GM Valen |

This is the recruitment thread for a run of the Pathfinder Society #2-12, Snakes in the Grass to be run as part of
Outpost IV.
Official sign-up is here.
Start Date: February 16, 2021.
Game Expectations
I ask for a posting rate of a minimum of once per day during the business week and at least once over the weekend, though I realize (and expect) that real life can get in the way of fun at times and that not all players will be able to meet that pace. I expect folks to occasionally be unavailable for a period of time. If I know that I will be unavailable for some reason for more than 24 hours (or 48 over a weekend), I will post such. I request and expect all players to do the same.
I reserve the right to bot players who do not post anything within a 24 hour period and will request each player have botting instructions in place before the end of the first briefing.
Once you have filled out the sign-in sheet linked above, please provide the following:
1) Character name:
2) PFS#-Character#:
3) Character Class & Level:
4) Faction:
4) Day Job with roll (Please note any special boons/notes):

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"Greetings Marta and Fellow Pathfinders" A broad smile crosses the half-orc's face, clothed in fine clothing in the latest fashion and carrying an assortment of monastic weapons across his back "I find that Commerce and Exchange bring cultures together - what do you think?"
Character name: Jolinaxus Strangemuse
PFS#-Character#: 236639-2003
Character Class & Level: Monk / Bard 6
Faction: Envoy's Alliance
Day Job: Diplomacy (Expert) w/ Bargain Hunter to Earn Income as Field Commissioned Agent vs Level 4 Task (DC 19): 2d20 + 14 ⇒ (7, 5) + 14 = 26 > Success & Success @ 8 silver x 12 days = 9.6 gold earned
On his way to Oprak, Joli and his lawyer Libello take the opportunity to barter in spices and notary services, getting to know the local customs and laws, and asking around about the upcoming Conference...

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Zac Freelan 2: 135676-2002
Fighter level 5
Horizon Hunters
snakes lore: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28 Edit: forgot to mention, field commissioned agent and storied talent(attempt task at my level).
Zac happens to have Additional Lore Snakes, so based on the title, I thought it'd be the perfect game for him. Unless Snakes in the Grass means something metaphorically rather than literally. Dm don't tell me which one it is, feel free to explain the title after we are done.

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1) Character name: Delorn Malix, Esq.
2) PFS#-Character#: 142569-2001
3) Character Class & Level: Sorceror 4
4) Faction: Grand Archive
4) Day Job with roll (Please note any special boons/notes): Lore (Legal): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
”Well, they certainly bring them into proximity”, Delorn replies. ”Whether they are actually brought together varies”

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”Well, they certainly bring them into proximity”, Delorn replies. ”Whether they are actually brought together varies”
Jolinaxus considers the man's words with honest curiosity a moment, while Libello, his lawyer, considers his "Esq." title with a sort of defensive suspicion.
"I think I agree with you in a general sense, but add my own qualifier: If Cultures cannot be brought together by such as Mutual Exchange bearing Mutual Benefit, would this not only increase Isolationism and Tribalism? Whereupon in this Modern Age we live in a Global Economy; a caravan traveling, ship-faring, magical transporting, aerial beast-riding World Economy. And if not Commerce and Trade, then what? How else might we overcome our base proclivities for War and Destruction?"
The half-orc's tone - if not his very words - signify that he is somewhat of an optimist - and rather than having an "air" of some sort of moral superiority, the question he poses here is as much an opportunity to observe other ways of thinking as it is a collegiate challenge of wits to do just that!
Day Job: Diplomacy (Expert) w/ Bargain Hunter to Earn Income as Field Commissioned Agent vs Level 4 Task (DC 19): 2d20 + 14 ⇒ (7, 5) + 14 = 26 > Success & Success @ 8 silver x 12 days = 9.6 gold earned
GM - I need to complete 2 days of Retraining as Downtime - please amend my Earn Income amount to 8.0 gold!

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Character name: Martin Shadestep
PFS#-Character#: 52459-2004
Character Class & Level: Ranger 4 (finishing up a scenario that will put him at 36XP)
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Day Job with roll: Scouting Lore (trained) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
"These days, I mostly go where I'm told. There's enough wealth in the Society to get spread around a bit, and I like to travel. Spent a good bit of it outdoors, which I prefer, though if I never have to go back to mosquito-infested Riverlands area again, I'll be happy."

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Character name: Martin Shadestep
PFS#-Character#: 52459-2004
Character Class & Level: Ranger 4 (finishing up a scenario that will put him at 36XP)
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Day Job with roll: Scouting Lore (trained) 1d20+6"These days, I mostly go where I'm told. There's enough wealth in the Society to get spread around a bit, and I like to travel. Spent a good bit of it outdoors, which I prefer, though if I never have to go back to mosquito-infested Riverlands area again, I'll be happy."
Delorn wince a bit. ”As, I’m sure, would the Riverlanders”, he replies.

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I'm happy if I may jump in.
I will play with the pregen Kyra lvl 5.
Here I give the information for the character to apply the chronicle.
1) Character name: Ukh
2) PFS#-Character#: 212081-2003
3) Character Class & Level: Alchemist 6
4) Faction: Vigilant Seal
4) Day Job with roll (Please note any special boons/notes): Crating, earn income:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30

GM Valen |

Zac Freelan 2: 135676-2002
Fighter level 5
Horizon Hunters
Edit: forgot to mention, field commissioned agent and storied talent(attempt task at my level).Zac happens to have Additional Lore Snakes, so based on the title, I thought it'd be the perfect game for him. Unless Snakes in the Grass means something metaphorically rather than literally. Dm don't tell me which one it is, feel free to explain the title after we are done.
Alas, the "Snakes in the Grass" were metaphorical, so Zac didn't get to use that particular skill beyond earning some coin. Which reminds me, a second roll is required for Field Commission income for the second 4 days.
snakes lore: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28