GM Badblood's The Dragon's Demand

Game Master Lance K

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Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Six young adventurer's find themselves sitting in a jail cell some backwater village by the name of Belhaim. They were all hired to perform the simple task of escorting a caravan of goods from the city of Cassomir to dwarven trade city of Highhelm. None of the people in this cell knew that they were engaged in illegal activity but in retrospect there were signs that their employer, Silas Gribb, was hiding something.

The pay was maybe a little too good for such a simple job, but Silas justified this by the fact that needed guards that would be ready to leave the city that very night. Of course, Silas never had a good explanation for why he needed to leave in such a rush, but he was charming enough to brush away the topic. Silas also seemed to know a lot of "shortcuts" and detours that just happened to also avoid the toll booths and checkpoints that the Taldan army had set up along their main trade roads. And of course, an experienced merchant would have realized that there was no way that Silas would have made enough of a profit selling his bags of coffee beans and rice to recoup the costs of his trip.

So perhaps more experienced adventurers wouldn't have been so surprised when Belhaim's sheriff and a posse of deputized locals surrounded the caravan and placed the whole group under arrest. A quick search by the sheriff revealed several small packages hidden among the sacks of mundane trade goods. The grizzled constable unwrapped the bundle, revealing fragrant smelling red leaves that had been dried and pressed into a small brick. This whole time they had been transporting flayleaf!

Being a known smuggler, Silas's fate was already sealed and the man was lead away in chains with plans to escort him back to Cassomir to face justice, but the adventurer's fate was less clear. Their weapons and spell casting paraphernalia was confiscated and they were marched to the small town jail to await questioning.

After several minutes of waiting they hear the garrison door open and heavy footsteps march down the hall. The sheriff appears, a middle aged man with the scars and bearing of an old soldier. He groans as he stretches his back, then with one hand resting on the pommel of his sheathed long sword he says, "Alright, I need folks a straight answer. No matter what that happens to be, its going to be better for you if I don't hear no lie spilling out of your mouths right now. I can smell it if you're lying to me. So tell me the truth. Did you know about the flayleaf?"

female Elf Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 | HP9 | AC 17/14/13 | Fort+2 Ref+4 Will+3 (+2vs.enchant) | Init+4 | Perc+6; low-light vision

Melenthe pushes her hair back out of her eyes and raises an eyebrow at the sheriff, "Did you see what Gribb was paying us? It definitely wasn't smuggling money." The elf shrugs, "I thought he was a sly one, dodging tolls and the like to save a little coin, but I didn't know about the flayleaf. I don't think he was someone who liked to share."

She looks around the room with a long sigh and lets her hair fall across her face again.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Spirit Summoner- 4|HP 33/33|AC 17 (T:12 F:16)|F:6 R:7 W:7 (+2 fear) Stardust 7/7, Lvl 1: 4/4, Lvl 2: 2/2Color Spray 1/1|CMB 0, CMD 12| Int +2, Per +6, Diplo +10, SM +0| Conditions: None

Andwise sits crosslegged on the floor of the cell, seemingly lost in a trance or seance. His cloak is old and worn- a deep purple, almost black with a simple silver embroidery holding together the hem and seams. His personal presence is odd, as if he is somehow partially detached from the material plane- radiating a small aura of "otherness" that leaks into the spaces around him.

Despite the direct nature of the man's questioning, the halfling remains motionless and silent, a palpable tension building between the sheriff and the lack of acknowledgement on the part of the captive.

Just as the energy is about to break, his eyes flash open revealing deep black iris with shifting, twinkling, patterns- as if they were filled with starlight themselves.

"Flayleaf? I am unfamiliar of this plant of which you speak." Andwise's voice is lyrical and soft, yet somehow mechanical in nature. Rehearsed and appropriate, but not easy or natural. "Based on your tone, it sounds like Silas has done something against the local custom or rule-of-law. If that is the case, I am apologetic- I was not aware of such trade."

He pauses for a second, before closing his eyes again. A moment passes, and another- before an oddly timed interjection from the Halfling, eyes still closed.

"You will tell me when I am allowed to apparate my companion again, is that correct?"

Sovereign Court

NG Human Samurai of Apsu 4 | Bites 5/5 HP 35/35| AC 20 T 14 FF 16 | F6 R 5 W 1 | Resolve 2/2 Challenges 3/3 | Per -1 Init: +3

Falcon has been despondent since the time of the arrest. He had done everything right. He was a good man. Everyone said. That or a good egg. One or the other, but Falcon was of course not an egg, despite the name.

His tallform paces with impatience waiting for a chance to defend himself against these charges. I would never! I am just and a just man never does drugs. It's like they always said back home - Just Say NO he says in a huff.

