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@Delorn- For your bloodline magic effect to go off you would have either had to use one of your bloodline focus spells or one the the granted spells from your bloodline. Unfortunately harm isn't one of the granted spells.
Muzzo's head elongates into that of a shark as he snaps at the open air. Jayma runs away hurling an old rusty iron into the sea devil's chin as she makes a break for it.
Zabu runs down the stairs and grabs ahold of the other sea devil. Wrapping his arms tightly around it he bit's down into it's shoulder. Raznik lines a shot up on the grappled sea devil and puts it out of its misery with a well aimed shot to the forehead.
Delorn reaches out to the wounded sea devil. It's body shrivels before the negative energy until all that remains is an empty husk lying on the deck.
Combat is over but Jayma has a persistent bleed ongoing so we will continue once that has been dealt with.
Jayma (20/29; 1d4 Persistent Bleed 1/10)
Zabu (56/56; +2 Temp HP)
Muzzo (+3 Temp HP)

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Ionic jogs over to the other half of the ship and stops next to Jayma, as he starts to pull out his healer's tools. "Too fast! Only stabbed one. Jayma, let me help ya wid dat cut. Some nasty work dere."
He takes a bandage and presses it to the open wound, trying to help the blood clot.
Single action to Stride, Two actions to Assist Recovery if he can with bleed.

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Zabu is left panting and snarling, having savaged the sahu...sea devil that he'd grabbed even after it had been shot in the head.
His own face has elongated, not unlike Muzzo's, but more along his mouth and jaw than his upper head. His canine teeth are also elongated, protruding from his upper lips.
Slowly it fades, his face resuming it's normal, still feral appearance.
"Well, that was over fast," he said, the tone more grumbling than pleased as he gives the corpse at his feet a kick.

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Jayma looks down to see her own blood still flowing out from her wound and staining her beloved outfit. She starts patting at her wounds in an effort to stanch the bleeding when Ionic comes up to help.
Round 2 of Persistent Bleeding:
Persistent Bleed Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2 hit points
Persistent Bleed Recovery DC 15 Flat Check: 1d20 ⇒ 20
They succeed admirably and the bleeding stops. "Ah, thank you Ionic, that's much better. There's only so much blood in a body as small as mine and I prefer it to remain there if at all possible."
Looking at the blood and combat stains on her clothes, she swoops her hand across her body, and says, "Dirt depart directly." As if by magic, her clothing is once again pristine. "Even better," she says with evident satisfaction.
Action: Cast a Spell: Prestidigitation (Tidy)
Turning back to Ionic, she puts on her puppy-dog face and puffs up her chest to better show her wounds. "I don't suppose you'd give a lady a hand and try to repair the damage done to her by this nasty sea creature," she says, and viciously kicks the sea devil's corpse for emphasis.

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Raznik pokes at one of the sea monsters and checks it for anything of interest. He looks up at Jayma's wounds. "Rub seaweed on it. It help."
He plucks a small piece of kelp from the sea creature. "Like this." He slaps the seaweed on his cheek. "Ooh! Tingly!" He steps up to offer it to Jayma.
Raznik has Natural Medicine. Just depends on if you want a feral goblin putting random things on you.

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Muzzo collapsed to the deck, shaking his head slowly as it resolved back into his normal goblin's head. Weakly he smiled at Zabu. "Is rush, no? All the frenzy and biting. Sad no get bite devil, but happy not have that bitter aftertaste. Give Muzzo orc leg any day."

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When Raznik offers her the seaweed, Jayma looks at it a little warily at first, but shrugs and says, "My dear Raznik, if your seaweed will stop these scratches from stinging like an imp, you may feel free to cover me from head to toe in them."

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Raznik give Jayma a toothy grin and then spits on the handful of kelp. He rushes up to her. "Hold still, this good stuff!" He smears the mass of seaweed, salt water, and goblin spit on her wound. Once the wound is thoroughly covered, he wipes the kelp on his dirty pants, then dabs it again on the wound.
"Tada!" He stands back and grins, very proud of himself. The thing is...any bleeding has stopped, the inflammation is subsiding, and the stinging is gone.
Medicine (DC15): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 +2 if this is considered "fresh herbs"
Healing: 4d8 ⇒ (1, 7, 5, 8) = 21

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"You know it," Zabu replies to Muzzo, his own grin toothy. Despite obviously being tired by his exertions as well, he's clearly still riding an adrenaline high.
"If we're lucky there'll be a few more of them out here. Wherever 'here' is."
He looks at the captain. "I'm no sailor but it seemed to me like our trip has been sidetracked. Any idea where we are or are we totally lost?"

