#1-00: Origin of the Open Road: 4XP, 4f, 14.05gp
#1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road: 4XP, 4f, 14.08gp
#1-05: Trailblazer's Bounty: 4XP, 4f, 14.08gp
#1-11: Flames of Rebellion: 4XP, 4f, 22.4gp
#1-14: Lions of Katapesh: 4XP, 4f, 22.16gp
#145: Age of Ashes: Hellknight Hill: 12XP, 12f, 66gp
#2-01: Citadel of Corruption: 4XP, 19.08gp
Special: The Fall of Plaguestone: 12XP, 12f, 114gp
#1-09: Star-Crossed Voyages: 4XP, 100.64gp
#1-23: Star-Crossed Court: 4XP, 104gp
#2-16: Freedom for Wishes: 4XP, 100.64gp
PFS Reputation:
Major Factions Envoy’s Alliance: Grand Archive: Horizon Hunters: 58
Vigilant Seal: Minor Factions Radiant Oath: Verdant Wheel: All Faction Reputation Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 58
Horizon Hunters Champion Gain Fame from Horizon Hunters
Nexian Researcher [][][] Add level to Pathfinder Society Lore check if untrained; if trained add +2 to the check. Free use if made in relation to: Durvin Gest, Selmius Foster, Gregaro Voth, or Kerinha Napsunar.
Traveler on the Spirit Road (General) [][][] Turn Critical failures into normal failures for Hide, Sneak, Sense Direction, or Track actions
Experienced Mountaineer (General) Treat Mountains as difficult terrain instead of greater difficult terrain
Devil's Keep (Advanced) Once per adventure, use the following reaction.
Infernal Detonations (R) Trigger: You or an ally are targeting by a creature within 30 feet. Effect: Deal 1d6+level fire damage. Basic reflex save, your class DC
Diggen the Liar Special effect later
Big Game Hunter (General) [] [] [] When you critically fail a roll to track, you can check a box and get a normal failure instead.
Ally of the Iruxi (slotless) Future benefit
Seasoned Diplomat (Advanced) Use to become Trained in Diplomacy and Society for the rest of a scenario. If you are already Trained, you become Expert. If you are Expert or higher, treat any critical failure as a failure and any failure as a success.
Statistics Str 14, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12
Ancestry Abilities Darkvision Darkvision 60ft
Razortooth Goblin Gain a Bite attack
Very Sneaky Move 5 feet farther when sneaking; Don't require cover at the end of Sneak action as long as behind cover at the end of the turn.
Goblin Scuttle (↺) When an ally ends a move action adjacent to you, take a Step.
Class Abilities Hunt Prey (◆) Designate a single creature at Prey. +2 Perception when seeking prey; +2 Survival while tracking prey
Hunter's Edge (Precision) The first hit of each round deals 1d8 more damage
Iron Will Become Expert in Will Saves
Trackless Step When you move through natural terrains, you always gain the benefit of the Cover Tracks action without moving at half-speed
Weapon Expertise Weapon proficiency increases to Expert; Gain critical specialization in simple and martial weapons when attacking a hunted prey.
Class Feats Hunted Shot (◆) Fire two shots at Hunted Prey; combine damage for resistances and weaknesses. Apply attack penalty normally to both.
Animal Companion Gain an animal companion
Heal Companion Gain the Heal Companion Focus spell
Mature Animal Companion Animal Companion becomes Mature
Skill Feats Forager Always succeed to subsist in nature. Provide food for yourself and eight others on a success.
Natural Medicine Use Nature instead of Medicine to perform Treat Wounds. +2 bonus when able to use fresh herbs.
Toughness Increase max hitpoints by your level; DC of recovery checks is 9+dying value
Terrain Stalker (Underbrush) Sneak without attempting a Stealth check as long as you move no more than 5 feet and do not move within 10 feet of an enemy. This also allows you to automatically approach creatures to within 15 feet while Avoiding Notice during exploration as long as they aren’t actively Searching or on guard.
Cat Fall (school feat) Treat falls as 10 feet shorter.
Quiet Allies When allies are using Follow the Expert (Stealth), only roll a single stealth check using the lowest modifier (plus bonuses from Follow the Expert as normal). Does not apply to initiative rolls.