You should unhand us and allow us to get back to our important work serving the people of the world in their travails against injustice!

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

The sheriff listens patiently as the adventurer's explain their side of the story. His stoic face betrays little emotion as they speak. He pauses for a long time before saying, "Alright, for what its worth your story matches what Silas said. He said none of you knew that he was a smuggler. So unless the rest of you are feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt and want to confess a crime; you are all free to go."

The sheriff unlocks the cell door and lets the adventurer's out.

"You can get your gear back from "Gorgeous." Of course, the bad news is that Silas isn't going to be able to pay you." The grizzled human shrugs apologetically. "You got your freedom, at least. Can't put a price on that."

Sitting at table is one of the sheriff's deputies. True to his name, the young human male is unusually handsome, with wavy chestnut brown hair and a chiseled jaw line. Barely looking up from the ledger he is writing in, the man points towards a pile of sacks leaning up against the wall. "It's Gergis. And your stuff is over there."

female Elf Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 | HP9 | AC 17/14/13 | Fort+2 Ref+4 Will+3 (+2vs.enchant) | Init+4 | Perc+6; low-light vision

Melenthe shrugs, "Well, could be worse. As he owes us, can't you give us his cart, horses and legitimate goods? We could sell those to recoup our wages."

She looks sideways at the sheriff with a lazy half-smile, "I mean, you're not going to steal them, are you?"

Sovereign Court

NG Human Samurai of Apsu 4 | Bites 5/5 HP 35/35| AC 20 T 14 FF 16 | F6 R 5 W 1 | Resolve 2/2 Challenges 3/3 | Per -1 Init: +3

Falcon nods That seems fair.

Falcon laughs heartily at Gorgeous Well look at you. You wouldn't happen to be in distress, so I could save you and win your heart would you?

Its unclear whether Falcon is being ironic, serious or making a joke as his voice never leaves a bold peppy upper register.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Spirit Summoner- 4|HP 33/33|AC 17 (T:12 F:16)|F:6 R:7 W:7 (+2 fear) Stardust 7/7, Lvl 1: 4/4, Lvl 2: 2/2Color Spray 1/1|CMB 0, CMD 12| Int +2, Per +6, Diplo +10, SM +0| Conditions: None

As the cell is opened, and the sheriff motions the others out Andwise remains silently sitting on the ground, eyes closed. A moment passes, and another, and another- without so much as a flinch.

Suddenly the color drains from around the halfling, the edges of his cloak seemingly sucking the very light out of the cell. A flash of black energy fills the room and when it dissipates there is left in the middle of the cell a grey catlike creature with a saddle strapped to its back. What light there is in the chamber seems to slide off the creature's form, leaving its exact location somewhat blurry while small pinpoints of light seem to drift over its "fur".

Andwise's eyes shoot open, stark black eyes still haunting, before he stands quietly and climbs gracefully onto the creatures back.

Come on, Tanssi. This man has seen the truth of our situation

Medium Heaven's Outsider | HP 21/21| AC 18 (T:12 F:16) (Buffed 22)| F:4, R: 5, W:1| CMB +4, CMD 17 | INT +2, Perc +6, Stealth +8 Evolutions: Claws, Imp NA, Shadow Blend (20% concealment), Pounce, Xtr Damage| Conditions:

The voice of his companion echoes through Tanssi's mind, before it responds.

Does he not know who he trifles with? The tender of dreams will not appreciate his attempt at placing us captivity. Still, he has granted us our freedom and that is worth something...

The creature silently steps out of the cell, carrying their companion out of the cell and past the sherif.

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

The sheriff glowers at Melenthe's suggestion. "Taldor is a nation of laws and those trade goods are still Silas's property. Besides, you've got not right to them. If you did own anything in that caravan, you'd be going to right to Cassomir with him." The sheriff orders several of his deputies to begin loading the confiscated wagons with food and supplies. The party can see that Silas is sitting in one of the wagons, and is now wearing manacles and leg irons.

Gergis's, aka "Gorgeous's" expression darkens as Sir Falcon mocks him. "You better watch yourself while you're in Belheim," he mutters as the adventurer's leave the garrison. As Andwise rides out of the jail on his cat-like creature, the deputy shudders in revulsion.

A small crowd has gathered around the wagon, curious about the strangers that have recently come into town and the criminal that the sheriff just arrested. A woman in the crowd approaches. She has blonde hair that is just beginning to show signs of graying and is wearing a blue dress with red accents. Around her neck is a pendant of a peacock made of rainbow colored glass which is a clear symbol of her devotion to the goddess Sheyln. Smiling warmly she introduces herself.