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Jayma closes one eye and squints with the other as the goblin approaches her with his concoction of spit and seaweed. She tries not to flinch as he proceeds to cover her entire upper chest with it.
Expecting very little from this rather unorthodox treatment, Jayma is surprised to feel almost immediate relief from the pain of her wounds. "By The Many! Raznik, you are a miracle worker. I feel almost better than new already."
She can't help but lift a corner of the poultice for a quick look. She's amazed to see that her wounds have almost completely disappeared. "It's incredible. I can barely see where I was wounded. I don't think it will leave any scars." She seems near tears with relief. "Thank you dear, dear Raznik. For a while there I thought I'd have to buy a whole new wardrobe to cover up my ravaged skin."

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Delorn raises his eyebrows at Raznik. ”Impressive”, he says. ”I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself”
Zabu’s question piques his interest. ”More importantly”, he adds, “how is the ship?”

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Looking over the sea devils equipment you find that they carried very litte. Each sea devil carried a longspear and a spear. One of the sea devils carried a bag stuffed with stolen treasures such as small gemstones, loose coins, a set of expensive glass marbles. Altogether these items are worth 2 Treasure Bundles.
Jayma gets 1 Hero Point
The ship finally escapes the current, but its rudder is heavily damaged, and you are lost from the rest of the convoy. You are alone, out here on the endless sea, though Raznik's seaweed bandages do wonders for the crapes and cuts. Horizon to horizon nothing but endless blue… you go down below decks, out of the blistering sun, to rest for the remainder of the day.
The Pixie’s lookout searches the horizon for signs of the other ships, but they’re nowhere in sight.
At sunrise the next day the lookout in the crow’s nest calls down: "Land ho!" They’ve sighted a small village on the distant coastal beach. No one is sure what island this is exactly, as the night was overcast and you were unable to get an accurate reading as your compasses are still going haywire.
The crew manages to direct the ship ashore in hopes that whoever lives in the village can lend the adventurers materials and grant them shelter while they work on repairs. As the Grinning Pixie drifts onto the sand, a dozen figures approach, illuminated by the light of the rising sun.
They look like Lizardfolk! Artwork on Slide 1.
Mirian Raas and Eras the Needle focus their efforts on the ship, so they send you to the wood’s edge to make contact. At first, these iruxi hold their weapons warily and stay under the tree-tops. They call out to you in a sibilant, lizard-like language that none of you understand.
[ooc]Anyone speak Iruxi or Mwangi? If not then you will need to figure a way to communicate with them. :)[/b]
Jayma (29/29)
Zabu (56/56)

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Ionic pauses with his bandages as Jayma asks him if he can help bind them. He instead points to Raznik already holding some seaweed. "'ere's old pirate wisdom. Ain't noding better den seaweed'n'gobbo spit. Noding! But spit's gotta be fresh, or it pointless."
When the rest of the group goes down below decks Ionic stays up to help with keeping the ship in good shape, the dwarf having lost all sensitivity to sunburns by the time he was thirty.
As they find land, Ionic gives a big yawn and rolls out of the hammock, glad they weren't adrift for too long. He gathers his things and readies to head down to the beach to meet the lizardfolk there, but not really able to speak a lick of whatever they're spouting off. He tries to keep his expression neutral, as a proper dwarven scowl has been known to scare people and he's been told that his smile can be off-putting if people don't know him.

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Raznik jumps up and down and grins at Jayma, happy that she's so pleased. "Yeah, gobbo spit do lots of things! Good for healing, making things slippery, sometimes use in hair, making people cry, mix with silly elven wine for taste better, sometimes use in soup, help find poison, and make floors sticky!" He counted on his fingers, but seemed to have lost his place somewhere in middle.
When they land the ship, Raznik rushes off the boat, eager to get to a place there the floor doesn't roll. He steps onto solid land and stumbles, his legs somehow expecting the ground to move and it doesn't. "Crafty lizardpeople!" he claims, sure that they have somehow made it unsteady for anyone coming off boats.
He waves to the iruxi he can see. "Hi! I Raznik! You want to be friends?" The goblin has a cheerful, welcoming stance to his wave, though he does sport a mouthful of sharp teeth in a feral grin. "Ffffrrrrriiiiieeeennndddssssss!"
Raznik uses the time-tested method of speaking slower, louder, and closer to help them understand.

