Outpost IV - GM Valen's PFS 2e 2-12 Snakes in the Grass (Author's Table)(CORRECTED: 26 Challenge Points) (Inactive)

Game Master Lysle

Status: Digging up clues


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Grand Archive

Female human (versatile) wizard 9 | HP 80/80 | AC 26 | F +16 R +18 W +14 | Perc +11 (trap finder +2) | Spd. 25ft. |

I'm only saying it because it seems like if we want to convince the kobold that we aren't here for him or his egg, not killing the ants might have helped.

Verdant Wheel

Ranger 3 | HP 41 AC 20| F +8 R +11 W +8| Perc +10

If we want to convince the kobold that we aren't here for his egg, then maybe the one person in the group that actually speaks draconic should have relayed what the kobold was saying! ;-)

As far as Martin could tell, the creature was saying "Death to the tall ones" of which I am one.

Horizon Hunters

Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

"The reptilian creature's shouts are directed towards three, man-sized insects with massive mandibles."

That sounded to me like a plea for help. Or at least that he wasn't directing them to keep us away, but that They needed to stay away.
Could have been wrong about that, I suppose.

And hey, how do I know who speaks what language?

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

In light of the holiday (my family is celebrating Easter this weekend), i don't expect to get an update up until sometime Monday.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and, for those who are celebrating, Happy Easter!

Verdant Wheel

Ranger 3 | HP 41 AC 20| F +8 R +11 W +8| Perc +10

Hope you guys had a good Easter weekend!

Horizon Hunters

Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

As the high-level rogue skill-monkey who speaks draconic, I feel like this has become the Fortiva Show.
Sorry all.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Fortiva wrote:

As the high-level rogue skill-monkey who speaks draconic, I feel like this has become the Fortiva Show.

Sorry all.

And, here, I was afraid by having a designated prolocutor that it may become the Jolinaxus show.

This is a good, well-rounded group and I have seen each PC seize upon at least one opportunity to shine so far, through roleplaying, skill, or both!

Grand Archive

Female human (versatile) wizard 9 | HP 80/80 | AC 26 | F +16 R +18 W +14 | Perc +11 (trap finder +2) | Spd. 25ft. |

Marta has been seizing on a lot of stealth and subterfuge thus far. I wanted to give Fortiva a turn.

Grand Archive

Female human (versatile) wizard 9 | HP 80/80 | AC 26 | F +16 R +18 W +14 | Perc +11 (trap finder +2) | Spd. 25ft. |

I should have mentioned my skeleton key to Fortiva before. The bonus from knock could have come in handy here.

Horizon Hunters

Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

Ooo, I gotta get me one of those!

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Heads up to All my PbP Games!

After tomorrow, the nature of my IRL work will change, and I will only be able to post in the evenings, marking a reduction in my access to internet. I will remain Committed and Engaged just through a band of more narrow hours.


Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

GM - I have lost the timeline of events. Here is my best guess:

Day One: PCs arrive, PCs get up to some stuff, PCs rest.
Day Two: First Round of Negotiations in the morning, PCs get up to some stuff... ???
Day Three: ???

Are we essentially deciding now between sleeping and engaging in additional activities?

Joli is interested in the latter only if it wouldn't encroach upon the former.


Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
rainzax wrote:

Are we essentially deciding now between sleeping and engaging in additional activities?

Joli is interested in the latter only if it wouldn't encroach upon the former.

Your timeline is essentially correct. Depending upon what activities you wished to attempt, it could cut into sleep, but it does not appear that there are any others.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

The end is near, Pathfinders!

We are close to bringing this adventure to an end. Please make sure that the information for your chronicles is correct in the Recruitment thread.

Verdant Wheel

Ranger 3 | HP 41 AC 20| F +8 R +11 W +8| Perc +10

Mine is correct

Horizon Hunters

Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

Nice move, Marta!

I was trying to think of what was left to cover after Joli's post, and got caught up in a very long day.

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ranger 3 | HP 41 AC 20| F +8 R +11 W +8| Perc +10

@GM Valen - Thank you so much for running this adventure for us. I really enjoyed myself, the entire way through. "***** Would play with again!"