"Hello, adventurers! My name is Talia; Talia Orem. What terrible misfortune! It must have been terrible finding out that your employer was a rascal and that you would be left stranded without any coin to your names. I would be honored to welcome you to stay at our family's inn for a few days while you figure out a plan. The Wise Piper is a humble village inn, but we pride ourselves on keeping a clean house and serving good wholesome food. You don't have to worry about paying us as long as you repay our favor by showing a kindness to someone else. And of course, having you under our roof means that I'll have the benefit of hearing any news of the world that you have before my neighbors get the chance!"

Suizal | Female N Medium Sylph Arcanist (aeromancer) 2 | HP 12/12| AC 13, T 13, FF 10 (+2 vs nonmagic ranged attacks)| CMD 13| F +1 R +3 W +3 | Init +9 | Perc +0 | Speed 35ft | Spells 3/4 | Arcane Reservoir 3/5 | Active Conditions: None.

Suizal was going absolutely crazy while in the cell. She felt extremely uncomfortable being confined. "I should be free. We did nothing wrong!" She protested, mainly for herself.

Once free, she sighs in relief. "Finally. It'll be good to smell fresh air again."

Then Talia steps up and offers her inn. "It sounds lovely. We would love to stay there, right guys?". She replies without even looking at her companions. "It'll be nice to sleep on a real bed for a few nights. I'll tell you, my back has been aching sleeping on the ground."

female Elf Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 | HP9 | AC 17/14/13 | Fort+2 Ref+4 Will+3 (+2vs.enchant) | Init+4 | Perc+6; low-light vision

”Rascal?! He’s a no-good, low-down, son of a troll!”

I assume that the module simply has this as a set-up and doesn’t want to give us extra cash so I will go easy on the money but if not then Melenthe would bee Ed deeply bitter and sarcastic. She might even demand her fee and then ask for it to be added to his charges at trial.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Spirit Summoner- 4|HP 33/33|AC 17 (T:12 F:16)|F:6 R:7 W:7 (+2 fear) Stardust 7/7, Lvl 1: 4/4, Lvl 2: 2/2Color Spray 1/1|CMB 0, CMD 12| Int +2, Per +6, Diplo +10, SM +0| Conditions: None

"A nation of laws and order dun dun would not allow innocent employees to be denied an earned wage. But it appears there will be at least some accommodations available which wont demand the coin that we haven't got."

Andwise rides on past the sheriff, obviously turning his full attention to Talia.

"It is a grace-filled offer. I am aware that we may not appear to be the most hospitable of guests." The halfling specifically nods at the creature he is riding. "News would be good, especially if it means we can be pressing on. I am generally not one to stay in a place for long, if I can help it."

A separate voice echoes through his head, chastising him.

Is that how you are going to introduce me? Not hospitable, am I?

"Where are my manners. This is Tanssi. They are quite well behaved and I am sorry to have implied otherwise. They have their own space and no specific needs for either livery or board- if that would be of concern to you.


But Andwise is greeted with only silence back

Sovereign Court

NG Human Samurai of Apsu 4 | Bites 5/5 HP 35/35| AC 20 T 14 FF 16 | F6 R 5 W 1 | Resolve 2/2 Challenges 3/3 | Per -1 Init: +3

Falcon ruffles the hair of the colorful innkeepers hair and smiles broadly.

Of course, Sir Falcon von Raptor, the BRONZED AVENGER, always does a good deed daily. Do you need help carrying bags of flour home from the Miller or something? Because I have a nice strong back - everyone back home says so!

He puffs his chest out proudly. Did you know that right here in Taldor us knights have a tradition of looking out for people. But I don't know any news. Except that flayleaf is bad!

Suizal | Female N Medium Sylph Arcanist (aeromancer) 2 | HP 12/12| AC 13, T 13, FF 10 (+2 vs nonmagic ranged attacks)| CMD 13| F +1 R +3 W +3 | Init +9 | Perc +0 | Speed 35ft | Spells 3/4 | Arcane Reservoir 3/5 | Active Conditions: None.

Suizal rolls her eyes at Sir Falcon's exclamation. "Yes, Sir Falcon does bring up a point. Is there work we can do? I do not do well sitting idly. Perhaps we can run errands for you". Suizal is a bit worried that there's a catch to this. Nothing in this world is free! She's trying to be nice for now, hoping Talia is genuine in her offer. Earning a bit of coin wont hurt either.

female Elf Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 | HP9 | AC 17/14/13 | Fort+2 Ref+4 Will+3 (+2vs.enchant) | Init+4 | Perc+6; low-light vision

Melenthe thinks back on her time in Cassomir, "Well, we had rooms in Abbey Green for a week. I caught a few shows. I'm not a performer but I could give you some of the broad strokes?"