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Before leaving the ship, Delorn casts comprehend languages. ”I’ll be able to understand them”, he says, ”at least for a little while”
Approaching the emissaries, he bows to them. Raising his hands before him, he says, ”We mean you no harm” He repeats it in Dwarven, Elven and Goblin, in case they speak those. He then puts a hand on his chest, and says ”Delorn”

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Zabu isn't particularly pleased when they come ashore. Sure, it's better than being aimlessly adrift, but it's not as though they know where they are and being stranded on a deserted, unknown island is only a little better than being stranded on a drifting boat, especially when he looks around at the men to women ratio.
He's more pleased when he spots the iruxi awaiting them. That means there's enough food and water to support humanoids and, if worst comes to worst it can be taken from them.
He has no idea what they're saying and doesn't particularly care. He prepares for trouble but waits for Delorn to figure out if there will be trouble.
Idly, he stretches and yawns on the beach, his jaws opened wide and showing off his sharp teeth.

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THe lizard folk don't seem to understand Riznik s the goblin begins screaming slowly at them, though as Delorn casts a spell the Iruxi's language becomes understandable for him, although he isn't able to speak it in the slightest.
"What brings you to Ekkeshikaar, strangers?" They look at the crippled ship. "Do you need assistance?"

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Delorn translates for the group.
”Yes”, he replies, nodding his head.
”We are lost” He shades his eyes while looking around, and shrugs.
”Our ship is damaged” He points at the ship, and pretends to break a stick in his hands.

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An elderly iruxi comes out from behind the warriors. He puts a hand to his chest and introduces himself.
"I am Nahansa. Our capital of Ekkeshikaar lies far the South. Come to our village, let’s discuss what we can do to help."
It seems like you are to be the primary diplomats on this first foray into the island’s interior while the rest repair the ship.
The village itself features beautiful and sturdy tree-houses connected by intricately woven rope-and-vine bridges that are themselves works of art.
"Welcome, this is Kihirat!" You can hear the pride in the elder’s voice. "This village has been on this coast for centuries. Hmmm… millennia, perhaps? We trace the name Kihirat back to three families of iruxi farmers and fishers who rebuilt here after a severe storm of some kind, though records are spotty regarding what may have been here before then."
You are taken to the clearing to one side of the village, where there's an old table and chairs on the ground. Some villagers bring pitchers of cold water and delicious tropical fruits. "We can talk here for the moment. I would like to make clear that we would never hold you to barter for such things as helping a shipwreck, or basic lodging. We’re a hospitable folk!"

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Zabu is not one to be particularly interested in conversation when he can understand what's being said. He only half listens to Delorn's translations, alternately watching the jungle and cleaning his fingernails, a task made more difficult by the fact that he's using his fingernails to clean them.
He perks up at the trek through the jungle. After all, at any moment they might be beset by some savage creature.
He grins at the wonder and beauty of the village. Though he took pride in the fort he helped rebuild recently, it was hard to deny that this place had more beauty and he could only admire the patience it took to let something like this form with guidance rather than forcing something else into existence.
Hopefully the Kihirati consider a good appetite to be a sign of praise as Zabu eats like a man twice his size and half as many manners.
"Somehow, I don't think I'm going to find any barmaids or blacksmiths here," he says in an aside to Jayma with a smirk on his face and food in his mouth.

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Jayma gets 1 Hero Point
Woo hoo! I'd like to thank all the little people in my life for making this award possible... oh, and Delorn as well, I suppose :)
Jayma leaves the poultice on until she's good and sure that she's extracted every ounce of goodness from it. Finally she removes it and is ecstatic to find nary a trace of the wound on her skin.
She notices the lizardfolk waiting for them ashore and checks herself over. Seeing a few remnants of goblin spit and seaweed on her clothes, she snaps her fingers, says "Goodbye goblin gunk," and she's back to her usual immaculate self.
Action: Cast a Spell: Prestidigitation (Tidy)
She goes ashore with rest of the group. As she stands there not understanding a word of what they're saying, Jayma looks over at the dwarf with concern. "Are you feeling entirely well, Ionic dear. You seem to have a rather odd look on your face."
As they enter the village, Jayma is impressed by the construction of the tree-houses and their connecting bridges. She had never been in an iruxi village before and had no idea that they had such amazing architectural and esthetic sensibilities. Her views on the Lizardfolk were changing by the minute.
Jayma chews daintily on some of the delicious tropical fruits they bring to the table; a welcome change from the barely edible chow the crew cooked up for them on the Grinning Pixie. She occasionally gives one of the fruits to Twyl, who seems to enjoy the treat.
"Somehow, I don't think I'm going to find any barmaids or blacksmiths here," he says in an aside to Jayma with a smirk on his face and food in his mouth.
Jayma smiles and replies, "You are nothing if not consistent, Mr Creed. Perhaps one of these fine female iruxi will find your evident charms irresistible and throw themselves at you." Her jocular tone does not suggest that she feels this to be very likely.

