
Jolinaxus Strangemuse's page

150 posts. Organized Play character for rainzax.

Full Name

Jolinaxus Strangemuse


AC 24 or 25 parry | ♥️ 100 + 9 temporary rage | Saves @ 13**/9*/12** | Perception @ 13** w/ lowlight | Speed 30 or 35 raging


☘️ □ | ✋✋ Merciful Bo Staff | ⚕ drained 0, Splash Resist [3] w/ borrowed Backfire Mantle, Enfeebled 1


LG Dromaar (Rainkin) Barbarian Bloodrager (Arcane) 6 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Defend | (↺): Ferocity w/ 100 Victories

Special Abilities



Lawful Good




Urgir, Belkzen, Eye of Dread


Belkzen Slayer

Homepage URL


Strength 19
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Jolinaxus Strangemuse

“In all things: Fair Exchange.”

Dice Expressions:

◆) Demoralize
◇) Quick-Tempered (Rage, +9 temporary HP)
◆) Stride
◆) Strike

[dice=Trip (Athletics, Trained) w/ Bo Staff (reach, trip) vs Foe (Reflex DC)]1d20+12[/dice]
[dice=Demoralize (Intimidation, Expert) w/ Intimidating Glare, Intimidating Prowess, 100 Victories Tattoo vs Foe (Will DC)]1d20+14[/dice]

Melee and Spell
[dice=Tusk (P) vs Foe]1d20+15; 2d6+4[/dice]
[dice=Merciful Bo Staff (B, reach, parry, non-lethal) vs Foe]1d20+15; 2d8+4[/dice]
[dice=Live Wire (slashing w/ S, electricity w/ F, double both CS) vs Foe (AC)]1d20+10; 3d4; 3d4[/dice]
[dice=Electric Arc (electricity, 30-ft) vs Two Foes (Basic Reflex DC 20)]4d4[/dice]

Enraged Melee and Spell
[dice=Tusk (P) w/ Bloodrage (plus 1 bleed) vs Foe]1d20+15; 2d6+6[/dice]
[dice=Merciful Bo Staff (B, reach, parry, non-lethal) w/ Bloodrage (plus 1 bleed) vs Foe]1d20+15; 2d8+6[/dice]
[dice=Live Wire (slashing w/ S, electricity w/ F, double both CS) w/ Bloodrage (plus 1 bleed even on F) vs Foe (AC)]1d20+10; 3d4; 3d4[/dice]
[dice=Electric Arc (electricity, 30-ft) w/ Bloodrage (plus 1 bleed even on F) vs Two Foes (Basic Reflex DC 20)]4d4[/dice]


Fame (44/44 spent)
School Training: Field Commissioned

Slotted Boons
Advanced: Seasoned Diplomat (□)
Ally: Eager Protégé (2), Expert Hireling x2 (12), Hireling x2 (8), Professional Hireling x2 (12)
Chronicle: Amateur Adjuster (□□□), Doom Averted (☑), Light in the Dark, Narsen’s Web, Sand Slide (□□□), Society Connections (□), Vaiais's Assurance (□□)
Retired: Harmonic Wayfinder (2), Heroic Inspiration (4), Skillful Mentor (2), Wayfinder (2)
Achievement: None

Fame Purchased (44): Eager Protégé (2), Expert Hireling x2 (12), Harmonic Wayfinder (2), Heroic Inspiration (4), Hireling x2 (8), Professional Hireling x2 (12), Skillful Mentor (2), Wayfinder (2)

Perception (**`) +13 w/ Low-light vision; Eye Slash Tattoo
Languages ➤ Common, Orcish, plus one
Explore ➤ Defend w/ Bo Staff
Quick-Tempered (◇) Rage at initiative

AC 24 (lattice) or 25 parry; HP 100
Fortitude (**) +13, Reflex (*) +9; Will (**) +12
Orc Ferocity w/ Hundred Victories (↺, □/day) @ 0 HP, remain standing & conscious w/ 10 HP, +1 Wounded

Barbarian Class DC 22
Arcane Spellcasting DC 20
Speed 30 or 35 raging; Bulk 0.0 / 9.0
Brutality Critical Specialization > All melee and unarmed strikes while raging

Tusks (P, 0h, finesse) +15 @ 2d6+4 or 2d6+6 raging plus 1 bleed
"Peacemaker" Merciful Bo Staff (B, 2h, parry, reach, trip) +15 @ 2d8+4 blunt or 2d8+6 raging plus 1 bleed

Electric Arc (◆◆, 30-ft, 1 or 2 targets) Basic Reflex @ 4d4 electricity; plus 1 bleed even on F
Live Wire (◆◆, 30-ft) Spell attack @ 2d4 slashing and 2d4 electricity plus 2; a failed attack still deals the electricity, and a critical success does 2d4 persistent electricity; plus 1 bleed even on F

Bloodrager Spellcasting:

Cantrips (□□) @ Live Wire, Electric Arc
Rank One (□) @ Conductive Weapon
Rank Two (□) @ Thunderstrike (signature)

Easy Way or Hard Way:

Blood Rage
Diplomat's Badge
Harvest Blood
One-Hundred Victories Tattoo
Siphon Magic

Skills (8):