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Talia steps back out of the way as Sir Falcon reaches out to ruffle her hair. "Okay...just follow me!" The woman leads the party down the street to a two story building near the center of the town. There are colorful quilted blankets drying in the sun outside the building. A sullen looking teenage boy approaches and offers to lead Tanssi to the stables, but Talia dismisses him and opens the door of the inn.

The Wise Piper is a simple small town inn with a big common room. There is a long table flanked by benches dominating the room. There is an older woman guiding a young girl as she sews a colorful quilt. Two other teenage humans are sweeping the floor. Talia directs the youths to bring food and tells the party to sit down at the table.

Instead of private rooms there are small alcoves partitioned with colorful curtains. The sleeping arrangements are humble hay pallets covered in the distinctly patterned quilted blankets. Despite the modest furnishings, the inn is very clean and comfortable. There is a blazing fire in the hearth and attractive home-made tapestries hanging from the stone walls.

The two teenagers bring out bread, several different wheels of cheese, and a pitcher of honey. As the party sits down, they come back with pitchers of cold well water and weak mead.

Sovereign Court

NG Human Samurai of Apsu 4 | Bites 5/5 HP 35/35| AC 20 T 14 FF 16 | F6 R 5 W 1 | Resolve 2/2 Challenges 3/3 | Per -1 Init: +3

Falcon claims a alcove near the flame - he gets cold at night.

He trades around until he gets a greenish quilt for his pallet and then grabs a broom and helps the teenagers.

Suizal | Female N Medium Sylph Arcanist (aeromancer) 2 | HP 12/12| AC 13, T 13, FF 10 (+2 vs nonmagic ranged attacks)| CMD 13| F +1 R +3 W +3 | Init +9 | Perc +0 | Speed 35ft | Spells 3/4 | Arcane Reservoir 3/5 | Active Conditions: None.

Suizal thanks the teenagers for the food and drink. Before she starts, she closes her eyes and mumbles a prayer. "May the Wind and the Waves bless this food."

"Thank you Talia. This is delicious," Suizal says as she starts eating. "It's good to have real food in my stomach.".

She motions to the quilts and the two women sewing a quilt. "Are all these handmade here? Lovely designs. My mother taught me how to stitch, but it's been years since I've done any needlework."

Silver Crusade

Female N Drow | Sorcerer 4 (Tattooed Sorcerer, Shadow bloodline) | HP 26/26 | ‘Meshgi’ Skunk Familiar HP 6/6 | AC14 T13 FF 11 | CMD 13 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +5/+6 vs. Illusions/+8 vs. comp./+10 vs. charm/Immune to Sleep | Init: +3| Perc: +1, SM: +1, Dipl: +13, Bluff: +13 | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Reroll 1/1 | ‘Meshgi’ Musk 2/2 | Darkvision 120ft | Spell Resistance 10 | Active conditions: None

Ilvaria is a young female Drow with some peculiar features. Her eyes lack pupils and are solid white. Her Drow skin has a dusky obsidian color and her hair glows like silver.

She has a slender build and the features of an elf, including the distinctive long, pointed ears. Observing her more closely reveals that she is quite weak but really has an attractive physique.

Only wearing a loose cloak and very light Haramaki armor, it is clear that she is not a fighter. Around her neck you see an amulet showing the holy symbol of Sivanah, a circle made of six dull-colored veils tied end-to-end.

She is always accompanied by a shadow black and white skunk that does not continuously stink as might be expected. As you have been traveling with Ilvaria for a time you know that the skunk vanishes every time she falls asleep and magically forms from surrounding shadows when she awakes.

It is also obvious from the time you have spent together that she shares a bond with Melenthe and deeply cares for her opinion.

Ilvaria speaks rarely but when she speaks that means that she has something to say.

She was all the time silently listening to all of you, the sheriff and Gergis.

Also during Talia's introduction she stays silent and tries to not attract attention to herself.

When they enter the Wise Piper she looks around and is glad to be in a more intimate setting but tries to not scare any of the staff by sharing a smile.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Spirit Summoner- 4|HP 33/33|AC 17 (T:12 F:16)|F:6 R:7 W:7 (+2 fear) Stardust 7/7, Lvl 1: 4/4, Lvl 2: 2/2Color Spray 1/1|CMB 0, CMD 12| Int +2, Per +6, Diplo +10, SM +0| Conditions: None

As they approach the inn, Andwise steps off his companion- and with a snap of his fingers, Tanssi simply disappears. He strides into the common area, quite content to grab a human sized mug of whatever happens to be available. The food, brought by the teenagers, is a welcome surprise.