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Delorn bows to Nahansa. ”We are in your debt” he says.
”That storm brought us here”, he continues. He gestures toward himself and the group, then swirls his arms around while making whistling wind noises, then points to the ground.
”We were with other ships”, he says. He motions with his hands, like two ships on the water. He gestures toward the group with his right, and then holds it up as the ship. Then he makes the ship motions with both again, but the right ship goes away from the other, and he points to the ground with it.
” Ekkeshikaar”, he concludes. ”This is where we were going”. He shields his eyes and looks around. ”Ekkeshikaar? Ekkeshikaar?” Then he points down with a grin. ”We found you”
Let me know if I need to roll Diplomacy or something

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Raznik suddenly realizes that Delorn is playing charades. He jumps up and down. "Oh me! Me try!" As Delorn speaks, the goblin also tries to pantomime his words too. You're not sure of all his motions, but at some point the goblin seems to be rowing a boat, then taking a bath, then falling down...
Raznik also points to Delorn and motions something high on a shelf and then mimics taking something down, so that the iruxi recognize his particular skills.

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“Oh yes, I should say so. Ferocious winds and torrential rain become fairly common along the coast here starting within the next few weeks and lasting for about a month. Do not fret, for we will repair your ships and see you on your way well ahead of the storms. And if not, perhaps we will have ample opportunity to get to know one another." Nahansa smiles. "This is not Ekkeshikaar." The elder points far to the south from where Delorn is pointing. "We are Kihirat."
Nahansa’s expression grows grim as she takes it as you mean to hike to Ekkeshikaar. "The ancient gargoyle Paravaax lives in the jungle to the east of here. He’s old, cruel, and has an unusual connection to the Plane of Earth. His body has the properties of a giant lodestone, capable of disrupting compasses for miles around. When he rests or moves it causes all kinds of problems for anyone trying to navigate with such devices. So, you should be careful when you hike to the city. It might be safer to finish repairing the ship, and just sail there. It's easy to get lost in under the canopy — you won't be able to see the sun or stars and without reliable compasses, you might be lost forever!"

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I'm going to assume that Delorn has introduced all of us to Nahansa by this point.
Jayma listens as Delorn translates what Nahansa is saying. She finds the talk of the ancient gargoyle Paravaax to be of particular interest. The only gargoyles she'd run across before were all securely attached to buildings. She wondered what it would be like to meet up with a living example; quite exciting she expected.
She did not at all like the sound of trying to work their way through the jungles without functioning compasses. She'd already had experience with magnetic anomalies of this variety and did not want a repeat that unfortunate experience. If she never saw another mosquito again in her life, it would be too soon. "Perhaps it would be best if we were to remove this Paravaax creature if it was causing everyone so much trouble," she thinks.
Jayma asks Delorn to translate what she says. "My dear Nahansa, you have been so very hospitable to us and your offer to repair our ship is extremely generous. There must be something we can do in return. If this Paravaax fellow is causing you so much grief, then perhaps we could... how shall I put this... take care of him for you. That would also make it easier for us to find our way to Ekkeshikaar if we decide to do so." She waits for Delorn to translate and looks to see what Nahansa's response is to her offer.

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”A fair offer”, Delorn replies to Jayma, ”if we could find him”
He turns back to Nahansa. ”We will get rid of Paravaax”, he says. He draws a stick figure of a man with wings, gestures at the group, and X’s out the figure.
He then shields his eyes and looks around, saying, ”Paravaax? Paravaax?” He looks questioningly at Nahansa.