Athletics (*) +12
Arcana (*) +8
Diplomacy (**`) +13 or +14 w/ Monstrous Peacemaker (+1c); w/ Bargain Hunter, Diplomat's Badge (+1i), Glad-Hand, Group Impression
Intimidation (**`) +13 or +14 w/ Intimidating Prowess (+1c); One Hundred Victories Tattoo (+1i), Intimidating Glare
Lore: Orc (*) +8
Medicine (*) +10
Religion (*) +10
Society (*) +8


For Diplomatic Ventures
"Meet my Lawyer, Libello..."
Male Orc
-Society (**) +10
-Genealogy Lore (**) +10
-Legal Lore (**) +10
-Glean Contents

For Supplies Runs
"Meet my Mechanic, Mayheb..."
Female Orc
-Crafting (**) +10
-Driving Lore (**) +10
-Engineering Lore (**) +10
-Magical Crafting

For Solo Missions
"I am writing an Autobiography!"
Eager Protégé > +1 aid bonus on any skill check once per adventure


Tattoos @ Eye Slash, Hundred Victories
Worn (3.1) @ Fine Clothing (L), Diplomat’s Badge (~), Lattice Armor (BB), Striking Handwraps of Mighty Blows (~); Healer's Tools (B)
Held (1.0) @ Merciful Bo Staff (B)

0: Bo Staff (0.20), Fine Clothing (2.0), Lattice Armor (9.00)
2: Weapon Potency Rune: Bo Staff (35.00)
3: One Hundred Victories Tattoo (60.00)
4: Eye Slash Tattoo (100.00), Striking Handwraps (100.00), Striking Rune: Bo Staff (65.00), Merciful Rune: Bo Staff (70.00)
5: Armor Potency Rune: Lattice Armor (160.00), Diplomat's Badge (125.00)

Earned: 737.70
Spent: 726.20

Character Progression:

Ancestry and General
1: Tusks
3: Ancestral Paragon > Monstrous Peacemaker
5: Ferocity

Background and Skill
1: Orc Lore, Intimidating Glare > Bargain Hunter
2: Skill Training; Arcana > Trained (Bloodrager Dedication)
3: Diplomacy > Expert
4: Group Impression
5: Intimidation > Expert
6: Intimidating Prowess

1: Instinct > Bloodrager > Blood Rage, Raging Intimidation
2: Bloodrager Dedication > Harvest Blood
3: Furious Footfalls
4: Rising Blood Magic
5: Brutality
6: Siphon Magic


Level One
(#2003): Origin (0xp, 15.00gp)
(#1-06): "Lost of Spirit Road" (4xp, 14.80gp, 4 EA) @ 11/13/19
(#1-10): "Tarnbreaker's Trail" (4xp, 14.80gp, 4 EA) @ GM, 1/8/20
(#1-12): "Burden of Envy" (4xp, 14.80gp, 4 EA, 2 RO) @ GM, 2/10/20
= 12xp, 59.40gp, 12 EA, 2 RO

Level Two
(#1-13): "Devil at the Crossroads" (4xp, 22.40gp, 4 EA, 2 VS) @ GM, 2/27/20
(#1-18): "Lodge of the Living God" (4xp, 22.40gp, 6 EA) @ 5/4/20
(#1-15): "The Blooming Catastrophe" (4xp, 22.40gp, 4 EA, 2 VW) @ 5/24/20
= 12xp, 67.20gp, 14 EA, 2 VS, 2 VW

Level Three
(#1-Q9): "Wayfinder Origins" (1cp, 9.90gp, 1 EA) @ 5/26/20
(#1-14): "Lions of Katapesh" (4xp, 39.60gp, 4 EA) @ 5/31/20
(#1-Q1): "Sandstone Secret" (1xp, 10.10gp, 1 EA) @ 5/31/20
(#1-01): "The Absalom Initiation" (4xp, 39.60gp, 4 EA) @ 6/19/20
(#1-Q7): "A Curious Claim" (1xp, 9.59gp, 1 EA) @ 6/21/20
(#1-22): "Doom of Cassomir" (4xp, 40.40gp, 4 EA) @ 7/9/20
= 15xp, 149.19gp, 15 EA

Level Four
(#1-23): The Star-Crossed Court (4xp, 66.40gp, 4 EA) @ 7/15/20
(#1-Q4): "Port Peril Pub Crawl" (1xp, 16.60gp, 1 EA) @ GM, 8/7/20
(#2-00): "King in Thorns" (4xp, 66.40, 4 EA) @ 10/11/20
= 9xp, 149.40gp, 9 EA

Level Five
(#2-04) "Path of Kings" (4xp, 102.50, 4 EA, 2HH) @ 10/12/20
(Crafter's Workshop) "Demon Mask" (Task 4, 42.50 in Raw Materials, 4 days Preparation)
(#2-06) "The Crashing Wave" (4xp, 100.00gp, 6.40 Progress, 4 EA) @ 11/8/20
(#2-07): "The Blakros Deception" (4xp, 100.00gp, 9.60 Progress, 4 EA) @ GM, 12/10/20
= 12xp, 302.50gp, 12 EA

Level Six
(AcP Boon) "Bequeathal" of "Convention Hero" to Tao (#2006) @ 1/28/21
(#2-12) "Snakes in the Grass" (4xp, 159.20gp, 4 EA) @ 4/15/21
Remastered November 3rd, 2024


64 experience
737.70 gold
72 Reputation, 66 w/ Envoy's Alliance, 2 w/ Radiant Oath, 2 w/ Verdant Wheel, 2 w/ Vigilant Seal