He grabs an available bunk, preferring one close to the ground, but not making a scene about it. The mother of dreams rewards all who sleep- regardless of location

I often forget that Ilvaria has the same aquentances with shadows that Tanssi does... he wonders to himself, as he observers her skunk companion once more. Perhaps I should be more intentional in discussion with her... though it does appear that she enjoys her silence.

He takes a big swing of his meade, and cautiously listens to the conversations happening at the other tables. Gather information

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

The older woman comes down from stairs with an armful of blankets and gives several more of them to Sir Falcon.

A look of anxiety crosses Talia's face when she sees Ilvaria, but she quickly covers it up with a bright smile. The children don't seem to see her as being any different than a surface elf, though and they comment enthusiastically about how pretty she looks and ask if they can pet her strange looking skunk.

When Suizal says her prayer to Gozreh, Talia perks up and asks, "I don't mean to be nosy, but you don't happen to be a follower of the Green Faith, do you? I'm just asking because we happen to have a number of believers in our town. Most everyone in Belhaim are good, gods-fearing people but you could say there are three factions. There's the Green Faith followers, then there's the people who pay patronage to Abadar. And of course, there are also other families like us, who primarily follow the ways of the Eternal Maiden."

As the adventurer's finish their meal and start to relax, there is a loud crash coming from outside the inn. The stone walls shake briefly and one of the tapestries falls off the wall.

Perception DC 15:
The noise sounds more like a landslide than an explosion.

And here is our first roll of the module!

Sovereign Court

NG Human Samurai of Apsu 4 | Bites 5/5 HP 35/35| AC 20 T 14 FF 16 | F6 R 5 W 1 | Resolve 2/2 Challenges 3/3 | Per -1 Init: +3

Falcon quickly goes to gather up the tapestry and try to hang it back up!

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9

Silver Crusade

Female N Drow | Sorcerer 4 (Tattooed Sorcerer, Shadow bloodline) | HP 26/26 | ‘Meshgi’ Skunk Familiar HP 6/6 | AC14 T13 FF 11 | CMD 13 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +5/+6 vs. Illusions/+8 vs. comp./+10 vs. charm/Immune to Sleep | Init: +3| Perc: +1, SM: +1, Dipl: +13, Bluff: +13 | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Reroll 1/1 | ‘Meshgi’ Musk 2/2 | Darkvision 120ft | Spell Resistance 10 | Active conditions: None

When Andwise lets his Eidolon disappear, Ilvaria looks at the summoner with some curiosity and a smile.

~ ~

Now ...

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Suddenly, Ilvaria stands up.

"Did you hear the nature of the noise? It sounds more like a landslide than an explosion! We should investigate." she says and looks at Melenthe first and then at Falcon.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Spirit Summoner- 4|HP 33/33|AC 17 (T:12 F:16)|F:6 R:7 W:7 (+2 fear) Stardust 7/7, Lvl 1: 4/4, Lvl 2: 2/2Color Spray 1/1|CMB 0, CMD 12| Int +2, Per +6, Diplo +10, SM +0| Conditions: None

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Andwise looks up from his drink the moment he hears the commotion outside. Always right after Tanssi has to leave... They will never let me hear the end of this...

He slides his chair out from the tall table and jumps down, heading to the closest window and looking outside. He turns towards Talia. "What's beyond this wall? A mountain? A quarry?

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Falcon easily hangs up the fallen tapestry as the rest of his companions get up from their seats. Andwise looks out the one of the windows near the front of the inn. He sees that a number of townsfolk are moving towards the town's central clearing. He recalls that as they had approached the town he had noticed that there was a big hill overlooking Belhaim. On one end of this hill was a tall, ancient looking tower and one the other side was a newer looking manor.

The innkeeper stands up with a jolt. "What is that wizard Hunclay up to now?" she shouts as she rushes towards the door of the inn.

Suizal | Female N Medium Sylph Arcanist (aeromancer) 2 | HP 12/12| AC 13, T 13, FF 10 (+2 vs nonmagic ranged attacks)| CMD 13| F +1 R +3 W +3 | Init +9 | Perc +0 | Speed 35ft | Spells 3/4 | Arcane Reservoir 3/5 | Active Conditions: None.

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19

Suizal stands up and moves to the door with the innkeeper. "This wizard... not the first time he's done something like this? Should someone" Suizal points at herself "investigate? Make sure Hunclay is ok?"

Silver Crusade

Female N Drow | Sorcerer 4 (Tattooed Sorcerer, Shadow bloodline) | HP 26/26 | ‘Meshgi’ Skunk Familiar HP 6/6 | AC14 T13 FF 11 | CMD 13 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +5/+6 vs. Illusions/+8 vs. comp./+10 vs. charm/Immune to Sleep | Init: +3| Perc: +1, SM: +1, Dipl: +13, Bluff: +13 | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Reroll 1/1 | ‘Meshgi’ Musk 2/2 | Darkvision 120ft | Spell Resistance 10 | Active conditions: None

Ilvaria nods at Suizal.