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Twyl had long since recovered from the shock of seeing his mistress covered in blood after that last fight with the nasty sea creatures. It had really shocked him at first; he'd never seen his mistress so badly wounded before. He was quite relieved when Bitey's master, the funny looking one with the sharp teeth, fixed her up; he didn't know what he would have done if she'd died.
His mistress tosses him another piece of strange fruit, and he takes to the air to catch it before it hits the floor. He'd let the first couple hit the ground and only with some prompting did he eventually give them a taste. They had been delicious and he now looked forward to the next treat that was thrown his way.
Twyl had tried to interest Bitey in the fruit, but the owl had steadfastly refused. Apparently Bitey was not a big fan of fruit. He much preferred the small rodents that his master fed him. His loss, though Twyl as he eagerly chewed into another piece of fruit.

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Correct, I would assume Delorn is doing a lot of the translations for you. With understanding and the pantomiming you can understand each other, though it will take a lot longer.
Delorn is cut short as an echoing metallic clang rumbles through the nearby rainforest. As waves of fleeing birds take flight from the canopy, it’s easy to see that whatever is causing the sound is making its way to the coast—right toward Kihirat.
You have time to stand up just before a pack of metallic-looking hounds bound from the forest’s edge. Their silver scales glint in the sun’s light and their howls echo like otherworldly cymbals. Warriors rush out to defend the village, and clashes break out almost immediately. Several hounds turn to you; Nahansa leaps under the table!
Muzzo: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Zabu: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Raznik: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Delorn: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Jayma: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Ionic: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Metallic Hounds: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Round 1
Jayma (29/29)
Zabu (56/56)
Metallic Hounds

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Raznik shivers at the sound of the hounds. He spots one and points to it. "Weird doggie! Bitey, go!" The owl swoops down towards the hound, talons flashing at its eyes. Raznik fires two arrows at the creature.
Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
Damage: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5) + 1 = 11
Attack: 1d20 + 14 - 5 ⇒ (12) + 14 - 5 = 21
Damage: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 3) + 1 = 5
Hunter's Edge Precision Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3
1. Hunt Prey on Yellow
2. Command Animal (Move, Support)
3. Hunted Shot
Each Hunted Shot attack should trigger Bitey's support ability if they hit.

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Bitey swoops down toward the hound. He screeches and claws at the eyes whenever any of Raznik's arrows hit.
Support: The bird pecks at your foes’ eyes when you create an opening. Until the start of your next turn, your Strikes that damage a creature that your bird threatens also deal 1d4 persistent bleed damage, and the target is dazzled until it removes the bleed damage. If your bird is nimble or savage, the persistent bleed damage increases to 2d4.
Persistent Bleed?: 1d4 ⇒ 2

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Jayma is in the process of biting into some fruit while watching Delorn's rather amusing translation performance when the odd clanging sound rumbles over her. She stands and almost immediately spots the strange metallic hounds coming at them.
She tosses the fruit aside as a shot of adrenaline joins the rapidly intensifying magic that normally flows through her veins. Her face sets in an ominous scowl as she focuses her cold anger at the nearest hound. "I'll teach you to interrupt my meal you bad dog, you!"
As with the sea devils, Jayma starts moving her arms in intricate circular motions, spinning them faster and faster. The humidity level around her drops precipitously as a concentrated ball of water forms before her. She then shouts out, "melt metallic mutt," and thrusts her hands in the direction of the nearest hound.
Actions 1 & 2 (◆◆): Cast a Spell: Hydraulic Push (heightened to 2nd Level) vs green metallic hound
Hydraulic Push (L2) Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 Holy smokes! She's a woman possessed.
Hydraulic Push (L2) Crit Damage: 8d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3, 5, 5, 6, 3, 3) = 30 bludgeoning damage vs green metallic hound
Note: Target is knocked back 10 feet on a crit.
Deciding that she better not press her luck, she retreats behind her capable defenders.
Action 3 (◆): Stride (25 feet)

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Raznik fires two arrows off at the northern hound. Both arrows clip into the weird metal, harming the beast, though Bitey's claws don't seen to have much effect. Immune to bleed
Jayma pulls all of the moisture in from the jungle and tosses a concentrated burst of air and water into the hound causing it to skid back 10 feet as deep furrows scrap into the ground.
Round 1
Jayma (29/29)
Zabu (56/56)
Metallic Hounds (Yellow -19) (Green -30)

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As amusing as watching Delorn's mime show is, talking bores Zabu at the best of times. When he can only understand half the conversation, it is even worse.
So, he's lounging around, barely paying attention and eating much more fruit than he should when the metallic clanging arises in the forest. He sits up hopefully then gives a pleased whoop as some actual threats appear.
He jumps up, sending his stool clattering and rushes at the red one, his face and hands transforming even as he runs into their more savage forms.
Jaws: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Piercing plus Rage: 1d10 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 = 7
Actions - 1.) Rage, 2.&3.) Sudden Charge (Jaws Strike)

