have a post up tomorrow.

I will be out of town and state this weekend so can't even look at posting until monday sometime

AC 12 (12 touch, 10 FF); CMD 11; Init +2; Perc +0, Sense Motive +2; Scent; F/R/W: +1/+2/+2; Max HP: 7; Current HP 3;

This is quite embarrassing for the poor enchanter to lose control of the situation like this, but he had no idea he’d be walking into a hostile social situation and you can’t do anything about bad dice rolls.

Still, sorry folks.

It’s all good. If I had to apologize for my bad dice rolls, then I’d never manage to get around to apologizing for my bad decisions.

male, tiefling, alchemist/wizard 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 15 (t13, ff12) | CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 | perception (darkvision 60') +1, sense motive +1 | initiative +3 | active effects: --

Bad rolls sometimes make for the best stories.

Male elf evoker (admixture) | HP 1 / 8 | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | F +1 | R +4 | W +2 | Int +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +0 | CMD 14 | MWK Composite Longbow +5/+6 (pbs) (1d8/×3) | Dagger +0 (1d4/19-2 (-4 Strength)

I'm of the same mind. It's simply bad luck.

AC 12 (12 touch, 10 FF); CMD 11; Init +2; Perc +0, Sense Motive +2; Scent; F/R/W: +1/+2/+2; Max HP: 7; Current HP 3;

Oh that apology was quite tongue in cheek.

With any luck, we have enough sleep spells between us if these guys don’t buy our combined Bluff attempts.

Rolling 1 on a skill check is not automatic failure. His check, while it failed wasn't that bad. A couple of aids and he would have had what he needed. I've been trying to decide what to do since you have deceived to be offensive with them and have them seeing red. I know what should happen as soon as Torgald starts casting. I just don't want a TPK on the first encounter.

Male elf evoker (admixture) | HP 1 / 8 | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | F +1 | R +4 | W +2 | Int +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +0 | CMD 14 | MWK Composite Longbow +5/+6 (pbs) (1d8/×3) | Dagger +0 (1d4/19-2 (-4 Strength)

Admittedly, I'm a bit old hat and seen the (1) as a fail. Thanks for the reminder about 1's no longer guaranteeing a failure.

Unless this encounter is OP compared to any up and coming encounters I would say let it play out. TPK on the first encounter doesn’t sound to fare fetched for an all wizard party. So, either we are a viable group or we are not. Ultimately we will have to square off for a fight at some point. That is unless you intend to soften most, if not all, encounters going forward. That being said, I would be ok with you giving all the lumbermen saps and a -8 to hit…. (LoL)

This was not supposed to be a combat encounter at all. There are 20+ lumbermen, who are not 1st level NPCs, in the camp as you got here at the end of the day. The lumber consortium runs all the lumber, from cutting it to selling it and they are nasty and treat their people poorly. Their people are consequently not nice people to deal with. Some one comes in and insults them and they are going to pound them into the ground. This is a fight that wasn't supposed to be and is unwinnable by the party. It can be survived though as long as you don't do the wrong things. I think I know what to do now.

As for future combat encounters, I am not planning on altering them at all. They were designed for a party of 4 so hopefully a party of 6 wizards can handle them.

Male elf evoker (admixture) | HP 1 / 8 | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | F +1 | R +4 | W +2 | Int +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +0 | CMD 14 | MWK Composite Longbow +5/+6 (pbs) (1d8/×3) | Dagger +0 (1d4/19-2 (-4 Strength)

PC's taking things the wrong direction? That never happens! Next thing you know someone will have a great idea about splitting the party.

AC 12 (12 touch, 10 FF); CMD 11; Init +2; Perc +0, Sense Motive +2; Scent; F/R/W: +1/+2/+2; Max HP: 7; Current HP 3;

I’m recruiting for a story-intense old-school game here if anybody is interested in adding another game.

Lots of chances to roll 1s on skill checks here!

AC 12 (12 touch, 10 FF); CMD 11; Init +2; Perc +0, Sense Motive +2; Scent; F/R/W: +1/+2/+2; Max HP: 7; Current HP 3;

Going camping with the kids until Thursday. Not sure on cell reception. Please bot me if needed.

I will need some sort of marching order for the group as well as watch order for when you camp next please.

Male elf evoker (admixture) | HP 1 / 8 | AC 14 | T 14 | FF 10 | F +1 | R +4 | W +2 | Int +4 | Perc +7 | CMB +0 | CMD 14 | MWK Composite Longbow +5/+6 (pbs) (1d8/×3) | Dagger +0 (1d4/19-2 (-4 Strength)

I am unable to move my icon. I am assuming its because I am set on view only. I sent a request to be able to edit. I think that will clear it up.

Am traveling, so phone only. Can’t move on my phone

Sorry guys. That should be fixed now. I thought it was editable from the beginning.

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