She looks to her skunk familiar, pulls her cloak over her head and rushes out of the door to the site.

Suizal | Female N Medium Sylph Arcanist (aeromancer) 2 | HP 12/12| AC 13, T 13, FF 10 (+2 vs nonmagic ranged attacks)| CMD 13| F +1 R +3 W +3 | Init +9 | Perc +0 | Speed 35ft | Spells 3/4 | Arcane Reservoir 3/5 | Active Conditions: None.

Before w/ Talia

"Ah, the Green Faith. Yes, I know a bit about the Green Faith." She strokes her hair while she talks. But Gozreh, the Wind and the Waves, is who I venerate. It would be lovely to meet the members of the Green Faith though as I have not talked with one in ages. Each one I meet is personable and I can end up chatting with them for hours. Is there a temple nearby?"

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Before the explosion

"They don't have a temple in town, but my understanding is that the Green Faith doesn't have a single god that they pray to." She mentions the names of a few prominent Green Faith followers in the town. "A lot of the local farmers seem to follow the faith. There is also a druid that lives outside town, but I haven't seen him come to town recently."

The town is gathered in the square, starring up at a plume of smoke that is coming from a pile of rubble where the tower on the hill used to be. There are a few people in the crowd whispering that the deputies found the bodies of over a dozen of kobolds lying in the ruin.

Silver Crusade

Female N Drow | Sorcerer 4 (Tattooed Sorcerer, Shadow bloodline) | HP 26/26 | ‘Meshgi’ Skunk Familiar HP 6/6 | AC14 T13 FF 11 | CMD 13 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +5/+6 vs. Illusions/+8 vs. comp./+10 vs. charm/Immune to Sleep | Init: +3| Perc: +1, SM: +1, Dipl: +13, Bluff: +13 | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Reroll 1/1 | ‘Meshgi’ Musk 2/2 | Darkvision 120ft | Spell Resistance 10 | Active conditions: None

Ilvaria tries to move to through the crowd to see for herself what happened.

Has this incident any connections to the Darklands? Do Kobolds live there?

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Ilvaria or anyone else for that matter can make a Knowledge (Local) check. I'd even allow a Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check. Since kobolds are both common and very weak, it is a low enough DC to learn *something* about them even if untrained.

Suizal | Female N Medium Sylph Arcanist (aeromancer) 2 | HP 12/12| AC 13, T 13, FF 10 (+2 vs nonmagic ranged attacks)| CMD 13| F +1 R +3 W +3 | Init +9 | Perc +0 | Speed 35ft | Spells 3/4 | Arcane Reservoir 3/5 | Active Conditions: None.

Knowledge (local), untrained: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

"Ah yes, I know something about kobolds. They're small, common creatures..."

Silver Crusade

Female N Drow | Sorcerer 4 (Tattooed Sorcerer, Shadow bloodline) | HP 26/26 | ‘Meshgi’ Skunk Familiar HP 6/6 | AC14 T13 FF 11 | CMD 13 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +5/+6 vs. Illusions/+8 vs. comp./+10 vs. charm/Immune to Sleep | Init: +3| Perc: +1, SM: +1, Dipl: +13, Bluff: +13 | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Reroll 1/1 | ‘Meshgi’ Musk 2/2 | Darkvision 120ft | Spell Resistance 10 | Active conditions: None

kn local untrained: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

"Ahh, yes, Suizal! Now I remember!" she says quitely.

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Ilvaria knows that kobolds are the bottom of the food chain as far as Darkland creatures are concerned. Too weak and treacherous to enslave and too numerous to exterminate, the drow mostly ignore them. Like the drow, they have trouble seeing in bright light and prefer being underground. If they have to go above ground, they prefer to do so at night.

Suizal knows that kobolds are rarely seen above ground and seldom in large numbers. When it does happen, it's usually either because they have been driven out by something stronger or they have fallen under the influence of a more powerful creature. Despite their inherit weakness, kobolds are masters at creating snares and traps and at planning ambushes and should not be underestimated.

Silver Crusade

Female N Drow | Sorcerer 4 (Tattooed Sorcerer, Shadow bloodline) | HP 26/26 | ‘Meshgi’ Skunk Familiar HP 6/6 | AC14 T13 FF 11 | CMD 13 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +5/+6 vs. Illusions/+8 vs. comp./+10 vs. charm/Immune to Sleep | Init: +3| Perc: +1, SM: +1, Dipl: +13, Bluff: +13 | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Reroll 1/1 | ‘Meshgi’ Musk 2/2 | Darkvision 120ft | Spell Resistance 10 | Active conditions: None

Ilvaria shares her knowledge with the rest of the group.