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Zabu flings off of his stool as he leaps into the southern hound, biting its leg. The metallic hounds snap at Bitey as it leaps into the air, Zabu to the south as the eastern hound closes the distance on Muzzo.
Yellow Jaws vs Bitey AC 20: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Yellow Jaws vs Bitey AC 20: 1d20 + 11 - 5 ⇒ (3) + 11 - 5 = 9
Yellow Jaws vs Bitey AC 20: 1d20 + 11 - 10 ⇒ (18) + 11 - 10 = 19
Red Jaws vs Zabu AC 19: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 + Knockdown
Red Jaws vs Zabu AC FF 17: 1d20 + 11 - 5 ⇒ (9) + 11 - 5 = 15
Green Jaws vs Muzzo AC 18: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
One of the hounds grabs Zabu by the leg and tears him to the ground before pouncing on his chest. Bitey swoops in between the snapping jaws avoiding the jagged metal teeth. Muzzo feels the teeth dig deep into his backside as the hound comes on him quickly.
Round 2
Jayma (29/29)
Zabu (48/56; Prone)
Metallic Hounds (Yellow -19) (Green -30) (Red -7)
Round 2
Muzzo (10/20)

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So many questions about these creatures, but they’ll be answered in due time. Delorn has more pressing business at the moment.
With Zabu running interference, he gets closer to his would-be attacker. He gestures at the mechanical predator, and a bolt of fire launches at it.
Stride, Cast produce flame
Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (2, 4) + 6 = 12

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Jayma is basking in the excitement of the fight. The magic now flowing freely through her is exhilarating. This is the sort of rush that she lived for. She sees Zabu go down but can tell that he isn't badly injured. She calls out him. "Mr Creed? Do you really think this is the time for a nap?" And laughs heartily and her little joke.
The hound that she'd just attacked was proving a little hardier than the sea devil that she'd blasted with water earlier. As she'd hoped, Muzzo was proving to be a capable defender, but the poor thing had been viciously mauled by the hound she'd failed to stop. Jayma didn't think he could hold the creature off for much longer. It was time to put another dent in it.
Her eyes fall on a rounded stone of the right size. She motions to it with her hand and with a practiced flick of her wrist and a "Doggy demands denting," the stone takes off and slams into the head of the hound attacking Muzzo.
Actions 1 & 2 (◆◆): Cast a Spell: Telekinetic Projectile vs green metallic hound
Telekinetic Projectile Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Telekinetic Projectile Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 5) + 4 = 13 bludgeoning damage vs green metallic hound.
Jayma makes a little jump of joy and claps in excitement as the stone hits home. But, would it be enough? In case it isn't, Jayma says one word, "shelter," and the space around her shimmers slightly.
Action 3 (◆): Cast a Spell: Shield - AC 17

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Raznik growls as the hound tries to snap at his bird. "Hey, you no hurt Bitey! He bite you back!" The fires more arrows at the hound. Then he steps into the foliage where he can have better cover.
Hunted Shot: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31 If that crits, crit specialization applies (immobilized; DC 10 Athletics to remove)
Damage: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 1 = 3
Hunted Shot: 1d20 + 14 - 5 ⇒ (6) + 14 - 5 = 15
Damage: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5) + 1 = 11
Hunter's Edge Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6
1. Command Animal (Strike, move)
2. Hunted Shot
3. Step

Bitey - Animal Companion |

Bitey snaps at the hound with its own beak, then flaps away up toward a nearby tree.
Bite: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Hunter's Edge Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7
1. Bite
2. Move (will provoke if it has AOO)

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Battles clash with hounds all around you as Delorn spatters flames across hounds hide. The metallic plates turn orange as they heat up to extreme temperatures.
Raznik's arrows take down the yellow eyed hound as one goes though between the metal plates. Jayma's round stone clangs against the side of another hound, knocking it out.
Round 2
Jayma (29/29)
Zabu (48/56; Prone)
Metallic Hounds (Red -19)
Round 1
Muzzo (10/20)