@Team Awesome - I enjoyed every bit of the RP, the combats, everything. Thanks for making this one of my favorite scenario playthroughs! You are all welcome at my table any time!

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Martin Shadestep wrote:

@GM Valen - Thank you so much for running this adventure for us. I really enjoyed myself, the entire way through. "***** Would play with again!"

@Team Awesome - I enjoyed every bit of the RP, the combats, everything. Thanks for making this one of my favorite scenario playthroughs! You are all welcome at my table any time!

Thanks, I had a great time too! This was a well-balanced group that worked well as a team. And, this was a great group of role-players!

My goal was to write something that I think I would enjoy playing and also running on multiple occasions, hence the scenario's sandbox-like nature and opportunities to roleplay speeches and smug villains. I have run this scenario now a few times and each time the party comes up with some new and different approach to one or more of the encounters. Also, since my prior tables were via VTT confined by convention slots, so this is the first time I've run the optional Morgroar encounter (did I mention I like roleplaying speeches and smug villains.

I get the sense you may feel that Martin did not contribute much to the adventure, but he made the Survival check to get the party to the camp on time (avoiding a penalty to Make an Impression for being late) and it was he that spotted some helpful clues, including the hint of blood in Raike's mug.

Thank you all again for a great run and I look forward to sharing tables with each of you again in the future!

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Chronicles can be found here.

@Kyra - Please check the PM I sent you and let me know which PC to apply the chronicle to and I will get that to you.

@All - Please let me know of any corrections, revisions, or additions that I may have omitted. I will mark this campaign inactive once I have received confirmation of receipt from all players or one week, whichever comes earlier.

Once again, thank you all for a great run! Stay safe and happy gaming!

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Martin Shadestep wrote:

@GM Valen - Thank you so much for running this adventure for us. I really enjoyed myself, the entire way through. "***** Would play with again!"

@Team Awesome - I enjoyed every bit of the RP, the combats, everything. Thanks for making this one of my favorite scenario playthroughs! You are all welcome at my table any time!

Echoing this.

Everything looks good, GM.

See you all around I'm sure!

Grand Archive

Female human (versatile) wizard 9 | HP 80/80 | AC 26 | F +16 R +18 W +14 | Perc +11 (trap finder +2) | Spd. 25ft. |

Everything looks good here.

Verdant Wheel

Ranger 3 | HP 41 AC 20| F +8 R +11 W +8| Perc +10

Chronicle looks good. I look forward to the next time (and the next Lysle Kapp scenario!)

Envoy's Alliance

M Half-Elf Fighter 11: Spd:25, HP:173/173, 5 Cold Resistance, 5 fire resistance, 3 piercing resistance AC:32(34 Raised shield), Fort:22, Ref:20, Will:16, Per:17(18 involving sight)(19 for init) Darkvison, Stealth:18

Looks good thanks.

Horizon Hunters

Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

Thank you all very much.

Correction on the chronicle - character number is 2002.

Cleric 3 / HP 32/32, Perc +9, AC 19, Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +11 / Active conditions: -

GM: I've replied to your PM.

Cleric 3 / HP 32/32, Perc +9, AC 19, Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +11 / Active conditions: -

GM: did you receive my PM?

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Kyra - Cleric 5 wrote:
GM: did you receive my PM?

Yes, sorry, yesterday turned out to be a very busy day. I just sent a reply.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Fortiva wrote:

Thank you all very much.

Correction on the chronicle - character number is 2002.

A revised chronicle for Fortiva has been posted at the link above.

Cleric 3 / HP 32/32, Perc +9, AC 19, Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +11 / Active conditions: -

No problem. I resent a new PM.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Kyra - Cleric 5 wrote:
No problem. I resent a new PM.

Got it! All chronicles, including Kyra's, can be found here.

Cleric 3 / HP 32/32, Perc +9, AC 19, Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +11 / Active conditions: -

Thank you !

Horizon Hunters

Female CG Elf Rogue 11 | HP 127 | AC 31 (33 w/ shield or nimble dodge) | F +18 R +22 W +18 | Perception +19 Stealth +22 | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet

Looks great - thanks again.

Cheers, all. I'm gonna drop off and close the tab.

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