”We should be careful!“

Ilvaria tries to talk to some of the townsfolk to find out what they might have witnessed and who this wizard is.

diplomacy information gathering : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Sovereign Court

NG Human Samurai of Apsu 4 | Bites 5/5 HP 35/35| AC 20 T 14 FF 16 | F6 R 5 W 1 | Resolve 2/2 Challenges 3/3 | Per -1 Init: +3

Falcon nods his head Oh no not kobolds! Can we teach the kobolds a lesson!?! It's not nice to play pranks!

He draws his sword and wanders around the square, explaining that there are kobolds and evil wizard around and asking if anyone knows more.

Diplomacy Gather info aid another: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Spirit Summoner- 4|HP 33/33|AC 17 (T:12 F:16)|F:6 R:7 W:7 (+2 fear) Stardust 7/7, Lvl 1: 4/4, Lvl 2: 2/2Color Spray 1/1|CMB 0, CMD 12| Int +2, Per +6, Diplo +10, SM +0| Conditions: None

The halfling listens as the others, specifically Ilvaria, speak about kobolds. As she mentions the ambushes, Andwise begins to feel a little anxious about not having Tanssi near him. Finding a quiet place, he sits down a meditates for a minute- the shadowy cat-like creature appearing by his side.

Diplomacy, Gather Information: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 8 + 1 = 13

He makes his way over to some of the other bystanders

"What can you tell me about this Wizard. It seems like he used to have a pretty impressive tower..."

Medium Heaven's Outsider | HP 21/21| AC 18 (T:12 F:16) (Buffed 22)| F:4, R: 5, W:1| CMB +4, CMD 17 | INT +2, Perc +6, Stealth +8 Evolutions: Claws, Imp NA, Shadow Blend (20% concealment), Pounce, Xtr Damage| Conditions:

I thought you didn't need me, Andwise. Thought you made me leave back at the inn. Can't be seen with me anymore, is that it? Silently projects into the mind of Andwise.

Despite its obvious annoyance, Tanssi stays close to Andwise- in an obviously protective manner. Outside, in the bright light, its form is much more solid and consistent, but none-the-less very dark with the same shifting and twinkling starlight patches across its skin.

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Talking with the crowd clarifies a few things for the party. The wizard Hunclay is known for being unfriendly and reclusive but hasn't given the town any reason to think of him as evil. He moved to Belhaim about seven years ago, building a manor on top of the hill next to the tower. When he first arrived he offered to buy the tower so that he could demolish it but the baroness refused his offer.

The party also finds out that two deputies from the garrison are currently investigating the ruins of the fallen tower and that a messenger has just been sent to notify the baroness of what happened and that she will most likely be on her way to the hill soon.

Sovereign Court

NG Human Samurai of Apsu 4 | Bites 5/5 HP 35/35| AC 20 T 14 FF 16 | F6 R 5 W 1 | Resolve 2/2 Challenges 3/3 | Per -1 Init: +3

Falcon jogs for the tower Wizard HUNKY! Are you okay! He shouts as he arrives.

Suizal | Female N Medium Sylph Arcanist (aeromancer) 2 | HP 12/12| AC 13, T 13, FF 10 (+2 vs nonmagic ranged attacks)| CMD 13| F +1 R +3 W +3 | Init +9 | Perc +0 | Speed 35ft | Spells 3/4 | Arcane Reservoir 3/5 | Active Conditions: None.

Suizal rolls her eyes at Sir Falcon. "Of course he's okay.". She groans as she slowly jogs after him.

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Most of the tower has collapsed, leaving a trail black stone and jagged timber that cascades down the southeastern slope of the hill. Only fragments of the first and second floor still stand, as does the heavy iron door leading to the tower. The first floor is filled with rubble from the collapse though and it is unlikely that the door will even open. Some of the rubble has formed a crude ramp that could be climbed to access what remains of the second floor though. In the black stony rubble there are two scaly corpses that appear to be kobolds, but not the dozens of kobolds that someone claims they had seen.

The crowd followers the party up the hill, where two deputies are already at ruins. One is wandering around the site scratching her head and the other is standing by the rubble with his hands on his hips. The two deputies begin arguing over who should go over to Huncay's manor and knock on his door. One of the people in the crowd, a heavy set woman wielding a mud crusted shovel, shouts at the two young guards "I can go talk to wizard if neither of you two useless constables have the gumption for it."