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Zabu is too furious to answer Jayma's quip with more than growls and snarls and it's quite possible those are intended for the hound.
He gets to his feet, tackling the metallic beast in the process and tries to get at a vulnerable part of it with his teeth.
Athletics vs. Refl DC (Trip): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Bludgeoning Damage if Crit: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Jaws: 1d20 + 9 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 9 - 5 = 17
Piercing: 1d10 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 2 = 10
[ooc]Actions: 1.) Stand Up, 2.) Trip, 3.) Strike (Jaws)

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Not to be outdone by Zabu, again, Muzzo goes through his own transformation, his head once more resembling a shark's. Charging at the nearest hound, he leapt in and grabbed it around the neck with his teeth, shaking his head back and forth to savage the beast.
bite: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
magical P damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
A - rage, AA - Sudden charge

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Muzzo aids Zabu as he sudden charges into the hound, tearing into it's legs with his own jagged teeth. Zabu rolls to his feet as he pushes the hound over, biting into the softer underside until it ceases to move anymore.
After the battle, the iruxi return from the woods and help treat wounds. No one else in the village was harmed.
The Iruxi tend to your wounds.
Even though the village is safe, Nahansa bemoans the attack. "This is no coincidence! These strange metallic creatures must be connected to Paravaax! Nothing else on the island would do something like this, or use creatures of such a nature. The gargoyle has grown bolder than ever before! I fear this escalation will never end — not until our home is destroyed."
As you heal up, Mirian and Jekka come along to check on you. They wholeheartedly endorse helping these villagers rid their land of the gargoyle, and will be glad to stay behind and protect the village while you do so. In fact, Jekka being a an iruxi himself helps make the translation of the conversation much easier for all so Delorn doesn't have to work on his miming skills.
Nahansa thanks all of you, and will ensure the sailors are well taken care of while the rudder is repaired. "Now, onto business… Paravaax has taken roost in the old observatory. He took over our beloved star-watching place centuries ago, and won’t leave. Those of you familiar with iruxi society may know that astrology is an important part of their culture."
"But with no compasses you will need a guide, or directions. I know a young villager who might be able to help..." Nahansa sends a young iruxi off to go find you a guide — one Lumki.
After several minutes an Iruxi emerges from within the forest. She wears big round glasses with thick lenses that are fogged up by the tropical humidity and decorated with an oversized feather. In her arms is a giant satchel bursting with scrolls and books and sextants and compasses and lenses. As she approaches she trips and falls, spilling the contents all over the place and losing her glasses. A lens rolls to a stop at Delorn's feet.
She looks up and smiles. "Unmmm… Hello. I’m Lumki!" She dusts off her clothing and starts picking up scrolls, chatting excitedly as she does so — positively bursting with enthusiasm. She can’t seem to find her glasses and is shoving things back into the bag at random. "I get to be your guide to the old observatory. I just can’t wait to go! Did you know it’s a rite of passage for our astrologers? That’s my calling: astrology! And I’ve been waiting for months to go to the observatory, but no one will let me go alone! Everyone is too afraid of that dumb gargoyle!"
Nahansa sighs. "But you have snuck over there several times, haven’t you? And when you know it’s not safe. But you know the way best out of everyone in the village…" He looks at all the gear. "Do you… do you really need all those supplies for a little trip?"
She stuffs weathered old charts into the satchel. "If these people can clear out the ruins, I might be able to draw up new star-charts. I could start right away! And just think of the notes we could take, — no one’s taken accurate readings on the conjunction of Cho’sath and Kartek during the spring equinox — not from this latitude and longitude at least — in centuries. Think of all the other updates we could make to the charts. Why, I could even send along a research paper to Ekkeshikaar, and finally become an astrologer for real."
The elder squints his eyes at her. "Hmmmm. I am no longer sure you’re ready. You could also give these nice people directions, and I am sure they will be fine. I don’t want you getting hurt."
He turns to you. "It’s up to you, whether to take this young and overeager would-be astrologer along. Her directions should suffice. And if you take her… he picks up a book that probably weighs 40 pounds … some of this will not be necessary on the initial trip."
Lumki shoves a scroll into the satchel with a huff, clearly unhappy with this turn of events. "I’ll be good, I promise! Please, let me come with! I won't get in the way."
Jayma (29/29)
Zabu (48/56)
Muzzo (20/30)

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Muzzo leaped up and started helping the young lizardfolk pick up her dropped items. "Me Muzzo! Nice to meet you, Lumki. No worries big lizardlady, she be good, and safe too. Muzzo no let Lumki get hurt. Besides, Muzzo know local guides best info."
Muzzo votes yes, she can come

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Delorn kneels down and picks up the lens.
”If she has made the trek several times already”, he says, ”then directions alone may not suffice. She would know the local flora and fauna, and warning signs of which we are unaware. I concur with Muzzo; it’s better that she comes with us”
He hands it to Lumki.