The two deputies both look perplexed, but then the female deputy speaks up and says "Calladastina, this is militia business. We'll take care of it." They begin to walk over to the manor on the other side of the hill.

Silver Crusade

Female N Drow | Sorcerer 4 (Tattooed Sorcerer, Shadow bloodline) | HP 26/26 | ‘Meshgi’ Skunk Familiar HP 6/6 | AC14 T13 FF 11 | CMD 13 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +5/+6 vs. Illusions/+8 vs. comp./+10 vs. charm/Immune to Sleep | Init: +3| Perc: +1, SM: +1, Dipl: +13, Bluff: +13 | Spells: 1st 8/8, 2nd 4/4 | Reroll 1/1 | ‘Meshgi’ Musk 2/2 | Darkvision 120ft | Spell Resistance 10 | Active conditions: None

Ilvaria feels the tension and tries to get a read on the people.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

She is eager to hear what the Baroness will say.

female Elf Magus (Eldritch Archer) 1 | HP9 | AC 17/14/13 | Fort+2 Ref+4 Will+3 (+2vs.enchant) | Init+4 | Perc+6; low-light vision

Melenthe stumbles out of the jakes, tightening her belt, "What was that? Knocked a whole shelf of cleaning supplies on top of me!"

Seeing the backs of her friends disappearing up toward the tower, Melenthe races to catch them up, "Desna's Starry Wings! What caused all this?"

Catching up with Ilvaria, she places her hand on her shoulder for a second, "Maybe some kind of experiment backfired?"

Then the elf pauses for a moment to catch her breath, "Let's see what we can see..." before casting a spell and surveying the wreckage.
casting detect magic. If she finds any auras she will concentrate for the full three rounds.

Sorry for missing a week.

Suizal | Female N Medium Sylph Arcanist (aeromancer) 2 | HP 12/12| AC 13, T 13, FF 10 (+2 vs nonmagic ranged attacks)| CMD 13| F +1 R +3 W +3 | Init +9 | Perc +0 | Speed 35ft | Spells 3/4 | Arcane Reservoir 3/5 | Active Conditions: None.

Suizal nods at Melenthe. "Glad you could join us.". Then she crouches down and inspects the kobolds. Poking them, "Yep, they're dead. But where are the dozens of kobolds we were promised?". She'll slowly walk around the circumference of the tower, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Spirit Summoner- 4|HP 33/33|AC 17 (T:12 F:16)|F:6 R:7 W:7 (+2 fear) Stardust 7/7, Lvl 1: 4/4, Lvl 2: 2/2Color Spray 1/1|CMB 0, CMD 12| Int +2, Per +6, Diplo +10, SM +0| Conditions: None

Andwise quickly mounts Tanssi, and slowly rides it up towards the deputies, Suizal, and Melenthe.

"Why is this militia business? Just asking, is all- but it doesn't seem much in the way of military threat. The kobolds are all dead, right?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

He gently grips the shoulder of Tanssi

Something doesn't seem right, friend. Keep an eye out for me, will ya

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Ilvaria suspects that the two deputies are far out of their depth. Neither of them have a fraction of the confidence or experience of the grizzled sheriff.

Melenthe scans the ruins but doesn't find any magical auras. If this collapse was caused by magic, it was most likely an instantaneous effect that doesn't leave lingering auras.

Suizal examines the ruins and finds that there is a ramp made up of rubble that leads up to what remains of the second floor. Perhaps there would be a way to get inside the tower from up there, but the rubble looks unstable and might be difficult to climb. The two kobolds appear to have been crushed by rocks.

The two deputies wander over to the manor, followed by the undertaker and a few of the townsfolk. They appear to have noticed something lying at the foot of the front door. The rest stand about gawking at the ruins and speculating what could have caused the tower to fall.

Several people on horseback can be seen riding from a large limestone manor on the other end of the town.

Medium Heaven's Outsider | HP 21/21| AC 18 (T:12 F:16) (Buffed 22)| F:4, R: 5, W:1| CMB +4, CMD 17 | INT +2, Perc +6, Stealth +8 Evolutions: Claws, Imp NA, Shadow Blend (20% concealment), Pounce, Xtr Damage| Conditions:

For once, the response from Tanssi isn't sarcastic or biting.

It does. And I will.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Sovereign Court

The Dragon's Demand

Andwise follows the two deputies to the manor. "I-I'm not sure what's going on yet," the female deputy stammers.

At the foot of Hunclay's there is the corpse of another kobold. This one has been incinerated and its blackened flesh is still smoking. One of the deputies knocks on the door with his fist, but there is no answer. The other deputy reaches out for the door handle, but then the one who knocked grabs her hand. "Don't Mulle! We don't know if the trap that got this kobold is still active."

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