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As they recover from the fight, Raznik hangs back a bit and they soon lose track of him. When he does reappear, he has several different leaves, some twigs, mud, a few squished caterpillars, and a flower that he's tucked behind his ear. He sits down to play with the ingredients, applying a liberal amount of goblin spit. At one point, he holds out his hand and Bitey vomits up an owl pellet, which then goes into the mix. Oddly, the flower stays.
While the others debate whether the young ixruxi should join then, Raznik coats his hand with the weird mixture and presses it on both Muzzo's and Zabu's wounds.
Treat Wounds (fresh herbs) - Muzzo: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 2 = 26
Healing: 4d8 ⇒ (7, 1, 7, 3) = 18
Treat Wounds (fresh herbs) - Zabu: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 2 = 19
Healing: 2d8 ⇒ (8, 7) = 15
Finished, he suddenly realizes Lumki is there. "Hello! I Raznik!" He grins at her with sharp teeth. "Come show us tower. Then we play with weird toys!" He points at the delicate instruments she has in her pack.

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Jayma gives Lumki the once over. "If this woman reduces our chances of getting lost in the forest, then I'll carry her to the observatory myself," she thinks.
She puts on a big smile and picking up a couple of the scrolls, places them in Lumki's hands and says, "I'm so pleased to meet you Lumki, I'm Jayma, and these are my friends." She then introduces the rest of the Pathfinders. "You have no idea how happy it makes me to know that you'll be joining us on this little jaunt."
Turning to Nahansa, she says, "Please let her come along. I promise we'll take good care of her."

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Zabu says a number of rather rude things to Raznik as he applies his own special brand of healing. "Gods, that stinks!" he exclaims, his eyes watering.
But before he can wipe the crud away, he sighs. "Ah...feels nice."
He does take care to get the worst of the stuff off of him before approaching Lumki.
"I always did like the nerdy ones," he comments to Jayma as he moves past her.
By the time he gets to the astrologer, the others have already helped her pack up her bag so there's not much he can do.
"Brains and Beauty. There's no way I'm leaving you behind. Has anyone told you that you have just the loveliest shade of scales, Lumki?" he smiles up at the woman twice his height.

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Lumki blushes a new shade of green as she adjusts her glasses. While Lumki seems a little absent-minded and overeager, she also has a seriousness about the importance of the observatory. It means a lot to her.
Meanwhile, Nahansa gives you a gift to thank you for their assistance against the hounds that surely would have decimated her village. Nahansa hands over a magical scrollstaff containing a 2nd-level animal form spell as he offers his heartfelt appreciation. "Please look after her." He gives a small nod of concern to Lumki.
After a 30-minute trek inland, you make it past the fringes of the jungle’s tree line. The foliage and brush become so thick that visibility is at most only about 20 feet. It’s difficult to move around in here, under the canopied depths.
The jungle becomes unforgivingly dense and oppressively humid as the trail winds deeper into the canopied depths. Dappled light shines down through gaps in the leaves above, and although nothing stirs but the dew dripping from the branches above, the sing-song sounds of the jungle wildlife are a constant reminder that one is never truly alone here.
Lumki cheerfully recites facts about the wildlife and plant life as she leads you forward. "Did you know the Garundi parrot’s feathers change colors throughout the year? They even turn orange during autumn, just like tree leaves!"
Up ahead a twisting path branches away from the main trail leading east. The path is trampled flat and lifeless by the passage of many feet, but the jungle seems well on its way to reclaiming the narrow passage.
Lumki stops alongside the side trail and turns to you. "This trail leads to our temple of Gozreh. But it fell into disuse during the past year when Paravaax woke up. Now, something's moved in. Something bad. Can we stop and check it out? It would mean a lot to the village… and… I can give you some potions I’ve been saving up as a reward."

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"Uh huh...uh huh...that's so fascinating," Zabu says as Lumki talks.
He tries to impress her with his own knowledge about nature. "Up north, we have birds that change from brown to white in winter to blend in with the snow."
Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
He doesn't hesitate when they get to the side trail. "Ha! Don't worry your scales about it. Now that I'm here, I'm the baddest thing in this jungle."
He starts to stalk down the trail toward the temple.